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Whitehall’s Master Plan Meeting will be held tonight, Wednesday, October 6th at 6PM in the Whitehall Community Center. All business owners, residents, and interested individuals are encouraged to attend, as this plan will help guide Whitehall’s leadership for the upcoming years. The Town of Whitehall received planning funds from the Montana Department of Commerce Big Sky Trust Fund to develop a Community Master Plan. In collaboration with town leaders, Jefferson Local Development Corporation, and Headwaters RC&D, a local steering committee was...
Over nine decades of meals, laughter, memories, and music came to a screeching halt in the early morning hours of Thursday, September 30, 2021, when LaHood Park Steakhouse went up in flames. "It happened so fast, we couldn't do anything," LaHood employee and tenant Stephanie Adams said. "We grabbed the laundry basket of clean clothes I had just washed, our dogs, some sweaters, and that's it." Built by Shadan LaHood in 1928, the property transitioned from a general store to a post office, then a...
In a small town like Whitehall it is common to see the same faces over and over again. At the grocery store. At the library. At the post office. Small town life at its finest. However, the same faces at every committee meeting - that’s something that needs to change. I’m calling out to the youth of our town, the newbies in our town, the retired of our town, the bored-and-need-something-to-do of our town...basically, I’m calling out to everyone. GET INVOLVED! Right now there are so many new committees, organizations, and non-profits who need...
Dear Editor, Here in Jefferson County, particularly in our little burg of Whitehall, we have been pretty lucky when it comes to the mask mandate. Although health officials are still strongly recommending that we “mask up”, even those few businesses in town that were following the guidelines very stringently have dropped their requirement. One may note the occasional mask-wearer in certain businesses around town, but for most people, pure common sense seems to have prevailed. In essence, if you’re sick, stay home; if you’re worried about g...
There are two types of pet owners: Those who think their pet refer to them as “MOM/DAD”, and those who think their pet refers to them as “HUMAN”. People who can properly handle lottery winnings are the least likely to buy lottery tickets. Social media is the new cigarettes: companies profit from people’s addiction to an unhealthy product. If you leave your keys in the ignition and your car windows open over night, then your car would probably be stolen, meaning the dead body in the trunk is no longer your problem. No one reads Monopoly...
Arcylle Shaw. If you haven't met her in person, it's highly likely the person next to you has. Her name is a staple in Whitehall and Cardwell. She has the information you are looking for, and if she doesn't she will get it! For decades Arcylle was the face of the Cardwell News section "For Your Information" in the Whitehall Ledger - everyone knew to send their updates to her. Born and raised in Whitehall, Arcylle was involved in the percussion section of the high school band, and loved sports,...
Dear Jo, My daughter came to visit me a couple of weekends ago. I love when she visits! She is so much fun. Where is the problem, you ask? Well, my beautiful daughter was so excited to show me her new (and first) tattoo. I still cannot believe it, but she had pistols tattooed on her hips. No, I am not kidding. The barrels of the pistols are pointing, well, you can guess. What the hell was she thinking? What was I supposed to say?! I simply stood there dumbfounded. Now she is upset with me for my reaction. We have always been close, able to...
It’s that time of year where you’re itching to get out the pumpkins to carve, candy to scarf and find tricks to play. It is only the first week in October however and some might feel it’s too soon to bring out the cobwebs, potion bottles, and ghosts. I’m here to get you in the spirit with a few fun flicks which will help get you in the magical mood. First off, Good Witch. It is easily accessible on Netflix, Hallmark, and many other platforms. This show is one of the best for a feel-good holiday show. It isn’t specifically a Halloween show but...
Memorable and exciting moments were the theme Saturday night at the Billings Hotel and Convention Center. Awards were presented and scholarship recipients introduced at the 16th Annual Montana Pro Rodeo Hall and Wall of Fame Scholarship Fundraising Banquet and Gathering. And while the awards presentations were a highlight of the night, a big announcement came early in the evening. Brent Jordan, the president of the MPRHWF, told those in attendance there would be a "physical hall of fame in...
Jesus had the ability to look at people gently and speak to them in the most gracious tone. Compassion, kindness, sincerity--Christ displayed earnestness. It is no wonder he is the embodiment of grace worth following. “You’re full of it” is a phrase you’ve heard before, right? Often in jest, such a remark is either coarse or derogatory. I thought it would be a great twist to utilize this phrase in a positive affirmation, that which displays some of the great virtues taught throughout the Bible. After all, if we are to model Jesus or strive to b...
On Friday, September 24, 2021, Sharon Lea Rhine Wardlow was peacefully reunited with her late husband Francis "Happy" Wardlow, Sr. Remarkably, on this day 54 years earlier, Happy and Sharon vowed their lives to one another until death did they part. It is now in death that they live lovingly together once again. They shared five beautiful children: Brenda Sue, Kathy, Angela, Debbie and Francis "Guy" Wardlow, Jr. Sharon was an accomplished mother and adopted many others as her own, a grandmother...
Regina "Jeannie" Melton Given, of Silver Star Montana, passed away on Sunday, September 26, 2021, after battling Alzheimer's for many years. Jeannie was born in Dillon Montana on May 21, 1931. She will be best remembered as being a sweet and kind person. She was very active and performed as the "Fair Manager" at Madison County Fairgrounds for many years. She organized and ran many flea markets, yard sales and numerous events throughout the Ruby and Jefferson Valleys. She was an avid pianist....
WILSON – Judy Marie Wilson, age 73, of Butte, Montana, passed away on October 2, 2021. Services will be held on Saturday, October 9, 2021 at a location and time to be determined. Please refer to or the Montana Standard on Wednesday, October 6, 2021 for service details. Please visit to offer the family a condolence or share a memory of Judy. Axelson Funeral and Cremation Services has been privileged to care for Judy and her family....
