Sorted by date Results 3140 - 3164 of 3755
The Whitehall Tax Increment Financing District (WTIF) will begin accepting applications July 1 for their 2020 grant cycle. Formed in 2012, the WTIF is an Urban Renewal program created to foster the revitalization and economic development of the downtown area and surrounding areas. The WTIF is managed by a five-member board consisting of elected officials and community members. The district uses funds collected for a variety of reasons including prevention, rehabilitation or elimination of...
One-hundred years ago, Whitehall was a growing community with new businesses opening, existing ones being sold and some closing – kind of like today. In business news, Carl Smith has sold his interest in the Smith Garage to Harry Huber. Walter Hettick announced that the Pipestone plunge is open as is the dance hall, bar and lunchroom but it is doubtful that the hotel will be open this year. Mr. Lahood is selling gasoline for $0.34 per gallon and states that the drop from 37½ cents to 3...
The deadline is nearing to reserve a spot on the map for the annual Whitehall Community Garage Sale. The garage sale will take place Saturday, June 27 and the deadline to be included on the map is June 23. Those interested in being placed on the map should sign up at the Corner Store in Whitehall or contact the chamber at 406-287-2260 or by email at The map will be available starting June 26 at the Corner Store and the day of the event at the Farmer's...
Gunner South can remember a trip to the Whitehall Bike Park that resulted in many crashes due to what he described as holes and rocks. South and his friend Dean Valov both recently decided they wanted to do something about fixing up the park for more to enjoy and last Saturday organized a cleanup day. at Joined by another friend Tucker Witzel, the three worked hard last Saturday to make a difference. South said he and Dean both approached Whitehall Mayor Mary Janacaro Hensleigh who was very...
The Whitehall Farmers' Market & Open Air Street Market is set to open on Saturday, June 20th. The market hours for this season are 9 a.m. to-Noon. Vendor spaces are $5/day and are first-come, first-serve. Due to current health department guidelines in regard to Covid-19, the following changes will be in place this year: • All vendor booths will be spaced at least 6 feet apart. • All vendors are asked to have hand sanitizer available. (The Market will be purchasing several extra bottles to have o...
The large barn that is known as the Jefferson Valley Museum began its history in 1914 as the Ike Pace Barn. Pace and Frank Wyne began a dairy business there in 1915. It was known as The Sanitary Dairy and from 1927 to 1937 Al Smith operated the last dairy at the barn. This barn not only held cattle, horses and grain. It was also host to many Barn Dances in its early years. In 1950 Basil and Tene Brooke bought the barn and built a Meat Processing Plant just south of the barn. In 1990 during...
On the first day of her freshman year in the fall of 2016, Madison Loomis had her sights set on becoming the 2020 Whitehall High School Valedictorian. Earlier this year, school officials informed Madison that she had accomplished the lofty goal. "I was so excited when I got the call. This has been my goal since the first day of my freshman year. I worked so hard to get to this point and am very proud of myself for sticking to it all four years. It is such an honor," she said. Getting to the...
Local antique appraiser, Roger Richmond, will conduct an appraisal at the Jefferson Valley Museum at 303 S. Division, in Whitehall, on Saturday, May 30th from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. This will be a fundraiser for the Museum which is celebrating its 25th Anniversary this year. Two items per appointment will be allowed, each should be small enough to carry into the area. It is suggested that you contact the Museum during regular hours at 287-7813 to set up an appointment. Walk-ins will not be...
What started at out as a "goofy poem" has now turned into two published books and a third on the way for Whitehall based writer Shirley Baustian. After publishing the children's book "Good Friends" in 2017, Baustian recently received the published copies of the sequel "More Good Friends" on May 12. She describes the book as suited for kids aged kindergarten to third or fourth grade and teaches about friendship. She said in the first book a moose becomes friends with a mouse, in the new book he...
The Whitehall Class of 2010 has decided to cancel the upcoming ten-year reunion and repurpose those funds to benefit Whitehall Schools. Senior class officers are senior class officers unto death, and so the same individuals who planned the 2010 senior trip to Denver and spent hours in concessions are now setting up a GoFundMe site and asking fellow graduates to donate the monies that they would have spent coming home for the summer reunion. 2010 graduates Amy Reavis, Travis Volz, Kellee Glaus...
As you probably know, the nasty invasive weed houndstongue (Cynoglossum officinale (Boraginaceae)) has small oval/flat seeds that stick to about everything. I have spent countless hours combing them out of my Brittanys fur after bird hunts (spray-on cooking oil helps but then you must bathe your dog after that...). My Father and I shot two elk one season several years ago who's head/necks were covered with houndstongue seeds. We hunt that area often and knew of no houndstongue plants within...
Black Tie/Blue Jeans roared in front of the Covid-19 shutdown to raise $27,900. The annual event is sponsored by the Whitehall Chamber of Commerce and the Jefferson Valley Community Foundation. Each year the proceeds are divided between the Chamber and various nonprofit groups within the Whitehall School District with some monies returned to the JVCF endowment. This year was a special year as Mayor Mary Janacaro Hensleigh and her husband Nick pitched in to cover some of the smaller requests....
