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Big things are happening at the Cardwell General Store and Campground and new owners Laurie and Curt Perry want you to know all about them! "We took over ownership June 15 of this year, but at the Fall Festival we realized very few people knew that," Laurie Perry said with a smile. "We are excited to show customers all the changes we've made." Fate brought them to the Cardwell Store; while driving through the area, they decided they needed to get out of Bozeman and start a new life adventure....
The Holiday season is here and the Whitehall Ledger and Arctic Heat are throwing a shindig not to be missed! On December 10th from 4PM-6PM at the Star Theatre, the Ledger and Arctic Heat will host a Ledger Ladies Day Out Christmas cookie and Christmas ornament exchange. After the exchange, attendees are invited to take part in the annual Christmas tree lighting in Legion Park, then join in on the Whitehall Chamber of Commerce's Christmas Stroll Parade of Lights. For the Christmas cookie...
While the 2022 Election Calendars have not been posted yet by the Secretary of State’s office, those who are interested in filing for the position of Jefferson County Commissioner should reach out to the County Election Office in January. A Declaration of Candidacy form must be submitted to the Jefferson County Election Administrator and a fee must be paid to file. The fee is based on the official’s salary. After the Declaration is filed with Jefferson County, paperwork has to be filed with the Commissioner of Political Practices. Specific dat...
Honoring Our Veterans...
"PROM" Backwards...
While everyone knows my passion for Halloween, some might be surprised that I adore Christmas as well. I love Christmas cookies, singing carols, lying under the Christmas tree and looking up into the lights, and finding the perfect present for my loved ones. I may think that our stores start pushing Christmas a bit too early (come on, before Halloween is here?!) However, I definitely could get behind celebrating year round because of the following: 1. Holiday music is so happy and cheerful! Jingle Bells gets stuck in my head in the middle of...
Dear Editor, We were saddened to see the article on the front page of your November 10th issue parroting, without question, government and pharmaceutical industry talking points regarding the safety, efficacy, and necessity of COVID vaccines for children. What we see in this article is a great deal of both questionable information and unwarranted certainty. The article presents statements of alleged fact which do not align with our own five years of research into vaccines, or with the statements of hundreds of thousands of respected...
We have collectively accepted the standard of tying shoelaces, while there are so many other different ways to tie. If Apple and Android ever come together to have the same charger, the world will know peace. Sneezing while driving is honestly a near death experience. Ukulele songs sound either too happy or too depressed. The main qualifier for something to be be used as a base for a musical: it needs to be something that does not look like you can make a musical out of it. The different blood types probably have different tastes and probably v...
Dear Jo, I’ve got a question for you. I hope this isn’t beyond the pale or anything, but why is it becoming more and more acceptable for women, models especially, to let it all hang out so to speak, as long as that slippery little (she) devil, the nipple is covered? Not that I am complaining, but this kind of behavior seems to be growing in popularity! Since the gland in question is pretty much a glob of fat, shapely as it may be, and the nipple actually serves a purpose, could that be the answer to my query? Might it be that simple? Sig...
Week of 11-11-2021 TEAM Mint #4: 15 wins, 2 losses K Bar #1: 12 wins, 5 losses Mint #2: 11 wins, 6 losses MEN Brad Babb: 4 wins, 0 lost Kevin LaFond: 4 wins, 0 lost Fred LeProwse: 4 wins, 0 lost Brian Powers: 4 wins, 0 lost WOMEN Deanna Wall: 3 wins, 1 loss Shawna Amidon: 3 wins, 1 loss...
On Monday, November 15 the seventh and eighth grade students of Mrs. Ehlers' Harrison School class made their way to River Camp in Cardwell to learn the traditional skills of skinning, graining, and prepping animal hides for tanning/dressing. "I don't call it tanning, because we aren't using tannic acid," Instructor Barnes explained to the students. "Really what we are doing is "dressing" the animal in preparation for a lecithin treatment." He explained that very rarely does he now use brains...
Thanksgiving: a break for many; a burden to many more. I admit to being old-fashioned in this and it will be a break for most of my household, except the cook. If only the country would go back to the time of rest around the holidays. Some go hungry and find themselves alone. Maybe it would be a good idea to find at least one person or another family who could benefit from our abundance. One can be generous through a simple invite to dinner or by surprising another family with a drop off meal. It seems to me that our family always has more...
In the early morning hours of October 15, 2021, Cory James Casagrande went to be with the Lord surrounded by his loved ones. Cory was born in Sheridan, MT on May 18, 1974 to the late Robert and Danette (Hawkins) Casagrande. He grew up in Whitehall and attended WHS where he participated in football and basketball, was part of many clubs and groups, created lifelong friendships, and graduated with honors in 1992. After graduating, Cory attended Wyoming Technical Institute and earned a certificate...
The Montana District of the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) today announced “non-COVID” loan data for fiscal year ended September 30, 2021, showing 323 Montana small businesses received over $186 million. Of these loans, 277 for $158,922,700 were made through SBA’s 7(a) Guaranty Loan Program which provides short- or long-term financing for small business start-up or expansion needs. 46 loans totaling $27,669,000 were made through SBA’s 504 Certified Development Company program, providing long term fixed rates financing for land, b...
