Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana


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  • Top selling wreath holds special significance

    Jack H. Smith, Ledger Publisher|Dec 27, 2017

    For nearly two decades, the Whitehall Saddle Club Wreath Auction has shown the true giving nature of the local community with money raised going to the local food pantry and area nonprofit organizations. This was once again the case in 2017 at the event that takes place at the Whitehall Christmas Stroll. The highest selling wreath at the auction was also of extreme importance to buyer Francine Giono-Janik. The $320 made from the wreath made by local resident Susan Mercer will be donated to the...

  • Students entertain crowd at Madrigal Dinner

    Staff Report|Dec 27, 2017

    There was plenty of fun last week with two Madrigal Dinners at Whitehall High School. The biennial performance is used to raise money for choir and band students. The 2017 event included songs, dancing, food, band performances and a scene from Shakespeare....

  • Thrivnet volunteers make donation

    Jack H. Smith, Ledger Publisher|Dec 27, 2017

    The caring spirit of the local community showed last week at the Whitehall Area Food Pantry. Last Monday, volunteers from the Trivent Action Team made a donation to the pantry. Volunteer Edie French said they were able to donate $250 that was used to help with Christmas Food Boxes. Thrivnet Financial is a faith-based company known for many donations and volunteer time to communities throughout the United States. Other volunteers who were on hand for the donation were Dick French, Nancy Wheeler,...

  • Prevention calendars available for purchase

    Jack H. Smith, Ledger Publisher|Dec 20, 2017

    Fourth and fifth graders in the Whitehall 21st Century Learning Center Program recently contributed artwork for a 2018 Tobacco, Drug and Alcohol Prevention Calendar. The calendar is currently available for purchase for $5 at the elementary school, Whitehall Ledger office, or from participating students. The calendar was a joint effort of the Jefferson County Tobacco Use Prevention Program, The Jefferson County Drug and Alcohol Prevention Program, the Jefferson County DUI Task Force and the local...

  • Christmas in the West a huge hit in Whitehall

    Dec 20, 2017

    K-8 students wowed the audience with an amazing winter concert last week. With a theme of "Christmas in the West", school officials estimated around 400 in attendance at the yearly show....

  • Stations playing Christmas Music

    Jack H. Smith, Ledger Publisher|Dec 20, 2017

    Area residents will have to ample opportunity to get into the Christmas Spirit through both local radio and television stations. According to Lee Good of TeleSystem Services, 106.1 and 106.5 FM are both currently playing Christmas Music 24 hours a day. Jefferson County Events Coordinator Bruce Binkowski said the music is part of an ongoing promotion for the stations. He said along with enjoying music and utilizing the stations for emergency notices, they can also be used to hear sporting events and news. Good said they also decided to put...

  • Whitehall Christmas Stroll brings the fun

    Dec 13, 2017

    The 2017 Whitehall Christmas Stroll was a hit for all ages with a variety of activities. The popular annual event included a Christmas market with vendors, a visit from Santa, the Saddle Club Wreath Auction, a quilt show, kids activities, a chili feed, hay rides, caroling and the ceremonial tree lighting....

  • Veterans thank schools

    Jack H. Smith, Ledger Publisher|Dec 13, 2017

    In November, schools in Cardwell and Whitehall once again stepped up to the plate for the community with the annual Veteran's Day Program. Local Veterans thanked the schools for their programs last week with special plaques. United States Army and Coast Guard Veteran Garry Morris said the programs are not only important for those who have served or currently in the service, but also for the students. Morris presented Whitehall Superintendent John Sullivan, Principals Hannah Nieskens and Britt...

  • Chamber recognizes members

    Jack H. Smith, Ledger Publisher|Dec 13, 2017

    At their annual meeting last week, the Whitehall Chamber recognized one business and two individuals for their outstanding service and commitment to the local community. The Chamber Business of the Year was awarded to K4 Electric. The award is given to the member that has demonstrated exceptional growth in sales or volume, created new jobs, or has contributed positively to the Whitehall community. Chamber Treasurer Jill Dove said the business was a huge help when they needed to get power hooked...

