Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana


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  • SBA Economic Injury Disaster Loans Available to Montana Small Businesses

    May 19, 2021

    Small nonfarm businesses in eight Montana counties are now eligible to apply for low interest federal disaster loans from the U.S. Small Business Administration, announced Director Tanya N. Garfield of SBA’s Disaster Field Operations Center-West. These loans offset economic losses because of reduced revenues caused by drought in the following primary county that began May 4, 2021. Primary county: Garfield; Neighboring counties: Custer, McCone, Petroleum, Phillips, Prairie, Rosebud and Valley. “SBA eligibility covers both the economic imp...

  • Help is Available for Energy Emergencies

    May 19, 2021

    Are you or someone you know struggling to catch up on your home energy bill from last winter? There might be help available. While it has been frustrating at times throughout COVID to work through the process of applying for help, Energy Share and Rocky Mountain Development Council (RMDC) in Helena want you to know there is help available, including one-on-one assistance when needed. Energy Share helps Montanans who are facing home energy emergencies. RMDC processes Energy Share applications and can help you apply. Common reasons people apply...

  • Salmonella Cases Linked to Live Poultry Increase

    May 19, 2021

    Montana Department of Public Health and Human Services (DPHHS) and Department of Livestock (DOL) officials warn that Salmonella cases linked to live poultry are increasing. Salmonella infections aren’t only caused by eating contaminated food – they can also come from contact with animals and animal environments, including backyard poultry. Raising backyard poultry has become an increasingly popular activity in Montana. In a year where a lot of Montanans spent more time at home than normal, many have turned to at-home activities such as rai...

  • RMEF Marks 37 Years of Conservation

    May 19, 2021

    May 14th is a monumental day in conservation. On this date in 1984, four elk hunters in northwest Montana officially founded the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation to ensure the future of elk, other wildlife, their habitat and our hunting heritage. “Our founders and their families had a vision and sacrificed much to establish this conservation movement that has made and continues to make tremendous positive impacts on elk, wildlife habitat, hunting and conservation,” said Mark Baker, RMEF Board of Directors’ chair. “While we pause for a moment...

  • St. James Healthcare Now a Part of Montana Mission: Lifeline® Stroke

    May 5, 2021

    During a stroke every minute is critical, because a stroke deprives brain tissue of essential oxygen- and nutrient-rich blood, resulting in the death of brain cells. That is why delivering fast and effective care is important for those who are experiencing a stroke. Thanks to a $72,000 grant from the American Heart Association, St. James Healthcare will be able to improve stroke care as part of the Montana Mission: Lifeline® Stroke. Mission: Lifeline Stroke aims to transform stroke care by focusing efforts on connecting all of the components...

  • Surviving/Thriving Amid COVID-19: Cope & Hody's Auto Works Opened During Pandemic

    Elizabeth Pullman, Whitehall Ledger|Mar 3, 2021

    When it's time to make your dreams come true, you take the bull by the horns and make it happen. However, you don't expect a global pandemic to start practically the day after you sign on the dotted line to make those dreams reality. This is exactly what happened to Cody and Hope Doyle when they decided the time was right to open Cope & Hody's Auto Works on Paul Gulch Road. But the couple has made the best of the pandemic and succeeded despite all odds. "This has been a life goal - I knew since...

  • Southwest Airlines to Bring New Flights to Bozeman in May

    SW Airlines|Mar 3, 2021

    Southwest Airlines Co. announced on February 25 the flexibility and value of Southwest Airlines® now benefits both visitors and hometown travelers booking late spring and summer travel to Destin–Fort Walton Beach Airport (VPS) in Florida and Bozeman Yellowstone International Airport (BZN) in Montana. Southwest® service to both destinations begins in May 2021. The carrier’s initial flight schedule for both regions is now available for purchase on “We’re adding another destination in the West, our first in Montana, and bringing...

  • St. James Healthcare and Helmsley Charitable Trust Partner to Improve Cardiovascular Care in SW MT

    St James Healthcare|Mar 3, 2021

    St. James Healthcare is honored to announce the opening of the newly completed two-lab cardiac catheterization suite, thanks in large part to a $4.68 million grant from The Leona M. and Harry B. Helmsley Charitable Trust. The new cardiac catheterization suite will provide the communities of Southwestern Montana with improved access to high-quality cardiovascular care, resulting in better patient outcomes. Regional cardiovascular care capacity and state-of-the-art treatment will now be available to patients in and around Silver Bow County. The...

