Sorted by date Results 3246 - 3270 of 3756
Basketball, wrestling, and speech and debate season is at hand. With Whitehall High School extra curricula's, it seems there is often an event to attend. Our Whitehall Booster Club is proud to work with our school, our students and our community to raise funds and provide support for our student activities. Whitehall Booster Club's desire is to help facilitate an environment that inspires and educates students/athletes, coaches, parents, and the community to collectively create a positive and...
After moving to the Friday of Frontier Days in 2018, the Montana Shakespeare in the Park performance in Whitehall will be returning to August in 2019. At a Whitehall Chamber of Commerce meeting last month, Past President Jan Throne told members she had again requested a date for Frontier Days, but MSHIP informed her that would not work and she selected the option of Thursday, August 29. Chamber members decided to pick "Merry Wives of Windsor" as the 2019 play. Thorne also discussed where to...
There were plenty of smiles Friday afternoon at Whitehall Elementary when the winners of a coloring contest were announced. Whitehall United States Postal Service employee Tayla Andrews organized the contest. Andrews used 2018 USPS coloring pages and awarded prizes for the top finishers in kindergarten through fourth grade. Andrews said the prizes included a small craft item, pouch of hot chocolate, and a candy coin. Andrews was very impressed with the number of fourth-grade students who...
There will be plenty of fun for all ages at the 2018 Whitehall Christmas Stroll. The annual event is sponsored by the Whitehall Chamber of Commerce and will take place on Saturday, December 8 in downtown Whitehall. Chamber Vice President and event organizer Melissa Jenkins believes the stroll is very family friendly. "There are things for both kids and adults to enjoy. Parents can find a unique gift at the market while the kids can visit Santa or do crafts," she said. Saturday's lineup will...
The Whitehall Christmas Stroll is known as an annual family friendly event. It also highlights the giving nature of the community with the annual Whitehall Saddle Club Wreath Auction. Now in it's 20th year, the event serves as not only a fundraiser for the Whitehall Food Pantry, but also raises thousands of dollars for numerous local non-profit organizations. The 2018 event will start with the silent auction from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the Whitehall Community Center. The Live Auction will take...
When God said to give thanks in everything, the Thanksgiving Dinner at the school was a easy one! Between the students, teachers, staff and parents, the meal was prepared and served. Was it ever good! It's such a great time to visit with neighbors. Favors made to look like teacups, were made by the 5th and 6th graders. (see attached photo) Students were circulating among the guests, offering to bring drinks or other needs. I might add here, if you are over 60, live in Cardwell or have a...
After a successful event in 2017, Whitehall Stageline Pizza is once again giving back to the local community with a free-of-charge Thanksgiving Dinner. The dinner is scheduled to take place Thursday, November 22 from 1 to 6 p.m. at the restaurant located at 605 W. Legion in Whitehall. The dinner will include turkey, ham, and all the fixings. Prior to last year's event, owners Ken and Tina Bates had talked about hosting the event on a yearly basis and were happy with the turnout in 2017. Tina...
Throughout the year, the Whitehall Food Pantry plays a vital role in the local community, especially during the holiday season. Earlier this week, the pantry received generous donations to help their efforts. The pantry received 65 turkeys from the Gallatin Valley Food Bank, as well as monetary donations from Mountain View Real Estate and the Rotary Club of Whitehall. Martha Farrand's fourth-grade class helped unload the turkeys. "I want to express sincere appreciation to the Rotary Club, Mrs....
It's once again the time of the year for the annual Church of Latter Day Saints Harvest Pantry Dinner. The popular annual event is scheduled for Friday, November 16 from 5 to 7 p.m. at the church located at 41 Mormon Lane. The meal is a Thanksgiving Dinner with all the trimmings, including a variety of desserts. The suggested donation is $6 per person or $20 for a family. Canned food items will also be accepted, with all proceeds going to the Whitehall Area Food Bank. ANNUAL EVENT In researching the history of event last year, volunteer Donna...
The annual Liberty Place Festival of Tree is scheduled to take place November 15 at the GranTree Inn in Bozeman starting at 5:30 p.m. The Festival will feature an auction of beautifully decorated trees at the GALA dinner to held in the Grand Ballroom. Tickets to the GALA are $50/person or $350 for a table of eight. All proceeds from this GALA auction are used to support the specialized programs needed for Liberty Place clients for brain injury recovery. There will be a short program featuring a...
It's once again time for the annual fall play from the Whitehall High School drama department. The performances of "Happy Birthday Dear Grandpa" are set for Thursday, November 8 and Friday, November 9 at 7 p.m. First year director Marci Whitehurst said the play is a family farce farce in which three grandchildren find themselves caring for their 96-year-old grandfather. The cast for the play includes Allee Scafani as Claire, Karlie Wagner as Frankie, Maggie Whitehurst as Amber, Charlynn Mercer a...
Miss Montana Laural Haller made a stop in Whitehall last week to speak to students. Haller was promoting Own Your Movement during her Crown to Classroom Tour....
Community members were able to help raise money and have a great time at last Sunday's Rotary Club of Whitehall Harvest Dinner/Dance. The event raised money for the club who works on such projects as providing dictionaries and bike safety class for third graders, sponsoring students to attend Boys and Girls State, scholarships, upkeep on the fish pond, highway cleanup, work at the library and selling tickets at high school events....
