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It couldn’t have been a more perfect morning for God to display His power and majesty. The 70 to 80 people that gathered on Sunrise Hill for Easter Sunrise Services didn’t have to brave the elements and they didn’t have to wait long for the sun rays to flood the clear, blue sky. What an entrance she made! Christ’s resurrection is as certain as the sun rising every morning and with that, His promise of life with Him to those who trust their lives to Him. What a hope! As the angel told the women who came to the tomb that first ‘Easter...
Wed., April 22, 1992 Water line replacement projects on Legion Ave. and Valley View were once again a major topic of discussion for Whitehall’s Town Council. The council voted to consider the sizing of the bond issue for the Legion Ave. Project, let the bids for construction and increase the water rates. The Valley View Project will be reviewed and funding for that project will be sought in other areas, it was agreed. Despite cold winds, nearly 300 children took part in last Saturday’s Easter egg hunt held on the high school’s football practice...
Tom Ressler had heard the naysayers, but he was not deterred. The Whitehall resident had read in the journals of Lewis and Clark about them witnessing Native Americans with beautiful and shiny bows made from buffalo horns. He would also see the bows time and time again in paintings of Native Americans from the 1800's. Despite historians saying they did not exist or if they did none have ever been found, Ressler believed there was enough historical data to try and create one and took on what he... Full story
Every April, local residents come together in downtown Whitehall for two worthwhile events geared for the entire community. The annual Jefferson River Rally and Health and Safety Fair are scheduled to take place Thursday, April 20 at the Whitehall Community Center at 11 N. Division. The events sponsored by Golden Sunlight Mine, the Jefferson River Watershed Council, and MSU Extension are scheduled from 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. Jefferson Local Development Corporation Office Manager Gena Nellis said the events are an opportunity for the whole...
This Easter lily provides a colorful contrast to the two inches of snow that fell last weekend in the Highland Mountains near Whitehall. Local photographer Sarah Smart was able to capture this picture near her residence....
Gena Nellis remembers when Whitehall had what she called a great local music scene. With the hopes of seeing this once again in the future, Nellis and several other local residents have started a weekly open mic night at Legends Bar and Grill located at 13 West Legion in downtown Whitehall. Nellis said there are a lot of very good musicians in the area, and encouraged them to come to the event that starts every Thursday at 8 p.m. Last week was the fourth open mic night, and while Nellis said...
Scholars at the Cardwell School began the first of six weeks of the Montana Outdoor Science School. This program provides opportunities for the kids with hands on learning. With that in mind, the school will be having a Science Fair on Wednesday, April 26th. Participants are the 5th through 8th grades. It’s been a couple of years since this competition was held, but is a great opportunity for the students to become inventors or just investigators. This week is Easter week and on Wednesday, during the Book Fair, there is a Parent Read-a-thon a...
The RMDC Head Start will be hosting an open house next Tuesday, April 18 from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. at 405 West Legion in Whitehall. RMDC Head Start has been In the Whitehall community for 20 years. It is an important community program that needs community support to continue. We would like to invite everyone to come and see our site to understand who we are and what we offer for children and families. Head Start is a federally-funded program that has proven successful and effective for children and families. It provides free, comprehensive child d...
Thanks to a grant funded by Humanities Montana, students in Whitehall were recently able to take part in a program to learn more about community dances. According to Whitehall teacher Robyn Smith, Mark Matthews made a recent visit to the school for the program that encompasses the gamut of fun and easy to learn community dances such as squares, contras, and circles. Mathews is a writer, historian, dance instructor, officer with the Missoula Folklore Society, and writing instructor at the...
April 15, 1992 Supporters of a scenic railroad in southwestern Montana are encouraged that Burlington Northern has ended its push to abandon and remove existing tracks between Butte and Whitehall, according to State Auditor Andrea “Andy” Bennett. “I’m very encouraged to hear of BN’s recent decision to rescind its April 30 deadline for a business plan and purchase offer from the Jefferson-Silver Bow Scenic Railroad. It now appears this new railroad will be given a much deserved opportunity to get on track, instead of being derailed by arbitrary...
Happy National Library Week! If you do not have a library card or have not been to the Library in a while, we invite you to come check out all of the programs and services. Also, coming up is National Children’s Book Week, May 1-7, and the “Erin in Exile” exhibit with activities throughout the month of May. In June the summer reading program will begin with this year’s theme “Building a Better World”. There will be programs on building a better world through science, dance, art, puppetry, and more. One of the most interesting classes I t...
Each year on the Saturday prior to Easter, local children come together for the annual Whitehall Chamber of Commerce Easter Egg Hunt. This year's event is scheduled to take place Saturday, April 15 at the Whitehall High School football field. The hunt will start at 10 a.m. and will feature four age divisions. The children will be split up into the up to two years category, three to five, six to eight and a nine to 12-year old division. Kids are asked to bring their own baskets. Chamber Vice...
The Whitehall Knights of Columbus has cancelled their annual fish fry. The event had been scheduled for Friday, April 7 at St. Teresa’s....
