Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana


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  • Lyman returns to "Rock" the Rivers

    Aug 14, 2019

    On the third day of the Rockin' the Rivers Festival near Three Forks, those in attendance were able to enjoy the sounds of Crashdown Butterfly of Seattle, a band with ties to Southwest Montana. The bass player for the band is Bobby Lyman who is a graduate of Whitehall High School. Shortly after the bands set last Saturday, Lyman said coming home is awesome and playing at the festival allowed him to kill three birds with one stone. "I get to go fishing which I'm addicted to, I get to see my...

  • Local Rotarians celebrate common goals at annual picnic

    Catherine Ellerton, Contributing Writer|Aug 14, 2019

    Celebrating 85 years of working together to make a better world, the District 5390 Rotary Club of Whitehall held their annual picnic at the Lewis and Clark Caverns State Park Pavilion on Monday, August 5th. Present also were members from the Butte and Twin Bridges Clubs plus their family members. Keeping this annual event moving smoothly was local member and Chairperson of the picnic, Millie Baycroft. The new District Governor, Sandy Wong from the Billings Club was in attendance to discuss her...

  • Celebrating 70 years of geological field studies at IU field station

    Catherine Ellerton, Contributing Writer|Aug 7, 2019

    Approximately 125 alumni returned to the Indiana University Geological Field Station in the Tobacco Root Mountains to celebrate 70 years of exploring this diverse geological site. In 1948 Charles Deiss began the field camp because "the region offers more extensive and varied geologic phenomena than any area of equal size in the United States." Since 1950, over 5,000 students from over 200 colleges and universities have enrolled in this course and they came back together from Aug. 2 through 4th...

  • Busy year for the Whitheall Project

    Todd Breitenfeldt, Project Director|Aug 7, 2019

    The Whitehall Biological Weed Control Project has had a busy year. We started June 1st and have collected/released the following numbers so far: Mecinus janthiniformis (Dalmatian toadflax stem weevil, collected near Missoula and Helena): 4,100 = 41 releases. Collection season done. Jaapeilla ivannikovi (Russian knapweed gall midge, from the Whitehall insectary): 30 galls (a gall is a swelling on the plant that contains multiple larvae) = 10 releases. Collection season done. Aulacidea acroptiloni...

  • Past and present come to life at Jefferson Valley Museum

    Catherine Ellerton, Contributing Writer|Jul 31, 2019

    They came from Canada, New Zealand, Washington, Idaho, Florida, Tennessee and many towns within the Great State of Montana to learn the stories of this historic area and to catch up on the “good ole days.” It was Whitehall’s Frontier Days Celebration of 2019 and, once again, the crowds came to cheer the alumni parading down the street, to marvel at the old cars in the Rod Run, to attend the Fine Arts Show, to take part in the Ranchers Roundup and to take a Historic Tour of the area around White...

  • JV Fine arts show brings glitter and glamour to Frontier Days

    Catherine Ellerton, Contributing Writer|Jul 31, 2019

    A desire to bring the local artists together and furnish a place where they could work and paint their visions, led to the creation of the "Painters In The Potting Shed." (PIPS) Janet Chapman approached Patsy Jensen about using her potting shed and the idea soon became a reality. This local art group meets once a week in the fall and winter and shares their creative ideas. Kerry Kraha joined forces with Michele Franich and Patsy Jensen and the first Jefferson Valley Fine Art Show became a...

  • Whitehall Frontier Days this week

    Staff Report|Jul 24, 2019

    It's once again time for the biggest celebration of the year in Whitehall. The 2019 Whitehall Frontier Days is scheduled for Friday, July 26 and Saturday, July 27 and will feature two days of family friendly events. "We are so excited for what is truly an amazing weekend in Whitehall," said Chamber President Melissa Jenkins. Frontier Days will officially kickoff July 26 with vendors able to open for business at 10 a.m. The Jefferson Valley Fine Arts Show is scheduled from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. in...

  • Copper K Fiber Festival Saturday, Sunday

    Marci Whitehurst, Contributing Writer|Jul 17, 2019

    Knitting or felting conversations may trigger thoughts of our grandmas or the homesteading era; however, fiber arts have made a strong comeback as a way to connect with others, natural resources, and possibly our roots. Local artisan, Kami Noyes, has found her niche in growing, spinning, and creating with natural fibers. As a fifth generation rancher raising cattle and sheep, Kami's agricultural roots run deep. She remembers having sheep as a child. When her kids were little, she picked up a...