John Frankman didn't envision himself being a pastor. After years living in Los Angeles, but working in the Middle East in engineering, construction and property management, Frankman had a calling to teach a bible study to felons in the LA area. Having also worked as reserve LAPD, Frankman said he was "open" to God's calling to teach; and he taught the words of the bible for nearly a decade to what many would consider the unteachable. Frankman completed seminary in order to further his bible...
The Golden Sunlight Mine has created the new Community Development Council (CDC), spawned off the Whitehall Community Transition Advisory Committee (CTAC) to assist GSM in funding projects for the Whitehall area. Chuck Buus, of Golden Sunlight, hopes that this subcommittee will be a real opportunity for Barrick to support projects within the area that better our community and create sustainability. “This is a committee where we need to think bigger, to start something significant, and really partner with each other and other o...
Beginning this Wednesday, October 6th, at 6:00 p.m. we will be running our next section of "Spotting Fake News." If you are interested in taking these next three sessions on discovering how to authenticate websites, track sources through lateral reading, and discover who is behind the information you are seeking, this is the class for you. Please call the library at 287-3763 to sign up. Family Game night will be Thursday, October 7th, at 6:00 p.m. Bring your family, friends, and favorite games t...
March 17, 1891 My dearest Marie, I trust this letter finds you well, my love. I have arrived in Castle Town, Montana – 2 months gone and hopefully only another five or six weeks before I see your beautiful face again! I came across a sad piece of news yesterday while browsing through old newspapers in the Chronicle office. I'll write it out as it appeared in the paper on February 4. Dave Wilson died on Tuesday. He was 79. He was buried in Boot Hill on Wednesday. And....that was it, three l...
New research reveals that not only has America’s largest generation -- millennials -- become more civically engaged since the pandemic began, but that the time is right for nonprofits and companies to help all Americans see how profoundly they can influence social change. The new survey from Points of Light, a nonpartisan, global nonprofit organization that inspires, equips and mobilizes millions of people to take action that changes the world, conducted by INFLUENCE|SG, found that almost 50% of millennials believe in the power of civic e...
The Whitehall Trojan's brought home a varsity win against the Anaconda Copperheads on Friday, October 1. The win was a blow-out, 42-0. Offense - Receiving: #3 Nick Denny had 4 catches for 48 yards, #5 Brendan Wagner 6 catches for 202 yards, #11 Parker Wagner 3 catches for 36 yards, and #33 Sage Buus had 3 catches for 53 yards. Offense - Passing: #9 Miles Hoerauf completed 17/28, passing 342 yards. Offense - Rushing: #5 Brendan Wagner carried 5 for 68 yards, #9 Miles Hoerauf carried 7 for 58...
At the Headwaters Invitational Cross Country meet, held October 2 at the Highland Golf Course, the Whitehall Trojan team brought the heat with great running times across the board. All high school Trojan recorded personal bests at this meet. HIGH SCHOOL (5K): Dallon Lanes 22:36, Katie Frankman 25:40, Wesley Biggers 17:10, and Sam Valov 22:25. MIDDLE SCHOOL (2 mile): Gage Kidwell 15:25, Cooper Montgomery 13:55, Lexi Stratton 14:02 (personal record), Timmy Seccomb 17:38, Reece Hofer 15:11, Odessa...
It’s that time of year: pumpkin spice is here and so are shorter days and cooler nights. Before nightfall comes too early, take advantage of the milder temps to prepare your home for winter. Here are a few easy, DIY tasks to check off your list. 1. Close Up the Patio. It’s important to protect patio items from winter wear and tear so you can enjoy them as soon as the weather breaks in the spring. When the weather in your area seems to be changing for good, clean outdoor furniture like tables, chairs and décor and protect them with a heavy-duty...
Ruby Valley Medical Center was recognized with the Cardiac Recognition Award at the Montana Hospital Association’s annual virtual meeting in early October. The Cardiac Recognition Award is sponsored by the Cardiovascular Health Program within the state health department. The Recognition Award singles out Critical Access Hospitals who demonstrate that they have the infrastructure and commitment to provide high quality care for patients with acute coronary syndrome, which includes heart attack. Receiving the Cardiac Recognition confirms Ruby Vall...
St. James Healthcare was awarded a $1,000,000 grant from the Health Resources Services Administration’s Federal Office for Rural Communities Opioid Response Programs (RCORP) to conduct needs assessments and develop plans, including prevention, treatment, and recovery interventions for Opioid Use Disorder (OUD). St. James Healthcare will work in close partnership with the Montana Hospital Association, Montana Chemical Dependency Center, Montana’s Peer Network, Butte-Silver Bow Health Department and Sheriff Department, Southwest Montana Com...
I hate shopping malls. I hate Chuck E. Cheese even more. Yet I found myself standing in the main corridor of Anchorage’s Fifth Avenue Mall, about to enter Chuck E. Cheese. My best friend Daryle had invited me to attend his son’s commercially canned birthday party. How could I not? Chuck’s a clever rodent. To get to or from the dining area you have to pass through the arcade. The second I entered my senses were assaulted. Strobes flashed while twinkle lights from a disco ball spiraled. Every...
A 27-year old Clancy man has died and several more were injured after a moose collided with their vehicle at mile marker 10 on Highway 69 Sunday night. According to the Montana Highway Patrol, the deceased was driving southbound on Highway 69 around 7:50 p.m. Sunday when the incident occurred. A 21-year-old Clancy woman was a passenger in the vehicle, along with a 24-year-old woman, a five-year-old girl, and a four-year-old boy. It is believed the 24-year-old and the children are all of Whitehall. A moose entered the roadway around mile marker...