Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana


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  • Our Town 100 Years Ago: January 1921, part 2

    Arlene Weber, Jefferson Valley Museum|Jan 27, 2021

    January 1921, Part 2 The "Our Town" articles will have an extra bonus this year. The first couple of paragraphs will be taken from an 1895 edition of the Jefferson Valley Zephyr and will be as written in that edition. The 100 years ago news is rewritten from notes made by Roy Milligan, Sr. when he reviewed decades of the Jefferson Valley News newspapers. From the January 18, 1895 Zephyr: CHICKEN THIEF – Will Hurlburt, on the Noble ranch south of town, had a fine flock of chickens-about 60 or 7...

  • Looking Back 25 Years: January 25, 1996

    Arlene Weber, Jefferson Valley Museum|Jan 27, 2021

    JANUARY 25, 1996 A semi-tractor trailer accident at the Whitehall I-90 interchange Saturday around noon sent three people to the hospital by ambulance. According to Highway Patrol Officer Nancy Antonioli, “We were very lucky we didn’t have any fatalities.” Driver Carmen Mittleider from Tappen, N.D., apparently fell asleep at the wheel of the empty cattle-hauler westbound on I-90. After drifting off the right side of the road into the triangle of ground between the exit and the interstate, Mittleider over-corrected, crossed both westbound inter...

  • JANUARY: Thyroid Awareness Month

    Bethel Wagner, Certified Health Coach|Jan 20, 2021

    January is Thyroid Awareness Month, but unfortunately, up to 60% of people with thyroid disease are unaware that their thyroids are suffering. Not only does thyroid disease affect over 20 million people, thyroid medications are among the top 5 prescription meds in the U.S. Thyroid disease also happens to be eight times as common in women as it is in men! Thyroid disease negatively impacts health in a myriad of ways including low energy, weight gain, hair loss, cold intolerance, digestive issues, anxiety, infertility and miscarriage, and...

  • Name To A Face: Laurell Ovitt, Nature's Artist

    Kristine Erinn, Whitehall Ledger Contributing Writer|Jan 20, 2021

    Laurell Ovitt is best known for her gorgeous original artwork, which she sells at the Whitehall Farmers Market and around town. However, there is much more to her than just her art. Laurell is a 4th generation Montana native who originally grew up in Dillon; her grandmother lived in Bannack. She is very close to her sister, who helps with selling her art. Laurel attended high school in Dixon where there were only 25 kids; after graduating high school she went to college not once, but twice. In Missoula she received her Associates in Forestry;...

  • For Your Information - Cardwell News

    Arcylle Shaw, Whitehall Ledger Contributing Writer|Jan 20, 2021

    If you are into geo-cashing, Ray Hunt and his boys, Eon, Ember and Roam, have put together 30 plus of them. Ray is an amazing story-teller and knows how to entertain his boys with treasure hunts and various other projects. According to Grandpa Ron, the boys are gifted in design and cleverness. Eon designed one that looks like a bird house that can really fool you. When the geo-cash maps are pulled up on one’s phone, Ron said that it looks like the area has been peppered! Isn’t it wonderful to live in Southwest Montana and in the Whitehall are...

  • Between The Stacks

    Jeannie Ferriss, Whitehall Community Library|Jan 20, 2021

    One of the really great things about working in the Library is the chance to meet so many new residents in Whitehall. We have had people from all over the country coming to Montana and bringing their talents and willingness to share their skills with the Library. I am currently working with one such person in creating a music and movement class for toddlers and preschoolers after Storytime on Fridays. This would be a terrific program to teach younger children about music and how many fun ways there are to move to music! Watch for more details....

  • Let's Talk ... National Debt

    Jim Buterbaugh, Whitehall Ledger Contributing Writer|Jan 20, 2021

    For a few years I have watched our National Debt as it soared at a frightening rate, much like watching a teenager with a credit card. A basic description of our nation’s debt is what money our government has borrowed from sources, such as private investors, different federal agencies, and other nations. The ability to pay that back is a comparison of our gross domestic product (GDP) to debt ratio. Financial experts start to worry when a country’s debt reaches 77% of that country’s GDP. As they worry about that country’s ability to repay that d...

  • First Allotment of COVID-19 Vaccines Hit Jefferson County

    Jan 6, 2021

    Jefferson County Health Department has received its first allotment of Moderna COVID-19 vaccine. We are currently receiving limited supplies of the vaccine and will follow CDC and Montana DPHHS recommendations for allocation. The vaccine will be administered through a phased process as recommended by the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP). We are now in Phase 1A of our vaccination efforts, which includes healthcare workers who have direct contact with patients and long-term care facility staff and residents. At this time,...

