Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana


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  • Local Rotarians give back

    May 6, 2020

    Whitehall Rotarians Vic Miller, Libby McBride, Arlene Weber, and Wayne Peterson spent several hours on April 27th picking up trash at the I-90 intersection. The club has been taking care of this area and two miles to the east of town on I-90 for several decades. Club members are also giving back to our community by helping to supply businesses and several town groups with face masks and hand sanitizer. Masks have been provided by Vicky Fuller of Designs of the Times and Rotarian Millie...

  • Library mill increase on June ballot

    Jack H. Smith, Whitehall Ledger|Apr 29, 2020

    Lorie Steerman describes the Whitehall Library as the heart of the community. A member of the Friends of the Whitehall Community Library, she recently discussed the importance of the upcoming June 2 mill levy election. The Jefferson County Library board is seeking an additional nine mills, an approximate cost of around $141,534. According to Steerman, the increase at current value would annually cost county taxpayers an additional $12.15 on a home worth $100,000; $24.30 on a home worth $200,000...

  • Principal discusses graduation

    Jack H. Smith, Whitehall Ledger|Apr 22, 2020

    Whitehall High School Principal Melissa Robbins connected with senior classes officers last week to discuss graduation for the class of 2020. Robbins said because timelines and opportunity to make a virtual production is limited, they have agreed to move forward to ensure something formal is completed and available to everyone pending the health situation at the end of May. "We have the opportunity to do something that does not impose any health risks to our community or graduates by a...

  • Status of Class of 2020 graduation unclear

    Jack H. Smith, Whitehall Ledger and Three Forks Voice|Apr 15, 2020

    Local school officials are unsure of what is going to happen for the 2020 graduation ceremonies. Three Forks 6-12 Principal Greg Heys said he has been tossing around ideas with the staff and other administrators in the area to come up with the best-case scenario for students who are scheduled to graduate May 24. Ideas discussed by Heys include hosting "drive-in graduation at a nearby field, changing the date to June and hosting it on a football field, and a virtual ceremony. "None of them are...

  • Construction underway on MDT Whitetail Road Project

    Apr 15, 2020

    The Montana Department of Transportation (MDT) has begun construction on roadway improvements on 10.3 miles of Whitetail Road (S-399) in Jefferson County between Boulder and Whitehall. The project will increase safety and reduce the amount of maintenance necessary for Jefferson County by improving the roadway surface and drainage. The project is expected to be completed in fall 2020. The project is divided into two segments. The first segment of the project starts near Antelope Lane and extends...

  • Census forms mailed out

    Staff Report|Apr 8, 2020

    Many local residents may have recently received an envelope from the United States Census. Local officials are stressing the importance of responding online, by mail, or on the phone. Gallatin County Commissioner Scott MacFarlane said census numbers can impact the roads you drive on, the schools your kids attend, the medical benefits you receive, the housing opportunities in your community. "And much, much more. Having accurate Census data is imperative to help adequately fund hundreds of...

  • Corps of Rediscovery Book Now Available

    Jack H. Smith, Whitehall Ledger|Apr 1, 2020

    In June of 2019, Thomas Elpel of Pony led a small expedition down the 2,341-mile length of the Missouri River from Three Forks to St. Louis. During this five-month journey, Elpel shared his story with local residents in weekly columns that appeared in both the Whitehall Ledger and Three Forks Voice newspapers. Late last week, Elpel announced his book about the journey "Five Months on the Missouri River: Paddling a Dugout Canoe" had arrived from the printer. The full-color book features 270 pages...

  • Show goes on for Black Tie Blue Jeans

    Jack H. Smith, Whitehall Ledger|Mar 25, 2020

    The show went on March 14 for the annual Black Tie Blue Jeans fundraiser in Whitehall. According to Kristi Wilson of the Whitehall Chamber, organizers are very thankful the event was not a day later as they would have had to shut it down. "It was nice to forget what we all knew was coming for one last evening and come together for the betterment of our community," she said. As far as attendance, Wilson feels COVID-19 did affect the final attendance of the largest local fundraiser of the year. "W...

  • Museum meeting April 2

    Mar 18, 2020

    The Jefferson Valley Museum will begin its 25th year with the annual meeting on Thursday, April 2nd at the Star Theatre in Whitehall. Extra health precautions are planned to help protect those who attend. Proceedings begin at 6:45 PM with a short meeting followed by a history program. This year the focus will be on the history of the museum barn, which is at least 106 years old, and the years of volunteer work that transformed the dilapidated building into the museum you see today. The program...