  • Music Days at the Park July 28

    Jack H. Smith, Whitehall Ledger|Jul 10, 2019

    The sounds of music will be coming to Lewis & Clark Caverns this summer. The Montana State Park will be hosting their annual Music Days at the Park with the first event scheduled for Sunday, July 28 at 11 a.m. According to AmeriCorps Member Tamara Beal, for the past six years local musicians have shown off their authentic Montana talent at the event and invited local residents to come and take part in this tradition at the park with a rich variety of genres. Whitehall resident Donna Weldon...

  • Mobile food pantry headed to Whitehall

    Jack H. Smith, Whitehall Ledger|Jul 3, 2019

    The Montana Food Bank Network Mobile Food Pantry will be in Whitehall later this month. The free of charge pantry will be making a local stop July 17 at 10 a.m. at the Education Station located at the corner of Legion and Division. The pantry visit is being organized by Sincerely Paul Feeding His Sheep, a 501c3 non-profit organization whose mission statement is caring people caring for people and feeding the hungry through the love and compassion of Jesus Christ. Vicki Rabenstein with Sincerely...

  • Carey chosen for a state honor

    Jul 3, 2019

    At the recent Montana Federation of Garden Clubs annual state meeting in Miles City, Mary Ann Carey was chosen to receive the highest award given to a garden club member. As an active garden club member Mary Ann has served as President of the local garden club and on various committees. She has presented programs at meetings on propagation, wool for mulch, glass garden art, and aquaponics, just to mention a few. She is an Accredited National Flower Show Judge. She was presented with her Flower...

  • Good Music and Good Food at Beats & Eats

    Staff Report|Jun 26, 2019

    There was plenty of great food and great music last Saturday at the Beats & Eats event at Chuchos Tacos....

  • Fiber arts classes available during festival

    Jun 26, 2019

    Nine classes will be offered at the 2019 Copper K Fiber Festival. The third annual event is scheduled for July 20 to 21 and will take place at the Copper K Barn located at 786 Point of Rocks Road in Whitehall. The festival is organized by Kami Noyes of Ranching Tradition Fiber and Betty Kujawa of Snowdrift Alpacas. The Copper K Fiber Festival is offering nine classes for all levels of fiber arts experience. 1) FIBER PREP: Know your Breed- A Guide to Picking the Right Fiber for Your Project 2) KN...

  • Missouri River Corps of Rediscovery: Gates of the Prairie

    Tom Elpel, Contributing Writer|Jun 26, 2019

    "This evening we entered much the most remarkable clifts we have yet seen. These clifts rise from the waters edge on either side perpendicularly to the height of [about] 1200 feet. every object here wears a dark and gloomy aspect. the tow[er]ing and projecting rocks in many places seem ready to tumble on us. the river seems to have forced it's way through this immence body of solid rock for the distance of 5 3/4 miles and where it makes it's exit below has thrown on either side vast collumns of...

  • Deadline nears for community garage sale

    Jack H. Smith, Whitehall Ledger|Jun 19, 2019

    The deadline is approaching for the 2019 Whitehall Community Garage Sale. The annual event is scheduled to take place Saturday, June 29 and the deadline to signup is June 25. The cost is $5, and this includes being placed on a map for the event that will be available starting the day before at the Corner Store and the day off at the Farmer's Market. To signup for the Community Garage Sale, please visit the Corner Store or contact the Chamber at 287-2260. In a past interview with the Ledger,...

  • Market starts Saturday

    Jun 12, 2019

    The Whitehall Farmer’s Open Air Street Market will begin this Saturday. The market will take place every Saturday from June 15 to October 12 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. in the Legion Street Park. The official grand opening celebration is June 29. The committee has been working on a calendar of fun demonstrations, a variety of vendors, and most importantly the food producers who will set up tables to sell their goods to the community. The Whitehall Garden Club co-managers, Ann Palmer and Dorie W...

  • Father's Day Breakfast June 16

    Jun 12, 2019

    It will be a great time for a great cause this Sunday at the Whitehall Senior Center. The Jefferson Valley Search and Rescue is hosting their ninth annual Father's Day Breakfast. The June 16 breakfast will run from 7 a.m. to Noon and the cost is $7 per person. Children six and under eat free. Search and Rescue Captain Cody Hagerty said this is the organizations lone fundraiser of the year and money raised will be used to purchase equipment and for operation needs. "It's very important to come...

