Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana


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  • Connecting Point: Journey of Leadership

    Bill Lanes|Jun 23, 2021

    John Maxwell, well known author and book seller, said “A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way.” He also observed “Development is a lifetime journey, not a quick trip.” Two key factors play a major role in the church of tomorrow; healthy leaders and healthy congregations. Together they co-exist. If the church is lacking one of the two, changes must occur in order to be more effective; spreading the Gospel and building disciples. Candidly speaking, both leaders and ministry members are marked by their desire for gro...

  • Horoscope: Week of 6/23/2021

    Jun 23, 2021

    ARIES Mar 21/Apr 20 A setback of some kind may occur this week, Aries. Do not get too worried about it just yet. Adversity can be an excellent avenue toward personal growth. TAURUS Apr 21/May 21 Taurus, you may need to postpone a project you were hoping to begin this week. As long as it does not get pushed any further, you should be fine. GEMINI May 22/Jun 21 It is easy to get carried away with an idea, Gemini. Just do not mistake obsession for focus. You need to pace yourself if you are going to be effective. CANCER Jun 22/Jul 22 Cancer, you a...

  • This Week's "Change That Up" Tip...Get Organized

    Jun 23, 2021

    We all know that waking up early in the morning makes us more productive. Since our childhood, we were taught to follow, “early to bed and early to rise” as a ritual. Waking up at the crack of dawn and starting our day in the right way makes us more productive and purposeful. In this technology-driven world, the first thing we do as soon as we open our eyes is check our mobile phones for messages, emails, updates, etc. that we might have missed during our resting time. But do you know that it’s an unhealthy habit that negatively impacts the r...

  • It's the Little Things...Literally

    Elizabeth Pullman, Whitehall Ledger|Jun 16, 2021

    I found out that I would 100% become the owner of The Whitehall Ledger right around December last year. Because of this, my family wanted to focus my Christmas presents around things I would need/want for the office. My husband was very specific - tell me the one thing you know you will absolutely want to have in your office, and send me a link to exactly what you want. I knew I wanted a refrigerator. I NEED things to do drink, a fridge was a no-brainer. But I wanted it to be cute and retro; so...

  • Why Doesn't Anybody Really Care Anymore?

    Charles Haddon Shank|Jun 16, 2021

    Dear Editor, Okay, this may come off as a bit of a rant & maybe it is, but I’m not mad at anybody in particular. Hell, I’m really not even mad, just sad! The lack of empathy in the overwhelming majority of human beings saddens me. Yes, it does piss me off sometimes too, but really, that does nobody any good; they don’t care & it only sours the bearer of the ill-will until he or she becomes a hermit/recluse at best and a hater/murderer at worst! Now I’m not saying that nobody actually cares; many show this every day, but do they really care? Wou...

  • Dear Editor: Thanks for Balanced Article

    John Leyzorek|Jun 16, 2021

    Dear Editor, THANKS to Elizabeth Pullman for an excellent, balanced article on Steve Wagner and Jim Buterbaugh’s project. John Leyzorek Marlinton, West Virginia...

  • Go Ask Jo: 6/16/2021

    Jo|Jun 16, 2021

    Dear Jo, I am a procrastinator, really. I put off anything I can until the last moment. I pick up the mail, put the bills under my fruit bowl and carry on. I see my prescription bottles emptying, know I should call, and still put off filling it until the last day. There are many more examples. Yes, it stresses me out. Yes, I know lots of things would be easier if I did not procrastinate. At this point, I am unsure how to change what has become a habit I have had most of my adult life. Any advice? Signed, Procrastination Specialist Dear...

  • Connecting Point: Exemplary Men

    Bill Lanes|Jun 16, 2021

    This weekend we like to celebrate fatherhood. It’s time to crank up the BBQ, get out into nature, and spend some leisure time together. The history of Father’s Day is directly tied to a West Virginia church which commemorated the death of 362 men who tragically died in a coal mine accident, the first annual holiday was on July 5, 1908. The following year a widow, Sonora Smart Dodd in Spokane, Washington, rallied support from local churches, YMCA and other businesses to memorialize fathers. Presidents Wilson and Coolidge followed suit and urg...

  • Horoscopes: Week of 6/16/2021

    Jun 16, 2021

    ARIES Mar 21/Apr 20 You may be confused about a love interest’s seeming lack of communication this week, Aries. What may seem like silence to you could be patience to him or her. TAURUS Apr 21/May 21 It may be challenging to see the progress you are making when it comes in small quantities, Taurus. Rest assured you are getting things done and moving along. GEMINI May 22/Jun 21 Gemini, others have a lot of interest in you, and that can lift your spirits especially if you are looking for a new job. Being in demand also can lead to new f...


