Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana


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  • Dear Editor: Response to Gerald Johnson #2

    Pod Moriarty|Sep 15, 2021

    Dear Editor, I am writing this on September 11th, twentieth anniversary of the most horrific attack on America; when we lost a lot of our freedoms and family. I am going to make this short and sound as I don’t spend too much time with “stupid”. Johnson, what are you thinking? You’re selfish, naïve, and have too much time to yourself. Might I suggest you spend more time learning how America was founded, how our forefathers bled and fought for the freedoms you choose to project your stupidity of knowing? You know how to insult our great nation....

  • Dear Editor: People Kill People?

    Gerald Johnson|Sep 15, 2021

    Dear Editor, So, some of you still hold to the addiction induced belief that “guns don’t kill people…” That may be true in an alternate universe using alternative facts showing that people are in control, but not in this universe. In this universe people have never been in “control,” especially when it comes to guns. People do not control guns. Guns control people. An example: Missoula’s Hellgate High on the third day of 2021 classes. The report of a gun on campus “controlled” all things that followed. People were not the threat. School au...

  • Go Ask Jo: 9/15/2021

    Jo|Sep 15, 2021

    Dear Jo, I have been waiting for so long to meet someone who I am attracted to. I am definitely attracted to the new man in my life. We have a problem though. He has a habit of scratching his, well, you know. He not only does his scratching in private, but is perfectly comfortable scratching on our dates! He even scratched, you know where, at the dinner table in a restaurant! How do I let him know that I really enjoy our time together and find him very attractive, but that he needs to stop!? Signed, Itching To Be Honest Dear Itching, Be honest...

  • Connecting Point: Without Condition

    Bill Lanes|Sep 15, 2021

    Serving God involves an abandonment to Christ and his leadership. In order to follow Jesus we will always have to make the assessment to either be all in or not, there is no middle ground. In fact, such a commitment may involve sacrifice and suffering. Take for example the very words of Jesus: “As they were walking along the road, a man said to him, ‘I will follow you wherever you go.’ Jesus replied, ‘Foxes have dens and birds have nests, but the Son of Man has no place to lay his head.’ He said to another man, ‘Follow me.’ But he replied, ...

  • Guest Opinion Response: Distortion of Our News

    DAVID TORGERSON|Sep 15, 2021

    A few years ago, I heard a comment on the radio which made a strong impression on me. A member of the Heritage Foundation, a well-known and respected conservative organization, was being interviewed by a reporter for the New York Times. The member was constantly criticizing the New York Times for biased and untrue reporting; the reporter stating the opposite, that their content was carefully vetted. The reporter asked why he continuously criticized the New York Times for untrue reporting. Simple, he replied, it isn’t that you directly lie but i...

  • Guest Opinion: Mask Mandates in Our Schools

    AMY REGIER RN, MT State Rep, R Kalispell|Sep 15, 2021

    The Montana Nurses Association has referred to the recent emergency rule from Montana DPHHS regarding not masking in school as “promotion of junk science.” One might be wise to use caution as well as introspection in using such a bold statement. MNA expressed frustration that the department did not cite peer reviewed studies in explaining its rule. For every peer reviewed study showing the effectiveness of masks, one could find at least as many showing they are not effective in reducing the risk of virus transmission, especially simple clo...

  • Horoscope: Week of 9/15/2021

    Sep 15, 2021

    ARIES Mar 21/Apr 20 If you’re single, get prepared to mingle, Aries. If you’re attached, then your relationship will only grow stronger in the days to come. Romance is in the air, so embrace it. TAURUS Apr 21/May 21 Taurus, even if you’re feeling a little stuck in your relationships, do not push others away. There may be a solution you’re simply not seeing. Delve deeper. GEMINI May 22/Jun 21 Gemini, it may be time to break away from the typical routine, at least for a little while. This can offer you a new perspective that puts you on an intere...

  • Dear Editor: Afghanistan and Our Wars

    Gerald Johnson|Sep 8, 2021

    Dear Editor, So, Afghanistan. The War on Terror. America’s “Longest” War. Right? Not even close. Not even in the ballpark. The U.S. Department of Veteran’s Affairs say non-native Americans, AKA U.S. Army, waged war on Native America from approximately 1817 – 1898. That’s 81 years. But that number, 81 years, is simply an “aberration.” For those of us who are not living “the big lie” we know that Native Americans have been victims of violent wars since Columbus “invaded” their shores. That’s 529 years and counting! How about the ongoing war on...

