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Thanksgiving is fast approaching, meaning that day we fill our pie holes with turkey, stuffing, cranberry sauce, and pie. We watch our family or friends cook all day over a hot stove. The turkey is fried or cooked in the oven. All the side dishes are baked on the stovetop. But where is the pie coming from? Normally the grandma wants to make the pie, but nowadays it's the people who are not cooking turkey that bring that pie. Who really makes it? The saying "I made it myself" can mean many different things like: I got everything, all...
Georgia, I have a question, How does a Thermos know when to keep something hot and when to keep something cold? I’ve been trying to trick my Thermos into making my hot coffee and iced coffee, but it isn’t working. Is there a trick I don’t know about? Want It Cold Dear Cold, When you put a liquid in a Thermos, it will keep the temperature as close to the temperature it entered doesn’t decide which to make it. Though I suppose if you put hot coffee in, then a bunch of ice cubes, it could potentially get cold enough to be deemed “iced”. G...
SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 5 06:56:23 911 Open Line: W Third St 13:14:26 Suspicious Person: S Division St 17:14:00 Traffic Stop: W Legion St 19:18:28 Traffic Stop: N Whitehall St 20:17:15 Traffic Stop: W Legion St 20:50:47 Noise: S Main St 20:55:07 Noise: S Division St MONDAY, NOVEMBER 6 08:56:00 Trespass: Whitehall Country Store 13:48:42 VIN Inspection: Hwy 55 14:34:17 Suspicious Circumstance: N Whitehall St 14:45:34 Harassment: S Main St TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 7 06:00:30 Traffic Hazard: S Division St 08:00:24 Animal: N Division St 09:39:48 Trespass: E...
ARIES Mar 21/Apr 20 Aries, you may see the details of a situation a little differently this week. While you may have been sticking to one way of doing things for some time, a new way may mean a breakthrough. TAURUS Apr 21/May 21 Taurus, your passion for a long-forgotten project is renewed. Dust off what you started, and see it through to completion. The results may surprise you. GEMINI May 22/Jun 21 Are you ready to communicate, Gemini? It’s time to have an important conversation with someone close to you. It may not always be comfortable, b...
Do you ever sit back and just watch people? I often do but please understand this practice doesn’t make me creepy. Observing people is common for all of us in one way or another. Certainly, we refrain from being critical of those around us, none of us deserves such criticism. Some individuals wish to be the center of attention while others like to simply blend into the crowd and remain unnoticed. Those who garner everyone’s attention are loud and possibly obnoxious, they are the individuals I sit back and watch. As I’ve been reading about...