Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana


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  • Chamber recognizing members

    Casey Chase, Whitehall Chamber|Nov 15, 2017

    The Whitehall Chamber would like to congratulate its members for reaching anniversary years of membership. Members reach the Entrepreneur designation when they have been members of the Chamber for five years. Five members reached the first anniversary tier in 2017, Entrepreneur’s include 4 Paws Rescue, Chrysalis Counseling Service, Garden Gift Shop, Legion Station, and Two Bit Saloon. Ten members are now considered Principal Members as we celebrate their tenth year of membership. These businesses include Whitehall A&W/KFC, Jefferson Fresh F...

  • Gingerbread House contest added to stroll

    Jack H. Smith, Ledger Publisher|Nov 15, 2017

    A new event the 2017 Whitehall Christmas Stroll should be a crowd pleaser for the entire family. A Gingerbread House Contest is scheduled to take place at the event scheduled for December 9. The contest will include an adult division (17 and up), child division (ages 8 to 16), and a family division (group of 3 to 7, 1 adults and 1 child minimum). "We came up with it about two months ago. I started looking at what other towns do during Christmas and found Gingerbread House contests," Chamber...

  • iStation Man Congratulates Outstanding Local Students

    Nov 15, 2017

    At the November 8th Trojan Rally, Whitehall Schools' Superintendent John Sullivan dons the cape of "iStation Man" to help celebrate the success of the K-5 Whitehall Trojans. iStation is a new tool in the school district's arsenal of instructional materials, and so far teachers are saying great things about the reading program. iStation is an evidence-based, adaptive reading program designed for students in grades K-8, and the district decided on a full district license for all students K-8....

  • Stageline Hosting Thanksgiving Dinner

    Jack H. Smith, Ledger Publisher|Nov 15, 2017

    Those who are alone or unable to make a dinner on Thanksgiving Day will have a place to enjoy the holiday with a warm meal and a good company. The Whitehall Stageline Pizza is hosting a free of cost dinner Thanksgiving Day from 1 to 4 p.m. at the restaurant located at 605 W. Legion. "We've had a great six months since opening and this is a great way to give back to the community and help those in need. Helping other people is what it is all about," owner Tina Bates said. Tina and her husband Ken...

  • Theater, WHS hosting events

    Jack H. Smith, Ledger Publisher|Nov 8, 2017

    After a successful inaugural “Toys for Tots” charity event in 2016, Star Theater Manager Colton Anderson has high hopes for 2017. The 2017 event will be a combined effort between the theater and Whitehall High School. From Friday, November 17 to Saturday, November 19, the theater will be playing the film “Walking Out”. Anderson said if residents bring in a sealed toy they will get free admission (one per toy), there will be silent auction items, and all those proceeds will go towards Toys for Tots. Anderson said the theater is getting the fil...

  • WHY Whitehall?

    Staff Report|Nov 8, 2017

    How did you end up in Whitehall? My wife Betty, and I were living in Butte where I worked for Montana Power. We were looking for a bit more elbow room and a climate where the growing season was long enough for a corn harvest. I had fond memories of Whitehall and pre-game meals at the Borden Hotel when we used to travel from Livingston for football and basketball games with Butte Central. We were lucky to find a piece of property just north of town to build on, and we've been here since. How long...

  • Kountz Cattle Drive: A family tradition

    McKenzi Kountz, Guest Writer|Nov 8, 2017

    Recently my family moved over 600 head of cattle on their fall cattle drive. We go from Elk Park to Pipestone, MT. It is a long ways. There are more than 60 miles in the entire cattle drive. We ride almost ten miles a day. Ten to fifteen horseback riders make the drive go good. We stay in horse trailers and campers. Nearly 80 years ago my great grandfather, Louis Kountz, started the cattle drive. My Grampa John has done it all of his life, and I have gone on the cattle drive all ten years of my...

  • LaHood Park hosting special event

    Jack H. Smith, Ledger Publisher|Nov 1, 2017

    "It's all good at LaHood" has become a common expression heard throughout the Lower Jefferson Valley. Over the past several decades, the LaHood Park Steakhouse has not only become synonymous with quality dining for local residents, it has also garnered a reputation as one of the best meals in Montana. On Saturday, November 11, LaHood Park is thanking their customers for 25 years of support at a Customer Appreciation Party. The event will begin at 7 p.m. and feature music by Sam Platts and the...

