Sorted by date Results 3221 - 3245 of 3758
It will be a great time for a great cause this Sunday at the Whitehall Senior Center. The Jefferson Valley Search and Rescue is hosting their ninth annual Father's Day Breakfast. The June 16 breakfast will run from 7 a.m. to Noon and the cost is $7 per person. Children six and under eat free. Search and Rescue Captain Cody Hagerty said this is the organizations lone fundraiser of the year and money raised will be used to purchase equipment and for operation needs. "It's very important to come...
Skeeter the Advance Clown is heading to Whitehall later this month in advance of the Culpepper & Merriweather Circus. Skeeter is scheduled to be at the Whitehall Community Library Thursday, June 20 at 1 p.m. The circus will follow the next and is scheduled for Friday, June 28 at 5 and 7:30 p.m. Jim Royal of Culpepper & Merriweather said Skeeter’s program is entertaining, but education as well. “She ‘teaches’ the students in a fun way,” he said. According to Royal, during the course of the assembly, incorporates the following subjects:...
The Library staff would like to give a big thank you all the wonderful people that made last week so much fun. First to Lily, Cooper, and Kari Montgomery for sharing their sheep with us, as well as Zane Downey and his mom Cori who brought Big Head! We also want to thank Kaleena Miller from the MSU Extension Office; Maloi and Meagan Lannon from Varney Creek Livestock, for sharing such a terrific program on soil and animals. Second, to the Jefferson Valley Search and Rescue who provided such a gre...
“We are now several hundred miles within the bosom of this wild and mountanous country, where game may rationally be expected shortly to become scarce and subsistence precarious without any information with rispect to the country not knowing how far these mountains continue, or wher to direct our course to pass them to advantage or intersept a navigable branch of the Columbia, or even were we on such an one the probability is that we should not find any timber within these mountains large e...
The list of accomplishments for the Whitehall High School Class of 2019 is long. Not only did the class soar academically with the highest composite ACT score in school history, they also accomplished a high level of success in extracurricular activities. Last Sunday the 32 members of the class graduated at a ceremony in Varsity Gym and this will be a class that will long be remembered. WHS Principal Hannah Nieskens lauded the class for their accomplishments and said they led by example....
“I’d be in this great mood and then, at the snap of a finger, it just rains all over your parade. But rain it also cleanses, it washes everything clean. You can start all over and make things right. And out of that…hopefully there’s growth.” These inspiring words were spoken by Michelle Cory during the third annual ‘Lights On’ concert on Thursday, May 23rd. Shelly, a resident at Liberty Place, then inspiringly performed the vocals to the song “Have You Ever Seen The Rain Coming Down” (written...
5 Whitehall High School seniors will graduate this Sunday at a 2 p.m. ceremony in Varsity Gym. The 2019 ceremony will start with the National Anthem being performed by Madison Loomis followed by a welcome from Whitehall High School Principal Hannah Nieskens. The honorary guest speaker at the ceremony will be longtime Whitehall science teacher Ken Kinzer. Teacher Rodney Head will then lead the presentation of scholarship awards. The next speech will be given by Salutatorian Max Feight which...
American Legion Post 24 and Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 4603 have received a grant from The Whitehall Country Store to purchase Veteran Grave Markers for the Whitehall Cemetery. When you pay your respects this year on Memorial Day you will see that they have marked the Graves with "US VETERAN" MARKERS FOR THOSE WHO HAVE SERVED. No Veteran should ever be forgotten. If you know a veteran is in the cemetery, but has no marker, please contact a member of either the VFW or the American Legion. On...
With the production a week away, the Music Ensembles at Liberty Place are excited about hosting their third annual "Lights On" concert. The production is scheduled to take place Thursday, May 23 at the Star Theater in Downtown Whitehall. The popular local event will kick off with an art show and reception starting at 5:45 at the Borden's Conference Room. The concert is scheduled to start at the theater at 7 p.m. David Parker of Liberty Place said in the past two years they have had a...
Grab the microphone, strum your guitar, break out the ukulele – share a song! Beats & Eats begins Saturday, May 18 at 5 p.m., ending at 8 p.m. This event, which will be held at least once a month at Chuchos during the summer months, invites musical talents of all ages, skill levels and genres to come participate. Bring your own lawn chair, grab a spot in the grass at Chuchos and enjoy the local talents while devouring some delicious cuisine. Chuchos restaurant owner Heather Fortin and local b...
Every spring local residents of all ages come together in downtown Whitehall for the annual Jefferson River Rally/Health and Safety Fair. This year's event is scheduled to take place Friday, May 17 at 11 N. Division St. from 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. The sponsors in 2019 are the Golden Sunlight Mine, the Community Transition Advisory Committee, and the Jefferson River Watershed Council. Aubrie Boline of the JLDC/MSU Extension said they will have a variety of informative booths including Fish, Wildlife...
Next week will be a wonderful opportunity for local residents to check out some of the wonderful pieces created by local students at the Whitehall High School Spring Art Show and Sale. The event will take place Thursday, May 16 from 6 to 8:30 p.m. in the art wing of the middle school building. The show and sale will take place before, during, and after the annual 6-12 Pops Concert. The show will include paintings, drawings, printmaking and ceramics. The art department also hosted a sale during t...
