Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana


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  • Dear Editor: A Tax Exempt Charitable Organization Can't Donate to a For-Profit Entity

    JOHN MOULTON|Jul 10, 2024

    Dear Editor, I am neither a lawyer nor a business advisor, but I have danced with a few 501C3s. A tax-exempt charitable organization may or may not have a relationship with a business or entity. The entity may sever that relationship, but that doesn't dissolve the 501C3. The charity can only dissolve by not renewing its certificate with the State or by a majority vote of its officers. Before that, it could only deal with tax-exempt funds by following the outlines of its charter or by-laws. It...

  • Dear Editor: Horrified at Board Member Suggestion

    TOM G. HENDERSON|Jul 10, 2024

    Dear Editor, I am horrified that a school board member would suggest that "we would need to start utilizing the General Fund to cover the costs"... "Adjusting costs, including wages and salary, equipment, instructional supplies, and building maintenance" to pay for extracurricular events. Perhaps we should look at THE WHITEHALL POOL PALS as an example of funding all extracurricular events, especially athletics. Perhaps it is time to use schools as academic learning centers and eliminate all...

  • Dear Editor: Thankful for Friends


    Dear Editor, I am doubly indebted to the people of Whitehall! Many may remember a time, about ten or so years ago, when one of the town's restaurateurs started a bucket campaign to purchase a new bike for me after my old one wore out. I purchased a used Surrey bike, a four-wheeled contraption, that I pedaled all over Whitehall and much of the immediate area south of town. This bike got me around for the next six or seven years. After that was pretty well worn out, again, with the help of a good...

  • Thought Provokers: 7/10/2024

    Jul 10, 2024

    Attractive nurses, male or female, most likely never get accurate heart rates from their patients. If world infrastructure suddenly collapses, without phones, airplanes, and ships, most of us will never be able to see or talk to most of our friends and families again. If you had the power to know what happens after death, you’d either have the most reassuring or the most terrifying piece of knowledge in the universe, yet you could never share it without sounding insane. Eventually, there will be an AI that is insecure about its hardware. D...


    BILL LANES|Jul 10, 2024

    Jesus provides us with an illustration in John 15:1-4, which helps us understand the value of connection. “I am the true vine, and my Father is the gardener. He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit, while every branch that does bear fruit he prunes so that it will be even more fruitful. You are already clean because of the words I have spoken to you. Remain in me, as I also remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me.” God is understood to be like a...

  • Horoscopes: Week of 7/10/2024

    Jul 10, 2024

    ARIES Mar 21/Apr 20 Aries, you may be full of more energy than you have had in a while, helping you sail through all your tasks this week at a record pace. Enjoy this wave while you ride it. TAURUS Apr 21/May 21 Taurus, heed your body’s messages that it needs some rest right now; otherwise, you may not be up for social engagements that are on the horizon. Pisces comes into your life this week. GEMINI May 22/Jun 21 Gemini, you cannot hang out with everyone trying to get a piece of your time right now. You will likely need to space out s...

  • Dear Editor: WHS Activity Fees

    JENELLE WHITE, Whitehall School Board Trustee|Jul 3, 2024

    Dear Editor, The school board recently voted to establish a $100 activity fee for each middle school and high school athlete/participant per season, including fall, winter, and spring activities. Please know that this decision was not made lightly. I intend to provide a comprehensive background regarding this decision. Three years prior, the account to fund extracurricular activities started depleting itself more than was being funded. Our previous clerk had informed the board of this concern....

  • Dear Editor: Town Should Apologize to Pool Pals

    TERRY ROSS|Jul 3, 2024

    Dear Editor, As I read Tom Jenkin's Letter to the Editor (6/26/2024), I figured I had better throw my 53 cents (inflation) worth in. The Whitehall Pool Pals is a private non-profit 501c3 organization created by a group of people many years ago to help keep the newly constructed pool open and available to the people of Whitehall and the surrounding communities. Their goal has always been the betterment of the pool. They have never hinted that anything they have purchased and donated does not...

  • Thought Provokers: 7/3/2024

    Jul 3, 2024

    The lack of teenage pregnancies at Hogwarts is unrealistic, considering that the students had no Sex Ed classes. No one believed their imaginary friend was real. American films often include fictional towns but never fictional states. Most modern cars would be useless in a zombie apocalypse since they would stop you from hitting zombies. Most people haven’t jumped in weeks. If everyone decided today not to reproduce, humans would be extinct in just over 100 years. Given they are mammals, many humans have a surprisingly negative opinion of b...