  • Skeeter coming to Whitehall

    Staff Report|Jun 12, 2019

    Skeeter the Advance Clown is heading to Whitehall later this month in advance of the Culpepper & Merriweather Circus. Skeeter is scheduled to be at the Whitehall Community Library Thursday, June 20 at 1 p.m. The circus will follow the next and is scheduled for Friday, June 28 at 5 and 7:30 p.m. Jim Royal of Culpepper & Merriweather said Skeeter’s program is entertaining, but education as well. “She ‘teaches’ the students in a fun way,” he said. According to Royal, during the course of the assembly, incorporates the following subjects:...

  • Between the Stacks

    Jeannie Ferriss, Whitehalll Community Library|Jun 12, 2019

    The Library staff would like to give a big thank you all the wonderful people that made last week so much fun. First to Lily, Cooper, and Kari Montgomery for sharing their sheep with us, as well as Zane Downey and his mom Cori who brought Big Head! We also want to thank Kaleena Miller from the MSU Extension Office; Maloi and Meagan Lannon from Varney Creek Livestock, for sharing such a terrific program on soil and animals. Second, to the Jefferson Valley Search and Rescue who provided such a gre...

  • Missouri River Corps of Rediscovery Six months Paddling a Dugout Canoe

    Tom Elpel, Contributing Writer|Jun 5, 2019

    “We are now several hundred miles within the bosom of this wild and mountanous country, where game may rationally be expected shortly to become scarce and subsistence precarious without any information with rispect to the country not knowing how far these mountains continue, or wher to direct our course to pass them to advantage or intersept a navigable branch of the Columbia, or even were we on such an one the probability is that we should not find any timber within these mountains large e...

  • WHS graduates 32

    Jack H. Smith, Whitehall Ledger|May 29, 2019

    The list of accomplishments for the Whitehall High School Class of 2019 is long. Not only did the class soar academically with the highest composite ACT score in school history, they also accomplished a high level of success in extracurricular activities. Last Sunday the 32 members of the class graduated at a ceremony in Varsity Gym and this will be a class that will long be remembered. WHS Principal Hannah Nieskens lauded the class for their accomplishments and said they led by example....

  • 'Changes" From Out of the Darkness' Promises A Light at the End of the Tunnel

    Catherine Ellerton, Contributing Writer|May 29, 2019

    “I’d be in this great mood and then, at the snap of a finger, it just rains all over your parade. But rain it also cleanses, it washes everything clean. You can start all over and make things right. And out of that…hopefully there’s growth.” These inspiring words were spoken by Michelle Cory during the third annual ‘Lights On’ concert on Thursday, May 23rd. Shelly, a resident at Liberty Place, then inspiringly performed the vocals to the song “Have You Ever Seen The Rain Coming Down” (written...

  • Whitehall High School Graduation Sunday

    Jack H. Smith, Whitehall Ledger|May 22, 2019

    5 Whitehall High School seniors will graduate this Sunday at a 2 p.m. ceremony in Varsity Gym. The 2019 ceremony will start with the National Anthem being performed by Madison Loomis followed by a welcome from Whitehall High School Principal Hannah Nieskens. The honorary guest speaker at the ceremony will be longtime Whitehall science teacher Ken Kinzer. Teacher Rodney Head will then lead the presentation of scholarship awards. The next speech will be given by Salutatorian Max Feight which...

  • Whitehall Country Store donates funds for Veteran Grave Markers

    May 22, 2019

    American Legion Post 24 and Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 4603 have received a grant from The Whitehall Country Store to purchase Veteran Grave Markers for the Whitehall Cemetery. When you pay your respects this year on Memorial Day you will see that they have marked the Graves with "US VETERAN" MARKERS FOR THOSE WHO HAVE SERVED. No Veteran should ever be forgotten. If you know a veteran is in the cemetery, but has no marker, please contact a member of either the VFW or the American Legion. On...

  • Set the date for 'Lights On' 3

    Jack H. Smith, Whitehall Ledger|May 15, 2019

    With the production a week away, the Music Ensembles at Liberty Place are excited about hosting their third annual "Lights On" concert. The production is scheduled to take place Thursday, May 23 at the Star Theater in Downtown Whitehall. The popular local event will kick off with an art show and reception starting at 5:45 at the Borden's Conference Room. The concert is scheduled to start at the theater at 7 p.m. David Parker of Liberty Place said in the past two years they have had a...

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