  • Legends giving back to community

    Jack H. Smith, Ledger Publisher|Nov 1, 2017

    Starting November 1, Legends Bar and Grill in Whitehall will be giving back to the local community. The business located at 13 W. Legion will be implementing a community outreach program with the first recipient being the Whitehall Volunteer Fire Department. The organization will receive 10 percent of all pizza sales at the restaurant from November 1 to 30. "Honestly, I believe God put this idea in my mind," Legends owner Tammy Baxter said. "It just popped in my mind while driving back from...

  • Franich art exhibit opens

    Staff Report|Nov 1, 2017

    The historic Boulder Hot Springs has invited local resident Michele Franich to exhibit her art from November 1, 2017 to mid-January next year. An open house reception will take place November 12 from Noon to 2 p.m. in the dining hall. Franich was first inspired to paint during a brief trip to Mexico after witnessing a street artist create beautiful and complex art, using only spray paint, match book covers and plastic bags. Tough she had no formal training; Michele's art journey began in late...

  • WHY Whitehall?

    Jack H. Smith, Ledger Publisher|Nov 1, 2017

    How did you end up in Whitehall? Whitehall has been a second home to me my entire life. My Mom (Jean Kountz Stearns) was raised here and our Harlowton family visited relatives here every Christmas & summer. I worked for my grandfather (Joe) & my aunt & uncle (Bernadette & Bill Connor) on their ranches for 7 summers, from 1962 thru 1968. How long have you lived here? I'm going on 12 years living in Whitehall. I moved here from Helena in December of 2005 to help my aunt Bern. In the summer of...

  • Whitehall PTSA hosts Fall Carnival

    Nov 1, 2017

    Top l fifth grader Hope Moriarty takes part in a fishing game at the carnival. She was dressed up for "Nerd Day", which was part of Red Ribbon Week at the School. Below, Abby Petterson is blindfolded prior to a game by fourth grade teacher Donna Loomis. Sawyer Osborne focuses on his game at last week's event. Ledger photos by Melissa Jenkins...

  • Between the Stacks

    Jeannie Ferriss, Whitehall Community Library|Nov 1, 2017

    What a glorious fall we are having in Whitehall! It is great time to get out and attend some amazing programs the Library is having in honor of our veterans. On October 8th at 6:30 p.m., Arlene Weber will be discussing life in Whitehall during the First World War. She will be bringing artifacts and information to share from the museum about people, lifestyles, military life, and other fascinating stories about an era Whitehall will never forget. I also want to get a special thanks to the Friends of the Library for providing treats for all of...

  • Liberty Place launches GoFundMe fundraiser

    Gena Nellis, Contributing Writer & Associate Director at Liberty Place|Oct 25, 2017

    At Liberty Place, our mission is to encourage individuals with brain injuries to reach their highest level of independence and to enhance the quality of their lives by giving them the “Freedom to Try”. Our facilities currently have carpet in the resident’s rooms. Carpet and wheelchairs/walkers just don’t mix. The carpet has buckled and stretched, and thus caused movement by the residents without assistance difficult. One of our strongest beliefs is in giving only as much assistance as is needed for the person to accomplish tasks which will le...


    Arcylle Shaw, Contributing Writer|Oct 25, 2017

    If I had a permit, and a gun, and knew how to use it, I could have a bear rug in my bedroom. Two nights in a row, Mr. Bear paid me a visit and was very helpful the second night by pruning one of my apple trees. I had trouble with a bear and some others had issues with elk. Rachel Dawson demolished her car on her early morning drive to Bozeman to work. It Highway 69 where she tangled with the elk. She was not seriously hurt at all!! Al Johnson, on his way to pick up school students, had an encounter with an elk near the Sunlight Mine area, The...

  • Between the Stacks

    Jeannie Ferriss, Whitehall Community Library|Oct 25, 2017

    The History Book Club will be meeting October 30 at 6:30 p.m. to discuss “The Monument’s Men”. Next month they will be discussing the Library of America’s World War I reader. If you would like to join the November discussion, please let the staff know so there are enough copies of the stories for everyone. November will be a recognition of our veterans through a number of different programs. Special programming will include: Nov. 1 6:30 Bill Carhuff Whitehall Veteran Stories” Nov. 8 6:30 Arlene Weber “WWI in Whitehall” Nov. 15 6:30 Veterans...

