Sorted by date Results 2937 - 2961 of 3758
"I just remembered thinking of my parents and how they must have felt thinking they might lose both of their children," said Stevie Croisant, founder of the local nonprofit We Are HER (Healed, Empowered, Restored). "First, it was a real possibility that my brother wouldn't come home from Afghanistan. But then it became clear that they might lose me to domestic violence." We Are HER helps survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault heal after trauma. The organization was founded after...
A danger we may not have taken seriously enough, a danger that has grown throughout the present generation and now may be in clearer view, is that objective truth has been canceled. The effects of Cancel Culture are raging all around us; we see this in the daily news. Are we seeing the process of a disaster? Perhaps we in the church have been too fearful to sound a constant alarm. I’m proposing a simple platform, striking up honest, personable, and intellectual discussions. Dialoging is something we should all strive towards. Faith and c...
Greater Whitehall Area Love In the Name of Christ (GWA Love INC) is thankful to have this opportunity to share about our mission in the Whitehall community. We were established in August 2016 with a Board of Directors consisting of: Chairman of the Board, Ron Jung; Treasurer, Karen Burtch; Secretary, Dawn Huckaba, and Pastor Hope. The working staff consists of an Executive Director, Deanna Smith and Connection Coordinator, Denise McCord. Each local Love INC affiliate is part of a nationwide network of 140 affiliates in 30 states, 7 in Montana....
The Montana Old Time Fiddlers are back! Their first jam of the year will be held at the Mint Bar at 1 E. Legion in uptown Whitehall, on Sunday, April 18th, from 2 to 6 PM. The program is free and open to the public, and dancing is encouraged! Guitar, Mandolin, and Banjo players are welcome to participate in the jam – and anyone can just come to hear some great old time fiddle music. The Montana Old Time Fiddlers are dedicated to preserving old time fiddle music in Montana, providing educational and performance opportunities for all. For more i...
Josh Lewis, 10, was all smiles when he picked up his Easter Eggs-Travaganza Scavenger Hunt prize this weekend. Lewis, along with about 85 other children, participated in the Whitehall Chamber's Easter activities and was drawn by the Easter Bunny as the second place winner of the hunt. His basket was filled with local gift certificates!...
Greetings Trojan Community! If you have a third, fourth, or fifth grader this year, you have probably heard them talking about the SBAC tests (Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium) this week. We began our testing on Tuesday, and this assessment will last through the rest of this week. We will then take a week off and resume testing on the following week. These tests provide a very clear picture of what our students have learned this year as well as the areas towards which we need to focus more instruction. I often refer to these assessments...
In late 2020, the first COVID-19 vaccines were approved for use in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. On December 23, 2020, Jefferson County Health Department received its first allotment on Moderna COVID-19 vaccine. We were overjoyed! There was cheering and singing and a few tears of relief. Those hundred doses of vaccine felt like hope. They felt like hope because up until then our only defense against a virus that had changed the course of our daily lives were non-pharmaceutical interventions...
The Friends of the Library asked me to remind everyone that all logo contest entries are due by 7:00 p.m. on Thursday, April 15. The judges decide on a winner and award them the $100 prize in a few weeks. The logo will then be placed on all things the Library does in the way of promotion, programming, publications, and more. Thank you in advance to everyone who participated in the contest, the Friends have already received some great entries. This week our guest lecturer for Government 101 is...
“Kilns, Kilns, and More Kilns: Remnants of Western Industry” is the newest exhibit at the Jefferson County Museum. This exhibit features images of an historical remnant critical to the nineteenth century mining industry in the Western states—the stone or brick kiln. These large ovens allowed materials to be heated to high temperatures under controlled conditions. Most photographs show old kilns that transformed wood into charcoal, an important fuel which produced high temperatures needed for smelting raw ores during the frontier era. These...
The following is taken from the Whitehall Zephyr, April 5, 1895, as it was written. The accompanying ad is also from that edition. Sam Wade has bought the restaurant property, on the corner opposite Fergus' store, and will soon make extensive improvements thereon. Sam is "our kind of people" – full of enterprise and vim. If appearances and sounds do not deceive us there are many bluebirds, robins, meadowlarks and nightingales putting in an appearance; in view of the recent spells of weather, how...
Greg and DeAndra Parks of Whitehall have been chosen by the Jefferson Valley Habitat for Humanity (JVHFH) as the second family to receive a Habitat for Humanity home. The first home, built for and with Bill and Margaret Carhuff, was completed in December. Although the announcement of their selection is great news for the Parks family, Greg and DeDe know that it means they face some hard work ahead. Every “partner” family chosen to receive a home must contribute at least 500 hours of “sweat equity” for the Humanity program. That did not come as...
The Department of Public Health and Human Services (DPHHS) has confirmed that an adult male from Richland County has been diagnosed with hantavirus infection. The individual acquired the illness while working out of state where there was an occupational exposure to mice. The individual was hospitalized but is now in the process of recovering at home. DPHHS and local public health agencies remind Montanans and visitors to the state to be aware of the risk of hantavirus and to take precautions to avoid exposures to rodents, their droppings and...
THURSDAY, April 15 5:00PM PBS NewsHour 6:00PM This Old House 6:30PM Ask This Old House 7:00PM Cat in the HAT 7:30PM Peg + Cat 8:00PM PBS NewsHour 9:00PM Amanpour and Company 10:00PM Baseball: Shadow Ball FRIDAY, April 16 8:00PM PBS NewsHour 9:00PM Amanpour and Company 10:00PM Great Performances: Beethoven in Beijing 11:30PM Beyond the Canvas: The Greats 2 12:00AM Amanpour and Company SATURDAY, April 17 6:00AM Hero Elementary 6:30AM Xavier Riddle 7:00AM Curious George 7:30AM Daniel Tiger’s Nghbrhd 8:00AM Daniel Tiger’s Nghbrhd 8:30AM Elinor Wond...
