Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana


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  • Between the Stacks: 6/2/2021

    Jeannie Ferris, Whitehall Community Library|Jun 2, 2021

    It has been so much fun watching everyone come in to sign up for Summer Reading this week. Registration is open and the programs begin on June 7th. Reading in the summer may have a huge effect on the “summer slide” where children fall behind on the skills they have practiced during the winter months. There are many fascinating studies on the slide, which causes some students to fall behind several months by the fall. The same studies show that those who read during the summer may start their studies months ahead of others. The Library joi...

  • Jefferson County Sheriff's Report: Week of 5/23/2021

    Jun 2, 2021

    MAY 23, 2021 07:26 Fire/Smoke Wildland 07:33 911 Hang Up: I-90 09:11 Fire/Smoke Wildland: Whitetail RV Park 09:24 Fire/Smoke Wildland: Paul Gulch Rd 10:11 Traffic Stop 11:59 Traffic Hazard 14:40 Traffic Stop 19:20 Medical: Daly Rd 19:56 Traffic Hazard: I-90 EB 20:16 Civil Standby: Piedmont Rd 21:38 Fire/Smoke Wildland MAY 24, 2021 05:27 Motor Vehicle 07:36 Traffic Stop: N Whitehall St 12:14 Civil Standby: Piedmont Rd 15:26 Endangerment: N Division St 15:30 Stranded Motorist: I-90 15:58 Assist: Hwy 2 W 21:51 Protection Order: Edwards Addition 22...

  • This Week's "Change That Up" Tip... Weight Loss Standstill

    Jun 2, 2021

    Even if you haven’t heard the phrase “weight-loss plateau” before, chances are you’ve experienced one. Heck, you may be staring one in the face right now. Basically, after experiencing success, a plateau typically occurs where progress stalls or stops altogether. The most common example is a “weight-loss” plateau, which usually occurs somewhere in the neighborhood of 6 weeks to 6 months after getting your weight-loss party started. However, progress can plateau in virtually any domain of health and fitness (such as muscle and strength ga...

  • Name to a Face: Kerry Sacry: Math Teach Extraordinaire

    Elizabeth Pullman, Whitehall Ledger|May 26, 2021

    Editor's Note: This year the Whitehall School District is losing several well-known and loved staff. For the next few weeks the Name to a Face column will be dedicated to those who will no longer be gracing the hallways of WHS/WMS/WES next semester. We wish them all the best in their retirement! He's taught every form of math available in the Whitehall School system, as well as coached nearly every sport, and now, in 2021, Kerry Sacry is ready for his next adventure: retirement. Sacry spent...

  • Buckle Up For Everyone's Safety this Memorial Day

    barb Reiter, Jefferson County DUI Task Force Coordinator|May 26, 2021

    The Memorial weekend kicks off the busy summer travel season when many Montanans hit the road for vacation, celebrations, and recreation. Memorial weekend also marks the start of the deadliest time of year on Montana roads. In Montana, nearly 50 percent of all fatal crashes occur during the summer months. Many of these fatalities could have been prevented by wearing a seat-belt – reducing the chance of fatal injury by nearly half. Law enforcement agencies across Montana are adding additional p...

  • She's Helped So Many....Can You Help Her?

    Elizabeth Pullman, Whitehall Ledger|May 26, 2021

    Sometimes the people who make the greatest impact on our lives don't live in the same community as us. We may not see them day in and day out, but their presence in our lives is felt every minute of our days. Such is the case of Laura Thomas-Hadley and Tayla Andrews. As many of you know, Andrews is our local postal worker - most of us see her on a daily basis and know her friendly smile. Thomas-Hadley has helped change Andrews life in many dramatic ways throughout the years and Andrews is...

  • Connecting Point: Wounded & Weary

    Bill Lanes|May 26, 2021

    Some subjects are easy to address while others are very difficult. This is today’s case. Abuse of any nature whether physical, emotional or sexual is extremely traumatic and sinful. According to the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence, 1 in 4 women and 1 in 9 men experience physical or sexual assault, and in the United States 1 in 5 women and 1 in 7 men are raped in their lifetime. Almost half of victims of rape in the United States were raped by an acquaintance. These statistics are alarming; behind every number is a person with a sto...

  • Between the Stacks: 5/26/2021

    Jeannie Ferriss, Whitehall Community Library|May 26, 2021

    Congratulations to A. J. Latta, winner of the Friends of the Library logo contest. He was awarded the $100 first prize. His logo, which features the Whitehall mountain landscape, will be on just about everything having to do with the library. Do not forget the library will be closed for Memorial Day on Monday, May 31. Regular hours apply during the rest of the week. Summer Reading registration is open and the programs begin next week. The weekly calendar will basically be the same with special...