  • Dear Editor: COVID-19 Vaccs

    Charles Haddon Shank|Sep 8, 2021

    Dear Editor, Again, I felt compelled to voice my opinion on the question of vaccination, particularly for the COVID-19 “virus.“ As I said in my previous letter on this subject, I do not plan to get vaccinated, but neither will I condemn (or ridicule) those who do. I mentioned the immune system thing, how many people, both young and old (mostly elderly, maybe), in the day and age in which we live, have a compromised immune system. If they have one at all? I’d be willing to say, with some surety, that people in general today are more unhea...

  • Dear Editor: Enough said!

    Carey Burnside|Sep 8, 2021

    Dear Editor, Please post in response to Charles Shank about guns, in last week’s Ledger edition: AMEN!!! Guns don’t kill people, people kill people. Enough said! Carey Burnside Boulder, Montana...

  • Go Ask Jo: 9/8/2021

    Jo|Sep 8, 2021

    Dear Jo, Halloween is coming. I love Halloween. I watch the shows, love the decorations, I even dress up. The reason I am writing is I have had some people say that Halloween is too close to evil, the devil, that to celebrate it means opening myself up to evil. I am not sure what that means, but I have never felt that way. I would love to get your opinion. Signed, Sincerely Spooked Dear Spooked, I also enjoy Halloween. Halloween has an interesting history. Depending on country and time in history, Halloween or All Hallows Eve was a celebration...

  • Connecting Point: Called to Serve

    Bill Lanes|Sep 8, 2021

    Being overly materialistic is a cancer that destroys people and churches. A blind spot, materialism will grow without a healthy conscience to check it. Pastor Timothy Keller says, “The Bible describes us to be a ministry provider not a ministry consumer.” This is relevant for us today. Sometimes people are more interested in what they get, rather than what they can give. We must keep the truth front and center in our lives. God’s grace is what has saved us. “As for you, you were dead in your transgressions and sins, in which you used to live...

  • Guest Opinion: Some 9/11 Toxic Leftovers

    EVAN BARRETT, Butte Native, Producer|Sep 8, 2021

    September 11, 2001 was one of those days, like November 22, 1963, when President John F. Kennedy was assassinated. Most Americans alive in 1963 can remember the exact moment they heard that JFK had been shot. It is seared into their memories. So, too, with 9/11. We mostly saw it rather than heard it. But, no one in America will ever forget the images. It is said that on November 22, 1963, America lost its innocence. As we cruised through the post WWII period, even with Soviet competition, we believed America always stood for what was right and...

  • Horoscope: Week of 9/8/2021

    Sep 8, 2021

    ARIES Mar 21/Apr 20 Aries, this week you can share some secrets that have been troublesome. A trusted confidante may offer advice or be willing to serve as a supportive sounding board. TAURUS Apr 21/May 21 Taurus, a welcoming aura is drawing others to you in the days ahead. Open yourself to new friendships and look for ways to foster these budding relationships. GEMINI May 22/Jun 21 Gemini, consider what you are going to aim for next and don’t be afraid to take whatever steps necessary to put you on a path to success. Your confidence will c...

  • Once in Awhile, I Rant...

    Elizabeth Pullman, Whitehall Ledger|Sep 1, 2021

    Fall is in the air! The nights are cooler, the mornings call for a light sweater, and pumpkin spice EVERYTHING is as far as the eye can see. This also means my craziest, funnest, most loved time of the year is about to begin - haunted house building! My bestie and I found a great Tik Tok video on how to make Halloween shirts with wood cutouts and bleach. We decided this would be a perfect way to kick off the build; we'd make ourselves and our helpers some "uniforms" for fun! On Saturday morning...

  • Dear Editor: Response to Gerald Johnson

    Charles Haddon Shank|Sep 1, 2021

    Dear Editor, Yes, here is yet another response to Gerald Johnson’s stance on gun control. As he seems to target the events of December 14th, 2012 (Sandy Hook), we’ll start there. Whatever happened there, banning guns is NOT the answer! It should be fairly obvious, for one thing, that the perpetrator was NOT a law-abiding citizen, so even if there had been a gun-ban in effect, or some other form of gun control, the event would still very likely have happened. If indeed this event happened as reported, it was a very regrettable incident. It...

  • Dear Editor: Road Through Town

    Arcylle Shaw|Sep 1, 2021

    Dear Editor, Not sure if I should do this, but, while I was at Tona’s Treasures this past week, when a semi passed by, it felt like an earthquake! It sure puts the glassware at risk. The truck didn’t seem to be speeding. I wonder about the road through town. The real solution is to not let the trucks from the North take the valley road instead of the Interstate to Dillon and on to Idaho. Can’t really do anything about that. Thanks for listening, Arcylle Shaw Cardwell, Montana...

