Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana


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  • Whitehall students have 3 options for 2020-21

    Staff Report|Aug 12, 2020

    Whitehall students will have three options for attending school during the 2020-21 school year. According to information released from the district, students can return to campus for in-person learning on August 24, attend school through the distance learning program Acellus, or a hybrid model of in-person and distance learning. In grades 6-12 on-site students will attend school from 8:14 to 3:20 p.m. with a block schedule of four 90 period minute classes. K-5 students will be attending school...

  • Special hours at Lewis and Clark Caverns

    Aug 12, 2020

    Montana State Parks announces adjusted hours of operation and cavern tours at Lewis & Clark Caverns State Park, beginning Aug. 20, as the season begins to wind down. As of Aug. 20, the visitor centers will be open from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. each day, with Paradise Tours every hour from 9:15 a.m. to 4:15 p.m. Tours will continue to be limited and offered by reservation only. To make a reservation, contact the park by phone at 406-287-3541. Tours are often fully booked a week in advance. Visitors...

  • School district offering kindergarten readiness program

    Jack H. Smith, Whitehall Ledger|Aug 5, 2020

    Enrollment is now open for the new Kindergarten Readiness Program in Whitehall. The program is for children who are at least four years old by September 10 and will take place during the week from 12:10 p.m. to 3:10 p.m. Whitehall Superintendent Hannah Nieskens said the district is excited to offer another kindergarten readiness opportunity in the community. "Head Start and private preschools have caps on enrollment, so there are some kids in Whitehall who don't get the opportunity to attend a...

  • Final Sale for Fish Pond Tiles

    Aug 5, 2020

    August is the last month that the Whitehall Rotary Club will be selling engraved tiles at the historic fishpond in the center of town. The fishpond project was started in 2003 as the club's centennial project to help celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of Rotary International in 1905. The Whitehall club was chartered in 1934. What started out as a simple project to replace the broken concrete sidewalk around the pond has turned into a 17-year progressive remodeling of the pond and...

  • Farmers to Families Food Program offering free pork, chicken

    Jack H. Smith, Whitehall Ledger|Jul 29, 2020

    In conjunction with the USDA Convoy of Hope and Farmers to Families Food Box program, several area churches, and Love Inc. of the Greater Whitehall Area will next week be providing free pork and chicken to local residents. According to Whitehall Assembly of God Pastor Bill Lanes, the food will be handed out on August 6 and 7 starting at 1 p.m. in Legion Park. Lanes said he was extremely excited to be contacted by Convoy of Hope and they will be providing an entire semi full of food that will be...

  • Our Town 100 Years Ago: July 1920 Part 2

    Arlene Weber, Jefferson Valley Museum|Jul 29, 2020

    It is mid-summer. Crops are growing and some are being harvested. School is only weeks away. The weather is hot and dry. Things were pretty much the same 100 years ago and then again they were quite different. Farmers in Waterloo are harvesting good crops of turnips and peas. Butte is a great market to sell their produce. Waterloo area residents said goodbye to the founder of their community. Tom Walbert has moved to Three Forks and has a business there. The school has announced annual salaries...

  • Baker walking cross country to promote suicide awareness

    Jack H. Smith, Whitehall Ledger|Jul 22, 2020

    On February 6, Clinton Baker departed from Inlet Beach, Florida on a nationwide walk to raise awareness about suicide. Five months and around 2,000 miles later, Baker made his way to Cardwell last Thursday afternoon. "Every 40 seconds there is a suicide. I'm trying to bring awareness and 'pro'vention. I'm trying to save a life every 40 seconds," Baker said nestled in the shade at the Cardwell School. Throughout the journey that will take him to Washington State before a return trip across...

  • Keeping tradition and the arts alive in Montana

    Catherine Ellerton, Contributing Writer|Jul 22, 2020

    The fourth annual Fiber Fest held at the Copper K Barn outside of Whitehall on July 18 and 19 got off the ground through the sheer determination of founders Kami Noyes and Betty Kujawa. Kami stated that this year had been more challenging but she felt it was worth it as she feels we all need a release from the stress of today so she went through the entire process, met the constant changes and received much support online. Finally, over 26 vendors and teachers from all over Montana and...

