Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana


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  • Name to a Face: Tayla Andrews "Post Lady"

    Kristine Erinn, Whitehall Ledger Contributing Writer|Mar 10, 2021

    Tayla Andrews was born in Canada to ranching parents. Her traveling life began at the age of two when she was whisked away to Kansas where her grandparents lived in order to assist them; also, her father had oil rights in Kansas. After seven years in Kansas, the family moved to Bozeman, mainly so her father could flee from his allergies! Andrews spent grade school at MT Ellis Elementary outside of Bozeman and took both seventh and eighth grade in one year at the age of twelve and a half, maintai...

  • Whitehall Elementary Music Program Receives Public Schools Grant from MT Masonic Foundation

    Mar 10, 2021

    The Montana Masonic Foundation's Educational Grant Program provides teachers, student aides, and/or principals in Montana's public schools an opportunity to apply for a grant to assist under-funded programs in the following areas: Music, Drama, Science, and Library or areas of student enhancement or learning that have suffered cut-backs, or are experiencing start-up concerns. The Whitehall Elementary School music program received a grant from the Montana Masonic Foundation in the amount of...

  • Whitehall Library Looking for New Logo: Contest Open to All Ages

    Mar 10, 2021

    The Whitehall Community Library has opened up its doors for creative minds in hopes of finding a new logo for the Library! The logo contest will be open to all ages and abilities as of March 15, 2021. The theme of the contest is “Always a Step Forward”. The Friends of the Library Steering Committee will be judging entries with the intent of replacing the current logo (at left) with the new chosen artwork on all posters, pamphlets, letterhead, online materials and more. “The theme is wide open to interpretation,” said Jan Trask, a Friends of the...

  • Whitehall Sophomores: Apply for Rotary Youth Leadership Academy

    Mar 10, 2021

    The Whitehall Rotary Club will provide a scholarship for up to two sophomore age students to attend the 2021 Rotary Youth Leadership Academy (RYLA) being held July 10 through the 14th at the Luccock Park camp south of Livingston. Rotary clubs in Montana have been sponsoring the attendance of high school age students to RYLA for more than 20 years. Plans are in place, for those attending, to reduce the risk of contracting an illness. The camp focuses on leadership, team building, ethics, and community service Students attending Whitehall High...

  • Connecting Point: When the Bottom Falls Out

    Bill Lanes|Mar 10, 2021

    “The pursuit of happiness,” Thomas Jefferson equated with “Life and Liberty,” when he wrote the Declaration of Independence. More than a century later, from 1930 until 1940, America and the world strained under the greatest decade of economic disaster in history. Then, WWII brought the plight of war across the globe. Since then, Americans have experienced wealth untold from that generation to this. But, does the accumulation of possessions or its allure set us up for a great fall? I believe so. It is true that the recent decade has witness...

  • The "Woke Cancel Culture" Racism, and Me

    Jim Buterbaugh, Op-Ed Writer|Mar 10, 2021

    This is not going to be sugar coated for the sake of the "woke". Growing up through the 60s and 70s, I have seen the struggles of what being a different color means. I witnessed what being of a different sexual orientation created. This was a time when real 'woke' people were working to rid our nation of the ugliness of racism. A time where people realized that being female didn't solely mean that you had to get married, have kids and meet the hubby at the door with his pipe, a drink, and his...

  • Southwest Montana Veterans Home Welcomes First Resident

    Jon Ebelt, DPHHS Public Information Officer|Mar 10, 2021

    Department of Public Health and Human Services (DPHHS) officials announced the brand new Southwest Montana Veterans Home (SWMVH) welcomed its first resident into the facility today, March 8. The very first Veteran to move into the facility, William "Bill" Davis, was welcomed by Governor Greg Gianforte, SWMVH Foundation members, facility staff, community members and others. The event also included a tour of the facility. Davis, age 80, is Veteran of the U.S. Air Force and retired in 1976. "This...

  • Between the Stacks: 3/10/2021

    Jeannie Ferriss, Whitehall Community Library|Mar 10, 2021

    Interesting things always seem to find their way into the Library! Someone has turned in a 1938 Recreational Equipment Inc. Cooperative pin into us. If this belongs to you, just stop by the front desk, give us a quick description and claim this lovely memento. Deanna Mydland from PBS has left the Library 50 children’s game kits to give out. All you need to do is stop by and fill out a five-minute survey and claim this bag full of fun. This is a chance for parents of preschoolers through elementary age children to test a series of games for P...

  • Cold and Wet February Boosts Prospects of Spring and Summer Water Supply

    Mar 10, 2021

    After abundant snowfall in many of Montana's river basins during February, streamflow forecasts issued by the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) on March 1 indicate an increased likelihood of near to slightly above average spring and summer stream flows across the state. February snowfall totals were impressive at mountain and valley locations across Montana, some locations west of the Divide added up to sixteen inches of water to the snowpack during the month. "The Bitterroot,...

