Sorted by date Results 3577 - 3601 of 3755
April 1, 1992 Captain Andrew F. Weaver has been promoted to Major. He is the son of Florine Hager of Whitehall, and the late Alex Weaver of Bozeman. Weaver is stationed in Nuremberg, Germany, with his wife Dell and step-daughter Stephanie. Cardwell students recently took part in a week-long puppet workshop held at the Cardwell School. Sherry Johns, an experienced teacher and performing artist, helped students produce their own puppets and prepare special presentations. Sock-mouth puppets, simple rod, mouth rod and shadow puppets were designed...
Some weeks are slower than others- unless, of course, you are on Facebook. Activities at the school during April will include a Garage Sale on April 29th and 30th. Details will be advertised soon. They will welcome donations. Arrangements can be made by calling 406-498-5205. Mrs. Moser is the teacher to contact. Montana Outdoor Science School starts next week and will run for several weeks. This provides the students with exceptional science opportunities. Plans are being made by the Cardwell Community Church for the annual Easter Sunrise...
Far away from the madness of St. Patrick's Day in uptown Butte, the Handing Down the Heritage Festival has garnered a reputation of a family friendly celebration with music and dancing for all ages. The 22nd annual event at the Butte Civic Center once again featured the Tiernan Irish Dancers. Three Whitehall residents are part of the dancers that took to the stage March 17. Hope and Ceili Moriarty, and Shayla Hamilton all performed to a huge crowd at the event. In her first year with the team, H...
The Harlem Ambassadors comedic basketball team will be performing May 5 in Butte. Whitehall resident Earleen Lloyd has been working hard to bring them to Whitehall the day before the show. She is currently trying to secure funding to set up an assembly for the Ambassadors May 4. Lloyd said the Ambassadors promote staying in school and an anti-bullying message, as well as teaching kids to stay away from drugs, alcohol, and tobacco. “They are professionals, skilled people who played basketball to get through college and have fun and games s...
In October, the Jefferson Valley Community Foundation generously granted a $4,000 gift to the Jefferson Valley Museum. Archival safe flat file cabinets were purchased with the money. While it has taken this long for them to arrive, the delivery was an exciting day. Ron Hunt and Jerry Fleege rounded up a crew. After the delivery truck unloaded them at the Jardine Memorial Building, the packing had to be removed, the drawers removed and then several men carried each section out to the dolly that...
This has been a quiet week. According to the Daily Bread reading for the first day of Spring, Jesus said to his disciples in Mark 6:31, “Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest.” Sounds pretty nice to me, especially if it means a drive up the South Boulder. Kathy Clark, Aileen Shaw and Erv Hedegaard were guests with the Whitehall Pinochle Club. Host, Michael Clark gave prizes to Florence Weyer for High; Gladys Ballard for Second - she also had 1,000 aces; Low went to Joyce Held and Pinochle to Mary Gustin. Randy and Lau...
March 25, 1992 Three WHS Juniors were chosen to attend Montana Boys State. They are Matt Reiff, son of Dr. and Mrs. Terry Reiff; Jeff Robenstein, son of Sue Robenstein, Brent Sears, son of Ron and Janet Sears; and alternate Cory Tebay, son of Norman and Michelle Tebay. Whitehall residents were treated to a showing of the more than 80 Science Fair projects of Whitehall’s fifth and sixth grade students. First place winners were: sixth grade – John Loomis, “Acid Rain and Its Effects on Rocks and Plants;” sixth grade – Joe Chiovaro, “Elastici...
Joyeux printemps! Happy springtime! The History Book Club will be finishing up “Mrs. Sherlock Holmes” at 6:30 p.m. on Monday, March 28, and head to France for April. Edward Rutherfurd’s novel “Paris” is the choice for next month. This historical novel about the city begins in 1261 and ends in 1968. Rutherfurd follows different French families from all walks of life throughout the great historical events occurring in the city. This is part of a series of books covering the great cities of Europe by Rutherfurd. If you would like to join us f...
The 23rd annual Kyle Petty Charity Ride Across the America is coming to Whitehall. Around 200 bikers taking part in one of the biggest charity rides in the country will be making a stop in town the morning of Monday, May 15. The 2017 ride will include tour founder and former NASCAR driver and analyst Kyle Petty, NASCAR legend Richard Petty, and former Heisman Trophy winners Herschel Walker and George Rogers. The annual event raises money for Victory Junction, a camp in North Carolina dedicated...
As residents made their way into the Whitehall Community Center last Sunday, they were doing so not only to try a plethora of cuisines from around the world, they were more importantly giving back to a variety of nonprofit organizations. Within minutes of opening the doors for the Whitehall Rotary’s third annual International Dinner, club member Ed Handl said they already had a great turnout, and he had high hopes 200 would attend the event. Some of the dishes at the 2017 dinner included a L...
Crossing the Jefferson River on Highway 359 to the left is what I like to call ‘the hundred acre woods’. Winnie the Pooh isn’t around, but the trees scarred from a fire a few years ago, make the area captivating with imagination. With Spring approaching some of the trees will be turning green and the foliage on the floor of woods will come to life. The herons will build their nests in the tops of the trees that are suitable. The adventuresome child inside of me would like to investigate the woods and find a special hiding place. March Madne...
I just returned from the Broad Valleys Federation meeting and thought I would share a little information about this wonderful organization. There are six different federations in Montana, which are divided into different geographical regions. The Broad Valleys Federation has 21 member libraries and stretches from Helena to Dillon. It includes large libraries such as Bozeman Public, medium libraries such as Whitehall, and smaller libraries. Some of the members are libraries which are a combination of a school and community library, such as the...
