Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana


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  • Hunt selected Grand Marshal

    Jack H. Smith, Ledger Publisher|Jul 25, 2018

    Anyone lucky enough to have met Ronald Hunt will know just how deserving he is of being selected as the 2018 Whitehall Frontier Days Grand Marshal. For decades, Hunt has volunteered numerous hours to help those in need and for the betterment of his community --- making him a quintessential choice for the events highest honor. Born in Dillon, Hunt spent the first 62 years of his life in Waterloo. In 1954 he would graduate from Whitehall High School and in 1957 would marry his wife Sandra. While i...

  • Two new events Friday

    Jack H. Smith, Ledger Publisher|Jul 25, 2018

    Two new Frontier Days events could provide a huge boost to Friday attendance. The Montana Shakespeare in the Parks performance of Love's Labour's Lost is scheduled for Friday, July 28 at 6 p.m. in Legion Park. After traditionally hosting the play near Labor Day, Whitehall Chamber members decided to change things up and tie in the event to Frontier Days. "I think that the park will provide more visibility to Shakespeare in the Park so we will get the people noticing the play and stopping to...

  • Belladonna Beaver the Dugout Canoe

    Jul 25, 2018

    It took nearly three months of sawing, chopping, planing, grinding, and sanding to turn a 10,000-pound Douglas fir log into a 500-pound dugout canoe. Tom Elpel of Pony long dreamed of making a dugout canoe, much like those used by Lewis and Clark. The dream came alive this spring with the expert guidance of Churchill Clark, the great-great-great-great grandson of Captain William Clark. Clark and Elpel carved the canoe at River Camp near Cardwell, the field camp for Elpel's Outdoor Wilderness...

  • Cougar finds a home

    Jack H. Smith, Ledger Publisher|Jul 18, 2018

    In a little over a month, students from past and present will come together for the Cardwell School 100th Anniversary Celebration. Among the former students is Buzz Cowdrey of Bozeman who started school in late 1940's. Cowdrey fondly remembers around 1952 when he and some classmates decided to come up with the idea of having a "Cougar" as the school's mascot. Years later a statue at Montana State University would give Cowdrey the idea of putting a permanent "Cougar" in Cardwell. Buzz said when...

  • Fiber Festival next week

    Jul 11, 2018

    The Copper K Fiber Festival, held now for a second year at the Copper K Barn in Whitehall is working on bringing public awareness to not only the fiber arts as an art form or handicraft, but reacquainting the professional and amateur artists, fiber animal enthusiasts and the ranchers in which it all starts from. "Fiber arts.... Getting back to its roots" is the mission of this festival. This year's event is scheduled for Saturday, July 21 and Sunday, July 22. The saying: eat local to support...

  • Above, Kyle Huss has some fun Monday at the Whitehall Community Pool. Below, Charlotte Huss gets ready to swim.

    Jack H. Smith, Ledger Publisher|Jul 5, 2018

    A fundraiser that will last until Frontier Days will help raise money for the Whitehall Community Pool. Pool officials are raffling a new Toro 22" Recycler Lawn Mower. Manager Allissa Christensen said the money raised will help with the upkeep of the pool. Tickets are one for $5 and five for $20 and can be purchased at the pool concession stand "snack shack" or at Frontier Days. "I think what a lot of people don't understand about the pool is that it is not a money maker. Pool Pals and Town Hall donate a lot of time and money to keep it going...

  • Rotary making changes to annual dinner

    Jack H. Smith, Ledger Publisher|Jul 5, 2018

    The Whitehall Rotary Club is making some changes to their annual community dinner. This year's brunch/dinner has been scheduled for July 29 from 11 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Rotarian Ed Handl said they are hoping to capitalize on some of the Frontier Days celebrations for a bigger crowd. Formerly known as the "International Dinner", the theme of the event has been changed to the "Whitehall Rotary American Food Heritage Dinner" "We changed the name to reflect that we are welcoming all foods which define...

  • Postmaster Resignation from 1890

    Jul 5, 2018

    "Major" E. G. Brooke is a well-known member of our Whitehall historical figures group. He came to the Jefferson Valley in the late 1860's, ran a stage stop on what is now the Whitetail road, was a member of two territorial and one state legislature, took care of his cattle and his family and still had time to be the Whitehall Postmaster. But, like many people today, there came a time to give up something and he chose his job as postmaster. The following is taken from the July 5, 1890 edition of...