  • Richardson elected new post commander

    Jack H. Smith, Whitehall Ledger|Mar 18, 2020

    American Legion Post 24 in Whitehall has a new post commander. Kristian Richardson was elected into the position January 7 and feels his new role is an important responsibility. "I feel like I have an opportunity to make change in the community which I'm really excited about. One of my main goals is to bring in a new generation of military Veterans into the American Legion here in Jefferson County. There needs to be a new lifeblood in the organization if we want to be able to affect future...

  • WHS Hall of Fame Ceremony March 21

    Mar 11, 2020

    The Whitehall High School Athletic Hall of Fame will hold their semi-annual induction dinner on Saturday, March 21 at the High School Multi-purpose room. Dinner opens at 5:30 p.m. and the program begins at 6 p.m. This year's induction dinner features both the 2019 and 2020 classes. The 2019 class highlights the accomplishments of Tia Kober (Contributor), Vince Arkell (Athlete), Brent Mabbott (Coach) and the 1960 Football team. The 2019 class honors two girls teams and two female athletes from...

  • Holocaust class starts March 5

    Staff Report|Mar 4, 2020

    Local residents can learn more about the Holocaust through an upcoming adult education class. The Whitehall School District and Whitehall Community Library are hosting a four-session Holocaust Literature Class. The class will meet March 5, March 12, March 26 and April 19 at the library. Whitehall Librarian Jeannie Ferriss said the Holocaust is a tragedy the world will never forget. "Yet less than half of all Americans can identify Auschwitz and the things which happened there," she said. The...

  • Whitehall baseball sign-ups set for Feb. 27 at Varsity Gym

    Staff Report|Feb 26, 2020

    Whitehall Baseball sign-ups are scheduled for Thursday. Volunteers will be setup in the Varsity Gym February 27 from 6 to 8 p.m. Nearly 100 players participated in the 2019 season and Whitehall Baseball hopes to break that mark this year. If you are unable to make it to the school for signups you can also download registration forms from Whitehall Baseball's Facebook page. These forms can be returned electronically to or dropped off to Maria at Rocky Mountain Bank. No...

  • Black Tie & Blue Jeans Goes Roaring into 2020

    Jeannie Ferriss, Contributing Writer|Feb 19, 2020

    Come down your "Giggle Water", "know your onions", "dump your mazuma" and jump on "the trolley" at the greatest 1920's party in Whitehall this year! Black Tie & Blue Jeans is celebrating with a "Roaring 2020 Prohibition Party" on Saturday, March 14, 2020 starting at 5:30 p.m. at the Whitehall Community Center. This is the 16th anniversary of Black Tie & Blue Jeans according to Kristi Wilson, one of two event coordinators. Started by Bill Brown, it has involved multiple agencies and...

  • Gun Show This Week

    Staff Report|Feb 12, 2020

    For the second time in five months, a gun show will be taking place at the Community Center. The Whitehall Gun Show is scheduled for Friday, February 14 to Sunday, February 16. A show also took place in September of 2019, the first in town since 2017 due to insurance issues. The show will be open Friday from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m., Saturday from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m., and Sunday from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Admission is $1. The admission for children 12 and under with an adult is free. Veteran Bill Carhuff said...

  • Theater hosting auditions

    Jan 29, 2020

    The Missoula Children's Theater is heading to Whitehall. An audition for the production of "Johnny Appleseed" is scheduled for Tuesday, February, 18 from 3:40 to 5:40 p.m. Those Whitehall K-8 students auditioning should arrive right after school and plan to stay for the full two hours. Some of the cast members will be asked to stay for a rehearsal immediately following the audition. Among the roles to be cast are Johnny Appleseed; Granpa's Kiddos, the Pioneers; Sir Peter Prescott and his...

  • District hosting barn quilt class

    Staff Report|Jan 22, 2020

    With a spike in popularity in barn quilts over the last two decades, Whitehall art teacher Gayle Walter is trying to get the community inspired to create them locally. The Whitehall School District will be hosting an adult education barn quilt class that will be held Tuesdays starting February 11th through March 10th from 6 to 8 p.m. in the Whitehall School art room. Walter will be facilitating the class. According to Walter, there are now more than 7,000 barn quilts in the U.S. and Canada and...

