Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana


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  • Go Ask Jo: 7/7/2021

    Jo|Jul 7, 2021

    Dear Jo, Why do some people (okay, more than “some”) feel they have to get their “kicks” at someone else’s expense? I mean, SERIOUSLY?! Do they actually think about the repercussions before they ‘“steal candy from a baby?” Maybe these people irk me so much because I was one of them? Therefore, I try not to be TOO judgemental, but, DAMN!!!! Signed, Mad as a Hatter in Moline Dear Mad Hatter, OOF! Someone done made you mad! So, we are in an environment, politically and socially (in my humble opinion) where this is the norm. People seem to go out...

  • Connecting Point: A Reminder About the Heart

    Bill Lanes|Jul 7, 2021

    Jesus often spoke in parables to make clear points; in the Gospel of Luke he compares a tax collector and a Pharisee. Most of us think negatively of both individuals. We are tempted to think the tax collector is like an IRS auditor today. Such a comparison isn’t even close. Tax collectors then were far worse. They collected money for the King and often over charged, keeping the increase for themselves. Those shysters! A Pharisee, on the other hand, was seen in that culture as an upright and religious person, who often gave 10% to the local t...

  • Horoscopes: Week of 7/7/2021

    Jul 7, 2021

    ARIES Mar 21/Apr 20 Aries, opportunities to discuss future business enterprises with interested parties arise this week. Your meticulous nature ensures you are prepared to take advantage of these chances. TAURUS Apr 21/May 21 Others begin to notice how articulate and charming you can be, Taurus. This is a prime time to invite friends over or to find a romantic partner if you’re single. GEMINI May 22/Jun 21 Gemini, even if you do not consider yourself to be an artistic person, inspiration to pursue creative endeavors comes to you this week. T...

  • Enjoy...Be Safe...and Send Me Pictures!

    Elizabeth Pullman, Whitehall Ledger|Jun 30, 2021

    Ahhh, fireworks! I love them so much! BUT I get hurt nearly every year around the Fourth of July, mostly due to my own stupidity. I've caught sparks in my eye in the past, burning my contact to my eyeball. We've mis-lit launching fireworks, which have tipped and gone directly into the group of everyone watching. In 2020, an estimated 15,600 people were seen for fireworks-related injuries at hospital emergency departments, according to data collected by the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission...

  • Dear Editor: Passing of two Whitehall fixtures

    Ron Jung|Jun 30, 2021

    Dear Editor, This past week another two Whitehall fixtures have left us and passed into Whitehall history, Bob Casagrande and Hervey Perez. Everyone knew them, or at least their names, because they gave of themselves not only to Whitehall, but more importantly to the people of Whitehall who call this place home. Bob was the first person I met after moving here in 1988. I was looking out my back window and saw this mountain of a man in my yard. What was he doing and what the heck was he doing in...

  • Dear Editor: Ladies Day & Cruella

    Charles Charlene Shank|Jun 30, 2021

    Dear Editor, First of all, I wish to voice my congratulations to and appreciation for the new editor of our local newspaper. This past Sunday’s Ladies Day Out was a great success. After a meet and greet at the newspaper office, the majority of the ladies (myself included - the only man “allowed” to attend since I assist in editing the paper on Mondays) walked next door to the Star Theatre and took in the new ‘Cruella,’ a new Disney film that was generated from the original, which hit theaters way back in January of ‘61. Interesting...

  • Go Ask Jo: 6/30/2021

    Jo|Jun 30, 2021

    Dear Jo, I am so mad! If I hear one more time that I should just appreciate my life right where it is and not keep looking for more, I will scream! Why is it that all of sudden reaching for more is somehow not appreciating where you have come from or where your life is in the moment? Can’t I do both? I do appreciate all that I have been through and recognize that because of that journey, I am where I am today. I also, though, want to reach for more, achieve more, not settle. Is this a bad thing? I feel judged and frustrated! Any advice? S...

  • Horoscope: Week of 6/30/2021

    Jun 30, 2021

    ARIES Mar 21/Apr 20 Aries, this week your mind may be pulling you in one direction while your heart may be dragging you in another. It can be challenging to choose which one to listen to. TAURUS Apr 21/May 21 Taurus, seek the truth and you will find it easily. You have many questions and the answers are just waiting around the corner. You just need to know where to find them. GEMINI May 22/Jun 21 Gemini, your modus operandi is working, even if it’s somewhat unconventional. Keep on doing what makes you happy, especially if it’s producing you...

