Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana


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  • Garden Club has special guest

    Apr 18, 2018

    Todd Breitenfeldt gave an excellent and informative lecture to the Whitehall Garden Club about the biological control (bugs/insects) of weeds. Todd told the Garden Club that noxious weeds are the cause of environmental damage and without biological controls the result is the devastation of noxious weeds taking over, as we have seen with leafy spurge and knapweed. Todd with the use of a power point presentation showed examples of the European model where host specific insects for a noxious weed...

  • Flags fly for Arbor Day

    Jack H. Smith, Ledger Publisher|Apr 11, 2018

    Legion Avenue in Whitehall has a new look with the addition of several flags to celebrate Arbor Day. Mayor Mary Janacaro-Hensleigh said the town has been gearing up for Arbor Day scheduled for April 27, and she recently came across Tree City USA flags. Several of the flags celebrate Whitehall's 25 years as a Tree City USA. Janacaro-Hensleigh would like to have the flags out until Memorial Day when the United States Flag will replace them. TREE CITY USA According to the Arbor Day Foundation, the...

  • Whitehall headed to district music festival

    Jack H. Smith, Ledger Publisher|Apr 11, 2018

    Whitehall High School Choir and Band Members will be competing April 13 and 14 at the District Music Festival in Anaconda. Musical Director Janet Heilig usually begins preparing students for the festival at the end of January, the beginning of the second semester. "However, I begin my preparation in October by choosing music for the larger groups when I am at convention. I also begin a list of solo possibilities for specific students," she said. While music students are required to participate...

  • Museum annual meeting Thursday

    Jack H. Smith, Ledger Publisher|Apr 4, 2018

    A Thursday night program in Whitehall will give local residents a chance to hear about some of the great things going on at the Jefferson Valley Museum. The annual meeting of the museum is scheduled for April 5 at 7 p.m. at the Methodist Church Fellowship Hall located at 102 Brooke St. According to board member Arcylle Shaw, the meeting is a time to see what the museum has accomplished recently, as well as what is planned for the future. She said along with a review of the year, two directors will be elected, and Joe Sologub of Elk Park will...

  • Dugout Canoe Carving on the Jefferson River

    Apr 4, 2018

    In 1805 the Lewis and Clark Expedition paddled, poled, and cordelled eight dugout canoes up the Jefferson River. Today, Churchill Clark, the great-great-great-great grandson of Captain William Clark has returned to the Jefferson to carve a new dugout canoe with Tom Elpel at River Camp, near Cardwell. The public is invited to stop by to see the project or to swing the adze and chip away at the canoe. As a child, Clark heard about his connection to the famous explorer, but didn't know the...

  • Brunet, Lanes aiming to become Mining City Star

    Jack H. Smith, Ledger Publisher|Mar 28, 2018

    Two local residents will be vying for the title of Mining City Star during the final round of competition April 7 at Fairmont Hot Springs. 11th Grade Whitehall student Dawson Lanes will be competing in the 13 to 17-year old division, while college student and 2016 WHS graduate Samara Brunet will be aiming for the title in the 18 and up category. A total of $4,000 in prizes are up for grabs at this year's event. The musical competition was founded in 2010 by Natasha Richter and Patty Clements....

  • Knights of Columbus Fish Fry Friday

    Jack H. Smith, Ledger Publisher|Mar 21, 2018

    After a one-year absence, the Whitehall Knights of Columbus Fish Fry will return this week. The event is scheduled to take place Friday, March 23 from 4:30 p.m. to 7 p.m. at St. Teresa’s Hall in Whitehall. Knights of Columbus member Jim Stearns said they would once again be serving Alaskan Pollock, a fish people really seem to enjoy. The cost to attend the popular event is $9 for adults, $6 for children 4 to 10, and $27 for a family. Stearns said the proceeds would go to charities in Whitehall and Ennis. He said some of these include Coats f...

  • Chamber Easter Egg Hunt March 31

    Jack H. Smith, Ledger Publisher|Mar 21, 2018

    In a little over a week, kids from across the area will make their way to the high school for the Whitehall Chamber of Commerce Easter Egg Hunt. The popular annual event is scheduled for March 31 at 10 a.m. at the Whitehall High School Football Field. The age divisions in 2018 are two and up, three to five, six to eight and nine to 12-year olds. According to event organizer Jill Dove, all the prizes have been purchased and the Whitehall Garden Club has been busy filling eggs. Dove praised the ga...