  • Our Town 100+ Years Ago

    Arlene Weber, Jefferson Valley Museum|Mar 10, 2021

    March 1, 1895 Journalism in 1895 had a much different tone than today. This first section is as written from the March 1, 1895 Jefferson Valley Zephyr. The advertisement is also from that edition. In less than one month more than ONE THOUSAND MEN will be employed in digging the great ditch for the Parrot smelting company, besides hundreds more in railroad and smelter construction. This is enough, without additional details, to account for anticipated lively times in and about Whitehall soon....

  • Ledger: Looking Back 25 Years

    Catherine Ellerton, Whitehall Ledger Contributing Writer|Mar 10, 2021

    MARCH 7, 1996 A Subway sandwich shop is slated to open in the Whitehall Town Pump in about 6 weeks, Subway Development Agent for Montana and Wyoming Nick Lombardi said recently. The shop, which will share seating with the existing Town Pump restaurant, will have a full menu just like other Subway shops, Lombardi said. The shop is seeking a manager now and will be advertising in the Ledger for 8 to 10 other employees about two weeks before the shop opens, he said. A few low-lying areas along the Jefferson River near Cardwell experienced some flo...

  • Recipe of the Week: Traditional Irish Colcannon

    Mar 10, 2021

    St. Patrick's Day is an opportunity for the world to celebrate Ireland's patron saint and Irish culture with family, friends, food, and fun. Many St. Patrick's Day traditions have been passed down through generations. This includes various foods and recipes that are native to Ireland that have spread around the globe thanks to the vast Irish diaspora. When dishing up new traditions at home, try this recipe for "Traditional Irish Colcannon" courtesy of Kerrygold, producers of Irish butters and ch...

  • Whitehall TV Channel 49.1 : March 11-17 Schedule

    Mar 10, 2021

    THURSDAY, March 11 5:00PM PBS NewsHour 6:00PM This Old House 6:30PM Ask This Old House 7:00PM Cat in the Hat 7:30PM PEG + CAT 8:00PM PBS NewsHour 9:00PM Amanpour and Company 10:00PM JAZZ “A Masterpiece By Midnight (1961-Present)” 12:00AM Amanpour & Company FRIDAY, March 12 5:00PM PBS NewsHour 6:00PM Washington Week 6:30PM Market to Market 7:00PM Cat in the Hat 7:30PM Dining with the Chef 8:00PM PBS NewsHour 9:00PM Amanpour and Company 10:00PM Live from Lincoln Center “Sutton Foster in Concert” 11:00PM Live from Lincoln Center “Stepha...

  • Montana Albertsons/Safeway Donated Over $200k to MT Food Bank Network in 2020

    Mar 10, 2021

    Through COVID relief funds, Foundation grants, event sponsorship, and its store-based Nourishing Neighbors program, Albertsons/Safeway donated $234,101 to Montana Food Bank Network in 2020 to help with hunger-relief efforts across the state. In 2020, thousands of Montanans accessed emergency food assistance for the first time due to COVID-related reduction in work hours or loss of jobs. During this difficult time, Albertsons/Safeway stepped in and provided funds toward multiple hunger-relief programs operated by Montana Food Bank Network...

  • Pet of the Week: Leinardo

    Mar 10, 2021

    Purowdy! I was found as a stray, might have been abandoned but I can't tell them. Anyway, I've been tested and am negative for FIV/FeLV, UTD on my vaccinations, and am now neutered. I'm housetrained and learning how to play. I like to be petted but only if you don't make fast moves and loud noises. I was really frightened when I came in and really sick, but I'm a healthy happy guy now thanks to a great vet and good care. Purrease call Misty at (406)439-1405 and ask for me. Gratefully,...

  • Liberty Place Art Displayed at Borden Building

    Elizabeth Pullman, Whitehall Ledger|Mar 3, 2021

    Just as March brought in sunnier and warmer days, Liberty Place brought color and culture to the Borden’s Historic Building in Whitehall. The art display features sixteen photos and twenty six paintings, as well as two collaborative paintings, all created by Liberty Place residents. David Parker, Liberty Place’s music therapist and program director, secured a grant via the Montana Arts Council, bringing a professional artist and a photographer to the two Liberty Place centers, helping res...