  • Just Ask Georgia: 7/3/2024

    GEORGIA|Jul 3, 2024

    Georgia, I have a question, My mom walked in on my husband and my five-year-old daughter having a tea party. He was dressed in a tutu and pink fuzzy bunny ears, sipping grape juice from a plastic toy tea set. She says she’s disturbed. However, I can’t stop giggling at the thought of my red-beared, 6’s” sasquatch of a man having tea with our precious girl. As big and burly as he is, I know my daughter has him wrapped around her little finger. How do I tell my mom to relax? That view of masculinity is so archaic. My husband just laughed her dra...

  • CONNECTING POINT: Pruning Has a Purpose

    BILL LANES|Jul 3, 2024

    Early this spring, my wife and I met with some arborists regarding some trees that needed attention at our home. I’m not a tree guy or even a green thumb; gardening is Dina’s thing. I generally get to “do” the other stuff: install, fix, or adjust the sprinklers, build a planter, remove the tree stump, etc. I learned some valuable information about our trees and their growing behavior. Proper pruning is done for the tree's health; improper pruning creates unhealthy behavior. One tree is being robbed of water and nutrients because of some su...

  • Horoscopes: Week of 7/3/2024

    Jul 3, 2024

    ARIES Mar 21/Apr 20 A difficult situation is beginning to settle down after some time, Aries. Enjoy this well-earned peace, and consider how a new perspective can help you move forward. TAURUS Apr 21/May 21 Taurus, a new plan can be just what you need to make notable progress. Finding a mentor or someone who has already forged a path can be useful. GEMINI May 22/Jun 21 Gemini, you have a lot going on in your life right now to keep you busy. With so much going on, try not to worry about what is going on with others. Stay in your lane. CANCER...

  • Dear Editor: Spend, Spend, Spend

    TOM JENKIN|Jun 26, 2024

    Dear Editor, Spend, spend, spend... On June 4th, Steve Antonioli received an email from the Town office stating that he could not do anything (using Pool Pals, Inc. – a 501(c)(3) funds) at the pool without the Town Council's approval. Did the Council members approve that email, or was this later rubber-stamped? Steve was four days from having the pool ready to open. He turned in his resignation from the Pool Board effective immediately. The Town then spent $2000 to have someone else finish t...

  • Dear Editor: Join AS&C for Walk & Wag!

    ASC of Jefferson County|Jun 26, 2024

    Greetings, Whitehall, Boulder, and surrounding communities: On Saturday, June 29, from 10 AM to 2 PM. the AS&C of Jefferson County will host the 3rd annual Walk and Wag! Yes, it is time to prepare your pups for a wonderful day of exercise and fresh air. The event will be held at 23 Muskrat Lane in Boulder. This event will honor Sue Miller, who recently passed away. She was an avid walker and contributed her skills and knowledge to the Boulder community and Jefferson County for many years. There...

  • Dear Editor: Rob Quist Evening Successful

    NANCY JANE LIEN, Montana HD75 Candidate|Jun 26, 2024

    Dear Editor, Thanks to all the Jefferson County folks who came to hear the music and speeches at Tings in Jefferson City on Saturday, June 22nd. Rob Quist is the Montana Poet. His songs highlight the Montana we love: wide open spaces, our native heritage, Charlie Russell, and loving and living off the land. His long-time bandmate David Griffith is a master of seven different instruments but wowed the crowd with his steel guitar. Former Governor Brian Schweitzer informed the crowd of the notice...

  • Who is the New Face at The Ledger?

    BROOKLYNN LANES, Whitehall Ledger|Jun 26, 2024

    Who am I? Brooklynn Lanes is a recent Whitehall High School graduate who loves reading, writing, and baking. Fun fact: I have only ever gone to school in Whitehall. I had the privilege of starting Head Start (pre-school) early. That is where I learned of my love of reading through Grandma Joy! Through the years, my love for reading has only grown! After graduating from pre-school, I finally moved on to kindergarten, where I bawled my eyes out for having to leave my mother. Then came first grade, where I gave up a rootbeer float at school to go...

  • A Different Perspective: 6/26/2024

    LARRY HOFFMAN, Whitehall Ledger|Jun 26, 2024

    Two months short of his third birthday, my dog was hit and killed on the highway recently. He was not a wanderer and very intelligent, so I’ll never know why he went there, but it happened. I know all of you pet people have gone through the same loss. It is an immutable fact that our most loyal friends will leave us too soon, and there is no cushion to soften that loss. Anyone who has lived decades and always had pets, has been through that darkness repeatedly because, even if they reach old a...