  • Dear Jo: 9/1/2021

    Jo|Sep 1, 2021

    Dear Jo, I have a business idea. It, in my opinion, is a great one! I love to garden and know that chickens can help control pests and fertilize at the same time. If I could bring pet chickens to peoples gardens, for a fee, gardens would benefit from the instant pest control and fertilizing. The hiccup in this plan is my sister. She hates chickens and believes this is a ridiculous idea. Do I go ahead with my idea? Will people make fun of it? Signed, No crappy idea Dear Crappy, If you believe in your idea, why are you letting ANYONE sabotage...

  • Connecting Point: Without Invitation

    Bill Lanes|Sep 1, 2021

    Jesus didn’t mince words or shy away from speaking the truth, but He often used parables in His teachings. In the Gospel of Luke one of the Pharisees again tried to stump Him, boastfully and loosely claiming that the privileged, including himself, would inherit the Kingdom of God. Christ had another take: “When one of those at the table with Him heard this, he said to Jesus, ‘Blessed is the one who will eat at the feast in the kingdom of God.’ Jesus replied: ‘A certain man was preparing a great banquet and invited many guests. At the time of t...

  • Horoscope: Week of 9/1/2021

    Sep 1, 2021

    ARIES Mar 21/Apr 20 Aries, this week will challenge your flexibility. It’s possible you will have to change plans on the fly to accommodate developments at work or at home. TAURUS Apr 21/May 21 Taurus, rather than trying to figure out why everyone is acting as they are, accept things and go with the flow. You will be much happier for it. GEMINI May 22/Jun 21 You are capable of dealing with intense emotional energy most of the time, Gemini. So when someone needs a friend to confide in, you are the right person for the job. CANCER Jun 22/Jul 2...

  • Not Here Long Enough...

    Elizabeth Pullman, Whitehall Ledger|Aug 25, 2021

    We spend our entire lives trying to ignore the one thing that is certain in life: death. It's not a pretty topic, it's not something any of us like to think about. And because of that, we sometimes forget that it is a major part of all our lives, until we are reminded. I've been reminded a lot lately. The obituary section has been increasingly hard - as I've talked about before. But this week Mr. Barry McWilliams' obituary came to my desk. As many of you know, Barry drew the amazing editorial...

  • Dear Editor: Turn to the Centerfold

    Gerald Johnson|Aug 25, 2021

    Dear Editor, What can happen by uncaring and repetitious behaviors like Pool Pals Gun Raffles, Chamber of Commerce Multi-gun raffles, Little League Gun Raffles, Veteran’s Gun Shows, Gun sales, gun shops, gun vending machines on every block? NRA “Terrorism” and gun addicted American’s “imprisoned” in denial lead to..... TURN TO THE CENTERFOLD. Gerald Johnson, Cardwell, Montana...

  • Go Ask Jo: 8/25/2021

    Jo|Aug 25, 2021

    Dear Jo, I am a Christian. I say this because I recently had a discussion with a family member about my love of crystals, rocks and minerals and their healing properties. Scientists have proven that everything gives off energy vibrations. The strength and frequency of those vibrations differ from object to object. There are some earth elements that give off vibrations (energy) far more frequently than others. Some people believe crystals, rocks and minerals have healing properties, some physical and some psychological. The discussion centered...

  • Connecting Point: Discovering Your Avenue of Hospitality

    Bill Lanes|Aug 25, 2021

    Hospitality has been on my mind lately but from a fresh view. We are accustomed to hospitality in terms of entertaining relatives and close friends. Pastor Timothy Keller describes radical hospitality as a “love for strangers” drawing comparisons from Christ’s teachings. “When someone invites you to a wedding feast, do not take the place of honor, for a person more distinguished than you may have been invited. If so, the host who invited both of you will come and say to you, ‘Give this person your seat.’ Then, humiliated, you will have to tak...

  • Horoscope: Week of 8/25/2021

    Aug 25, 2021

    ARIES Mar 21/Apr 20 Aries, emotional awakenings may change your goals for the time being. Expect opportunities for more travel or even new educational endeavors. Involve Pisces in your decisions. TAURUS Apr 21/May 21 Taurus, keep a light schedule this week because you may have to fit something in at the last minute. This is an easy week to connect with others as well. GEMINI May 22/Jun 21 Powerful revelations can stir up many emotions, Gemini. You may need to take time out to process some new developments. Look to others for support. CANCER...

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