Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana


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  • Ball, Heart & Soul Alpacas Win Big at Nationals

    ELIZABETH PULLMAN, Whitehall Ledger|Apr 5, 2023

    Alpaca breeders from across the country traveled to Denver March 17-19, 2023 to participate in the 34th Annual Mazuri AOA National Alpaca Show presented by Eagle Eye Farm. Heart & Soul Alpacas and Guest Cabins from Whitehall, owned and operated by Whitehall resident Karen Ball, won big, bringing just four beautiful specimens to the competition. This show is the largest in the country, being held at the National Western Complex in Denver. Ball's alpacas brought back two first-place trophies, two...

  • Spring Uplift Yoga Class at Sage Wellness Center

    BETHEL WAGNER, Sage Wellness Center|Mar 29, 2023

    Sage Wellness Center is hosting a Spring Uplift Yoga Class in conjunction with Lourae Yoga, this Saturday, April 1st from 9-11 AM. With the seasons, spring invites us to naturally blossom and rebirth into our authentic selves. This class will be an experience dedicated to releasing stuck energy to create space for the new. The class includes warm-ups, movements, music, meditation, and breathing. Sound bath included. Self-care investment: $25 Register with Lou at 406-925-2952 or Location: Sage Wellness Center, 330 Hwy. 2...

  • Tech Questions? Get the Answers: 3/29/2023

    TIM SCHOBER, White Hat Tech Solutions|Mar 29, 2023

    Q: What is Dolby Atmos? A: American engineer and inventor, Ray Dolby developed Dolby Laboratories and the Noise Reduction system in 1965. In the 1970s Dolby Stereo was invented which created surround sound by using four speakers. Dolby Laboratories released Dolby Digital in 1992 which utilized six channels instead of the four used in Dolby Stereo. This is often referred to as 5.1 surround sound. The “5” indicates the number of standard speakers which includes a center, left, and right for the...

  • Cash in Your Chamber Bucks NOW - Big Changes Ahead

    ELIZABETH PULLMAN, Whitehall Chamber of Commerce|Mar 15, 2023

    It was a busy, well-attended, and productive meeting of the Whitehall Chamber of Commerce, held Thursday, March 9th at the Borden’s conference room. Over a dozen were in attendance to give their feedback on the many upcoming events of the Whitehall Chamber of Commerce. If you have any Whitehall Chamber Bucks lying around, now is the time to cash them in. The program, which offers “Bucks” to be used like gift certificates to local Chamber Businesses, is in the process of being revamped by the Whitehall Chamber. New Chamber bucks will be issue...

  • Tech Questions? Get the Answers: 3/15/2023

    TIM SCHOBER, White Hat Tech Solutions|Mar 15, 2023

    QUESTION: Do I really need to eject the USB Drive? ANSWER: USB drives are a popular tool used to transfer files between computers, and they have become an essential part of our daily lives. However, many people make the mistake of removing the USB drive without properly ejecting it from the computer. This may seem like a small issue, but it can have serious consequences. When you plug in a USB drive, the computer assigns it a letter and begins to communicate with it. During this communication, t...

  • Tech Questions? Get Answers: 3/8/2023

    TIM SCHOBER, White Hat Tech Solutions|Mar 8, 2023

    Q: Can I turn on my coffee pot with my computer or smartphone? A: Yes! Welcome to the Internet of Things (IoT)! Many devices are being made “Internet Enabled.” Refrigerators, washers, dryers, and even coffee makers now have computers in them that can connect to the internet. These smart devices are connected to apps on your phone, or through a website, you can log onto with your computer. These apps and websites are created by the appliance manufacturer and give you many options to monitor and...

  • Helping Hands Here to Assist in Personal Care

    ELIZABETH PULLMAN, Whitehall Ledger|Mar 8, 2023

    If you're looking for a little extra help around the house, with your medications, or with running errands, you might consider new area business Helping Hands Personal Care Service. Owner Haley Smith, LPN is excited to offer a variety of services to the Whitehall, Cardwell, and Ennis areas. Located in McCalister, though originally from Arkansas, Smith loves Whitehall like it is home. "The more I'm here, the more I love it. Small communities are really lacking personal care service providers,...

  • Graham Takes on Executive Director Position at JLDC

    Mar 1, 2023

    The Jefferson Local Development Corporation has selected Lindsey Graham of Basin as its next Executive Director, replacing Eric Seidensticker, who recently resigned. Graham has served admirably as JLDC's child care coordinator for the past year, according to Nick Hensleigh, JLDC President. "Not only has she coordinated the development of childcare centers in Boulder and Whitehall, but she has also assisted with other economic development projects throughout the county," said Hensleigh. "She is a...

