Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

Articles from the November 24, 2021 edition

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 25 of 29

  • Greater Whitehall Area Love INC Ceases Operation

    DEANNA SMITH, GWA Love INC|Nov 24, 2021

    The organization Greater Whitehall Area Love INC (IN the NAME of CHRIST), an affiliate of Love In The Name of Christ National, a non-profit charity serving the Whitehall community, officially ceased operations as of August 2021. A Development Committee was headed by Leslie Alley in 2016, with its first board sworn in January 2017. The governing board and staff over five years worked hard to organize and unite area Christian churches and their members with direction from the national organization in providing a safety net for those area...

  • Passing the Torch

    Nov 24, 2021

    Kurt and Laurie Perry, new owners of the Cardwell General Store, cut the ribbon with all of their employees supporting them at their Grand Opening on Saturday, November 20th....

  • Christmas Events Galore For Next Three Weekends

    ELIZABETH PULLMAN, Whitehall Ledger|Nov 24, 2021

    There is no lack of holiday spirit in Whitehall in the next few weeks. Between the Whitehall Chamber of Commerce's Annual Christmas Stroll, a plethora of Christmas vendor events, and kids activities throughout the next month, the holiday cheer is on full display. Kicking off the full month of festivities is this weekend's Cowboy Country Christmas, being held both November 27 and December 4th from noon to 4PM. This show features all Montana Made Gifts, is hosted by Ranching Tradition Fiber, and...

  • Thought Provokers: 11/24/2021

    Nov 24, 2021

    To avoid a piece of paper from folding, you put it in a folder. We laugh at animals for having funny mating rituals but humans probably have the most complex and frustrating mating rituals of all. We could be waking up in the body of a different person every day with their memories and all and we would have no way of knowing that. Han Solo and Shrek dress the same. The modern version of ‘if a tree falls in the forest and no one is around, does it make a sound’ is ‘if a good deed happens and no one is around to film it, did it happen?’ If you...

  • Dear Editor: Thankful for Vets Programs

    JOHNE TUTHILL|Nov 24, 2021

    Dear Editor, On November 10th and 11th, Cardwell and the Whitehall Schools presented the military Veterans of the surrounding area with multiple patriotic programs that were a salute to the military Veterans’ service. These patriotic presentations were incredible in their content and preparation! The children at Cardwell School were well-rehearsed and enthusiastic in their songs and poetry! The Veterans, parents, and families that were present were treated to a typical “Panther” show! At the end of the program, all the children presented the V...

  • Dear Editor: COVID-19 Vaccines and Our Kids


    Dear Editor, I realize that this is a rather touchy and perhaps even volatile issue, but it needs to be addressed if only to further educate people. This letter is in response to last week’s Letter to the Editor, co-authored by Timothy Bennett and Sally Erickson, regarding both the safety and wisdom of the push to vaccinate our children. Before I go too far, though, I DO want to reiterate that I don’t disagree with much of what they wrote. Maybe they could have exhibited a bit more kindness and understanding, however, although I ack...

  • Dear Editor: Clean Up After Yourselves!

    DANA BRUNET|Nov 24, 2021

    Dear Editor, We’ve lived in Whitehall for over 17 years. It has been a sweet little town to raise our girls in! People caring about one another, neighbors watching out for neighbors, very few litterbugs or people breaking the law. However, it saddens my heart to see, these last few weeks, the amount of garbage thrown on the side of the road. And this isn’t just outside of town, but right on Legion Avenue. This is a blatant disrespect to our community. Along the same lines, the illegal use of garbage dumpsters that don’t belong to the dumpe...

  • Dear Jo: 11/24/2021

    Jo|Nov 24, 2021

    Dear Jo, Are you competitive? I am!!! There is going to be a local Christmas light display contest and I want to win. Actually, I MUST win!!!! I find myself driving around town checking on who is decorating, and thinking to myself, “I will buy more lights, more tinsel, more yard displays and more, more, more!!!!” How can I stop before I put myself into debt or worse? Signed, Ready to Self Destruct! Dear Self Destruct, First, DO NOT self-destruct, or do anything that will be worse. You need to settle the heck down, take a few deep breaths and...

  • Thanksgiving Thanks

    KRISTINE ERINN, Whitehall Ledger|Nov 24, 2021

    Hello readers! Please accept my apologies for another week without a Name to a Face article. This has been a very active little town this past week, and I am so blessed and honored to be a part of all of it. Since this is the week of Thanksgiving, I wanted to take some time to tell you all how thankful I am for all of you, this article, and the opportunity that Liz has given me with the Ledger. I am so blessed to be able to interview you and present such articles for you. This article is meant...