  • Frontier Days are bucking forward

    Jul 15, 2020

    The Whitehall Chamber is pleased and excited that Frontier Days plan of action and safety has been approved and the community wide event will indeed occur July 24 and 25. For obvious reasons, the event will look somewhat different this year but many of the all time favorites such as the rodeo, parade, barbeque, Fireman breakfast, hotshot tournament, and museum historical tours will again be featured. In preparation for the event, there are a few thoughts to keep in mind: there are a limited...

  • District preps for 2020-21 school year

    Jack H. Smith, Whitehall Ledger|Jul 15, 2020

    Whitehall School District Officials have been busy in anticipation of the 2020-21 school year. Superintendent Hannah Nieskens said a lot of planning has been in the works in conjunction with the Jefferson County Health Department – with the plans for a regular length school day. Among the changes at the school at the start of school will include block scheduling for grades 6 to 12. According to Nieskens, kids would have three to four classes a day instead of seven with the length of the class c...

  • Whitehall Pool open for summer season

    Jack H. Smith, Whitehall Ledger|Jul 8, 2020

    The Whitehall Community Swimming Pool is officially open for the season. The pool opened for the season July 7 and will be open Tuesday through Saturday from 1 p.m. to 8 p.m. Pool Manager Allissa Christensen said lifeguards wrapped up their training Monday and she is excited for the pool to be operational. "I'm thrilled about opening," she said. The Town Council voted in June to use the $4,622.80 remaining in the pool funding from the 2019-20 fiscal year budget to open the pool starting July 7....

  • Organization lends a helping hand

    Jack H. Smith, Whitehall Ledger|Jul 8, 2020

    Sincerely Paul Feeding His Sheep is making a positive impact for residents of the Whitehall area. The 501c3 non-profit organization, whose mission statement is caring people caring for people and feeding the hungry through the love and compassion of Jesus Christ, has been giving away free produce boxes each week at the Education Station located at 7 W. Legion Ave. in Whitehall. The giveaway is in conjunction with Farmers to Families and the Montana Food Bank Networks. Last Wednesday, organizatio...

  • Rotary Hosting July Blood Drive

    Jack H. Smith, Whitehall Ledger|Jul 1, 2020

    The Whitehall Rotary Club is sponsoring a blood drive later this month. Vitalant Donor Recruitment Representative Shawn Muffich stressed the importance of the blood drive scheduled for July 14 from Noon to 4 p.m. at the Whitehall Community Center. "It's vital we keep our blood supply strong now and throughout the year. Generally, during the summer months, we see a decrease in donors due to summer vacations, surgeries, schools are not in session, etc. This year in particular we started the...

  • Busy Summer for Whitehall Project

    Todd Breitenfeldt, Project Coordinator|Jul 1, 2020

    We have much going on this summer. Here is a short summary of what we are doing. If you would like your land to be involved in any of this, please message us on our Whitehall Biological Weed Control Project Facebook page or call during normal business hours: Alycia: 406-565-3995 or Todd: 406-498-5236. 1. Leafy spurge: We will be collecting leafy spurge flea beetles July 7-8th near Grass Range. We have well over 100 requests for releases, but if you are interested in one contact us and we will...

  • Community Garage Sale Saturday

    Jack H. Smith, Whitehall Ledger|Jun 24, 2020

    Local residents will have plenty of chances to find a hidden gem this Saturday at the annual Whitehall Community Garage Sale. The event is scheduled for Saturday, June 27 and maps can be picked up starting Friday at the Corner Store and the day of at the Whitehall Farmer's Market and Open Air Street Market. Chamber President John Kreis said he is ecstatic they are able to start with the city-wide garage sale as one of the first green shoots of a return to something of normalcy. He added several...

  • WTIF board accepting 2020 applications

    Jack H. Smith, Whitehall Ledger|Jun 24, 2020

    The Whitehall Tax Increment Financing District (WTIF) will begin accepting applications July 1 for their 2020 grant cycle. Formed in 2012, the WTIF is an Urban Renewal program created to foster the revitalization and economic development of the downtown area and surrounding areas. The WTIF is managed by a five-member board consisting of elected officials and community members. The district uses funds collected for a variety of reasons including prevention, rehabilitation or elimination of...

  • Our Town 100 Years Ago: June 1920

    Arlene Weber, Jefferson Valley Musuem|Jun 17, 2020

    One-hundred years ago, Whitehall was a growing community with new businesses opening, existing ones being sold and some closing – kind of like today. In business news, Carl Smith has sold his interest in the Smith Garage to Harry Huber. Walter Hettick announced that the Pipestone plunge is open as is the dance hall, bar and lunchroom but it is doubtful that the hotel will be open this year. Mr. Lahood is selling gasoline for $0.34 per gallon and states that the drop from 37½ cents to 3...