  • This Week's "Change That Up" Tip...The 80/20 Principle

    Jun 30, 2021

    Have you ever heard of the 80/20 principle, also known as the Pareto principle? It’s considered a foundational concept for life, business, time, and wealth management, and it essentially states that, for many events, roughly 80% of the effects (i.e., outcomes) come from 20% of the causes (i.e., inputs). In other words, 20% of your activities will account for 80% of your results. When it comes to nutrition, however, the 80/20 rule takes on a slightly different meaning. More specifically, for most people, it means that 80% of the time you s...

  • Update on Radar Signs for Legion & Whitehall Streets

    Elizabeth Pullman, Whitehall Ledger|Jun 23, 2021

    A few months ago, the Whitehall Ledger started fundraising for four radar signs to go along east/west Legion Avenue and north/south Whitehall Street. The Whitehall Ledger is excited to announce that several great individuals have come forward and donated to the cause, as well as several local entities have offered assistance to the cause. While we have not quite met the halfway point for funds, we are off to a great start! However, now is my time to ask for the community’s assistance. After speaking with the Montana DOT and several other o...

  • Dear Editor: When did we stop doing the right thing?

    Beverly Jensen|Jun 23, 2021

    Dear Editor, Just an opinion. Justice and grace...So when did we stop doing the right thing? Flash back to Kindergarten when we were all the very best of friends. We were taught to be kind, to respect each other’s space, to share and to value our fellow humans. The sign on the wall above our ABC chart read two simple words “ Be Kind.” It was a life lesson we learned at a young age, but when was it lost? It started that day when we were coloring a page to take home to our parents, so it was important to do a really good job. You broke your...

  • Dear Editor: Fields of Joy Moldova

    Rhonda Brant Hampton|Jun 23, 2021

    Dear Editor, Roger, Kelley, and I want to thank you for the article you published in the paper. I am sending them a copy of the paper, but meanwhile, I scanned the pages and sent to her for an open house she was having for Fields of Joy. It was an amazing thing to see, and they were beyond grateful for you putting it out there. Your words about me were very kind, but they have the more difficult task of weaving all the knots into a beautiful tapestry. I have asked upon her return to get photos of the girls as the suitcases are opened for the...

  • Dear Editor: Veteran's Memorial Park

    Gwen Quesnell|Jun 23, 2021

    Dear Editor, I have a favor to ask. There is a Veteran’s Memorial in Legion Park that is straight across from the Ledger Office and KBar Restuarant. Two large stones that note veteran’s of the 1st World War and others. Many residents haven’t even noticed it. There is a small flower garden there. I took care of it for years and when I couldn’t I hired a couple to cut it down and clean it. They have moved away. The garden is badly in need of TLC. I hope there is someone who will take over the care of that garden. It is an eyesore, especia...

  • Dear Editor: Best Laugh

    Susan Stout|Jun 23, 2021

    Dear Editor, You gave me my best laugh of the day when I read your refrigerator article. It was twice as funny to me because I had recently tired of my German shepherd chasing her food bowl all around the kitchen and beyond. I carefully searched and went with a sturdy looking one made of wood, with food and water dish inserts. I was a bit suspicious when a small package arrived. This would have been a dandy food station...for a chihuahua...puppy. And I love your retro refrig. Susan Stout Whitehall, Montana...

  • Go Ask Jo: 6/23/2021

    Jun 23, 2021

    Dear Jo, I have a friend who flatulates…, A LOT! Now normal flatulation is, well, normal, right? But this person can pass gas on a dime, and does WAY more than is normal! And the smell. Good grief if a skunk were to spray you directly in the face, it’d seem like a breath of fresh air compared to some of these zingers! Okay, so the question is, how do I put a positive spin on asking this person to either change their diet DRASTICALLY or to PLEASE remove themselves FAR from any God-fearing company when they feel one coming on? TIA for you...

  • Connecting Point: Journey of Leadership

    Bill Lanes|Jun 23, 2021

    John Maxwell, well known author and book seller, said “A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way.” He also observed “Development is a lifetime journey, not a quick trip.” Two key factors play a major role in the church of tomorrow; healthy leaders and healthy congregations. Together they co-exist. If the church is lacking one of the two, changes must occur in order to be more effective; spreading the Gospel and building disciples. Candidly speaking, both leaders and ministry members are marked by their desire for gro...