The Whitehall High School annual spring play will take place Thursday, April 6, and Friday, April 7. The performances will take place at 7 p.m. in the High School Multi Purpose Room. Under the direction of director Cheri Shaw, the students will be performing "Dearly Departed", written by David Bottrell and Jessie Jones. Monica Sepulveda and Bailee Hess will be serving as the stage crew. The cast includes Brandon Gipson as Bud Turpin, Maggie Whitehurst as Raynelle, Erik Reinschmidt as Ray-Bud,...
There is a genealogy society that meets the third Thursday each month to gain knowledge and learn about resources available to dig for information not only for themselves, but for others looking for the past histories of their families. Recently, they enjoyed a presentation at the Heritage Center in Boulder from a lady from the Historical Society on local Cookbooks. It was sponsored by the Heritage Center with intrigue in an area that most of us don’t think about. There is a wealth of information available at the Center. Family cookbooks or org...
April 8, 1992 Cub Scouts, parents and guest gathered Sunday, April 5th, at the old gym in Whitehall for the annual Pinewood Derby. Twenty scouts entered this year’s derby, and in the special open class eight entries were noted. Colt Petersen won the best paint job prize. David Quesnell was given a prize for the best design and James Lucas received a prize for the most unique vehicle. Adam Dillon was honored for having the fastest car, after racing Travis Henningsen in the final run of the day. Whitehall students learned of biological weed c...
As I look out my window, I see many signs that spring has sprung! More and more people are getting outdoors and exercising, many yards are starting to shape up from the winter months, and an exciting attitude is in the air. Many times we take aspects of life for granted. I am sure all of you are thankful for the warmer weather, but do we really consider the change that is occurring in our environment? Life is springing out in all aspects of the word. Leaves are budding, grass is growing, and animals are reproducing. It is a stimulating time of...
A young man heads west from New York, intent on settling in the Montana Territory. A law degree in hand, he has a desire to help bring law and order to the wild west city of Butte. He meets a beautiful woman, has a family; but, runs headlong into dirty politics, clandestine meetings, front page news stories, and a lengthy trial. It could be the foundation for a Hollywood drama. The tale of John Wellcome; however, is not fiction. It happened right here in Montana and the Whitehall valley was...
Whitehall Middle School Honor Rolls High Honor Roll 3.50 to 4.0 GPA * 4.0 6th Grade Lane Chase Maxine Hoagland Leo Scafani Gavin Watson 7th Grade Haley Briggs Marissa Ellison Marcus Finn Keara Hugulet Burke Mastel Nathan Ostler Brendan Wagner* Adam Williams* 8th Grade Ryan Alley Chloe Brown Kaleigh Bubnich Robert Hays Hayden Hoagland Dallen Hoover Jacy Johnson Meagan Johnson Kendra Klapan BreeAnne Lanes Gage McMillian Dalaney Scafani Honor Roll 3.0 to 3.49 GPA 6th Grade Dane Hoover Karson Klapan Lily McDonald Brooklyn Marshall-Dolin TiaLynn...
Last call for the Friends of the Library meeting on Thursday, April 6th at 5:00. Everyone is invited and we have much to discuss about the coming months! If you would like more information about the Friends please call the Library at 287-3763 or drop by the circulation desk. I came home from the annual Montana Library Association (MLA) meeting with lots of new ideas and free things for the Library. When Hastings closed in Missoula they donated their extra DVDs and CD books on tape to the Missoula Public Library. Their staff generously shared...
It’s once again the time of year for the Whitehall Knights of Columbus Fish Fry. The 12th annual event is slated to take place Friday, April 7 from 4:30 p.m. to 7 p.m. at St. Teresa’s Hall in Whitehall. Knights of Columbus member Jim Stearns said they would once again be serving Alaskan Pollock, a fish people really seem to enjoy. The cost to attend the popular event is $9 for adults, $6 for children 4 to 10, and $27 for a family. Stearns said the proceeds would go to charities in Whitehall and Ennis. He said some of these include Coats for...
Children from around Whitehall made there way to the Varsity Gym last week for the annual Whitehall Elementary School Kindergarten Roundup....
Next week Whitehall High School students will be taking local residents on a trip to the backwoods of the American Bible Belt, where things are rarely tidy and always done with a sense of humor. The high school drama department will be performance of "Dearly Departed" is scheduled to take place Thursday, April 6 and Friday, April 7 in the multi purpose room. Both of the performances will begin at 7 p.m. According to Drama Director Cheri Shaw, the play is something really different than what...
The annual meeting of the Jefferson Valley Museum will be held at 7 p.m. on Thursday, April 6, 2017 in the Fellowship Hall at the Trinity United Methodist Church on 102 North Brooke Street. A short board meeting will review the Museum’s key business items and an election will be held for the expiring board member positions currently held by Kermit Hoyenga and John Joy. The annual historic program will follow. This year, museum volunteer Arlene Weber will provide a review of Piedmont, Pleasant Valley, Renova, and some of the events and people wh...
By the time you read this I will be almost done with a week at the Montana Library Association (MLA) annual meeting in Billings. MLA provides a myriad of training in all types of areas and relevant issues relating to library funding, new laws, the latest technology, and more. It is also a chance for libraries to network together with new ideas and share programming that has worked well in their communities or maybe not worked so well. It is a mix of academic librarians, school librarians, specialty librarians, and of course, public librarians w...