  • Deadline for Community Garage Sale Map June 23

    Staff Report|Jun 17, 2020

    The deadline is nearing to reserve a spot on the map for the annual Whitehall Community Garage Sale. The garage sale will take place Saturday, June 27 and the deadline to be included on the map is June 23. Those interested in being placed on the map should sign up at the Corner Store in Whitehall or contact the chamber at 406-287-2260 or by email at The map will be available starting June 26 at the Corner Store and the day of the event at the Farmer's...

  • Local students help clean bike park

    Jun 10, 2020

    Gunner South can remember a trip to the Whitehall Bike Park that resulted in many crashes due to what he described as holes and rocks. South and his friend Dean Valov both recently decided they wanted to do something about fixing up the park for more to enjoy and last Saturday organized a cleanup day. at Joined by another friend Tucker Witzel, the three worked hard last Saturday to make a difference. South said he and Dean both approached Whitehall Mayor Mary Janacaro Hensleigh who was very...

  • Whitehall Farmers' Market Opening June 20

    Staff Report|Jun 3, 2020

    The Whitehall Farmers' Market & Open Air Street Market is set to open on Saturday, June 20th. The market hours for this season are 9 a.m. to-Noon. Vendor spaces are $5/day and are first-come, first-serve. Due to current health department guidelines in regard to Covid-19, the following changes will be in place this year: • All vendor booths will be spaced at least 6 feet apart. • All vendors are asked to have hand sanitizer available. (The Market will be purchasing several extra bottles to have o...

  • Celebrating Twenty-Five Years Of Preserving The Past

    Arlene Weber, Contributing Writer|Jun 3, 2020

    The large barn that is known as the Jefferson Valley Museum began its history in 1914 as the Ike Pace Barn. Pace and Frank Wyne began a dairy business there in 1915. It was known as The Sanitary Dairy and from 1927 to 1937 Al Smith operated the last dairy at the barn. This barn not only held cattle, horses and grain. It was also host to many Barn Dances in its early years. In 1950 Basil and Tene Brooke bought the barn and built a Meat Processing Plant just south of the barn. In 1990 during...

  • Loomis is 2020 Valedictorian

    Jack H. Smith, Whitehall Ledger|May 27, 2020

    On the first day of her freshman year in the fall of 2016, Madison Loomis had her sights set on becoming the 2020 Whitehall High School Valedictorian. Earlier this year, school officials informed Madison that she had accomplished the lofty goal. "I was so excited when I got the call. This has been my goal since the first day of my freshman year. I worked so hard to get to this point and am very proud of myself for sticking to it all four years. It is such an honor," she said. Getting to the...

  • Antique Appraisal May 30 at Museum

    May 27, 2020

    Local antique appraiser, Roger Richmond, will conduct an appraisal at the Jefferson Valley Museum at 303 S. Division, in Whitehall, on Saturday, May 30th from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. This will be a fundraiser for the Museum which is celebrating its 25th Anniversary this year. Two items per appointment will be allowed, each should be small enough to carry into the area. It is suggested that you contact the Museum during regular hours at 287-7813 to set up an appointment. Walk-ins will not be...

  • Local writer publishes second book

    Jack H. Smith, Whitehall Ledger|May 20, 2020

    What started at out as a "goofy poem" has now turned into two published books and a third on the way for Whitehall based writer Shirley Baustian. After publishing the children's book "Good Friends" in 2017, Baustian recently received the published copies of the sequel "More Good Friends" on May 12. She describes the book as suited for kids aged kindergarten to third or fourth grade and teaches about friendship. She said in the first book a moose becomes friends with a mouse, in the new book he...

  • WHS Class of 2010 Raising Funds for Whitehall School District

    Holly Harper, Contributing Writer|May 20, 2020

    The Whitehall Class of 2010 has decided to cancel the upcoming ten-year reunion and repurpose those funds to benefit Whitehall Schools. Senior class officers are senior class officers unto death, and so the same individuals who planned the 2010 senior trip to Denver and spent hours in concessions are now setting up a GoFundMe site and asking fellow graduates to donate the monies that they would have spent coming home for the summer reunion. 2010 graduates Amy Reavis, Travis Volz, Kellee Glaus...

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