  • Teen Super Bowl Party February 2

    Jack H. Smith, Whitehall Ledger|Jan 22, 2020

    fter a fierce winter storm led to the cancellation of the 2019 event, the Teen Substance Free Super Bowl Party will return to Whitehall in 2020. The event sponsored by Jefferson County, The Jefferson County Tobacco Prevention Program, The DUI Task Force and the Care Coalition is scheduled to take place Sunday, February 2 at the Whitehall Community Center. The party is open for students in grades 6 to 12 with doors opening at 4 p.m. and being locked at 4:15 p.m. until the game is over. Jefferson...

  • Fire Department receives two donations, volunteers needed

    Jack H. Smith, Whitehall Ledger|Jan 8, 2020

    The recent Christmas holiday once again showed the giving nature of local residents with two donations to the Whitehall Volunteer Fire Department. Earlier this week, Reverend Tonya R. Whaley, a Pastor for the United Methodist Church presented a check to the department for $500. Whaley who moved to the area in July said the donation was 100 percent of what was raised by parishioners at their Christmas Eve Service. Whitehall Fire Chief Joe Granvold was very appreciative of the donation. "This is...

  • 'Buddy Bench' donated to Whitehall School

    Jack H. Smith, Whitehall Ledger|Jan 2, 2020

    In May of 2018, 10-year-old cousins Avery Kohl and Lydia Chaffin both tragically passed away in a UTV accident in Idaho. Throughout their lives, both made a tremendous impact on those they crossed paths with which included Tony, Trish, and Evelinn Scarborough of Whitehall. Avery of Brigham City, Utah was known for her kindness and dreamed of growing up to be a humanitarian. Shortly after the accident, her friends and family helped to fulfill her dreams by creating Avery's Dream Foundation. In a...

  • Waltee paintings on display

    Staff Report|Jan 2, 2020

    Paintings by the late artist Don Waltee are on display at Whitehall Town Hall located at 207 E. Legion. Waltee was born on a dairy farm in northern Michigan and moved to Butte at the age of 11. He joined the Navy after high school and returned to Butte. Later he and his wife Glenna moved to Alaska and spent the next 30 years on job assignments all over the country. The Waltees built their retirement home off Piedmont Road in Whitehall when they retired. Don began his art training 50 years ago;...

  • Local stations to broadcast Lights On 3

    Jack H. Smith, Whitehall Ledger|Dec 26, 2019

    Earlier this year, the Musical Ensembles at Liberty Place delighted local crowds with their third annual "Lights On" concert. Next week local residents will be able to relive the wonderful evening with the rebroadcast of "Lights On 3". The broadcasts will take place on Jefferson County Radio on December 31 and January 1 at 6 p.m. The local Jefferson County Radio stations are 106.1 FM in Cardwell and 106.5 FM in Whitehall. Prior to this year's show, David Parker of Liberty Place said in the past...

  • Community Christmas Cantata December 22

    Dec 18, 2019

    This weekend local residents are invited to attend the annual Community Christmas Cantata. The Cantata is scheduled for Sunday, December 22 at 7 p.m. at the First Christian Church located at 108 1st St. E in Whitehall. The 2019 Cantata is "Everlasting Light" and will be under the direction of Janet Heilig and Norm Tebay....

  • Country Store awards grants

    Jack H. Smith, Whitehall Ledger|Dec 18, 2019

    While there was plenty of time for good and conversation, the annual Volunteer of the Country Store Christmas Dinner was once again a chance for the organization to give back for the betterment of the Whitehall area. Three grants were awarded at the dinner to local non-profits for a total of $20,000. The Jefferson Valley Rural Fire Department received $10,000, the Jefferson Valley Museum and Whitehall Booster Club each received $5,000. Joy Des Rosier of the country said the volunteers were very...

  • Whitehall Art Show/Sale next week

    Staff Report|Dec 11, 2019

    Local residents will get a chance next week to check out some amazing pieces created by students at the Whitehall K-12 Art Show and Sale. The event is slated to take place Tuesday, December 17 from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. in the Art Wing of the school. The show/sale is the same night as the K-5 concert at 7 p.m. In a past interview with the Ledger, art teacher Gayle Walter discussed the sale and show. "Students have to not only create their artwork but prepare it for display. They must think about the...

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