    Jun 9, 2021

    ACROPHONOLOGY: Acrophonology is the study of sound in space by using the alphabet and its vibrations. Acrophonologists can use your name to describe your talents and your birth date to tell you why you are here and what you are expected to accomplish. A local Whitehall resident is offering her services in acrophonology! She has over sixty years of experience in acrophonology! Want a free reading? Contact the Whitehall Ledger at 406-287-5301 or with your full name, date of birth, and contact information. The Ledger will relay...

  • How To Make a Small Difference in a Big World

    Elizabeth Pullman, Whitehall Ledger|Jun 9, 2021

    I am always amazed when people tell me what they are passionate about. Whether it's music, skateboarding, video games or books, their passion for the topic shines through. The light in their eyes sparkle and their smiles are genuine. But when someone tells me about a passion project that helps someone else in some small way - which could be a monumental way to those they are helping - that's truly amazing. Rhonda Brant Hampton, a local resident, stopped into my office to let me know about the...

  • Go Ask Jo: 6/9/2021

    Jo|Jun 9, 2021

    Dear Jo, I am a people pleaser, have been all my life. It literally pains me to have people not approve of what I am doing and how I am doing it. I know it is not healthy either physically nor mentally to be this way. How do I gather the confidence to make decisions and go about my life without seeking the approval of others? Signed, Exhausted People Pleaser Dear People Pleaser, Ahhhhh, I have suffered from that one during my life also. I think everyone would like to be accepted and approved of, it is just more pleasant and easier. BUT, you...

  • Horoscope: Week of 6/9/2021

    Jun 9, 2021

    ARIES Mar 21/Apr 20 This week’s agenda is a clean slate, Aries, and that gives you plenty of time to rest and recharge. Spend a few moments each day to think only about yourself. TAURUS Apr 21/May 21 The nature of a relationship with a close partner may get a bit confusing this week, Taurus. Do not react quickly to a situation without processing your thoughts first. GEMINI May 22/Jun 21 Gemini, focusing on spiritual things this week can help you get your priorities in order. It also may help you to slow down and smell the roses for a change. C...

  • Dear Editor: Corporation Taxes

    John Moulton|Jun 2, 2021

    Dear Editor, Regarding Terry Minow Big Sky 55’s article on big pharmacy: Corporations do not pay taxes no matter their tax rate. If Zoom, which no one had heard of pre-pandemic had it’s profits grow 600%, they would in theory be taxed at a higher rate. No matter the rate paid, the cost are passed on to paying subscribers. t doesn’t matter if it’s a utility, pharmaceutical provider or a food distributor. If you set your prices to the customer you include your tax costs. If we were to tax drug suppliers at a higher rate we would each see it in t...

  • Go Ask Jo: 6/2/2021

    Jo|Jun 2, 2021

    Dear Jo, What is it that makes people think going ANYWHERE outside their homes in their pajamas is a good idea? Is it such a hardship to simply put on a pair of pants and a shirt to leave your home? Also, now that the weather is warm, people are going out in skimpy clothing, which is not usually something that bothers me. But, when I (along with everyone else) can see more of them than we need to (ie...hiney parts, chest parts, ect.) it seems like people might want to take more pride in how they appear. Am I old, a prude, or justified in my...

  • Horoscope: Week of 6/2/2021

    Jun 2, 2021

    ARIES Mar 21/Apr 20 You feel most comfortable when things are organized, Aries. However, flexibility is handy as well, and sometimes things may not be in order as much as you like. Adapting is key. TAURUS Apr 21/May 21 Taurus, once you get into a groove, you will find that many of your tasks are much easier to manage. Keep plugging and you’ll hit your stride soon enough. GEMINI May 22/Jun 21 Gemini, sometimes it may seem like the smallest issue is suddenly a major mountain that you must scale. Change your approach and you’ll soon realize you...

  • Transparency in All Aspects of Life

    Elizabeth Pullman, Whitehall Ledger|May 26, 2021

    I rarely get upset about politics to the point that I am vocal about them. I usually just don’t see the point because my little voice has most likely already been echoed by many others on the same topic. But last Thursday at the ARPA meeting in Boulder I became upset with what I am simply calling a lack of transparency. And the more that I think about it, there is a lack of transparency in nearly every aspect of our every day lives. We should make ourselves aware of that and how we can change for the better. When the Chamber of Commerce was inf...