  • Stover receives high honor

    Oct 18, 2017

    Roger G. Stover of Whitehall (middle) was presented with a certificate of 50 years of continuous membership to the local American Legion Post 24. He was presented the certificate by Post Adjutant Tom Harrington and Post Officer David Hanley....

  • JVCF awards $18,794

    Jack H. Smith, Ledger Publisher|Oct 18, 2017

    The Jefferson County Community Foundation awarded nine grants to local non-profits for a total of $18,794 at a special ceremony last Thursday night at the Borden's Building. JVCF Co-Chair Millie Baycroft said this is the most money they have awarded in 16 years, and the endowment fund has grown to just under $235,000. Baycroft said all the money donated to the JVCF not only goes back to the community, it says in the community as the fund grows. Love Inc. received an $850 grant they will be using...

  • Rotary Harvest Dance set for October 29

    Staff Report|Oct 18, 2017

    The Whitehall Rotary Club will host their annual Harvest Dance on Sunday, October 29 at the Whitehall Community Center. The door will open at 4:20 p.m., music will begin at 4:30 p.m. and last until 7:30 p.m. Admission is $10 per person and a family of four or more (two adults and children under 18) is $35. This includes a meal that will be served from 5:00 to 6:30 p.m. The meal includes a bratwurst (also, a limited selection of all beef, chicken or vegetarian options will be offered), potato...

  • Whitehall Fourth graders visit archeological dig site

    Contributed Story|Oct 18, 2017

    Whitehall Elementary fourth grade classes recently got to take part in a very interesting learning opportunity. We were contacted by Crystal Alegria of Project Archeology and the Montana Site Stewardship Program, about an opportunity to tour an archeological dig site being conducted by the Montana Department of Transportation. This was a great opportunity to involve the students in place based science and connect them to science in their own back yard. Ms. Alegria came to the school and gave...

  • WHY Whitehall?

    Oct 18, 2017

    WHY Whitehall? Dina and I love the small community and it's a great place to raise our children, we are especially grateful to serve in an outstanding church. Also, location and climate are well balanced. Some say this valley is a "banana belt", well no bananas are grown here but weather is all round good. How did you end up in Whitehall? I was born and raised in Anaconda, my folks came here in the late 80's. After serving in ministry in Baker and Libby both ends of the state we landed here....

  • Sullivan discusses planned giving

    Jack H. Smith, Ledger Publisher|Oct 18, 2017

    Amy Sullivan, Director of the Office of Gift Planning at the Montana Community Foundation, made several stops in the Whitehall area last Thursday to discuss not only the importance of building permanent wealth in communities throughout the state, but also the importance of planned gifts through a will or estate. Sullivan first visited the Whitehall Senior Center where she discussed wills. Sullivan said that currently only three out of 10 Montana residents have a will, and without one there is no...

  • Between the Stacks

    Jeannie Ferriss, Whitehall Community Library|Oct 18, 2017

    The Jefferson Valley Community Foundation has once again selected the Whitehall Community Library to receive a $2,500 grant, this time for new public computers. The Friends of the Library won the Mystery Grant drawing, adding $1,000 to the computer fund. They have also pledged $1,900 for new computers and software! I want to thank the Board of the Jefferson Valley Community Foundation for their continued support of the Library’s technology outreach program, as well as so many others in their organization who work tirelessly to fundraise for n...


    Arcylle Shaw, Contributing Writer|Oct 18, 2017

    God’s paint brush has been at work changing the trees and bushes into such gorgeous colors. They won’t last long with the wind stripping the leaves. (It would be handy if the same wind would blow those leaves out of the yard.) Indian Summer is wonderful! God promised in Genesis 8:22 that the seasons would continue as long as the earth remains. God keeps His promises. We live in a transient society. Sometimes people move into a community and out of it without ever meeting others. However, that will not be true of the Nieskens family.. They pur...

  • Whitehall is 'Montana Proud'

    Jack H. Smith, Ledger Publisher|Oct 11, 2017

    With the theme of Montana Proud, it was an action packed Homecoming Week in Whitehall. The Homecoming Royalty was announced during halftime of the Whitehall High School football team's 29-14 win over rival Jefferson County High School, with senior Wyatt Alexander being named King and Cami Learn being named the queen. The prince was Colby Smith and the princess was Madison Loomis. Mike Wilkinson and Meagan Johnson were named the King and Queen's attendants. The freshman royalty was Mason...

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