  • Thought Provokers: 6/26/2024

    Jun 26, 2024

    Middle-class people have to do the most yard work and house cleaning. They aren’t rich enough to hire someone else to do it but rich enough to afford a larger place. Birds have diarrhea their entire lives. Physics is math constrained by the limits of reality, and engineering is physics constrained by money limits. A source of a large amount of microplastics in your body is probably daily toothbrush and floss use. The time gap between when Austin Powers was frozen in the ‘60s and thawed out in the ‘90s is nearly identical to the stretch from...

  • Just Ask Georgia: 6/26/2024

    GEORGIA|Jun 26, 2024

    Georgia, I have a question, I am not a fan of tattoos because they are so ubiquitous now. When I was a kid, tattoos were rare and rebellious. Nowadays, they are everywhere, and that’s fine. People can decorate themselves however they want. But, for example, my grandfather had tattoos. They were from when he was in the military and were a memorial to his friends killed in action. My son (19) has wanted a tattoo since he was little, so I told him that was okay but to consider whatever he got and have it be at least a little meaningful and not j...

  • CONNECTING POINT: The Priority of Connection

    BILL LANES|Jun 26, 2024

    We live in one of the most “connected” ages. Technology allows us to communicate with others in places worldwide instantly. However, there are certain disruptions that we all deal with, such as dead zones, battery loss, weather interference, and more. Do we possibly rely too much on technology? Regarding spiritual development, connection is basic and must remain a priority for growing in Christ. Jesus spoke to the matter in John chapter 15, “I am the true vine, and my Father is the gardener. He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit...

  • Horoscopes: Week of 6/26/2024

    Jun 26, 2024

    ARIES Mar 21/Apr 20 It will be difficult to ignore an urge to snoop in someone else’s business, Aries. If that person wanted to confide in you, he or she would have already, so it is best to stay out of things. TAURUS Apr 21/May 21 Taurus, aspire to grow more comfortable with the important people in your life, as you will see them more often. Perhaps start planning outings you all can enjoy. GEMINI May 22/Jun 21 Gemini, put in as much effort as you can this week to stay on top of all of your chores. This will free up time later in the week f...

  • Dear Editor: Thank You, Freedom Floral!


    Dear Editor, We would like to thank Freedom Floral for donating certain types of flowers to the First and Second graders in the Summer School program at Whitehall Elementary. With such inquisitiveness, the students loved learning about the parts of a flower by actually dissecting the flowers. Hands-on learning is one of the best teaching methods and the students really enjoyed their experiences. The bonus was the tulips were full of pollen for the students to observe. Thank you again, Freedom...

  • Dear Editor: Uranium Standards and Whitehall Water

    FESS FOSTER|Jun 19, 2024

    Dear Editor, The recent Ledger coverage regarding uranium in Whitehall groundwater was timely and well done. One of the articles (May 29, 2024) contains an apparent statement by someone that none of the 34 water samples taken from the Whitehall area groundwater "came back with low enough uranium." Some interpret this to mean that uranium exceeded drinking water standards in all samples and occurred throughout the Whitehall area. These samples were part of the work I did for the town from 2015...

  • Dear Editor: Let's Rally, Montana!

    NANCY JANE LIEN, Montana HD 75 Candidate|Jun 19, 2024

    Dear Editor, Let’s rally, Montana! Mark your calendars for Saturday, June 22nd, from 7 PM to 9 PM at Ting’s Tavern in Jefferson City. Rob Quist, the Montana Poet, and his long-time bandmate musician David Griffith will perform. Former Governor Brian Schweitzer will have a special appearance for a rousing speech celebrating our Montana. The event, at Ting’s outdoor venue, will be free and open to the public. This event is a Welcome to Summer and a celebration of Montana. I hope to see you all there. Thanks, NANCY JANE LIEN Candidate, Monta...

  • Dear Editor: End of Times?


    Dear Editor, Are we truly in the End Times? With the shape of politics these days, the economy, and well, you know...PEOPLE, sometimes, one might be hard-pressed to disagree with the bible believers who insist that "the End is nigh!" Bringing it home, so to speak, one might hear rumors floating around, with all the changes happening to our little town, that Whitehall is becoming a ghost town! As you know, the proof is in the pudding! Personal perception, however, is another matter. Some people...

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