    Arcylle Shaw, Contributing Writer|Mar 21, 2018

    In last week's Ledger, Jack Smith covered some vital information regarding the Cardwell School. If you didn't read it, go back and do it. There are two school board positions open - the high school in Whitehall is represented by two positions from Cardwell and Sue Pullman has opted to not run again to fill one of them. At Cardwell, Trent Biggers is moving from the District and will not be able to run again. There are capable residents who can fill either of these. Sooo, get a petition from the...

  • Handing Down Heritage

    Staff Report|Mar 21, 2018

    The annual Handing Down the Heritage event in Butte had local ties with Ceili Moriarty and Shayla Hamilton Both Dancing with the Tiernan Irish Dancers. Main pic: Four-year-old Moriarty dances at the St. Patrick's Day performance. Bottom pic: Whitehall fifth grader Shayla Hamilton performs in Butte....

  • Museum hosting annual meeting

    STAFF REPORT|Mar 21, 2018

    The Jefferson Valley Museum will hold its annual meeting April 5 at the Methodist Church Fellowship Hall. The meeting is scheduled for 7 p.m. This is the time to see what your Museum has accomplished and what is in the future. Along with a review of the year, two directors will be elected to the Board. Joe Sologub from Elk Park will present a program about that area - part of the unknown history of Jefferson County. Because of the Tax Increment Fund from the Town of Whitehall, the grant from...

  • Todd Fundraiser Saturday

    Mar 21, 2018

    Legends Bar and Grill will be hosting a special fundraiser for Erik Todd. The spaghetti fundraiser will take place Saturday, March 24 from 4 to 8 p.m. at the restaurant located at 13 West Legion. 100 percent of the proceeds will go to Todd who was seriously injured in a snowboarding accident earlier this month....

  • Shakespeare in the Park at Frontier Days

    Jack H. Smith, Ledger Publisher|Mar 14, 2018

    The 2018 Frontier Days Celebration in Whitehall will now include an additional popular annual event. Chamber President Jan Thorne announced at last week's general meeting the Shakespeare in the Park performance of "Love's Labour's Lost" is scheduled for Friday, July 27 at 6 p.m. Chamber members are currently working to host the event in Legion Park. Thorne said she was approached by the touring company and told they had an opening on the date and the only other time they could perform in...

  • Plenty of fun at 2018 JVSA Banqet

    Staff Report|Mar 14, 2018

    It was a packed house March 10 at the 2018 Jefferson Valley Sportsmen Association Banquet. The banquet is a primary fundraiser for the group that goes above and beyond to help local outdoor enthusiasts. Past projects have included a spray day to help the BLM and private landowners to tackle weeds or developing and maintaining a kid's fishing pond, a shooting range for members, and awareness seminars for aquatic weed identification. The organization also works with Montana FWP on issues that...

  • 2018 BTBJ organizers seek live auction items

    Jack H. Smith, Ledger Publisher|Mar 14, 2018

    With the event a little over two months away, organizers of the Black Tie & Blue Jeans fundraiser are seeking help from local residents. At a meeting last week, BTBJ committee member Kristi Wilson said that while things are progressing nicely for the event scheduled for Saturday, April 28, they are still looking for some bigger auction items. “We are looking for some big ticket items,” she said. “We need a few big hitters.” In the past, Wilson said silent auction items will roll in just before the event, but they are really hoping for some he...

  • Fund set up for Todd

    Staff Report|Mar 14, 2018

    A fund has been set up at Rocky Mountain Bank to assist the medical expenses for Erik Todd. The former Cardwell resident was seriously injured in a snowboarding accident earlier this month in Utah. Local residents are being asked to donate at the bank located at 101 East Legion Avenue. Out of area residents can donate by visiting A Facebook post from his father John said Erik was involved in a significant snowboard accident on...