  • JeffCo Health Department Update: 5/26/2021

    Pam Hanna RN, Jefferson County Public Health Supervisor|May 26, 2021

    Children have played an important role in my personal and professional life. Children bring joy and energy to life. As a child, I wanted to grow up to be a mother or a nurse. I have had the fortune of becoming both. As an adult, I recognize the best blessing was becoming a grandmother. Much of my adult life has been spent promoting children’s health. The basics for keeping children physically healthy include safety, nutritious food, exercise and immunizations. Caring for our children’s men...

  • Our Town 100 Years Ago: May 1921 Part 2

    Arlene Weber, Jefferson Valley Museum|May 26, 2021

    May 1921 Part 2 The following are taken as written from May 1895 editions of the Whitehall Zephyr SCHOOL BONDS: Saturday, May 25th, one week from tomorrow, an election will be held for the purpose of deciding whether Whitehall is a progressive or retrogressive community. The present school building is manifestly much too small to accommodate the demands at present-what will it be by winter? It is proposed to add another story to the present building. It has been said that it is only two years...

  • Ledger: Looking Back 25 Years - May 23, 1996

    Catherine Ellerton, Whitehall Ledger|May 26, 2021

    MAY 23, 1996 Memories of the Whitehall area will come alive Saturday when the Jefferson Valley Museum holds its official opening ceremony and begins operations for its first year ever. The museum, many years in the creation with a great deal of local volunteer labor will open its doors at 1 p.m. May 25 with a ribbon cutting ceremony. Inside a barn which has been a fixture in Whitehall community life since the First World War, visitors will find displays of articles gathered from the local area. Exhibits range from the very old – including a bug...

  • Jefferson Valley Museum Opens for the Season on May 29

    Arlene Weber, Jefferson Valley Museum|May 26, 2021

    The Jefferson Valley Museum will open for its 26th season on Saturday, May 29th with the museum open Noon to 4:00 PM, Tuesday through Sunday with Monday openings on Memorial Day and Labor Day. The season ends on September 15th. The museum volunteers have been doing a lot of work rearranging displays and adding new artifacts. The change in displays gives a more open feel to several areas of the museum and brings attention to items that have often been overlooked in the past. A special fundraising event will be held on Saturday, June 19th at the...

  • Jefferson Valley Rural Fire District awarded Rural Community Grant from Northwest Farm Credit Services

    May 26, 2021

    Northwest Farm Credit Services is proud to award Jefferson Valley Rural Fire District a $2,000 Rural Community Grant. "Thank you, Northwest Farm Credit Services, for the $2000 grant. It will be used to help purchase new, self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) equipment for the volunteers," said board member John Patritti. "The new SCBAs will give the fire fighters more time in rescue situations and in fighting structure fires. These will be a great asset to our department and community....

  • WHS Students French and Ellison Place in Junior/Senior Divisions of "Keep Montana Green" Art Contest

    Whitehall Schools|May 26, 2021

    Gavin French was awarded 1st place in the junior division (7-9th grade) for his outstanding pencil drawing in the Keep Montana Green Calendar Art Contest. Gavin completed this drawings using only a mechanical pencil! Awesome work, Gavin! Marissa Ellison placed 3rd in the Senior Division (10-12th grade) for her "outstanding and creative work in the 60th Annual Keep Montana Green Art Contest." Her work was done in watercolor and ink and shows our great state of Montana divided by beauty and...

  • Jefferson County Sheriff's Report: Week of 5/16/2021

    May 26, 2021

    MAY 16, 2021 00:24 Suspicious: N Jefferson St 07:34 Traffic Stop 08:22 Welfare Check: W 2nd St 10:23 Motor Vehicle 11:22 911 Open Line: Skyline Dr 12:04 Animal 12:39 Burglary: Hwy 2 W 14:30 Stranded Motorist: I-90 17:22 Reckless Driver 18:24 Traffic Hazard: I-90 EB 20:37 Harassment: Jefferson River 20:44 Traffic Hazard 23:29 Suspicious Person: Commercial Way MAY 17, 2021 00:06 Stranded Motorist: I-90 07:46 Traffic Hazard: Hwy 2 E 09:04 Animal 14:03 Death: Bay Rd 14:06 Neglect: Robbins Ln 14:12 Parking: W 1st St 14:32 911 Hang Up 15:47 Vin...

  • Congress Should Stop Rewarding Pharma With Tax Breaks for Gouging Patients

    Terry Minow, Big Sky 55|May 26, 2021

    Love them or hate them, most Americans pay their fair share of taxes into the government’s coffers as a basic duty. In return, we get roads, schools, law enforcement, health services, clean air and water and other public goods that benefit everyone. But for too long, the rules that apply to most of us have been shirked by the richest households and corporations--those who can afford to pay their fair share, but thanks to loopholes, lobbying and preferential treatment, seldom do. Every year, dozens of Fortune 500 corporations manage to avoid t...