  • Tom and Helen Carey celebrate 60th anniversary

    Jul 5, 2018

    Tom and Helen Carey celebrated 60 years of marriage last week with a huge gathering at the ranch. Their kids, all eight of them and their spouses, organized a 'surprise' party for them. All those years ago, Helen said that her Mom made her dress and her grandparents had a greenhouse in which they held peonies - white and pink - so they would be just right for the wedding, in Williston, North Dakota. Bouquets of peonies have become an annual blessing at the Carey home. Grandsons, Steven Carey...

  • For Your Information

    Arcylle Shaw, Contributing Writer|Jul 5, 2018

    Visitors at the Jefferson Valley Museum are greeted with tubs of flowers from Wagner's Nursery. It looked like 'effort' to get them unloaded and situated for all to enjoy. The Museum is a grateful recipient of Wagner's generosity. Last week Nancy Norville visited with Julian and Sue Norville, as well as Mike. Nancy has been living in Utah while taking treatments for a medical problem. Home is really Alaska for Nancy and her husband Wes. When you drive by the Munson residence on Hwy 359, you can see a Doctor's Carriage completely restored and...

  • Youth Dynamics seeks local homes

    Jack H. Smith, Ledger Publisher|Jun 27, 2018

    With a steady rise in the number of Montana youth in foster care, the need for foster homes has grown exponentially. Youth Dynamics, a Montana based non-profit children's agency, is hoping to find more foster homes in the Whitehall area. Lily Hawks, Family Development and Community Coordinator for Youth Dynamics, said the growth of the number of kids in foster care during the past five years is due to an increase in parental use of opiates and methamphetamines. With nearly 4,000 kids in Montana...

  • 3 Finish "Hot Hamburger" Challenge

    Staff Report|Jun 27, 2018

    The K Bar and Grill hosted a special a special "Hot Hamburger" Challenge last week. A total of eight local residents tried their best to take down the hamburger that featured "Carolina Reaper" Peppers. Josh Williams, Braden Larsen, and Burton Schilling were all able to complete the challenge of finishing the entire hamburger. Pictured below is Schilling who was the first to finish the challenge....

  • Shelter added at fishing pond

    Jack H. Smith, Ledger Publisher|Jun 20, 2018

    A new addition will be quite the asset to the Piedmont Family Fishing Pond. Last week an all-concrete picnic shelter was delivered and set up at the site two miles from downtown Whitehall. According to Joe Dillon and Grant Godbolt of the Jefferson Valley Sportsmen Association, they used money from a Community Pond Grant (from Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks), and a donation from the family of Bill Gooch to help pay for the project. Dillon said the cost for the shelter was $12,792 and this does...

  • Between the Stacks

    Jeannie Ferriss, Whitehall Community Library|Jun 20, 2018

    This week we enjoyed dancing and tumbling with the Christensen School of Dance on Wednesday. Allissa and her crew brought mats and let everyone tryout different types of tumbling. There was also a dance demonstration for everyone! The puppets are coming! The puppets are coming! Markie Scholz and her dragon puppets will be here for their annual show on June 27th at 10:30 a.m. for our weekly Summer Reading Program. If you haven't signed up for summer reading it is not too late, as registration...

  • Big turnout at fundraiser

    Jack H. Smith, Ledger Publisher|Jun 13, 2018

    A power outage Saturday evening did not prevent the local community from coming together in unison at the Erik Todd Benefit at the Whitehall Community Center. Cara Sacry who helped with the event said the turnout was great at the fundraiser for Todd who suffered a serious head injury in a March 4 snowboarding accident. "Sure, the power outage was an inconvenience, but it didn't damper our spirit. We, meaning the attendees, donors, and organizers had one goal and that was to help a local family...

  • Erik Todd fundraiser Saturday

    Jack H. Smith, Ledger Publisher|Jun 6, 2018

    It will be a great time for a great cause this Saturday at the Whitehall Community Center with the Erik Todd Benefit fundraiser scheduled to begin at 4:30 p.m. The event will raise money for the former longtime Cardwell resident who suffered a serious head injury during a March snowboarding accident. The son of Lynette Green and John Todd, he was raised in Cardwell and a 2017 graduate of Butte High School. He was attending Southern Utah University at the time of the accident. Among the event org...

  • 8th graders promoted to Whitehall High School

    Jack H. Smith, Ledger Publisher|Jun 6, 2018

    As the Whitehall High School Class of the 2018 ventures out into the world, a new class in ready to start their journey. The Class of 2022 took their first steps to earning their diplomas at last week's Eighth Grade Promotion. Principal Hannah Nieskens said after nine years of school, the kids have only four years remaining. Class President Adam Williams also addressed the crowd and told the audience and classmates he was honored to speak and discussed the pros and cons of middle school. He...