  • AARP Scheduling Free Tax Services to Seniors

    Feb 17, 2021

    With COVID procedures in place and having the blessing of the IRS, AARP Foundation Tax-Aide is scheduled to begin offering its free tax service to seniors and low to moderate income taxpayers of all ages. Unlike past years taxpayers will be served by appointment only from its locations in Butte, Anaconda and Deer Lodge and may not get their completed returns back the same day as the appointment. To make an appointment in Butte taxpayers are asked to call 782-8106, in Anaconda, 563-6932 and Deer Lodge, 846-9789 extension 2. Returns are prepared...

  • Virtual Scavenger Hunt Fundraiser for AS&CC

    Feb 10, 2021

    The Animal Shelter and Care Committee in Boulder is holding a virtual scavenger hunt fundraiser to assist in raising money for their new building. To keep the momentum up for raising the funds for our building project plus keeping our virtual fundraisers fun and family friendly this fundraiser is a challenging virtual scavenger hunt event. This fundraiser event is a little different than the traditional scavenger hunt, no matter where you live, it turns your own community into a giant game board with this fun scavenger hunt adventure. You can...

  • Surviving/Thriving Amid COVID-19: Cottage Floral Celebrates 1 Year Anniversary Amid Pandemic

    Elizabeth Pullman, Whitehall Ledger|Feb 3, 2021

    Cottage Floral, a staple in Whitehall for many years before owner Deb Dulaney decided to close up shop for a bit. However, she's back in the flower game and better than ever, celebrating her one year anniversary of reopening - and during a pandemic at that. "I opened the week before Valentine's Day last year, just around the corner, but decided in July to move here," Dulaney said of her current location at 113 West Legion Avenue. The new location is bright and cheerful - and filled with gnomes,...

  • Bet the Bowl, College & More at K-Bar

    Elizabeth Pullman, Whitehall Ledger|Feb 3, 2021

    With the Super Bowl this Sunday, the K-Bar cordially invites you to make a bet (or two, or three) on their SportsBet Montana machine. Located in the K-Bar's middle entrance to the bar area, the machine is ready to make your bets on college and professional games - really any sport there is a way to place a bet on! Owner Ken Brown said that the machine was installed in mid-2020 and has garnered a good amount of interest. Montana was the first state in 2019 to legalize sports betting; winnings of...

  • Surviving/Thriving Amid Covid-19: Wagner's Playhouse Opened During Pandemic

    Elizabeth Pullman, Whitehall Ledger|Jan 27, 2021

    As soon as you walk into Wagner's Playhouse daycare you can tell it is a happy place. The kids are all smiling, playing games, and the older kids are fixing up a nutritious snack. Even when little Lizzie, one of the younger children who is experiencing her first two days at the daycare, starts crying another little girl is right there consoling her and diverting her attention to something fun. Tears are short lived; however, the fun at Wagner's Playhouse isn't. Opened August 24, 2020 in the...

  • Chamber Gearing Up for COVID Compliant 2021

    Elizabeth Pullman, Whitehall Ledger|Jan 13, 2021

    Whitehall's Chamber of Commerce met January 7th, via Zoom, for the first meeting of 2021. While the meeting was held virtually, due to COVID-19 concerns, the Chamber's meeting was filled with plans to hold socially responsible and distanced events in 2021 under the ever-changing guidelines. The 2021 Whitehall Easter Egg Hunt is currently slated for March 27th, with a possible move to the baseball fields in order to socially distance better and stagger events by age group. The Chamber also...

  • Ledger Under New Ownership

    Jan 6, 2021

    As of January 1, 2021 the Whitehall Ledger is under new ownership. Whitehall resident Elizabeth Pullman has purchased the newspaper and is excited about the opportunity to once again be an active part of the Whitehall community. Pullman previously worked for the Ledger under Greg Corr’s ownership from 2006 - 2011. Additional information about changes to the Ledger, as well as new services being offered will be in next week’s issue. Jack Smith and Melissa Jenkins will be in the Ledger office throughout the next few weeks assisting Pullman as...

  • Settings part of 56 county Peaks to Plains Tour

    Jack H. Smith, Whitehall Ledger|Dec 30, 2020

    Settings by All Things Montana in Whitehall recently had the honor of being a stop on the U.S. Small Business Administration "Peaks to Plains Business Resiliency Tour". The seven-day statewide tour highlighted the importance of supporting small businesses during the holidays. SBA Montana Director Brent Donnelly visited a business in each of Montana's 56 counties between December 10 and December 18. "When local small businesses succeed, they create jobs for families, infuse new revenues into...