  • Christmas Stroll Saturday in Whitehall

    Jack H. Smith, Ledger Publisher|Dec 6, 2017

    It's once again time for the Whitehall Christmas Stroll. The annual event will take place Saturday, December 9 with a variety of events downtown. The day will kickoff at 9 a.m. with the Jefferson Valley Fine Arts Show at the Borden's Building. The 2017 show will be honoring a longtime contributor to local arts, the late RaeCille Dawson. A huge wreath in honor of Dawson will also be for sale. Event organizer Michele Franich said Dawson was an art teacher at the schools in Boulder for over 30 year...

  • KneeJürk! ready to rock local crowd

    Jack H. Smith, Ledger Publisher|Dec 6, 2017

    The Hot Buttered Holidays Stroll Tour is making its way to Whitehall with a December 9 performance by the band "KneeJürk!". The two-piece band featuring Jock Holmes of Cardwell and Russ Nelson of Butte is scheduled to play from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. at Legends Bar and Grill located at 13 West Legion in downtown Whitehall. This will be the second holiday tour for the band, who in 2016 decided to start playing at stroll like events throughout Southwest Montana. Holmes said one of the best things...

  • Fundraiser a huge success

    Jack H. Smith, Ledger Publisher|Nov 29, 2017

    A Toys for Tots fundraiser conducted by the Star Theater and Whitehall High School drama students was a huge success. The fundraiser that included four screenings of the film "Walking Out", and two high school performances of "Over the River and Through the Woods" raised a total of $1,400. After raising $600 in 2016, theater manager Colton Anderson had hoped for $1,000 this year, and was very pleased with the response from the community. "I was surprised and humbled by not only the amount of...

  • Madrigal Dinner returns next month

    Jack H. Smith, Ledger Publisher|Nov 29, 2017

    The biennial Whitehall High School Madrigal Dinner will return in 2017 with a fun night for both students and local residents. The event will take place December 18 and 20 at 6:30 p.m. in the Whitehall High School Multi Purpose Room. The admission is $17 per ticket, and they can be purchased from any high school music student or at the Whitehall High school office. A combined effort of the band and choir classes, the money raised in 2017 will go towards new garment bags for the band and choir...

  • Memories of Cardwell

    Nov 29, 2017

    (re-written from original article by Roy Millegan) The lower end of the North Boulder valley was a long way from stores back in the 1860s and 70s. Settlers had to travel long distances, sometimes to Pony or Boulder, and ford one of several rivers which included the Jefferson and the Boulder. By 1872, mail service was available at either Cold Springs or Jefferson Island. When the Northern Pacific Railroad arrived in 1890, a depot and telegraph office were opened at what was then called Jefferson...

  • Chamber lights contest returns

    Jack H. Smith, Ledger Publisher|Nov 22, 2017

    The Whitehall Chamber is inviting local residents to participate in their second annual Christmas Lights Contest. Chamber officials have stated the event is a way of encouraging the entire Whitehall community to decorate and beautify their homes during the winter holiday season. Chamber Treasurer Jill Dove said the inaugural event went well in 2016, and is excited to see what last year’s first prize winners Bill and Catherine Navarro do for 2017. “The first year for any sort of event is always the toughest. I know there are several other fes...

  • Stageline hosting Thanksgiving dinner

    Jack H. Smith, Ledger Publisher|Nov 22, 2017

    Those who are alone or unable to make a dinner on Thanksgiving Day will have a place to enjoy the holiday with a warm meal and a good company. The Whitehall Stageline Pizza is hosting a free of cost dinner Thanksgiving Day from 1 to 4 p.m. at the restaurant located at 605 W. Legion. "We've had a great six months since opening and this is a great way to give back to the community and help those in need. Helping other people is what it is all about," owner Tina Bates said. Tina and her husband Ken...

  • WHY Whitehall?

    Nov 22, 2017

    The local resident to answer questions for this week's "WHY WHITEHALL" is Katherine Smith. She is currently working for Jefferson County and with Montana State University Extension as the Madison-Jefferson County Ag and 4-H Program Assistant. How did you end up in Whitehall? By the grace of God. I was pretty much destined to be here as both sides of my family (Careys and Smiths) have been farming, ranching and living in the area for many years. How long have you lived here? It's hard to...