  • Whitehall Farmer's Market expanding

    Jun 6, 2018

    The directors of the Whitehall Farmers' Market are pleased to announce they will be expanding this year to include an Open Air Street Market, open to all home based businesses, community fundraising groups, and those with vintage or repurposed goods to sell. In addition, regular demonstrations, events, and children's activities are being planned throughout the season. It has also been proposed that downtown businesses hold regular "Saturday Sidewalk Sales" in conjunction with the Market as a...

  • Students place U.S. Flags

    Jack H. Smith, Ledger Publisher|May 30, 2018

    The Friday before Memorial Day, the fourth grade class of Donna Loomis made their way to the Whitehall Cemetery to place United States Flags at the graves of Veterans. Loomis, who also serves as a Colonel in the Montana Air National Guard, said the project was part of a civics lesson where the students learned about the origins of Memorial Day. She also wanted the students to know it was much more than a three-day weekend. Loomis also used the project as a way for students to learn to give back...

  • Local photographer Shank hosting open house June 2

    Jack H. Smith, Ledger Publisher|May 30, 2018

    In the mid 1990's, Whitehall resident Charles Shank fell in love with photography. This Saturday, June 2, he will share his passion with the local community with a photography open house scheduled from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Coachman Courts located at 406 E. Legion. The event will take place in the upstairs Community Room, and will feature numerous canvas prints, several 8x10 photos, and a handful of 5x7 postcards. The event is free and open to the public. Shank said he is excited about the...

  • Honoring the "Ultimate Sacrifice"

    Jack H. Smith, Ledger Publisher|May 30, 2018

    Each Memorial Day, Whitehall American Legion Post #24 and the Ralph Sullender Veterans of Foreign Wars host a special ceremony to honor those who made the Ultimate Sacrifice. Local Veteran Tom Harrington told a nice sized crowd gathered at the Whitehall Ceremony that many people don't understand the true meaning of Memorial Day, and instead think it is a time for sales, barbecues, or three-day weekends. He said it is instead about honoring those who gave the Ultimate Sacrifice. A special...

  • Rotary hosts Bike Safety Class

    May 30, 2018

    The Rotary Club of Whitehall held its third Bike Safety Class for the third grade children in Whitehall on May 22. Thanks to a generous grant of $212.50 from the Pipestone Quarry that was awarded in 2017, they were able to pay the Bike Walk Montana their fee; the Whitehall Rotary Club purchased the 26 bicycle helmets that were given to the 26 kids who participated in this class. Participating Rotarians were Ed Handl, Hank King, Karen Burtch, and Millie Baycroft; Melinda Barnes of Bike Walk...

  • Cardwell 100th Anniversary: A big party for the entire community

    Jack H. Smith, Ledger Publisher|May 23, 2018

    With the Cardwell School 100th Anniversary Celebration a little over two months away, event organizers want to spread the word that the August 4 event will be a big party for the whole community. Arcylle Shaw said no one is excluded from the event, and encouraged those near and far to make plans to celebrate the anniversary. Registration information can be found by searching on Facebook for "Cardwell School 100th Anniversary Celebration" and letters will also be sent out. Shaw said if residents...

  • Ostler receives scholarship

    STAFF REPORT|May 23, 2018

    11 Whitehall High School senior Kyeli Ostler was recently awarded the Whitehall American Legion Post #4603 Dennis Smith Memorial Scholarship. Post member Roger Steerman informed Ostler with the news of the scholarship last Wednesday. Ostler will receive $1,000 after she completes her first semester of college. She will be attending school at Montana Tech and will study radiology. The students who applied for the scholarship had to answer: 1. What is a Veteran? 2. Why do people serve in the...

  • "Lights On" an inspiring production of Liberty Place

    Catherine Ellerton, Contributing Writer|May 23, 2018

    "To encourage individuals with brain injuries to reach their highest level of independence and to enhance the quality of their lives by giving them the 'Freedom To Try!' is the Mission Statement of Liberty Place, Inc. Their Arts Program with David Parker (MT-BC) at the helm of the Liberty Arts Ensembles and Barbara Lien as the volunteer art instructor with full support and encouragement of Executive Director Ann Geiger is helping to realize that lofty goal. Geiger explained that there are three...

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