  • Chamber Seeking Easter Activity Sponsors

    CHIARA SCHOBER, Whitehall Chamber of Commerce|Mar 1, 2023

    The Whitehall Community Easter Egg & Scavenger Hunt will be held this year on April 1, 2023. The Community of Whitehall has had a wonderful Easter Egg Hunt for many years and we cannot say Thank You enough to the many groups and individuals who have worked to make the event a success and also to those who have donated to the event. The businesses and individuals that make up the Whitehall Community are very giving and we are proud to be a part of this community and to be sponsoring the Easter Egg & Scavenger Hunt. This event could not happen...

  • MSU Extension: Why Have a Will?

    KALEENA MILLER and MARSHA GOETTING, MSU Extension|Mar 1, 2023

    While writing a will is not number one on everyone’s to-do list, there are valid reasons for doing so. “People often avoid thinking about wills because a writing one means a they have to deal with attitudes and feelings about death, property ownership, business arrangements, marriage and family relationships that they or other family members may not be ready to think about,” says Marsha Goetting, MSU Extension Family Economics Specialist. People who have experienced the death of a family member agree it is worth investing time and money to av...

  • Tech Questions? Get the Answers: 3/1/2023

    TIM SCHOBER, White Hat Tech Solutions|Mar 1, 2023

    QUESTION: What part of my computer is most at risk to viruses? ANSWER: There are many ways viruses can infect your computer system. Being connected to the internet is amazing, however, it comes with risks. For information to flow, digital doors must be opened, but that presents opportunities for criminals to come through those doors. Cybersecurity companies constantly work on keeping criminals out, while allowing good information to flow in. However, the most vulnerable link in the entire chain...

  • For the second consecutive year, St. James Named a Top 100 Rural and Community Hospital

    TANNER GOOCH, Intermountain Healthcare|Mar 1, 2023

    St. James Healthcare, now part of Intermountain Health, has been recognized as a 2023 Top 100 Rural & Community Hospital, compiled by The Chartis Center for Rural Health. The Top 100 Rural & Community Hospitals play a key role in providing a safety net to communities across the county and the INDEX measures them across eight pillars of hospital strength: Inpatient Share Ranking, Outpatient Share Ranking, Cost, Charge, Quality, Outcomes, Patient Perspectives, and Financial Stability. See the full list of Rural and Community Hospitals at...

  • IT Questions? Get the Answers: 2/22/2023

    TIM SCHOBER, White Hat Tech Solutions|Feb 22, 2023

    QUESTION: Do I really need to change my passwords so often? ANSWER: The short answer is yes, but there are several things to consider. Online security and vulnerability does not have a yes or no answer, it is a question of how much security you want or need on a long scale of vulnerability. Your password is like the key to a door. How well you protect that key will depend on the value of the contents behind that door. Something valuable like access to your bank, confidential business...

  • IT Questions? Get the Answers: 2/15/2023

    TIM SCHOBER, White Hat Tech Solutions|Feb 15, 2023

    Q: My laptop run over, etc. Can I get my information from it? A: The short answer is, in many cases, yes. All computers, including laptops, are made of several individual components. The hard drive is the component that stores all your information and is hidden inside the shell of the laptop computer. Standard hard drives are built robustly to keep the sensitive parts protected from impacts. Even if the rest of the laptop is destroyed, if the hard drive survived, it can be...

  • 1st Call Heating & Air Conditioning Now Available

    ELIZABETH PULLMAN, Whitehall Ledger|Feb 15, 2023

  • 1st Call Heating & Air Conditioning Now Available

    ELIZABETH PULLMAN, Whitehall Ledger|Feb 15, 2023

    Whitehall now has an additional option for heating and air conditioning services - 1st Call Heating & Air. Mike Ildvad and his wife moved to the Whitehall area in June of 2022 and, after getting a bit bored with living the "retired" life, Ildvad has reopened his business, the work he has known for over two decades. "We are enjoying the small-town feel of Whitehall and of Montana overall," said Ildvad, who previously lived in Minnesota. Make the call to 1st Call (406-266-1675) for all your...

  • The Healing Spot: Come Get Some Love

    ELIZABETH PULLMAN, Whitehall Ledger|Feb 1, 2023

    Tucked into the backroom of Settings by All Things Montana you will now find The Healing Spot, a tea room and area of overall well-being and happiness orchestrated by Whitehall resident Heidi Lynn. Entering in, you’ll notice a variety of smells, and then you’ll see the many different herbs and teas available for your medicinal needs or tasting delight. “Most of the teas I have are for medicinal and functional purposes - to help with digestion or mood - but there are several that are for yummi...