  • High school play next week

    Jack H. Smith, Ledger Publisher|Nov 15, 2017

    The annual Whitehall High School fall play will have a very different venue in 2017. The performance of "Over the River and Through the Woods" will take place Monday, November 20 and Tuesday, November 21 at the Star Theater in downtown Whitehall. "Performing in the theater is a fantastic opportunity for these kids. It is a great space and such a learning experience for the students to work on a minimal set and minimal lighting," theater director Cheri Shaw said. "The closeness of the audience...

  • Harvest Dinner Friday, November 17

    Jack H. Smith, Ledger Publisher|Nov 15, 2017

    The LDS Church Harvest Dinner is scheduled for Friday, November 17. The popular annual event will take place from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. at the church located at Mormon Lane and Yellowstone in Whitehall. The meal is a Thanksgiving Dinner with all the trimmings, including a variety of desserts. In researching the history of event, volunteer Donna Loomis said the Harvest Dinner dates back to about 1978. "It is truly wonderful to see members of our community visiting, laughing and sharing a Thanksg...

  • Students honor Veterans

    Jack H. Smith, Ledger Publisher|Nov 15, 2017

    Local students did an amazing job last week hosting Veteran's Day programs in both Whitehall and Cardwell. The Whitehall program began with an introduction from U.S. Army Sgt. First Class Jeremy Bright, who discussed Veteran's Day and giving tribute to those who served before as well as honoring those who gave the Ultimate Sacrifice. WHS Student Council President Ryan Murphy then gave those in attendance a history of the Tribute or Buddy Poppy, stating it honors the dead by honoring the living....

  • Chamber recognizing members

    Casey Chase, Whitehall Chamber|Nov 15, 2017

    The Whitehall Chamber would like to congratulate its members for reaching anniversary years of membership. Members reach the Entrepreneur designation when they have been members of the Chamber for five years. Five members reached the first anniversary tier in 2017, Entrepreneur’s include 4 Paws Rescue, Chrysalis Counseling Service, Garden Gift Shop, Legion Station, and Two Bit Saloon. Ten members are now considered Principal Members as we celebrate their tenth year of membership. These businesses include Whitehall A&W/KFC, Jefferson Fresh F...

  • Gingerbread House contest added to stroll

    Jack H. Smith, Ledger Publisher|Nov 15, 2017

    A new event the 2017 Whitehall Christmas Stroll should be a crowd pleaser for the entire family. A Gingerbread House Contest is scheduled to take place at the event scheduled for December 9. The contest will include an adult division (17 and up), child division (ages 8 to 16), and a family division (group of 3 to 7, 1 adults and 1 child minimum). "We came up with it about two months ago. I started looking at what other towns do during Christmas and found Gingerbread House contests," Chamber...

  • iStation Man Congratulates Outstanding Local Students

    Nov 15, 2017

    At the November 8th Trojan Rally, Whitehall Schools' Superintendent John Sullivan dons the cape of "iStation Man" to help celebrate the success of the K-5 Whitehall Trojans. iStation is a new tool in the school district's arsenal of instructional materials, and so far teachers are saying great things about the reading program. iStation is an evidence-based, adaptive reading program designed for students in grades K-8, and the district decided on a full district license for all students K-8....

  • Stageline Hosting Thanksgiving Dinner

    Jack H. Smith, Ledger Publisher|Nov 15, 2017

    Those who are alone or unable to make a dinner on Thanksgiving Day will have a place to enjoy the holiday with a warm meal and a good company. The Whitehall Stageline Pizza is hosting a free of cost dinner Thanksgiving Day from 1 to 4 p.m. at the restaurant located at 605 W. Legion. "We've had a great six months since opening and this is a great way to give back to the community and help those in need. Helping other people is what it is all about," owner Tina Bates said. Tina and her husband Ken...

  • Theater, WHS hosting events

    Jack H. Smith, Ledger Publisher|Nov 8, 2017

    After a successful inaugural “Toys for Tots” charity event in 2016, Star Theater Manager Colton Anderson has high hopes for 2017. The 2017 event will be a combined effort between the theater and Whitehall High School. From Friday, November 17 to Saturday, November 19, the theater will be playing the film “Walking Out”. Anderson said if residents bring in a sealed toy they will get free admission (one per toy), there will be silent auction items, and all those proceeds will go towards Toys for Tots. Anderson said the theater is getting the fil...

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