  • Connecting Point: The Joy Beyond Sorrow

    Pastor Bill Lanes|Mar 3, 2021

    “Great is your faithfulness…Lord,” is the most known verse in the book of Lamentations. Throughout church history hymns and choruses have been born out of it. I suspect you’ve sung along with one recently. The background, its context, is unbeknown to many. Great is your faithfulness was born out of much pain and anguish. Following the destruction of Jerusalem in 587 B.C., Jeremiah reveals the hardships among the people of Israel. However, he emphasizes an extremely valuable principle; it’s when you have nothing left that God can become your tru...

  • Between the Stacks: March 3, 2021

    Jeannie Ferriss, Whitehall Community Library|Mar 3, 2021

    We have had a little change of plans for the Flower workshops due to scheduling conflicts. It is now on March 20th and Emily Dickerson from Lewis & Clark Caverns, will be sharing “Flower Pressing and Crafts” at 9:30 a.m. for adults and then a special 11:00 session for children. If you are interested in attending, please call the Library at 287-3763 and let us know so we will have enough supplies for everyone. I have had a lot of questions from young and old alike about how elected officials accomplish different things. In view of that, the Lib...

  • Love Inc. Whitehall Needs Your Support

    Mar 3, 2021

    At the annual Pastor Appreciation luncheon held by Love Inc. last week, the non-profit Christian based community support group asked for more involvement from churches and volunteers from any area of the community. The group, which offers coordinated assistance from church volunteers and local govement agencies, detailed their work over the past year, helping several Whitehall residents in a variety of ways. In 2020 Love Inc. received a grant from the Jefferson Valley Community Foundation to support a clothing closet, which helps those in need...

  • Licensing Reminder: Residency Requirements for Active Duty Military

    Montana FWP|Mar 3, 2021

    Active duty military members and their dependents, which generally include members of the regular armed forces of the United States, and members of the armed forces of a foreign government attached to the regular armed forces of the U.S., are considered Montana residents for the purposes of hunting, fishing and trapping licensing if: 1. The member was a resident of Montana under the residency provisions described in the Residency Requirements section of the hunting, fishing and trapping regulations and detailed in MCA 87-2-102; OR 1. The m...

  • Management Hunt Sheds Light on CWD Presence in SW Montana

    Montana FWP|Mar 3, 2021

    More than 300 samples were collected for chronic wasting disease testing during a recent CWD management hunt for white-tailed deer in southwest Montana. The hunt, which lasted from Dec. 15 through Feb. 15, was implemented to reduce densities of white-tailed deer in areas with relatively high CWD prevalence and other places nearby where CWD prevalence is expected to increase in the coming years. CWD is a contagious neurological disease that infects deer, elk and moose. It is always fatal, and there is no known cure. It was first found among...

  • Ledger Looking Back 25 Years: February 29, 1996

    Catherine Ellerton, Whitehall Ledger Contributing Writer|Mar 3, 2021

    FEBRUARY 29, 1996 The Whitehall of 2010 should be different from the current Whitehall in some ways, but in many significant ways it should remain a lot the same, even bringing back some of the community events which were treasured in the past but have faded over the years, area residents said at a Vision 2010 meeting held Feb. 21. . . The community design team, made up of four senior architecture students and Professor Ralph Johnson, (a Montana State University community design team) plans to take the ideas they hear from the community and...

  • Engagement: Noyes & Melton

    Mar 3, 2021

    Colton Noyes and Mesquite Melton are excited to announce their engagement and upcoming June wedding. Both Colton and Mesquite graduated from Whitehall High School in 2017. Colton received his degree from Flathead Community College in Firearms Technologies; Mesquite is currently working on her degree for Veterinary Technician. The couple resides in Whitehall. Reid and Kami Noyes are the parents of the groom; Viki Melton is the mother of the bride. Grandparents include John & Roxcee Kountz, John...

  • Jefferson River Draft Floodplain Maps Available for Review

    Jefferson County|Mar 3, 2021

    Draft floodplain maps are now available from a large-scale, multi-county project to conduct flood studies on portions of the Jefferson, Madison, Beaverhead, Ruby, and South Boulder Rivers, and Indian and Mill Creeks. Jefferson, Madison, Gallatin and Broadwater Counties have been coordinating with Montana Department of Natural Resources and Conservation (DNRC) and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to conduct the flood studies and produce new and updated floodplain maps. The draft maps show the extent of the 100-year floodplain,...

  • Red Cross Calls for Health Blood Donors Following Severe Weather

    American Red Cross|Mar 3, 2021

    Following record-breaking cold and winter storms that forced the cancellation of more than 10,000 blood and platelet donations in parts of the U.S. in February, the American Red Cross is urging healthy individuals, especially those with type O blood, to give now to ensure blood products are available for patient emergencies when help can’t wait. Every day thousands of patients rely on lifesaving blood donations. The need for blood is constant, even during snowstorms and the COVID-19 pandemic. To help ensure lifesaving patient care isn’t impacte...

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