  • Author Signing Event at WLC

    Feb 1, 2023

    The Western Legacy Center (WLC), located at 1 Whitetail Road, Whitehall, will hold an Author Signing Night on February 11, 2023, from 5 PM to 7:30 PM. Authors Henrietta Goodman, Kristine Erinn, Janet Hill, Ray Marxer, Ellie West, Elise Atchison, and Marc Beaudin will be joining the event to present their books and to sign their works. Drinks, snacks, and sweets will be served to all, as well as other surprises through the Western Legacy Center. Follow the WLC on Facebook or their website for...

  • Community Events at Sage Wellness Center

    BETHEL WAGNER, Sage Wellness Center|Jan 18, 2023

    Sage Wellness Center is hosting two community events in January. The first is a DIY Detoxifying Bath Salts class on Thursday, January 19th at 6:30 PM. Join us and learn how to create detoxifying bath salts that you can use to promote physical, mental, and emotional relaxation and detoxification. Bath salts are great for personal use or to give as gifts. (These would be a perfect Valentine’s gift!)Cost: $30, includes handouts, supplies, and refreshments. The second event is a Group Breathwork Workshop on Thursday, January 26th at 6:30 PM. B...

  • Seidensticker Resigns as JLDC Director

    CHARLIE DENISON, Boulder Monitor|Jan 18, 2023

    Jefferson Local Development Corporation (JLDC)Executive Director Eric Seidensticker announced during the Dec. 21 board meeting that he is stepping down. His resignation comes three months after a divisive board decision to purchase the Roberts building in Whitehall. Seidensticker told The Monitor he is going to stay involved in economic development, and do so from Helena. JLDC board Vice President Drew Dawson said he’s sorry to lose Seidensticker, a man he considers “very knowledgeable of economic development” who has had “lots of good ideas a...

  • Whitehall Sustainability Committee Grant Cycle Open

    ELIZABETH PULLMAN, Whitehall Ledger|Jan 4, 2023

    The Whitehall Sustainability Committee (WSC), with oversight from Golden Sunlight Mine, was formed in 2022 to help Golden Sunlight rank community projects in the Whitehall area by a local advisory group. In 2022 the WSC funded $135,000 worth of projects in the form of the upcoming playground on Legion Avenue and the upcoming daycare facility next to the Whitehall Schools. The project funding cycle is once again open and accepting project proposals until February 1, 2023. Think big, think about the legacy of Golden Sunlight and what they hope...

  • Whitehall Chamber's Business After Hours January 12

    ELIZABETH PULLMAN, Whitehall Ledger|Jan 4, 2023

    The 2023 Whitehall Chamber of Commerce year is going to begin with a bang!! The January Business After Hours Chamber Meeting and Membership Drive will be held Thursday, January 12th, 2023, at Borden's Conference Room. The Board meeting will begin at 5 PM, with the General meeting starting at 6 PM. Everyone is invited. "I would love to see EVERY business owner, whether they are a Chamber member or not, attend. I want to hear what businesses think the Chamber is doing right, wrong, and new...

  • The "Energy Gap" Nobody Wants to Tussle With

    DAVE MARSTON, Writers on the Range|Jan 4, 2023

    Many Western states have declared they will achieve all-renewable electrical goals in just two decades. Call me naïve, but haven't energy experts predicted that wind, sun, and other alternative energy sources aren't up to the job? Alice Jackson, a former CEO of Xcel energy's Colorado operation, was blunt at a renewable energy conference in February 2020: "We can reliably run our grid with up to 70% renewables. Add batteries to the mix and that number goes up to just 72%." Grid experts now say...

  • MSU Extension Offers Information for Caregivers of Those With Memory Loss

    MARSHA GOETTING, MSU Extension|Jan 4, 2023

    Montana State University Extension has partnered with the Montana Alzheimer's Work Group, the Department of Public Health and Human Services, Alzheimer's Association-Montana Chapter and AARP Montana to offer Montana-specific information for caregivers and others concerned about memory loss. The Work Group has a revised website with vital information on Alzheimer's in Montana, including resources for health care professionals and caregivers; a list of support agencies; and online education videos. Visit for more information. "Many...

  • Your Mortgage Minute: Tips for First-Time Buyers

    KAREN GOFF CMA, NMLS 1906348|Dec 14, 2022

    Homeownership can be an excellent financial decision for people at a variety of income levels. We all have to live somewhere. Generally speaking, you will be better off in the long run if you own that space so your housing expense can also be increasing your overall wealth position (building up the equity you have in a tangible asset). With that being said, the most important tip I can give to a first buyer, or even anyone looking to upgrade, is to create a budget. When you meet with a mortgage...

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