  • Whitehall students receive sweatshirts

    Jack H. Smith, Whitehall Ledger|Dec 23, 2020

    Since the creation of Montana Rail Link's Project Sweatshirt in 2014, a total of 16,243 sweatshirts featuring school colors and mascots have been presented as a gift to students and staff throughout the state. Last Thursday, students, and staff in Whitehall received sweatshirts as part of the program runs in conjunction with the Dennis and Phyliss Washington Foundation. According to MRL Vice President of Corporate Relations Ross Lane, 2,082 sweatshirts were handed out in 2020. Along with the two...

  • Chamber announces contest winners

    Jack H. Smith, Whitehall Ledger|Dec 23, 2020

    The Whitehall Chamber of Commerce has announced the winners of their 2020 Christmas Lights Contest. The winner of the residential contest was Jerry Ward at 404 2nd Street, and the winner of the business contest was Settings by All Things Montana at 11 N. Main. The residential contest was judged through a ballot by local residents and the business contest was judged by NorthWestern Energy. "It's truly amazing to drive around our community and see so many took the time to spread some holiday...

  • Our Town 100 Years Ago: Dec. 1920 Part 2

    Arlene Weber, Jefferson Valley Musuem|Dec 23, 2020

    (Please note a correction for December 1920, Part 1. Mr. Black's first name is Tanjor, not Tannor.) Another year is wrapping up. Kids are playing sports, people are getting married, organizations are selecting officers for the coming year. There are three marriages of interest to locals. Guy D. George from Butte has married Lucile Renaldo of Laurin. Mr. George is a mail clerk at the Butte post office. Antone Bertoglio was united in marriage to Ethel Mae Winslow. Our Superintendent of Schools,...

  • Jefferson County Radio Airing 'It's a Wonderful Life"

    Dec 23, 2020

    Jefferson County Radio continues its holiday programming with a special radio presentation performed by the Jefferson High School Drama Department. The radio adaptation of “It’s a Wonderful Life” has been recorded by the JHS drama department and will be airing multiple times on Jefferson County Radio. The radio program will air Christmas Eve, Christmas Day and New Year’s Eve at 6 pm and on January 1st at 1 pm and 6 pm. “The program is a radio and motion picture classic and the JHS students did a great job with the production and presentat...

  • Jefferson County Radio playing "Country Sounds of the Season" through Christmas

    Dec 16, 2020

    Jefferson County Radio is getting into the holiday spirit playing “country sounds of the season.” The stations will be playing the special holiday music through Christmas day. The local stations will be featuring classic country artists Johnny Cash, Dolly Parton, the Statler Brothers, Burl Ives, Alabama, Willie Nelson, Brenda Lee, and many more. The Jefferson County stations are: Basin, 98.3 FM; Boulder 105.9 FM, Cardwell, 106.1 FM; Elk Park 103.7 FM, Jefferson City 100.3 FM, Montana City 105.9 FM and Whitehall 106.5 FM. Jefferson County Rad...

  • Chamber hosting variety of 2020 holiday promotions

    STAFF REPORT|Dec 9, 2020

    While organizers were unable to move forward with the traditional Christmas Stroll scheduled for Saturday, December 12, the Whitehall Chamber of Commerce is still putting together a family-friendly holiday celebration for local residents. An Elf Scavenger Hunt will start December 11 and run until December 21. Elves will be placed in windows throughout Whitehall. Those who join the hunt are asked to take a selfie with all of the elves and send the pictures to the chamber via email or text at...

  • Community Christmas Celebration December 20

    Dec 9, 2020

    Covenant Community Church, along with others in the Whitehall area, is planning a Community Christmas Celebration on December 20th, at 4 p.m. on the lawn of The Education Station, located on the corner of Legion and Division Streets. The celebration will include live music, refreshments, fellowship, and a tree lighting. As part of the celebration, we will also be doing a "Blessing Tree" to help meet needs within the community. This has been a difficult year for many, and this will be an...

  • Rotary Club Completes Another Year of Service

    Dec 9, 2020

    Despite a restricted year, Whitehall Rotarians were still able to complete service projects and several ongoing fundraisers. Dishcloths sales were done during Frontier Days and would have been offered during the Christmas Stroll. The dish cloths are, however, still available by contacting Joan Jones at 287-5520 or Karen Burtch at Mountain View Real Estate. The club also raises funds through aluminum can recycling at the local dump and a donation jar at the KFC/A&W. Funds raised from these...