  • Ridgeline Sports Opens in Whitehall

    Jack H. Smith, Whitehall Ledger|Nov 18, 2020

    Morgan and Lucy Shaw have a huge passion for the outdoors. They recently decided to share their love for the outdoors in the Treasure State in the form of a new area business. Earlier this year, the two decided to open up Ridgeline Sports as an ATV rental business and recently expanded to a retail location at 401 E. Legion Avenue that offers guns, ammo, reloading supplies, gun cases, gun straps, optics, clothing as well as camping supplies. Morgan Shaw grew up in Cardwell, graduated from...

  • Frankie's Open For Business

    Jack H. Smith, Whitehall Ledger|Oct 28, 2020

    While the concept of "Country Mex" might sound a little unique, Frankie's owners Priscilla McGee and Charles Frankenstein are hoping the robust flavors of both cuisines combined with fresh and locally produced food will be the recipe for success at the new restaurant located at 14 E. Legion. McGee is no stranger to the restaurant industry having managed her grandfather's restaurant in Louisiana for several years, as well as finding joy making food for large groups of people. While Frankenstein...

  • Mulligan reflects on time at Corner Store

    Jack H. Smith, Whitehall Ledger|Aug 26, 2020

    Sitting in his office last Friday morning, Corner Store owner Tim Mulligan took time to reflect on his nearly thirty years as a business owner. With the store officially changing hands to a Thriftway Super Stops this week, Mulligan has mixed emotions about selling, but also knows he is leaving at the right time. Growing up, Mulligan was able to learn about small business first-hand with his parents owning an insurance and real estate agency. He also felt they stayed too long and became...

  • Whitehall Drug has new location

    Jack H. Smith, Whitehall Ledger|Jul 29, 2020

    It's been so far so good for Whitehall Drug at their new location at 411 E. Legion Avenue. According to owner Josh Morris (PharmD), things have been going great and patients are very welcoming to the new changes, especially in response to COVID-19. "We have been able to reopen our gift store and over the counter sections which has really helped business," he said. Formerly located at 203 W. Legion, Morris said their current building has allowed them to expand their pharmacy work area, which has...

  • Karina's Cafe Closing its Doors

    Staff Report|Jun 3, 2020

    A popular Whitehall restaurant is closing its doors later this month. Karina's Café announced through a Facebook post last week they would be permanently closing the business that served breakfast and lunch on June 20. "After much consideration concerning familial changes, financial challenges, and the current climate, we have decided that our energy and resources will be better spent elsewhere. This Pandemic has opened our eyes to how dependent we and Karina's were on to corporate entities....

  • Whitehall Chiropractic is Reopening Wednesday, April 22

    Apr 22, 2020

    By Dr. Kathy Meyer Whitehall Chiropractic has been closed for the past several weeks for a number of reasons. First, it was closed when the stay at home order was issued. At that time I was unsure how to stay open and still keep my patients, Jen and I healthy during this pandemic. Then my daughter came home from college out of state resulting in a voluntary quarantine of my entire family to make sure Covid 19 was not brought into my home. I am happy to say we are healthy. Thanks to Barrick...

  • Test your knowledge at the K Bar

    Jack H. Smith, Whitehall Ledger|Mar 4, 2020

    Want to test your trivia knowledge in a fun and laid-back atmosphere? The K Bar and Grill in Whitehall is the place to go. Each Wednesday starting at 6:30 p.m., K-Bar offers a "Trivia Night" where teams battle it out testing their knowledge on a variety of topics. The weekly event started in October of 2019, and Bill Brown of the K Bar has been very pleased with the turnout that packs the bar portion of the establishment located at 13 W. Legion. "It's been crazy," Brown said of the turnout. "It...

  • Settings by All Things Montana, Boutique move to new location on North Main in Whitehall

    Jack H. Smith, Whitehall Ledger|Nov 27, 2019

    Settings by All Things Montana and Settings Boutique are now conveniently at one location in downtown Whitehall. Owner Pam Polachi recently moved both stores from Legion Avenue to a singular site at 11 N. Main and has been very happy with the results seeing her foot traffic double, often seeing customers when they are running errands at the credit union, Ace Hardware, and post office. "It's amazing. I'm so excited. It has made things much easier," she said. Polachi will be hosting an official...

  • New Coffee House opens in Whitehall

    Jack H. Smith, Whitehall Ledger|Jul 17, 2019

    On a gorgeous Montana morning, family, friends, and local residents came together for an open house and ribbon cutting July 13 for Bluebird Sky Coffee in Whitehall. The new business is located at 301 W. Legion Ave and features a walk-up window as well and inside and outside seating. The coffee house is owned by Adrienne Arterbury and will be open Monday to Saturday from 6:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Bluebird Sky will be serving espresso drinks, hot and cold, bubble tea, sun tea, herbal tea, cold brew...

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