  • Dear Editor: Deserved or Undeserved

    Charles Haddon Shank|May 26, 2021

    Dear Editor, It’s no big secret; I, along with quite a few others in this part of the country, to say nothing of a growing number around this ‘great’ nation, make a living, to put it rather crudely, ‘sucking off the government tit’. Quite a vivid picture, maybe, but the meaning is clear. ‘Yes, there are those who, probably undeservedly ( more or less ), ‘milk’ the system, while others, arguably, like myself, do ‘deserve’ it.’ The question might well be asked, though, ‘Is it REALLY a matter of who deserves it or not?!’ One objection you may hav...

  • Dear Editor: From the Horseman

    Robert Lack|May 26, 2021

    Dear Editor, Some more insight from the Horseman. Last week I received a letter from Montana Department of Revenue billing me for my livestock per capita fee on my horses, due May 31, 2021. They did not seem to have record that I paid it in February, so I gave them the check number. I had no idea what they were going to do next. Then, this Saturday, I get a letter from the Department of Revenue, Marla Wolstein Auditor of Business and Income Tax Division. The letterhead top right corner was Greg Gianforte and his director, Brendan Beatty. They...

  • Go Ask Jo: 5/26/2021

    Jo|May 26, 2021

    Dear Jo, How can you tell if someone is really sorry? I feel like people say “I’m sorry” because they believe it will make me feel better or ease a tense situation, not because they genuinely are sorry. Signed, Sick of sorry Dear Sick, You are right! I feel the only way to tell if people are really sorry is to see if their behavior changes. If the sorry is followed by the same attitude or behavior, you know it was not truly meant. Signed, Jo ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Dear Jo, I am a nurse and I am pregnant. The other day a patient actually asked me if wa...

  • Horoscopes: Week of 5/26/2021

    May 26, 2021

    ARIES Mar 21/Apr 20 Aries, love and romance are definitely in your favor this week. If you have been pondering setting up a date or taking a spouse out for a night on the town, do it. TAURUS Apr 21/May 21 Even the best partnerships can be challenging, Taurus. Right now neither one of you is looking to take the lead. Even if it means flipping a coin, someone has to step up. GEMINI May 22/Jun 21 Gemini, grab what you want this week, but remember that the more tightly you try to hang on to it, the more likely it will slip through your fingers....

  • This Week's "Change That Up" Tip...Scrap Multi-Tasking

    May 26, 2021

    If you’re strapped for time, we’re going to let the cat out of the bag right away with the theme of this email: Scrap multi-tasking. Focus on doing one thing at a time. Focus on in-the-moment unitasking. Unitasking is a practice of immersing yourself fully in the execution of the present moment. It’s an ability to be more fully aware of questions like: What exactly is happening in this moment? What do I want to get out of this moment? What do I need in this moment? Unitasking involves training—or practicing—the skill of attention, and doing one...

  • Wait....These Kids are Graduating High School??

    Elizabeth Pullman, Whitehall Ledger|May 19, 2021

    I’ve lived in Whitehall for 22 years now - which means I have seen nearly all of the graduating class of 2021 grow up in one way or another. And man, does that make me feel old. In 2008 when I worked for the Whitehall Ledger, I interviewed the kindergarteners about Santa and Christmas. Those kindergarteners are now the graduating class of 2021. Here were some of my favorites from those interviews: Mason Alexander: Q: What’s so special about Rudolph? A: I don’t know...oh, its special cuz his nose is red! Jamus DuBois: Q: What do you want for Chr...

  • Dear Editor: Fear

    Charles Haddon Shank|May 19, 2021

    Dear Editor, The most recent furor from the East has many of us scratching our heads . . . I mean, filling trash bags with gasoline, if you can believe it! What could possibly motivate someone to do something like that?! I mean, how much sense does it take to know that’s anything but safe?! Even filling plastic totes with the flammable liquid is well past the limits of common sense. So there’s a gas shortage, I get that, but why do some people have to horde it, knowing that means there may be none for somebody else? Do they just not think about...

  • Dear Editor: Jefferson County Needs to Rethink Stimulus

    Bob Sims|May 19, 2021

    Dear Editor, Jefferson County expects to get $2.4 million as part of the Covid-19 federal government spending program. Our County Commission is developing a plan on how to spend these monies. Their efforts, to date, appear to require some serious, thoughtful input. It appears the folks planning how to spend (or is it invest?) this windfall have overlooked where this money is really coming from. It is being stolen from our kids, grandkids, and great-grandkids. How anyone can justify spending this stolen money to improve our current standard of...

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