Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana


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  • A Close Encounter with Wolves and Fear

    Molly Absolon, Writers on the Range|Sep 1, 2021

    This summer, three of us were hiking in Alaska’s western Brooks Range when we encountered a pack of eight wolves. We were far from any help when they moved toward us, paused, and then disappeared behind a low ridge. When they re-emerged seconds later, they’d lined up along the crest of the pass we were hiking toward. They looked as if they were poised to attack. Then … nothing happened. Once the wolves figured out what we were, they turned around and vanished. But for those few anxious moments, I tingled with adrenaline, fearing the worst...

  • Montana State Park of the Week Anaconda Smoke Stack State Park

    Sep 1, 2021

    This week's showcase takes us to Anaconda Smoke Stack State Park, where we see one of the tallest free-standing brick structures in the world; a legacy of the legendary Anaconda Copper Company. Anaconda Smoke Stack State Park stands on the horizon like an ancient castle. Truly a sight to behold! It costs the park over $5,000 a year to light the structure and keep airplanes from flying into it. You can help ease this burden by donating to the park today or becoming a sponsor of a featured park...

  • Siegfried Honored as RMEF Conservationist of the Year

    Sep 1, 2021

    The Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation is proud to announce that Eric Siegfried is the recipient of its 2021 RMEF Conservationist of the Year Award. Siegfried, the founder of onXmaps, created a revolutionary product that changed the face of hunting, greatly bolstered public access and since generated more than one million dollars for conservation. “No one has done more to give hunters and other recreationists supreme confidence to know exactly where they stand in the backcountry or on a mountain ridge than Eric Siegfried,” said Steve Decker, RME...

  • Ledger Looking Back 25 Years: August 22, 1996

    Catherine Ellerton, Whitehall Ledger|Aug 25, 2021

    AUGUST 22, 1996 The 13th annual Jefferson County Fair and Rodeo begins Thursday, Aug. 22, with four days of live music, rodeos, parades, exhibits and activities for the whole family. All of the fun will be at the Jefferson County Recreation Park and Fairgrounds one-half mile south of Boulder. Known as “A Fair of the Hear,” the fair is an old-fashioned country fair held in barns and sheds from a bygone era. Highlights of the fair include three days of rodeo and Saturday’s parade sponsored by the Jefferson County Rodeo Association. Seventy firef...

  • Our Town 100 Years Ago: August

    Arlene Weber, Jefferson Valley Museum|Aug 25, 2021

    The following is written as printed in the late August 1895 editions of the Whitehall Zephyr. The accompanying photo is an advertisement from the August edition. PERSONAL CHAT – Rev. Warman left for Helena last Monday midnight to attend the Montana Methodist Episcopal conference, and will probably not return before next week. William Owsley's ponderous form was visible in town Tuesday morning. He went up the valley on the stage the same day. Ed Kenedy was down from Perry canyon recently, and w...

  • FWP: New, More Inclusive Approach to Hunting Regulations for 2022, 2023 Seasons

    Aug 25, 2021

    Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks is beginning the biennial hunting regulations review process, and this year the department is looking to take a fresh approach. In the past, the biennial hunting regulation process typically had few changes to the existing regulations. This year, FWP will tackle more significant changes such as combining hunting districts and simplifying license structures, while still keeping focused on statewide wildlife population management goals. “Hunters have told us for years that our regulations are too complicated,” sai...

  • RECIPE OF THE WEEK: Chocolate Meringue Kisses

    Aug 25, 2021

    Hugs and kisses are a large part of our every day lives. While physical affection can help express loving sentiments, symbolic kisses, especially when they are made from tasty ingredients, can push displays of love that much further. The Hershey's chocolate company may have originated the chocolate teardrops that would go on to be called "kisses," but this recipe for "Chocolate Meringue Kisses," courtesy of the King Arthur Baking Company, is inspired by the well-known version. Made from airy...

  • Whitehall TV Channel 49.1: Week of 8/25/2021

    Aug 25, 2021


  • Jefferson County Sheriff's Report: Week of 8/15/2021

    Aug 25, 2021

    SUNDAY, AUGUST 15, 2021 00:19 Medical: Hwy 2 E 00:23 Traffic Stop: Hwy 2 E 00:27 Drugs: Hwy 2 E 00:53 Traffic Stop: Hwy 2 E 01:04 Citizen Assist: Hwy 2 E 01:14 Traffic Stop 01:18 Assist: I-90 01:39 Traffic Stop 02:11 Suspicious Vehicle: Tebay Ln 02:17 Medical: Hwy 2 E 03:43 Drugs: Hwy 2 E 05:50 Traffic Hazard: I-90 09:18 Traffic Offense: I-90 10:05 Fire Restriction Violation: C St 10:50 Shooting: Milligan Canyon 11:37 Found Person: Hwy 2 E 14:17 Stranded Motorist: I-90 14:25 911 Hang Up: I-90 16:18 Stranded Motorist: I-90 16:58 911 Open Line:...