Jefferson County Events Coordinator Bruce Binkowski is hopeful phase three of the reopening of Montana will happen in time to still have local events this summer. At a Chamber meeting last week, Binkowski said that while Montana Mule Days and several other events in the northern part of the county have been cancelled, organizers of Frontier Days and Community Garage Sales in Whitehall and the Jefferson County Fair are moving forward with their events. He added the Headwaters Country Jam has...
The Jefferson Valley Museum will open for its 25th season on May 23rd at noon. People can visit the museum Tuesday through Sunday, noon to 4:00 p.m.. The museum will conclude the 2020 season on September 15th. Volunteers have been working on updating displays and cleaning in preparation for this anniversary year. Due to current restrictions, no more than 9 visitors and the decent can be in any section of the museum at the same time. More confined areas of the museum may be temporarily roped...
For the second consecutive year, Whitehall High School has been awarded the Montana IGraduate Grant. According to Principal Melissa Robbins, the grant supports post-secondary research and post-secondary option exposure for juniors and seniors. She added students will have increased opportunities to visit campuses and specific programs through these funds. With the last year's grant, Whitehall students were able to travel to Great Falls to visit the Montana Academy of Salons and another group...
Whitehall Rotarians Vic Miller, Libby McBride, Arlene Weber, and Wayne Peterson spent several hours on April 27th picking up trash at the I-90 intersection. The club has been taking care of this area and two miles to the east of town on I-90 for several decades. Club members are also giving back to our community by helping to supply businesses and several town groups with face masks and hand sanitizer. Masks have been provided by Vicky Fuller of Designs of the Times and Rotarian Millie...
Lorie Steerman describes the Whitehall Library as the heart of the community. A member of the Friends of the Whitehall Community Library, she recently discussed the importance of the upcoming June 2 mill levy election. The Jefferson County Library board is seeking an additional nine mills, an approximate cost of around $141,534. According to Steerman, the increase at current value would annually cost county taxpayers an additional $12.15 on a home worth $100,000; $24.30 on a home worth $200,000...
Whitehall High School Principal Melissa Robbins connected with senior classes officers last week to discuss graduation for the class of 2020. Robbins said because timelines and opportunity to make a virtual production is limited, they have agreed to move forward to ensure something formal is completed and available to everyone pending the health situation at the end of May. "We have the opportunity to do something that does not impose any health risks to our community or graduates by a...
Local school officials are unsure of what is going to happen for the 2020 graduation ceremonies. Three Forks 6-12 Principal Greg Heys said he has been tossing around ideas with the staff and other administrators in the area to come up with the best-case scenario for students who are scheduled to graduate May 24. Ideas discussed by Heys include hosting "drive-in graduation at a nearby field, changing the date to June and hosting it on a football field, and a virtual ceremony. "None of them are...
The Montana Department of Transportation (MDT) has begun construction on roadway improvements on 10.3 miles of Whitetail Road (S-399) in Jefferson County between Boulder and Whitehall. The project will increase safety and reduce the amount of maintenance necessary for Jefferson County by improving the roadway surface and drainage. The project is expected to be completed in fall 2020. The project is divided into two segments. The first segment of the project starts near Antelope Lane and extends...
Many local residents may have recently received an envelope from the United States Census. Local officials are stressing the importance of responding online, by mail, or on the phone. Gallatin County Commissioner Scott MacFarlane said census numbers can impact the roads you drive on, the schools your kids attend, the medical benefits you receive, the housing opportunities in your community. "And much, much more. Having accurate Census data is imperative to help adequately fund hundreds of...
In June of 2019, Thomas Elpel of Pony led a small expedition down the 2,341-mile length of the Missouri River from Three Forks to St. Louis. During this five-month journey, Elpel shared his story with local residents in weekly columns that appeared in both the Whitehall Ledger and Three Forks Voice newspapers. Late last week, Elpel announced his book about the journey "Five Months on the Missouri River: Paddling a Dugout Canoe" had arrived from the printer. The full-color book features 270 pages...
The show went on March 14 for the annual Black Tie Blue Jeans fundraiser in Whitehall. According to Kristi Wilson of the Whitehall Chamber, organizers are very thankful the event was not a day later as they would have had to shut it down. "It was nice to forget what we all knew was coming for one last evening and come together for the betterment of our community," she said. As far as attendance, Wilson feels COVID-19 did affect the final attendance of the largest local fundraiser of the year. "W...
The Jefferson Valley Museum will begin its 25th year with the annual meeting on Thursday, April 2nd at the Star Theatre in Whitehall. Extra health precautions are planned to help protect those who attend. Proceedings begin at 6:45 PM with a short meeting followed by a history program. This year the focus will be on the history of the museum barn, which is at least 106 years old, and the years of volunteer work that transformed the dilapidated building into the museum you see today. The program...
American Legion Post 24 in Whitehall has a new post commander. Kristian Richardson was elected into the position January 7 and feels his new role is an important responsibility. "I feel like I have an opportunity to make change in the community which I'm really excited about. One of my main goals is to bring in a new generation of military Veterans into the American Legion here in Jefferson County. There needs to be a new lifeblood in the organization if we want to be able to affect future...