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Whitehall resident and artist Michelle Tebay has a love for the land and the state of Montana. This is proudly reflected in her work. A juried member of the Pastel Society of America and the Oil Painters of America, Tebay is currently displaying her works at a special "Montana and Beyond" display through the end of June in the dining room at Boulder Hot Springs. At a special reception last Sunday, Tebay shared her happiness about the showcase. "It's an honor to be asked to display my work as a...
A display narrating the Irish struggle for independence and the support given by Ireland's "exiled children in America," is now available for viewing at the Whitehall Library. "Erin's Exiled Children: The Irish of America and the Making of Modern Ireland" was created in honor of the centennial of Ireland's Easter Rising in 1916 and documents the Irish struggle for independence and the role the Irish in America played in keeping their traditions alive. According to Whitehall Librarian Jeannie...
Had an occasion to visit Wagner’s Nursery in Butte and what an experience! When I need a ‘flower fix’ , that is the place to go. The flowers are so beautiful - and the fragrance, Wow! It was better than shopping for new clothes. Matthew 6:28 and 29 have it right. “Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow. They neither toil nor spin, and yet I say unto you, even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of them.” News from the school is scant, but I was told that the garage sale was successful and they had lots of donations...
Wed., May 6, 1992 The Valley View and Legion Street projects will be combined as originally planned in the Phase 1 portion of the water line replacement project for the Town of Whitehall, it was agreed during a special meeting of the Whitehall Town Council. Officials of GSM east of Whitehall hosted an informational tour of the mine property on April 28 for a number of local government and public officials and area news media. The purpose of the tour was to discuss the mine’s operation and reclamation plan, and it’s various environmental pro...
Members of the Whitehall High School choir and band continued to shine at last week’s State Music Festival in Missoula. School musical director Janet Heilig said they had eleven events at state, four of them receiving the top possible score of a superior rating, and the other seven receving excellent ratings. “They were terrific,” Heilig said. The Women’s Ensemble featuring Iris Heimberg, Bailee Hess, Rabeca Kopf, Madison Lombardi, Alycia Loomis, Alexys Mercer, Ann Russell, Monica Sepulveda and Rachel Smith received a superior rating. The Wom...
A total of 143 seats were sold to the 13th annual Black Tie Blue Jeans Fundraiser last Saturday at the Whitehall Community Center. The popular local event included a night of dining, drinks, auctions and a calcutta. Look for more information about the total raised and the non-profits it will go to in a future edition of the Whitehall Ledger....
Ready to tap your toes and lift your spirits? This Thursday, May 11, at 5:30 p.m. the Library will be hosting an evening of Irish music. The event is free and open to anyone who enjoys live music with an Irish twist. Bring your children and make a night of it for the whole family! The Erin in Exile exhibit will stay at the Library until the end of May. If you haven’t had a chance to see it come anytime during regular hours. The exhibit is in order throughout the adult section and contains a wealth of information and photographs covering the h...
Since graduating from Whitehall High School in 1984, Clark Hays has traveled around the world, now finding himself settled in Portland. The co-author of four books in the "Cowboy and Vampire" series with his wife Kathleen McFall, and the soon to be released "Bonne and Clyde: Resurrection Road", Hays not only reflects back fondly on his time in Whitehall, he also uses it as an inspiration for his work. Hays remembers moving around a lot as a kid. His father, Hubert, was in the oilfield so that...
I am writing this from Chicago where I am visiting my youngest daughter. The city has some great things to offer but I am ready to be back in Montana! The “Erin in Exile” exhibit will arrive on Wednesday and we will be setting up that afternoon. The Friends will be hosting the opening reception on Thursday, May 4 from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. You are all invited to view the exhibit and enjoy some wonderful treats. The exhibit will be in the library until the last week in May when it goes on to Missoula Public. Don’t forget the Library will be closed o...
Welcome Home, Catherine! The Ledger will be filled with your journalistic writings, I’m sure. It looks like the Madison County precinct that usually is at the Cardwell School gym, will be moved to the Cardwell Pavilion for the May 25th election. The position to replace Ryan Zinke in the House of Representatives in Washington has three candidates to choose from. The polls will be open from noon until 8pm as usual. The Cardwell Pavilion is just east of the Cardwell Store where the soccer fields are. Winners at the Whitehall Pinochle Club i...
Whew! That is about all I can say about how fast this year has flown past. I cannot believe that we are already in May. This is a very busy time of year in the school realm. We are finishing up with testing and grade-level curriculum, the kids have their field trips throughout the month, the Elementary Spring Concert is on the 16th at 7:00 pm, our K-5 track meet is coming up on the 22nd starting at 10:00 am, (weather permitting) and by the end of the month we are out of school. (June 1st) I absolutely cannot stand it when I am a day ahead in...
Wed., May 6, 1992 The Valley View and Legion Street projects will be combined as originally planned in the Phase 1 portion of the water line replacement project for the Town of Whitehall, it was agreed during a special meeting of the Whitehall Town Council. Officials of GSM east of Whitehall hosted an informational tour of the mine property on April 28 for a number of local government and public officials and area news media. The purpose of the tour was to discuss the mine’s operation and reclamation plan, and it’s various environmental pro...