It will be a good time for a great cause next Saturday at the Whitehall Community Center. The Jefferson Valley Sportsmen Association will be conducting their annual banquet March 18 with a cocktail hour slated for 6 p.m., and dinner scheduled for 7 p.m. JVSA member Hervey Perez said the event is not only a fun time, it is also the biggest fundraising method for the club that has been in existence for over 30 years. Perez said said the money donated will be put to good use. He added past accomplishments of the JVSA include building a children’s...
The Whitehall High School Athletic Hall of Fame will enshrine its second class, the Class of 2017. The Induction Ceremony will take place Saturday, March 25th from 6 to 10 p.m. at the Whitehall High School Multi-Purpose Room. The public is welcome, but RSVPs are required no later than March 15th. RSVPs can be sent via email to or by calling 406-396-3556. Cost is $10 per meal and can be paid at the door. The 2017 class features a coaching legend from the 1930s and 1940s, Hiney P. Lund. It also highlights nine...
Local resident Sarah Smart was able to get a picture of young male Moose was hanging around last week on MT Hwy 55....
A volunteer recruitment day is being planned for next week at the Lewis and Clark Caverns. Montana State Parks announced that it is holding a volunteer recruitment day Sunday March 19 from 1 to 3 p.m. There will also be a a gathering to view some historical memorabilia from the beginning days of the park to present day. In addition to the history display, a guided tour will be led by Ken Soderberg to discuss some of the park’s notable CCC contributions. This event is to attract people from the surrounding area to the park to discuss upcoming v...
Whitehall Rotary’s International Dinner – Making a Difference The Whitehall Rotary Club will hold their third annual International Dinner on Sunday, March 12th starting at 4:00 p.m. with food service ending at 6:30 p.m. Musical entertainment will continue until 7:00 p.m. A variety of people and organizations will be providing a great selection of menu items. These include Hungarian Goulash, Asian Orange Chicken, Southern Jambalaya, Cornish Pasties, Hawaiian Chicken, Peruvian Causa (potato dish), Lithuanian Saltibarsciai (cold beet soup) and oth...
Whitehall High’s Lady Trojans captured the 4-B District title Saturday night after posting a second victory of the day over the Three Forks Wolves, 16-4, 15-8. It was the first time in Whitehall’s volleyball history that its team took first place honors in District play. Whitehall teacher Todd Breitenfeldt will work with fifth and seventh grade students and students from his Environmental Biology class in a special program aimed at teaching students more about weeds and the biological control of weeds. Student of the Week is Grant Rodway, a f...
Monday evening a brief meeting at the high school cafeteria was conducted, bringing together approximately fifty people representing the community churches, the community at large, and the organization of Love INC, a non-profit organization being established here in Whitehall for the purpose of coordinating the efforts of local churches and agencies to provide help to those members of our community who are experiencing difficulties in meeting basic needs. During the evening, several presentations were made, highlighting how these needs can...
Recently, a picture of the 1930 Cardwell High School football team was posted for sale on e-bay. Naturally, that intrigued me, so with the help of Roy Millegan’s compiling of information from years and years of newspapers, I located some fascinating stories. Football was first played at Cardwell according to what I found, in1929, but no records of the games, etc. There didn’t seem to be a name for the High School team. Scores were crazy. One was Cardwell 115 to 0 over Twin Bridiges! Whitehall often beat Cardwell, and Cardwell won a few. I wou...
Several families attended the 21st CCLC Dr. Seuss themed read-in last Thursday following our regular after school program. Children read to parents, and parents read to children while munching on some of the regularly served after school program snacks....
A total of 49 Whitehall students took part in last Saturday's Missoula Children's Theater performance of "The Wiz of the West". The play based on the "Wizard of Oz" was written by Michael McGill and sponsored by the Whitehall PTSA, Art Work, the National Endowment for the Arts, and Montana Arts Council. The main cast included Emily Smith as Dotty, Mason Miller as Mooch, Chloe Brown as Scared Crow, Tommy Emerson as Lionel, Hallee Kelley as Hawknose Halley, Mack Williams as Dr. Ozzy, Addison...
Growing up in Whitehall, Darcy Volz fondly remembers spending time in the kitchen with her mom learning how to cook. She is now sharing her experience with local youth at a Monday Munchies event every first and third Monday of the month the Whitehall Community of Christ Church located at 88 First Rd. At each session, kids are not only taught how to cook, but they also learn about the food they are cooking. Volz said the idea behind the event is to not only get kids into the kitchen, but to also...
Just returned from the LOVE INC. (Love in the Name of Christ) informational and thank you meeting in Whitehall. This isn’t just another welfare program - it’s helping people transform their lives. Without a doubt, Christ will be the center of this ministry, but the value to those who need help will be life-changing. Volunteers will discover the changes in their own lives, as well. From this meeting some of the information included the variety of ‘needs’ that can be addressed. Tutoring, finances, mechanical help, household help, etc. etc. are ju...
Wed., March 4, 1992 Patricia Duffey Joy of Whitehall is among the 70 Montana State University student achievers who were selected for this year’s edition of Who’s Who Among Students in American universities and colleges. The listing is based on academic success, community service, leadership and potential for continued success. WHS Lady Trojans finished their regular Volleyball season with a 13-4 record after splitting the final two matches. Last Wednesday night Whitehall held off the relentless attack of Manhattan Christian to add the win to...