Sorted by date Results 3189 - 3213 of 3762
Be it now known that the time is nigh to bring in the joy and cheer of the Christmas Season! All the pageantry and pomp of Medieval England will be brought to life in the Whitehall High School's Madrigal Dinner. The Royal Court will include the Band & Choir company. Festivities will be held at the High School MPR in Whitehall at 6:30 p.m. on Tuesday, December 10 and Wednesday, December 11. A fabulous meal including Qyartered Chycken, Myxed Vegetables, Crusty Bread and Bread Puddyng will be...
The Star Theater in Whitehall is once again helping give back local community with this week's Toys for Tots fundraiser. The charity event is scheduled for Friday, November 22 to Sunday, November 24 at the theater located at 25 W. Legion in Whitehall. Those who bring in a toy for a donation will receive a movie pass or have admission covered for this week's film. There will also be several silent auction items. According to theater manager Colton Anderson, past Toys for Tots drives have gone...
ou are invited to participate in the 22nd annual Wreath Auction. December 7th 2019. At a Whitehall Saddle Club meeting on 1989, after a long year of Barrel Races, O-Mok-See's, Horse Shows, and Rodeos a group of Whitehall Saddle Club members thought a Community Open House at the WSC Club House would be a great way to give back. As the plans progressed, they decided to pair the event with Whitehall's Stroll night, and to raise awareness of the Whitehall Food Pantry. The plans included community...
It's once again the time of the year for the annual Church of Latter-day Saints Harvest Pantry Dinner. The popular annual event is scheduled for Friday, November 15 from 5 to 7 p.m. at the church located at 41 Mormon Lane. The meal is a Thanksgiving Dinner with all the trimmings, including a variety of desserts. The suggested donation is $6 per person or $20 for a family. Canned food items will also be accepted, with all proceeds going to the Whitehall Area Food Bank. Volunteer Donna Loomis...
There will be a new location for the 22nd annual Liberty Place Inc. Festival of Trees. After many years at the Best Western GranTree Inn, this year's fundraiser is scheduled for Friday, November 22 at the Commons located at 1794 E. Baxter Lane in Bozeman. Liberty Place Executive Director Ann Geiger is very excited about the change in venues. "It is a wonderful space and much larger than we have had at the GranTree. We have had many people ask us to find a bigger venue - so now, we need people...
The Whitehall and Cardwell Schools are hosting their annual Veterans Day program next week. The Whitehall program is scheduled for Monday, November 11 at 10 a.m. in Varsity Gym, while the Cardwell program is scheduled for 1 p.m. in the gymnasium. Whitehall Musical Director Janet Heilig discussed the importance of the event for both students and staff. "It is wonderful for us all to get to see the Veterans in our community and to recognize them. I know it is always a time of reflection as names...
The Cardwell Store and Moose Crossing Sweets & Gifts are giving back to the local community with an ongoing food drive. The drive conducted by the store located at 770 MT HWY 2 started November 1 and will run until December 1. Those who donate at least three non-perishable items, canned vegetables and soups are needed most, will receive $.50 off a drink from Moose Crossing. The drive was organized by Lilly Center who works at both businesses. Center discussed the importance of the drive and...
The Jefferson County Health Department and the Care Van are teaming up to offer free flu shots for Whitehall area residents. The free of charge Whitehall Flu Shot Clinic is scheduled for Friday, November 1 from 12:30 p.m. to 3 p.m. at the Borden's Conference Room at 103 West. Legion. The special event in coordination with the Care Van Program offers no out of pocket costs for the vaccines, regardless of insurance status and nobody will be turned away for inability to pay. Public health nurses...
It's once again time for the Whitehall area community to gather again to rehearse for the annual Community Christmas Cantata. Rehearsals will begin for the 2019 Cantata on Sunday, November 3 at 7 p.m. at the First Christian Church located at 108 1st St. E in Whitehall. The 2019 performance is scheduled for Sunday, December 22 at 7 p.m. at the church. The 2019 Cantata is "Everlasting Light" and will be under the direction of Janet Heilig and Norm Tebay. According to Barbara Willis, the Cantata...
Here's your sign! At least it will be... The Whitehall School Reader Board sign needs an upgrade! As a marker to Whitehall School's entrance, it guides visitors to our turn into the high school and middle school, as well as informs our community of events such as sports events and music performances. The current sign is in need of repair, but rather than have students with a big stick changing letters out in inclement weather on a busy road, we are upgrading to an LED sign! This new sign will...
The Whitehall American Legion Post #24 will host a 100-year anniversary celebration on Friday, October 18. The celebration will take place at 4 p.m. at the Veteran Park memorial rock next to the flagpole on Legion Avenue with a commemorative plaque presentation followed by hamburgers and hot dogs at the Whitehall Community Center....
The Whitehall American Legion Post #24 will host a 100-year anniversary celebration Friday, October 18. The celebration will take place at 4 p.m. at the Veteran Park Memorial Rock next to the flagpole on Legion Avenue with a commemorative plaque presentation followed by hamburgers and hot dogs at the Whitehall Community Center. The long heritage of the Whitehall American Legion Post #24 starting with Charles O. Daniels and 24 other area veterans who originally organized Post #24 on October 16,...
For the second straight year there will be a fall festival in Whitehall. The Whitehall Chamber of Commerce and Whitehall Garden Club are sponsoring the 2019 event scheduled for Saturday, October 12. The festival will include a flea market, chili and cornbread cookoff, bingo, pumpkin carving contest, and farmer's open-air street market that will host demonstrations and a scarecrow contest. Whitehall Chamber President Melissa Jenkins is enthusiastic about the upcoming event and hopes to see a big...