  • Horoscope: Week of 6/23/2021

    Jun 23, 2021

    ARIES Mar 21/Apr 20 A setback of some kind may occur this week, Aries. Do not get too worried about it just yet. Adversity can be an excellent avenue toward personal growth. TAURUS Apr 21/May 21 Taurus, you may need to postpone a project you were hoping to begin this week. As long as it does not get pushed any further, you should be fine. GEMINI May 22/Jun 21 It is easy to get carried away with an idea, Gemini. Just do not mistake obsession for focus. You need to pace yourself if you are going to be effective. CANCER Jun 22/Jul 22 Cancer, you a...

  • This Week's "Change That Up" Tip...Get Organized

    Jun 23, 2021

    We all know that waking up early in the morning makes us more productive. Since our childhood, we were taught to follow, “early to bed and early to rise” as a ritual. Waking up at the crack of dawn and starting our day in the right way makes us more productive and purposeful. In this technology-driven world, the first thing we do as soon as we open our eyes is check our mobile phones for messages, emails, updates, etc. that we might have missed during our resting time. But do you know that it’s an unhealthy habit that negatively impacts the r...

  • It's the Little Things...Literally

    Elizabeth Pullman, Whitehall Ledger|Jun 16, 2021

    I found out that I would 100% become the owner of The Whitehall Ledger right around December last year. Because of this, my family wanted to focus my Christmas presents around things I would need/want for the office. My husband was very specific - tell me the one thing you know you will absolutely want to have in your office, and send me a link to exactly what you want. I knew I wanted a refrigerator. I NEED things to do drink, a fridge was a no-brainer. But I wanted it to be cute and retro; so...

  • Why Doesn't Anybody Really Care Anymore?

    Charles Haddon Shank|Jun 16, 2021

    Dear Editor, Okay, this may come off as a bit of a rant & maybe it is, but I’m not mad at anybody in particular. Hell, I’m really not even mad, just sad! The lack of empathy in the overwhelming majority of human beings saddens me. Yes, it does piss me off sometimes too, but really, that does nobody any good; they don’t care & it only sours the bearer of the ill-will until he or she becomes a hermit/recluse at best and a hater/murderer at worst! Now I’m not saying that nobody actually cares; many show this every day, but do they really care? Wou...

  • Dear Editor: Thanks for Balanced Article

    John Leyzorek|Jun 16, 2021

    Dear Editor, THANKS to Elizabeth Pullman for an excellent, balanced article on Steve Wagner and Jim Buterbaugh’s project. John Leyzorek Marlinton, West Virginia...

  • Go Ask Jo: 6/16/2021

    Jo|Jun 16, 2021

    Dear Jo, I am a procrastinator, really. I put off anything I can until the last moment. I pick up the mail, put the bills under my fruit bowl and carry on. I see my prescription bottles emptying, know I should call, and still put off filling it until the last day. There are many more examples. Yes, it stresses me out. Yes, I know lots of things would be easier if I did not procrastinate. At this point, I am unsure how to change what has become a habit I have had most of my adult life. Any advice? Signed, Procrastination Specialist Dear...

  • Connecting Point: Exemplary Men

    Bill Lanes|Jun 16, 2021

    This weekend we like to celebrate fatherhood. It’s time to crank up the BBQ, get out into nature, and spend some leisure time together. The history of Father’s Day is directly tied to a West Virginia church which commemorated the death of 362 men who tragically died in a coal mine accident, the first annual holiday was on July 5, 1908. The following year a widow, Sonora Smart Dodd in Spokane, Washington, rallied support from local churches, YMCA and other businesses to memorialize fathers. Presidents Wilson and Coolidge followed suit and urg...

  • Horoscopes: Week of 6/16/2021

    Jun 16, 2021

    ARIES Mar 21/Apr 20 You may be confused about a love interest’s seeming lack of communication this week, Aries. What may seem like silence to you could be patience to him or her. TAURUS Apr 21/May 21 It may be challenging to see the progress you are making when it comes in small quantities, Taurus. Rest assured you are getting things done and moving along. GEMINI May 22/Jun 21 Gemini, others have a lot of interest in you, and that can lift your spirits especially if you are looking for a new job. Being in demand also can lead to new f...


    Jun 9, 2021

    ACROPHONOLOGY: Acrophonology is the study of sound in space by using the alphabet and its vibrations. Acrophonologists can use your name to describe your talents and your birth date to tell you why you are here and what you are expected to accomplish. A local Whitehall resident is offering her services in acrophonology! She has over sixty years of experience in acrophonology! Want a free reading? Contact the Whitehall Ledger at 406-287-5301 or with your full name, date of birth, and contact information. The Ledger will relay...

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