  • Public Meeting on Missouri Headwaters State Park Master Planning

    Aug 25, 2021

    Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks is developing a master plan for Missouri Headwaters State Park and is seeking public input on current and future usage and needs for the park. Staff from Missouri Headwaters State Park and WWC Engineering will host a public meeting on Wednesday, Sept. 1, to discuss the goals of the master plan and answer questions from the public. They will also discuss current conditions at the park and introduce a survey where people can provide input on the planning effort. The meeting will begin at 7 p.m. in the annex of the...

  • Lewis & Clark Caverns Sees 262.8% Increase in Visitors

    Aug 25, 2021

    Montana State Parks recorded more than 1.5 million visitors from January through June of this year. Compared with same time period last year, visitation increased by 11.1% and increased 44.1% in comparison with 2019 visitation. Of the 45 state parks that were seasonally open during the first half of the year, 27 experienced an increase in estimated visitation compared with last year. “For the second straight year, the state parks system has experienced significant visitation growth for the first half of the year,” said Beth Shumate, state par...

  • Montana State Park of the Week Rosebud Battlefield State Park

    Aug 25, 2021

    Rosebud Battlefield is one of the most undeveloped, pristine battlefields in the nation. While looking for the Sioux and Northern Cheyenne villages of Chief Sitting Bull, Brigadier General George Cook, along with 1000 troops and Crow and Shoshone scouts, were unprepared for an organized attack. On June 17, 1876, an equal or greater number of warriors led by Sioux Chief Crazy Horse and Cheyenne Chiefs Two Moon, Young Two Moons and Spotted Wolf, attacked the band of soldiers. One of the largest ba...

  • Smith River Committee to Meet September 1 in Helena

    Aug 25, 2021

    The Planning Advisory Committee (PAC) for the Montana Fish, Wildlife & Park’s Smith River Management Plan update will hold a meeting at Montana WILD in Helena, on Sept. 1, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. FWP is currently in the early stages of updating the 2009 Smith River Management Plan and is examining several management issues including the permit lottery system, site impacts, overnight camping at Camp Baker, and implementing a human waste pack-out system. The purpose of this meeting is to gather feedback from the 11 members of the PAC regarding t...

  • St. James Healthcare Receives Re-Verification as a Level III Trauma Center

    Tanner Gooch, St James Healthcare Communications|Aug 25, 2021

    St. James Healthcare has been re-verified as a Level III Trauma Center by the Verification Review Committee (VRC), an ad hoc committee of the Committee on Trauma (COT) of the American College of Surgeons (ACS). This achievement recognizes St. James’ dedication to providing optimal care for injured patients. Verified trauma centers must meet the essential criteria that ensure trauma care capability and institutional performance, as outlined by the American College of Surgeons’ Committee on Trauma in its current Resources for Optimal Care of the...

  • Third Dose of COVID-19 Vaccine Recommended & Available for Certain Immunocompromised Individuals

    Jon Ebelt, MT DPHHS Public Information Officer|Aug 25, 2021

    Montana health care providers can now offer third doses of the Pfizer or Moderna COVID-19 vaccines to certain immunocompromised individuals following new recently announced federal recommendations. “This is great news because we know the impact COVID-19 has with high-risk groups,” DPHHS Director Adam Meier said. “The updated recommendations will ensure those most vulnerable to complications from COVID-19 can get as much protection as possible.” Meier said while authorized vaccines have proven to be more than 90% effective in protecting against...

  • Chamber Recaps Frontier Days, Plans for Fall

    Elizabeth Pullman, Whitehall Ledger|Aug 18, 2021

    At the monthly Whitehall Chamber of Commerce meeting on Thursday, August 12, the Chamber recapped the successful Frontier Days event and began plans for the Fall Festival in October. All agreed that the July Frontier Days event brought in the largest crowds in recent memory, with a packed rodeo, massive crowds at the parade, large turnout for the rod run, and happy vendors. Plans for the 2022 event have already begun. The Chamber coordinator position is still open and needs to be filled. The Board has received five applications and interviews...