"The Arcadian Wild" is heading to Whitehall. The popular alternative folk band is scheduled to play Saturday, October 5 at the Star Theater. The concert presented by the Cardwell Church is free of charge and scheduled to begin at 7 p.m. Star Theater Manager Colton Anderson said he was approached by David Parker about bringing the band to town with the backing of the church. Anderson said he has always loved the versatility of the theater and having the ability to bring in different types of...
After years of planning and hard work, the Whitehall Public Transportation Dick Gustin Memorial Bus Barn is now a reality. Local residents will have the opportunity to view the new facility at a special open house scheduled for Friday, September 27 from 1 to 3 p.m. at 1147 MT HWY 55 in Whitehall. WPT Director Paula Hippert said she is thrilled the public will get the opportunity to visit the new 3,200 square foot facility that features a four-bay bus burn, offices, and a passenger waiting area....
Are you fed up with fatigue and want your life back? This was the challenge thrown out by Bethel Wagner at her Sept. 5th workshop. Wagner who stated that she has always been interested in health related subjects, obtained her Health Coach Certification from the Institute for Integrative Nutrition. She also has received her "gut health" certification. If we are honest with ourselves we know why we are fatigued – why we fight with "brain fog." But sometimes it just takes someone to point it out to...
For the first time since 2017 area residents will have the opportunity to attend a local gun show. The Whitehall Gun Show is scheduled to take place Friday, September 13 to Sunday, September 15 at the Community Center located at 11. N Division. The bi-annual shows sponsored by the Whitehall VFW and American Legion Post, and the Weapons Collectors Society of Montana were cancelled in 2018. Tom Harrington said this was due to insurance related issues. Veteran Bill Carhuff said they would not be...
In late July, Whitehall siblings Dawson and BreeAnne Lanes made the cross-country trip to Orlando for the 2019 Assemblies of God Youth Ministries National Fine Arts Festival. To say they did a great job representing Whitehall would be an understatement. Dawson finished second nationally in the "Rap" category, and BreeAnne finished second in the "Book Chapter" competition. She also received an "excellent" rating in the photo category. The two were among 6,000 participants at the annual festival....
Whitehall area residents will get to enjoy "The Merry Wives of Windsor" next week. The 2019 Montana Shakespeare in the Park performance is scheduled for Thursday, August 29 at 6 p.m. at the Whitehall baseball fields. Whitehall Chamber President Melissa Jenkins said it is very exciting for the event to return and what should be a nice location for those in attendance. "The baseball field should give people a lot of room and a comfortable spot to watch what is sure to be another great performance....
It's once again time for the Jefferson County Fair. The annual event is scheduled to take place August 21 to 25 at the Jefferson County Recreation Park one-half mile south of Boulder. Dubbed "A Fair of the Heart", this is the 36th Jefferson County Fair. There is free admission with a $2 parking fee. The event will include live music, exhibits, an in-county Wrangler Roundup, and kid's activities. On Thursday, August 22, the weekend kicks off with Fun Pianos, an interactive show featuring two...
On the third day of the Rockin' the Rivers Festival near Three Forks, those in attendance were able to enjoy the sounds of Crashdown Butterfly of Seattle, a band with ties to Southwest Montana. The bass player for the band is Bobby Lyman who is a graduate of Whitehall High School. Shortly after the bands set last Saturday, Lyman said coming home is awesome and playing at the festival allowed him to kill three birds with one stone. "I get to go fishing which I'm addicted to, I get to see my...
Celebrating 85 years of working together to make a better world, the District 5390 Rotary Club of Whitehall held their annual picnic at the Lewis and Clark Caverns State Park Pavilion on Monday, August 5th. Present also were members from the Butte and Twin Bridges Clubs plus their family members. Keeping this annual event moving smoothly was local member and Chairperson of the picnic, Millie Baycroft. The new District Governor, Sandy Wong from the Billings Club was in attendance to discuss her...
Approximately 125 alumni returned to the Indiana University Geological Field Station in the Tobacco Root Mountains to celebrate 70 years of exploring this diverse geological site. In 1948 Charles Deiss began the field camp because "the region offers more extensive and varied geologic phenomena than any area of equal size in the United States." Since 1950, over 5,000 students from over 200 colleges and universities have enrolled in this course and they came back together from Aug. 2 through 4th...
The Whitehall Biological Weed Control Project has had a busy year. We started June 1st and have collected/released the following numbers so far: Mecinus janthiniformis (Dalmatian toadflax stem weevil, collected near Missoula and Helena): 4,100 = 41 releases. Collection season done. Jaapeilla ivannikovi (Russian knapweed gall midge, from the Whitehall insectary): 30 galls (a gall is a swelling on the plant that contains multiple larvae) = 10 releases. Collection season done. Aulacidea acroptiloni...
They came from Canada, New Zealand, Washington, Idaho, Florida, Tennessee and many towns within the Great State of Montana to learn the stories of this historic area and to catch up on the “good ole days.” It was Whitehall’s Frontier Days Celebration of 2019 and, once again, the crowds came to cheer the alumni parading down the street, to marvel at the old cars in the Rod Run, to attend the Fine Arts Show, to take part in the Ranchers Roundup and to take a Historic Tour of the area around White...