  • Between the Stacks: 11/24/2021

    JEANNIE FERRISS, Whitehall Community Library|Nov 24, 2021

    Please mark your calendar for our Thanksgiving holiday hours. The library will be closed on November 25th and 26th then we will be open regular hours during the rest of the month. Enjoy the holidays with your families and remember to stock up now on new books and videos for the long weekend. On Friday, December 3rd, at 3:00 p.m. the staff will be hosting a Decorate the Library Party. Everyone is invited to help decorate the library for Christmas by putting up trees, decorating the windows, hanging swags, and more. There will be treats and fun...

  • Connecting Point: Leftovers

    BILL LANES|Nov 24, 2021

    In conversation last week, many people in two different states shared worries of pending economic trouble. Uncertainty might be the keyword; Montana might be more secure than other parts of the country. I don’t like doomsday talk at Thanksgiving. We’ll have turkey and all the trimmings; you may as well. For those of us who have been blessed with an abundance, I cannot get away from this virtue: thankfulness. Believe that God desires for us to continually grow in thanksgiving. When our hearts are full of His love, thankfulness is as well. Ove...

  • Jerry Beckman, 77

    Nov 24, 2021

    Jerry Beckman was born July 17, 1944, in Wausau, Wisconsin. He went to be with his Lord and Savior on November 11, 2021. He passed at home with his wife Carol by his side. Jerry and Carol married, then moved from Arizona to the little town of Whitehall, which they had fallen in love with. They lived in Whitehall for seven special years before Jerry's passing. Both retired, Jerry enjoyed fishing with his partner Curt at the Ruby and Harrison. Big fish stories were told, but they all got away! A...

  • Emergency Blood Shortage Persists Over Holiday Season

    Nov 24, 2021

    As many prepare to celebrate Thanksgiving and look ahead to a busy holiday season, the American Red Cross encourages eligible donors across the country to harness their humanity by giving blood in the coming weeks. As a result of low blood donor turnout in recent months, the Red Cross is heading into the holidays with its lowest blood supply in more than a decade at this time of year. The ongoing effects of COVID-19 and a summer spike in delta variant cases significantly challenged the nation’s blood supply heading into the fall. The p...

  • Our Town 100 Years Ago: November Part 2

    ARLENE WEBER, Jefferson Valley Museum|Nov 24, 2021

    The 1895 news is taken directly from November 15, 22, and 29 editions of the Whitehall Zephyr. News from November 1921 is based on notes made by Roy Milligan Sr. from late November editions of the Jefferson Valley News. The accompanying ad is from November 22, 1895, for Cochran’s store in Silver Star. November 1895: Mr. J.R. Norville, formerly with T.D. Hind & Co. of Whitehall, but now of Anaconda, was a recent visitor to our town. It is said that he came out on account of his health—at least because of a heart malady. The man whose avocation l...

  • 5 Trojans Named to All Conference, All State Football Team

    Nov 24, 2021

    All-State, All Conference football selections for 2021 have been released. Whitehall junior Leo Scafani has been named to first-team offensive line. Senior Brendan Wagner has been named to the first team as defensive back, as well as second-team for tight end and team returner. He has also been named to All State as well as Class B All Star Selection. Junior Miles Hoerauf has been named to second-team line backer and team athlete. Harrison senior James Hernvall has been named to second-team defensive line as well as a Class B All Star...

  • Ledger Begins Christmas Stroll Section

    Nov 24, 2021

    The Whitehall Ledger has begun ad sales for the Annual Christmas Stroll Section, which will be in the December 8th paper. This will be a separate part of the paper, so that the Chamber may pull out the section and distribute it at Christmas Stroll events and the wrestling tournament. The deadline for advertising in this section is Wednesday, December 1st by 5PM. Please contact the Ledger at 287-5301 for ad special sizes and prices....

  • Ledger Looking Back 25 Years: November 28, 1996

    CATHERINE ELLERTON, Whitehall Ledger|Nov 24, 2021

    There’s a bird of a different feather in the neighborhood. Dana and Terry Sampson, of Whitehall, lived and cattle ranched in South Dakota for two years, but recently returned to the Whitehall area with emus (large, flightless birds native to Australia) in tow. Building a home in the Lower Rader Creek area, the Sampsons are ready to ranch emus instead of cattle. “Terry and I were seeking an alternative lifestyle when we came upon emu. We read about them in ranch magazines and then we found people who owned emus and they delivered the birds to...