  • CTAC Creates New Community Development Committee

    Elizabeth Pullman, Whitehall Ledger|Aug 18, 2021

    At the August meeting of the Community Transition Advisory Council (CTAC) on Thursday, August 12, Golden Sunlight Mine lead Chuck Buus announced a new committee to be created in order to assist GSM in allocating funds to local projects. The Community Development Committee’s primary goals are to engage with the community, partner with community entities, invest in the community, sustain the community and adapt the committee to community changes as necessary. The areas the committee will look to fit grant applications into are as follows: c...

  • Special Museum Event with Christy Leskovar

    Aug 18, 2021

    The Jefferson Valley Museum will host a Zoom meeting on Tuesday, August 31st at 7 p.m. for a special evening discussion with Christy Leskovar regarding her newest book, “East of the East Side.” Please note, this event is Zoom only and no in-person session will be held. More details will be made available in next week’s Ledger, including the Zoom link to attend....

  • Creating Fiction from History: Party crashers

    Charles Haddon Shank|Aug 18, 2021

    'Twas a soiree to remember! This past Saturday evening in mid-July, the Gentlemen's Club of Jefferson County met, in a tent erected for this shindig, in the environs of Whitehall, Montana. This spectacular event had been organized several decades previous by Mr E.G. Brook himself (not pictured). Although Mr. Brook had long passed, many of his descendants were present, as well as the spirit of the late "Founding Father." As this was supposed to be a male-only event, and indeed was attended by man...

  • Ledger Looking Back 25 Years: August 15, 1996

    Catherine Ellerton, Whitehall Ledger|Aug 18, 2021

    It’s county fair and rodeo time, with plenty of excitement offered in every direction. The Madison County Fair and Rodeo kicks off in Twin Bridges this Thursday, Aug. 15, and runs through Sunday. Then the Jefferson County Fair and Rodeo starts in Boulder Thursday, Aug. 22, and runs through Sunday the 25th. Each event offers four days of music, rodeo action, parades, exhibits and activities for the entire family. A program designed to teach Jefferson County youngsters how to resist using illegal drugs will be expanding this fall. The Drug A...

  • Jefferson County Fair & Rodeo Next Week

    Aug 18, 2021

    The Jefferson County Fair and Rodeo, A Fair of the Heart, kicks off on August 25 and runs through Sunday, August 29. The fair features live bands and entertainment all four days. Held at the Jefferson County Recreation Park one-half mile south of Boulder, the fair and rodeo is affordable fun for the whole family. There is free admission to the grounds and a $2 per car parking fee Saturday and Sunday. Entertainment includes displays and exhibits along with a carousel, horse events, puppet show, inflatable games, 4-H animals, a baked goods...

  • Have These Money Talks Before Sending Your Teen to College

    Tim Gallen, Take Charge America, Inc.|Aug 18, 2021

    For many teenagers, college is the first time they make money decisions without parental assistance. But if they don’t fully understand how finances work, they leave themselves open to making costly and long-lasting mistakes. “Many teens don’t intuitively know how to manage money. That’s why it’s critical for parents to sit down with their kids and have an open and honest discussion about financial basics,” said Michael Sullivan, a personal financial consultant with Take Charge America, a nonprofit credit counseling and debt management...

  • Returning to College: Mitigation Post COVID and Avoiding Substance Abuse

    Michael Leach, Certified Clinical Medical Assistant|Aug 18, 2021

    Returning to the new school year will be different for some students. Many states are seeing increased cases with the Delta Variant or are implementing new COVID mandates. However, America is finally being unmasked. America’s young people are of a statistically low risk from COVID based on the CDC’s own data and should mitigate their own risk. Returning to college will present challenges, whether post-covid hurdles, adjusting to on-campus learning, or avoiding issues with substance use—there are going to be certain risks and challenges. Most...

  • Library Kicking It Into High Gear This Fall

    Elizabeth Pullman, Whitehall Ledger|Aug 18, 2021

    Have you visited our Whitehall Community Library lately? Without a doubt, it is one of the busiest places in Whitehall, day in and day out. Librarian Jeannie Ferriss and staff have done an amazing job developing a plethora of fun and educational activities for all ages. Now, two major developments have happened at the library that will affect even more people in, and out, of our community! The library receives a grant to create a Business Resource Center within the library system. Ferriss has been taking Montana State Library classes with the A...

  • NFPA and CCFS Urge College Students to Protect Themselves and Their Peers From Fire on Campus

    Lorraine Carli, National Fire Protection Association|Aug 18, 2021

    This fall, college students are returning to campus, many for the first time in over a year, marking the start of new classes, new friends, and new living spaces. Through their annual Campus Fire Safety for Students campaign, the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) and The Center for Campus Fire Safety (CCFS) are working together to ensure living spaces are as safe as possible for students heading back to school this September. Campus Fire Safety Month raises awareness about the threat of fire among college students in both on- and...

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