Roasts and hams certainly may get a lot of fanfare for holiday dining, but chicken is a versatile food that is mild enough to be molded into whatever flavor profile cooks desire. Chicken also can be dressed up so it easily competes with other protein sources for top billing on holiday tables. Easily cooked on the stovetop in a flash, this recipe for "Almond Chicken With Peaches and Roquefort" from "125 Best Chicken Recipes" (Robert Rose) by Rose Murray can be customized and multiplied depending...
APRIL 4, 2021 06:15 Suspicious Vehicle: Cottonwood Rd 08:17 Medical BLS-YEL: Skyline Dr. 10:39 Suspicious Vehicle: I90 10:49 Medical BLS-RED 12:59 Welfare Check: S Lincoln St. 15:15 911 Hang Up: Rocky Top Rd. 15:26 Welfare Check: Friend Spring Rd. 15:32 Animal: MT HWY 359 16:55 Reckless Driver: I90 20:37 Animal: Hanson Ln. 22:02 Suspicious Activity: Robbins Ln. 22:25 Motor Vehicle: HWY 69 APRIL 5, 2021 09:24 Domestic Non-Violent: S Lincoln St. 09:37 Motor Vehicle: S Division St. 12:05 Lost Property: I90 12:49 Medical BLS-RED: E Second St....
Just when it seemed like the snowpack was on the right track to rebound from the dry December and January, March yielded substantially different weather patterns than the cold and wet conditions experienced during February. Snowpack percentages on March 1 were at a high point for the year, boosted by well above normal snowfall leading to near to above normal snowpack for almost all Montana river basins. “Unfortunately, March weather started off on the opposite trajectory. Warm, dry air spilled into the state during the first week of the m...
Montana’s spring male turkey season opened April 10. Turkey hunters can purchase a turkey license for a general area at FWP offices, license providers or online. The application deadline for western Montana’s spring gobbler season permits has passed. The 2021 spring turkey season regulations, with details on turkey hunting in the general area, are available at FWP offices, license providers and online at Hunters should remember that when transporting a spring turkey in the state on Montana, one leg and foot must be naturally att...
When spring is in the air, snowmelt creates high water in our streams and rivers. You might want to get out there in your boat, but high water can be deadly when conditions are too extreme for safe boating. Although it can be hard to put safety ahead of adventure when you’ve spent hours planning a boating trip, sometimes the only safe choice is to stay off the water. If you do go, make sure you stay safe by wearing a well-fitted personal flotation device (PFD) or life jacket when on and around the water. Even if you are only near a rapidly f...
Over a hundred children ages 0-6 participated in the Whitehall Chamber's Easter Eggs-travaganza Egg Hunt on the Main Street Green this past Saturday. Participants found hundreds of eggs scattered throughout the park, as well as loose prizes. The Easter Bunny made his rounds before the hunt began delighting (and sometimes scaring) the little ones as they waited for the signal to start gathering. After the hunt parents brought their little ones to sit on the Easter Bunny's lap and get a photo...
NorthWestern Energy will begin refunding its electric customers in Montana $8.1 million as a result of a recent settlement concerning the price of transmitting power over NorthWestern’s system. The Montana Public Service Commission’s final order in NorthWestern’s 2019 electric rate case required NorthWestern to credit its customers for revenue it collects from other energy companies who use NorthWestern’s system to transmit energy used in interstate commerce. The prices those energy companies pay NorthWestern for transmission service are set...
Navigating life is a challenge, and it is an arduous challenge without friendship. For many of us, our days are filled with work, meetings, events, and just earning daily bread. But, have we lost something that our grandparents cherished? How often do you sit down and have a meaningful conversation with a family member or a close friend? Deliberate and candid conversations are extremely valuable. Have we lost some of the subtleties necessary to be good listeners? Is this the problem? Our society is undergoing a major shift, and shockingly this...
April is a busy month with added layers of standardized testing. We recently finished the ACTs with the Juniors and have the Pre-ACTs for Sophomores planned for April 27th. Mr. Norbeck, the school counselor, is the lead on these exams. Please contact him with questions at or 287-3862 ext 2122. The testing window for the 6-8 grade state assessments to include English, Math and Science (8th grade only) are scheduled for April 19th – 30th. Teachers will be communicating home the week of these exams, so parents know the e...
I hope you all had a happy holiday weekend. The Library was able to make Easter a little brighter thanks to the Love, INC. organizations in Dillon and Whitehall. They provided 50 Easter baskets for the Library to pass out to children and their parents last week. Candy, games, toys, and more awaited the little ones during story time and after school. Thank you again to both groups! April 4-10 is National Library Week! This year’s theme is “Welcome to Your Library” and Natalie Portman is the honorary chair. The award-winning actress has just...
During the past year, a virus that has changed all our daily lives, amplified the visibility of public health. In the public health field, individuals work to promote healthy living, prevent disease and injury, and determine ways to bring the greatest health benefits to the most people. Public health is the art and science of protecting and improving the health of people and their communities. The work of public health is important in all our lives however, often this work is done...
Producers will have only one opportunity to enroll in the commodity-related provisions of the “Agricultural Improvement and Reform Act,” which is expected to be signed into law this week. . . . This bill, which provides farm payments through the 2002 crop year, keeps intact the general “freedom to farm” framework that has been discussed since last summer, and is not influenced by Market prices. There are several implications of this framework for producers making planting decisions. . . . Trojan Athlete of the Week is Crystal Wilkins...