Not only is it a great time for those in attendance, Black Tie Blue Jeans is also the largest local fundraising event of the year with thousands of dollars going back to the community. The 15th annual event is scheduled to take place Saturday, May 4 starting at 5:30 p.m. at the Whitehall Community Center. The event is brought to you by the Jefferson Valley Community Foundation and the Whitehall Chamber of Commerce. The theme of the 2019 fundraiser is "A Race to the Finish" and prizes will be...
New LED lights and plenty of family friendly events should make for a great summer at the Lewis and Clark Caverns. Parks Manager Rhea Armstrong said they are very excited as they prepare for the 2019 summer season. "The electric contractors pack up this week, so the new LED cave lights will be a stunning improvement in the cave. The lights are in the handrails, so do not shine in visitors' eyes, plus the formations are revealed in a whole new light," she said. The annual Earth Day Cleanup at...
For Mayor Mary Janacaro Hensleigh, the annual Town of Whitehall Spring Cleanup is her favorite week of the year. This year's event is scheduled to take place April 23 to 26. Janacaro Hensleigh said the event is extremely important for the town's appearance, especially for visitors. "First impressions say a lot. A clean town speaks volumes," she said. Local high school students will once again be taking part in the cleanup event that was started in the 1980's. Underclassmen will be participating...
On a rainy Friday afternoon, Whitehall's Mary Davis smiled when she reminisced about her love of baking and how she is known for making a wonderful strawberry shortcake. Her smile grew bigger as she told a story that many may not know of when she was 93 and ended up on a stage in Alaska with a hula hoop. The story was one of many shared by Davis who will turn 100 Friday and will celebrate her birthday with family and friends Saturday at the Meadowlark Manor in Whitehall. Her room at the Manor...
Whitehall High School drama students have been working hard in anticipation of their annual spring play. The student's performances of "The Hitchin' Post" are scheduled for Tuesday, April 16, and Thursday, April 18 at 7 p.m. "This is a great group of kids to work with – there is a lot of raw talent and laughter combined with effort," said director Marci Whitehurst. The cast for the play is Sawyer Keener, Allee Scafani, Karlie Wagner, Maggie Whitehurst, Seth Carr, Marissa Ellison, Charlynn M...
It's once again time for the annual Whitehall Chamber of Commerce Easter Egg Hunt. This year's event is scheduled for Saturday, April 13 at 10 a.m. at the Whitehall High School football field. Age categories for the event are up to two, three to five, six to eight, and nine to 12. Prizes are given out for each division. Chamber President Melissa Jenkins said the hunt is something kids look forward to each spring. "Even in years where these has been snow, kids come in great numbers for the...
Each year members of the Knight of Columbus bring the local community together for a great cause at their fish fry. The 14th annual event is scheduled for Friday, April 5 from 4:30 p.m. to 7 p.m. at the St. Teresa's Catholic Church located at 107 2nd East in Whitehall. KOC member Jim Stearns said last spring they had their largest turnout for the event and hopes this continues in 2019. He said the proceeds will go to charities in Whitehall and Ennis including Coats for Kids, the Whitehall Area...
Hannah Catalino of Whitehall leaves at the end of April and will spend four months in Europe, training and gentling a wild mustang for the third annual, Mustang Makeover Germany trainer challenge where she'll compete against 14 other professionals for a grand prize of 20,000 Euros. The other competitors are from Germany, England, Belgium, Spain, France and Switzerland, but Hannah is the only American competitor representing the USA. Trainers are selected based on their kind and gentle training...
The annual meeting and program of the Jefferson Valley Museum will take place on Thursday, April 4, 2019 at 7:00 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall at the Trinity Methodist Church, 102 North Brooke in Whitehall. The meeting and program are open to museum members and the general public. There is no charge to attend. Three board positions, including board president will be voted on at the start of the evening. The program will be provided by an archeologist from GCM Services in Butte about the...
This week is the end of the third quarter for the school year. And, on Thursday, the buses will take the students to Great Divide for a day of skiing. What a beautiful day it is suppose to be! Last week, on the 12th, several students participated in the Science Fair competition at Montana Tech. Please note the photo of them on page 9. Levi, Shawn, and Tucker received second places and Kaden, third. Good work boys. The second week of March was the celebration of Dr. Seuss' birthday. Each day the...
The 2019 Friends of the NRA Banquet is scheduled for Friday, April 12 at the Whitehall Community Center with doors opening at 6 p.m. Committee members are busy securing sponsors, selling tickets: Pre-event tickets (1911 Springfield A1 .45 ACP Pistol), dinner tickets and the popular Big Shooter Tickets. WHAT IS FRIENDS OF NRA? FUN -- There is something for everyone at a Friends of NRA event. From the moment you walk in, the atmosphere is brimming with excitement. Whether you're keeping an eye on...
The 2019 Jefferson Valley Sportsmen Association Banquet is scheduled for Saturday, March 9. The event will begin with cocktail hour scheduled for 6 p.m., and dinner will follow at 7 p.m. The price for tickets is $20 and this includes dinner and an annual membership to the association. For more information about tickets or donating items, call Keith Pietsch at 297-3330, Don Drake at 287-5875, or Hervey Perez at 593-1598. Tickets will also be available at the door....
The Jefferson County Sheriff's Office will be conducting a test of its CodeRED emergency notification system at 12:00 p.m. on Monday, March 11. This test will call all telephone numbers in Jefferson County that are registered with the system and play a pre-recorded 60-second message. Message recipient's Caller ID will read "OnSolve" or the numbers 866-419-5000 or 800-566-9780. The CodeRED system provides the Sherriff's Office with the ability to quickly deliver emergency messages such as...