  • Creating Fiction for History: 11/24/2021

    CHARLES HADDON SHANK, Whitehall Ledger|Nov 24, 2021

    Danette Jocelynn Holding was born on January 18th, 1899 at the office of Adolf Gundersen in La Crosse, Wisconsin. The hospital which would be known as Lutheran Hospital was not built until about three years later. Danette's parents, Robert and Ida Holding, had recently relocated to the big city across the Mighty Miss'ipp four years earlier, after having heard the reports about this famous European doctor, who had jumped the pond to share his blessings with this fledgling country. Coming from a s...

  • Montana is Poised to Build a Bright Broadband Future

    GEOFF FEISS, Montana Telecommunications Assoc.|Nov 24, 2021

    President Biden signed into law the bipartisan infrastructure bill which Sen. Jon Tester and nine other Senators from both parties successfully negotiated. The bipartisan bill signed today brings a minimum of $100 million to Montana for broadband investment, with the likelihood of hundreds of millions more. Over $395 million already has been allocated this year for broadband investment. With combined funding appropriated earlier this year and under the bipartisan bill, we will have a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to transform Montana’s b...

  • RECIPE OF THE WEEK: Flourless Chocolate Cookies

    Nov 24, 2021

    The holiday entertaining season begins on Thanksgiving. Anyone who has been tasked with hosting Thanksgiving understands the commitment required to prepare a delicious meal for guests, which often encompasses appetizers, several side dishes and, of course, turkey as the centerpiece. Guests attending a Thanksgiving dinner can give holiday hosts and hostesses a break by providing dessert. Cookies are a popular treat. Thanks to their flavor, portability, and relatively short preparation and...

  • Whitehall TV Channel 49.1: Week of 10/25/2021

    Nov 24, 2021


  • Horoscope: Week of 10/24/2021

    Nov 24, 2021

    ARIES Mar 21/Apr 20 Aries, family tops your list of priorities. You are likely to spend considerable time with loved ones in the days to come. Relish all the opportunities to enjoy one another. TAURUS Apr 21/May 21 You may feel uneasy or worried for unknown reasons, Taurus. Trust your gut in this instance and steer clear of trouble should it try to find you. GEMINI May 22/Jun 21 Gemini, focus on keeping your cool even if others are trying to provoke you. Be the bigger person in all of your interactions. You have great control of your emotions....

  • Gifts With A Lift Program Spreads Holiday Cheer to Montana State Hospital Patients

    JON EBELT, Montana DPHHS|Nov 24, 2021

    The Department of Public Health and Human Services (DPHHS) announced today that donation boxes have been set up at various locations across the state to receive holiday gifts to benefit Montana State Hospital (MSH) patients. The effort is part of the annual Gifts With A Lift program that has played an instrumental role in spreading holiday cheer to patients for the past 69 years. The program ensures that all state hospital patients have a gift this holiday season. MSH Gifts With A Lift coordinator Trent Martin said the program continues to...

  • A Grassroots Effort Can Defy the Odds

    LOUISA WILCOX, Writers on the Range|Nov 24, 2021

    This year marks the 25th anniversary of one of the most spectacular conservation victories in recent history: the defeat of a massive gold mine planned for the doorstep of Yellowstone National Park. Called the New World mine, it was proposed by the Canadian corporate giant Noranda, and it had a lot of momentum behind it. Yet the mine would have destroyed world-class trout fisheries and wild places for grizzlies and other wildlife in and around the nation’s first park. Noranda planned to industrialize a rugged corner of the Beartooth M...

  • Guest Opinion: Gianforte - Enforce Montana's "Bad Actor" Mining Law

    KATHY HADLEY, National Wildlife Federation|Nov 24, 2021

    As a hunter and angler who’s lived in the Upper Clark Fork River valley between Deer Lodge and Anaconda for more than 30 years, I can attest to the damaging legacy of mining on our waterways. In 1908, a massive flood carried toxic mine tailings from Butte down the Clark Fork River, contaminating the river and the floodplain. To this day, hundreds of millions of dollars have been spent to clean up these toxic mine tailings in Butte, Silver Bow Creek, and the river. For 30 years, I’ve worked with local citizen groups to fight for a proper cle...

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