Local residents will have a chance to eat, drink, and give at next week’s Black Tie Blue Jeans fundraiser. The 13th annual event, presented by the Whitehall Chamber of Commerce and Jefferson Valley Community Foundation, is scheduled to take place Saturday, May 6 at the Whitehall Community Center. This year’s BTBJ will start at 5:30 p.m. and feature a dinner, cocktails, auctions, and a $1,00 Calcutta drawing. BTBJ Committee member Jill Dove stressed the significance of the event for local non-profit organizations, and said it is an inc...
It was a beautiful spring morning last Saturday as a large crowd descended upon Lewis and Clark Caverns State Park near Cardwell. The group from around Southwest Montana was on hand for a special Earth Day Trails Cleanup event. Those in attendance spent the day doing maintenance work on trails, as well as removing noxious weeds from the popular state park. Shortly before heading out to lead a group to help eradicate weeds, Brian Turner with the Montana State AmeriCorps was super pleased with the...
A Whitehall Middle School student has been selected as a top ten finisher in a statewide essay contest. Eighth-grader Chloe Brown recently received the news of placing in a Department of Justice Violence Prevention writing competition. Brown will be traveling to Helena in early May to be recognized at the State Capital and a special ceremony at Carroll College. She will also find out if she wins the first prize award that comes with a trip to Washington D.C. for the national competition. Brown said she was very happy, but also surprised to...
I just received great news that Neal Lewing from Humanities Montana will be able to come and do his presentation on Thomas Francis Meagher June 5th at 6:30. It will be a great night of Montana history! Since May’s History Book Club is featuring “The Immortal Irishman”, this will be a great night to find out even more about one of our most well-known personalities. On May 29 the Library will be closed for Memorial Day. We will be open on Saturday from 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m., our regular hours. On Tuesday we will begin pre-registration for the Su...
Wed., April 29, 1992 Jerry Tavegia with the Dept. of Commerce in Helena provided information concerning the Certified Communities program to local business owners attending the April 20th meeting of the Whitehall Business Assoc. Nancy Sacry had started the process some time previously and there was only a portion of the program left to be completed. A Certified Communities program is for the benefit of new businesses, business retention and business expansion. Whitehall is one of the last four cities to be able to complete the program, as the p...
As a junior member of the Jefferson County DUI Task Force, Whitehall High School senior Catelyn Stone is very aware of the dangers of alcohol. With April being designated as Alcohol Awareness Month and after encouragement from Task Force Director Barb Reiter, Stone wanted to share some of the knowledge she has learned with her fellow students. Among the facts learned by Stone during her time on the task force is that 16 people under the age of 18 die every day in America because of alcohol....
The song, April Showers, is running through my head. All of this rain - and snow - is making lawns lush, but difficult to be able to mow them. I see that my cherry trees are starting to bloom. They will be loaded unless we get a hard freeze. John Joy got his onions and garlic in the garden at a great time! Kipp and Dawn Huckaba spent some time in Great Falls with Dawn’s sister, Jenny Bear Medicine. Jenny was going to participate in a walk/run called Ice Breaker and asked Dawn to be her encourager. The time spent with each other was r...
The Saturday before Easter in Whitehall can only mean one thing. Hundreds of kids from around the area congregate at the high school football field for the annual Whitehall Chamber of Commerce Easter Egg Hunt....
It could easily be said the annual Friends of NRA Banquet in Whitehall is one of the more popular local events. This year was no different with a sold out crowd attending the event last Friday at the Whitehall Community Center....
Montana State park will host its annual Earth Day Trails Clean Up at Lewis & Clark Caverns State Park on Saturday, April 22nd from 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Join us in recognition of Earth Day by giving back to the environment and to the park. Learn to identify common invasive weed species in the beginning stage of their life and practice the skills you’ve learned in areas of the park where these species are present. There will also be some trail maintenance. Refreshments will be provided during the event and snacks will be offered after. Please b...
The History Book Club will be meeting to discuss “Paris” at 6:30 p.m. on Monday, April 24, in the basement. Next month we will be reading “The Immortal Irishman: The Irish Revolutionary Who Became an American Hero” by Timothy Egan to go along with our celebration of the “Erin in Exile” exhibit. It was the 2016 Montana Book Award winner, presented by the Montana Library Association this past month in Billings. Egan previously won the National Book Award for his history of the Dust Bowl, “The Worst Hard Time”. Mark your calendar on May 6 for th...
Students at Whitehall High School have been busy preparing for this week's MHSA District Music Festival. A total of nine choir members and 16 band members will perform at the festival April 20 and 21 in Deer Lodge. High School Musical Director Janet Heilig said she starts thinking about the festival on the first day of school, and the students starting working on their performances in January. She said the competitors who receive a superior or the highest score will advance to the State Musical...
Whitehall residents get ready for some spring-cleaning. The annual Whitehall Spring Clean Up is scheduled to begin April 25 and will conclude April 28. Town Parks, Tree’s, and Cemetery Board Member Mary Janacaro Hensleigh said this is a town wide effort to spruce up the beautiful town after a long winter of blowing trash and leaves everywhere. Hensleigh added now is the time for Whitehall residents to start cleaning up their yards and businesses. She said to set all extra garbage out by next week’s cleanup. Students from the Whitehall Schools w...