  • Our Town 100 Years Ago: December 1920 part 1

    Arlene Weber, Jefferson Valley Museum|Dec 9, 2020

    Christmas is fast approaching in the Jefferson Valley. Candlelight tours of the caverns are the first big event of December as a promotion of Morrison Cave. A special dinner was held at the Palm with 40 visitors (at least 21 were influential men from around the state) and close to that many locals attended. Our local band played music outside of the Palm so everyone could enjoy the tunes. After dinner, twenty-one boarded the train for a ride to the cavern area. Another mile had to be covered to...

  • Whitehall students gain access to New Mexico RC telescope

    STAFF REPORT|Dec 2, 2020

    Students in Whitehall will soon be able to take advantage of a 16” RC Optical Systems telescope hosted by the New Mexico Skies at the Pérez Observatory near Mayhill, NM. According to science teacher Zachary Kozicky, he was enrolled in an online course offered through MSU in cooperation with the Montana Learning Center at Canyon Ferry called, “Classroom Observatory – Astrophotography.” He said the course taught teachers how to use one of the remote-use telescopes for classroom operatio...

  • Tree Permits online

    Dec 2, 2020

    This year, due to COVID-19, the issuing of Christmas Tree Permits by the Forest Service can now be completed on-line at Although there is no charge for the permit, (up to three trees per permit), there is a processing fee of $2.50. The holiday tree permit fees continue to help support the "Every Kid Outdoors" Program. Each permit allows the purchaser to harvest up to three trees and If any member of the public has a difficult time navigating the website or does...

  • For Your Information

    Arcylle Shaw|Dec 2, 2020

    The newest addition to Jefferson Island (Cardwell) is Callan Dean Patrick! (See the photo) Shawn and Avery Patrick are the parents of this little fellow and Shawn said "We are quite smitten with this little one." Love is an amazing thing - it just grows and grows when a child is born from the love between to parents. Even though Callan was three weeks early, he will thrive. Callan is the first grandchild for Avery's parents, Mike Gold and Katie Boedecker who live in the White Sulphur Springs...

  • Festival of Trees moves to online format

    Jack H. Smith, Whitehall Ledger|Nov 25, 2020

    While things might be a little different in 2020 with an online format, the annual Liberty of Place Festival of Trees will once again be huge in fundraising efforts for the organization that provides life skills and housing for individuals with brain injuries, with facilities in both Whitehall and Belgrade. According to Liberty Place Executive Director Ann Geiger, the event that usually takes place in Bozeman was moved online out of concern for the safety of supporters, staff, and residents....

  • Candlelight Tours Available

    Nov 25, 2020

    Montana State Parks announced last week Lewis & Clark Caverns State Park will once again offer the popular Holiday Candlelight Tours. These special candlelight tours of the Caverns will be offered this year Dec. 19-21 and Dec. 26-28. Seven tours will be offered daily between 9:15 a.m. to 3:15 p.m. Come see the Caverns by the warm festive glow of candle lanterns as we celebrate with this holiday favorite. Tickets will be available Monday, Nov. 30, by calling the Caverns office at 406-287-3541...

  • Our Town 100 Years Ago: November 1920, Part 2

    Arlene Weber, Jefferson Valley Museum|Nov 25, 2020

    Winter is settling in on the Jefferson Valley, the general election is becoming just a memory, people are moving in and out of town. It is the second half of November 1920. The post office has an opening for a rural mail carrier. The route is a standard 24 miles and pays $1800 per year. Extra pay will be provided should the route extend beyond the 24 miles. Women will be considered if they are a widow or the wife of a physically disabled veteran. George Bleichner has been showing his friends...

  • Whitehall Schools Athletics Still in Deficit Despite Fee Increase

    ELIZABETH PULLMAN, Whitehall Ledger|Nov 20, 2020

    Kurtis Koenig- elementary report up from last meeting , him and slater attend mosda workshop in missoula, montana school district of attorneys, what builds the policy that all the schools use, Got to discuss investigative techniques, discussion about social media, pertaining to staff and students, Ways to keep district safe Lots of talking lots of listening Currently just about finished with mass assessments Data has been interesting Get results in soon Updated way they present student data Veterans day assembl;y _well done It's not just about...

  • Christmas Stroll cancelled, Pop Up Market planned

    Jack H. Smith, Whitehall Ledger|Nov 18, 2020

    The Whitehall Chamber of Commerce’s event plan for the 2020 Christmas Stroll was denied by the Jefferson County Health Board. Chamber President John Kreis said it was very disappointing news but at the same time, they certainly understand the point of view of the health board. In the meantime, Kreis and chamber board members have been working hard on community-based events that would not draw a crowd but still emphasize the holiday season. Among the plans for the holiday season include a Christmas Pop Up Vendor Market that will take place f...

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