The Town Pump Charitable Foundation is matching $750,000 in contributions during its 17th annual fundraising campaign for food banks across Montana, including Whitehall Area Food Pantry and Jeffco Food Share in Boulder. A record-setting 84 food banks are participating in the statewide "Be A Friend in Deed, Helping Those in Need" campaign this year. The campaign has raised about $30 million for Montana food banks in 16 years, including about $5.5 million in matching grants from the Town Pump...
What a beautiful fall we are having! To celebrate this great time of the year Hal Stearns, historian, storyteller, and guide will be presenting his program "Montana Towns: Then, Now, Tomorrow" at the Library at 6:30 p.m. on October 24th. According to the Montana Conversations webpage, the following is a description of the program: A state of extremes with high mountains, great plains, half the population in five communities and ten others with another one-third of our residents. What about the o...
Since 2002, the Jefferson Valley Community Foundation has awarded 107 grants to 39 non-profits in the local area for a total of $151,139. At a special ceremony last Thursday night in Whitehall, the JVCF handed out their 2018 grants with a record of just under $20,000 to nine deserving area non-profits. The ice cream social event began with several past recipients lauding the JVCF for giving back to make the Whitehall area a better place. Representing the Jefferson Valley Museum, John Joy...
Throughout the year, students Whitehall School's 21st Century Community Learning Center's After School Program take part in a variety of worthwhile activities. Last Thursday, the students made a trip the Whitehall Chamber to help beautify the community. The group of students were helping assist the chamber by getting rid of a large collection of tumble weeds at the building located at 501 N. Whitehall St. Teahcer Martha Farrand believes it is very rewarding to see the children give back to the c...
The Whitehall Rotary Club, with help from the Whitehall High School Interact Club, is holding their annual family friendly Fall Harvest Dinner/Dance on Sunday, October 28 at the Whitehall Community Center. Doors will open at 4:30 p.m. and music will be playing by the Little Boulder River Band. Dinner this year will include roasted beef brisket with a side, dessert and beverage and will be served from 5 to 6 p.m. A limited number of a vegetarian option will be available. Music will continue until 7 p.m. The cost for the dinner/dance is $10 per...
The Jefferson Valley Museum has been collecting the history of our valley for more than two decades. There are records of settlers from the mid-1860s forward. But, human habitation of the valley goes back thousands of years. An archaeological project in the northern Whitetail area has uncovered evidence of people living in this area as far back as 8500 to 8700 years ago. The significant historical site was known decades ago and recorded in 1991. The installation of a fiber optic line around...
This is the last month to view the Kimono exhibit at the Library. For those of you who have already enjoyed this beautiful exhibit, Keiko will be presenting a program on their history as well as showing everyone how they are worn. The program will be on Thursday, October 4th, at 6:30 pm in the Library. Don't miss this chance to see the kimonos before they are sent to the east coast for permanent display. The Library will be closed on October 8th for Columbus Day. Enjoy the holiday with friends...
Ann Palmer can remember several years ago when the Whitehall area community would come together on an annual basis to celebrate a large fall festival. This weekend a similar event will return to Whitehall with Saturday’s Homegrown 406 Fall Festival. Palmer who is helping to organize the September 21 event, also helped out with the prior fall festival. She said while the new festival is smaller than ones in the past, it will be a fun time with a lot planned throughout the day. The Homegrown 406 Fall Festival is sponsored by the Whitehall Open A...
With a theme of "Road Trip to Victory", it's once again Homecoming Week at Whitehall High School. A busy week of activities at the Whitehall Schools include dress up days, spirit competitions, stick horse races, bonfire, outdoor movie, two volleyball games, fashion show, manly man volleyball game, parade and Friday night football and volleyball games. "It is great to see the students rally to support our fall teams. Over half of our high school students participate in either football,...
The fall grant cycle for the Jefferson Valley Community Foundation is now in full swing. Grant applications are due from area non-profits by September 30, 2018 at 4:00 p.m.; they may be mailed or dropped off at the Corner Store. Any non-profit needing a grant application may pick one up at the Corner Store. The JVCF Board visited the grant sites of the 2017 grantees on Thursday Sept 6; making quick stops to see how grant monies were spent at Greater Whitehall Area Love Inc. which had a new...
By Christy Todd Ranch Horse Leader The 4-H Working Ranch Horse Program has had another successful year for exhibitors participating in the Madison-Jefferson County Fair. This year's show was held August 6 at the Ennis Rodeo Grounds and had 8 exhibitors. The working ranch program teaches horse and cattle stockman ship through a variety of classes geared to horse and cattle work. These classes are geared towards the activities that you would engage in on a daily basis with a working ranch job or...
How did Whitehall come by its name? Who owned the first car in Whitehall? Who was the first woman elected to the National Congress who also taught school in Whitehall? These and many other questions are answered within the walls of the Jefferson Valley Museum. These answers and stories were shared with close to 600 curious friends this season. They came from over 30 cities within 25 states and Canada, Germany and India. They came to learn the story of that Smoke Stack that stands so serenely...