  • JVSA Banquet Saturday

    Staff Report|Mar 7, 2018

    Whether it is a spray day to help the BLM and private landowners to tackle weeds or developing and maintaining a kid's fishing pond, the Jefferson Valley Sportsmen Association goes above and beyond on a yearly basis to local outdoor enthusiasts. This Saturday, local residents can help keep the JVSA a strong local presence with their attendance at the annual banquet scheduled for March 10 at the Whitehall Community Center. The $20 price of admission includes a yearly membership to the...

  • 36 compete in 2018 County spelling bee

    Anika McCauley, Jefferson County Superintendent of Schools|Mar 7, 2018

    The 2018 Jefferson County Spelling Bee took place Feb. 14th in the courtroom of the Jefferson County Courthouse. This year's Celebrity Pronouncer was 5th Judicial Judge Luke Berger. Judges for the County Bee were board members from Basin Elementary, Boulder Elementary, and Cardwell Elementary. Thirty-six students, grades 4-8 from Jefferson County Elementary Schools, braved the snowy blizzard like conditions to participate in this year's bee. After seven total rounds, Logan Gillmore, son of John...

  • Wax Musuem a hit in Cardwell

    Mar 7, 2018

    Inventor Nikola Tesla (top), Civil Rights Activist Rosa Parks (bottom), and Navy Hero Dorris Miller (middle) were among the many historical figures at the recent Cardwell School Living Wax Museum. Ledger photos by Jack H. Smith...

  • Past comes to life in Cardwell

    Jack H. Smith, Ledger Publisher|Feb 28, 2018

    Important historical figures came to life Monday afternoon at the Cardwell School when third to eighth grade students hosted a Living Wax Museum. Fifth and sixth grade teacher Ashley Moser said the museum is something she's wanted to do since she became a teacher, and decided to do it this year instead of a science fair. Moser said students were a bit intimidated by the science fair last year and the living museum has been a fun change. The students were asked to pick a historical figure they ad...

  • JVSA Banquet tickets on sale

    Jack H. Smith, Ledger Publisher|Feb 21, 2018

    Not only will local residents have the chance for a little fun next month at the Whitehall community Center, they will also be giving back to a worthwhile cause. Tickets are currently being sold for the popular annual Jefferson Valley Sportsmen Association Banquet scheduled for Saturday, March 10. The event will begin with cocktail hour scheduled for 6 p.m., and dinner will follow at 7 p.m. The price for tickets is $20 and this includes dinner and an annual membership to the association. JVSA...


    Arcylle Shaw, Contributing Writer|Feb 21, 2018

    Because of howling winds, blowing snow and frigid temperatures, the Cardwell School Board agreed to cancel school on Monday, President's Day. That is a very rare happening. As a result, the Live Wax Museum is rescheduled for next Monday, February 26th, from 1:30 until 3:30. There will still be an opportunity to buy baked goods and/or contribute to the students' project to help with the Centennial celebration. Further information can be acquired by calling Seth Coombe at the Cardwell School....

  • School of Dance Wows the Crowd

    Feb 14, 2018

    Members of the Christensen School of Dance entertained the crowd at a recent Whitehall High School basketball game. The performance included dancers and tumblers from the school located at 23 West Legion in downtown Whitehall....

  • Chamber seeking members

    Jack H. Smith, Ledger Publisher|Feb 14, 2018

    The Whitehall Chamber of Commerce is continuing to seek renewals and new members in 2018. At the monthly meeting last week, Chamber President Jan Thorne said there are currently 65 renewals and 10 new members and the board is still working to increase this number. “Hopefully it will be an increase over last year,” she said. The Chamber is also looking for more donations for the Black Tie Blue Jeans event scheduled for April 28. Thorne said they would like to have donation forms returned to them at least one week prior to the event. Pre...

  • Sylvia performing at benefit concert

    Feb 14, 2018

    Pencil in February 17, 2018 for making plans to attend the benefit concert being held for Sunny Kay McDowell. Sunny Kay has been faced with major back problems for many years, with the last three leaving her on the disability list. It has been a long road to finding the best doctor that is able to address and correct her back issues, but finally she was referred to a doctor in Seattle that is world renown for helping fix these types of back problems. Sunny Kay will be headed for Seattle and scheduled for a major back surgery in early 2018. A be...

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