  • FWP Dedicated to Protecting Montana's Waterways

    May 26, 2021

    Memorial Weekend is the unofficial start to summer in Montana and as boaters venture out to our rivers and lakes, please keep in mind the rules aimed at protecting our waters and preventing the spread of aquatic invasive species. • All boats must stop at all open watercraft inspection stations they encounter. Failure to stop at inspection stations could result in a fine of up to $500. • All watercraft coming into Montana from out of state must seek out an inspection prior to launching. • Non-residents transporting watercraft into Montana must...

  • Whitehall TV Channel 49.1: Week of 5/26/2021

    May 26, 2021


  • Recipe of the Week: Barbecue Chipotle Burgers

    May 26, 2021

    As the mercury rises, the opportunities to cook a greater number of meals on the grill increases. For many people, there's nothing like the smoke-kissed flavor of meats, poultry and vegetables seared over an open flame. Hamburgers are a grilling staple in many households. Burger flavors and toppings are only limited by a home cook's imagination. For those who may need a little burger inspiration, this recipe for Barbecue Chipotle Burgers courtesy of the Iowa Beef Council features a beer-based...

  • NFPA Offers Safe Grilling Tips and Recommendations to Prevent Fires and Injuries

    Lorraine Carli, National Fire Protection Association|May 26, 2021

    Often considered the unofficial kick-off to summer, Memorial Day weekend typically includes lots of celebrations and cookouts, often with outdoor grilling as a focal point. As the holiday and summer months near, the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) reminds everyone of basic safety tips and precautions to grill and celebrate safely. NFPA data shows that from 2014-2018, fire departments responded to an annual average of 10,600 home fires annually involving grills, hibachis, or barbecues. This includes 4,900 structure fires and 5,700...

  • Caverns Friday Summer Speakers Series - Hiking Jefferson County

    Morgan E. Jacobsen, MT Fish, Wildlife & Parks, Region 3|May 26, 2021

    On Friday, May 28, Lewis & Clark Caverns State Park will host a free talk entitled “Hiking Jefferson County” at 8 p.m. in the park’s campground amphitheater. It will be presented by Vaia Errett, a local volunteer and hiking enthusiast. This is the first presentation in Lewis & Clark Caverns State Park’s annual Friday Summer Speakers Series, which introduces a new speaker each Friday at 8 p.m. throughout the summer. This trail talk will lead you through Jefferson County: into the hideaways of the Elkhorn Mountains, the granite knuckles of the Bo...

  • Whitehall Memorial Day Service Ceremony

    May 19, 2021

    The Whitehall American Legion Post #24 and the Ralph Sullender Veterans of Foreign Wars Post #4603 will have a Memorial Day service in the veteran’s area of the Whitehall cemetery at 10:00 a.m. on Monday, May 31, 2021. The ceremony this year will be a special recognition of World War II. Your attendance at the Memorial Day service and the World War II ceremony is an excellent opportunity to show your support and appreciation for all those who have served in the Armed Forces of this great nation. Memorial Day is a time to remember and reflect o...

  • A Brief History of Memorial Day

    May 19, 2021

    Every year, on the last Monday in May, Americans observe Memorial Day. Originally called “Decoration Day,” Memorial Day is a holiday to commemorate those who died in battle while serving in the U.S. Armed Forces. Historians traced the origin of Memorial Day back to the American Civil War. The end of fighting brought great relief and peace to many but was also a time of intense grief. Thousands of soldiers lost their lives, and those who survived often returned home to hear that their fathers, brothers and other relatives had been killed. Fol...

  • Enrollment Open for American Legion Boys State in MT

    May 19, 2021

    Now in its 73rd year, The American Legion Boys State program is accepting applications for 2021. Boys State will be held June 6th- 11th, in Helena. The American Legion Boys State is a unique summertime educational program for boys entering their senior year of high school. The program focuses on participation and personal experience in a model state, complete with governmental bodies and elected public officials. It is designed to mirror the structure and operation of state government while providing training in practical citizenship,...

  • Between the Stacks: 5/19/2021

    Jeannie Ferriss, Whitehall Community Library|May 19, 2021

    We have begun the countdown to Summer Reading! The program begins June 7th and continues until July 31st. It is for all ages and there are prizes, special programs, new books to read, and more. The theme this year is “Tails and Tales” so there will be lots of outdoor themed programming for all ages. We are also happy to announce “Sweet Tea Tales” is back on the calendar for June 10th at 3:00 p.m. This is a great chance for all of our amateur chefs to bring their favorite summer cooler recipes to be tasted and judged for prizes. May 31st is...

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