Whitehall received a massive shipment of food during the Convoy of Hope weekend of training and resourcing with Whitehall's rural churches. Sixteen churches participated in the distribution event. Many volunteers, as well as members of the Whitehall Trojan wrestling team, were on hand to assist....
Adell Peregrine Huffman emerged into this cold, cruel world on a warm fall day in 1852. On September the 22nd of that year, the day after her parent's first anniversary, she set the stage for her life by singing her lungs out! As heiress to the family business, Adell married the Barnard half of the equation on the 6th of September, 1871. The picture included was taken on the occasion of her 19th birthday, just over two weeks after she married her partner in business, Alonzo Barnard. This was...
We are in full Fall mode this week and there is no better way to celebrate the changing of the seasons than with Sweet Tea Tales on November 18th at 6:00 p.m. This month’s theme is Comics and Cheese. Enter your favorite cheese dish and bring a favorite comic or graphic novel to discuss. The contest is open to any budding chef and there are prizes for the winners. Please mark your calendar for our Thanksgiving holiday hours. The library will be closed on November 25th and 26th then we will be open regular hours during the rest of the month. E...
District 5B All-State selections for 2021 volleyball have been released. Whitehall Trojan Maxine Hoagland, a junior, has been named to the Second Team. Maxine is the daughter of Shawn Hoagland and Gina Ossello. FIRST TEAM: Trinity Wilson (junior) Broadwater; Dakota Edmisten (senior) Jefferson; Alleigh Burdick (junior) Broadwater; Rachel Van Blaricom (senior) Jefferson; Alyssa Boshart (senior) Sweet Grass Co; Oliviah Westervelt (senior) Manhattan; Addie Pestel (junior) Three Forks. SECOND TEAM: Emily Bird (sophomore) Broadwater; Maxine Hoagland...
Have you lost a loved one to suicide? You are not alone. Be a part of Montana’s annual International Survivors of Suicide Loss Day – Saturday, November 20. This free virtual event will be held from 10 am to noon. Spend the morning with fellow survivors to find hope, healing, understanding and connection together. For many, Survivor Day is the first step in gaining comfort in their loss. For more information about Survivor Day and to register, visit
November Part 1 The winters of 1895 and 1921-22 were nasty. Travel had improved by the 20s but a trip to Butte could still be a major undertaking. The news from 1895 is as it was written in the Whitehall Zephyr. News stories from November 1921 are based on notes made by Roy Millegan, Sr. from editions of the Jefferson Valley News. November 1895: Halloween Brownies got in their deadly work last night, and everyone who had a wagon the night before had to hunt it up by piecemeal this morning. The...
NOVEMBER 21, 1996 Their name says it all: Whitehall High School Booster Club, but for some reason many in the community always think sports when they hear the group’s name. Perhaps it’s all of the purple shirts and hats lining the stands at games or the names listed on the sponsor page of tournament programs. Those highly visible signs make it easy to identify the club with sports. But according to Booster Club President Rich Smith, the group does a lot to support the school in ways that people sometimes overlook. Every year the group spo...
As Thanksgiving fast approaches, the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) is urging everyone to use added caution when celebrating the holiday, as Thanksgiving Day represents the leading day for home cooking fires. More than three times as many cooking fires occur on Thanksgiving Day as a typical day of the year. “Thanksgiving is a hectic holiday that involves lots of cooking and distractions, which can make it easy to lose sight of what’s on the stove and in the oven,” said Lorraine Carli, NFPA’s vice president of Outreach and Advocac...
From labor and product shortages to higher prices and shipping delays, this year’s holiday shopping season has the potential to be more stressful — and costly — than usual for consumers. “Despite the uncertainty and added stress brought on by supply-chain and other pandemic-induced challenges, no doubt many people will get caught up in the spending spirit this holiday season,” said Michael Sullivan, a personal financial consultant with Take Charge America, a nonprofit credit counseling agency. “But overextending yourself doesn’t help you, you...
What would the holidays be without decadent desserts? In fact, the season is synonymous with cookies and other baked treats, so much so that families often incorporate holiday baking into their annual traditions. People who avoid gluten for health reasons may feel left out when the bevy of desserts is distributed during home visits or office holiday parties, as they probably cannot indulge in these sweet treats. This recipe for Mint Slims from Danielle Walker's Eat What You Love (Ten Speed...
ARIES Mar 21/Apr 20 Aries, you may not jump out of bed excited to work, but things may change in the next few days. Pleasant interactions at the workplace play a factor into your good mood. TAURUS Apr 21/May 21 Stop and smell the roses as much as possible, Taurus. Cherish the good things you encounter, whether they are big or small. Take advantage of an opportunity to indulge. GEMINI May 22/Jun 21 Gemini, don’t let trivial things distract you from the bigger picture. Even if a small opportunity does not initially seem like a big deal, it c...