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With the state of the world in flux right now as the situation with Russia and Ukraine is only just beginning, it’s good to know the ins and outs of our hometown’s emergency plans. Upon asking the Town of Whitehall office for the emergency plans, the Ledger was directed to Jefferson County Disaster and Emergency Services Coordinator Doug Dodge. “Emergency notifications have several components. The first of which would be our telephone reverse notification system, either through landlines or through cell phones,” explained Dodge in an email....
The focal point of Whitehall’s Legion Avenue, historic Borden’s Hotel, is currently listed for sale. There have been many rumors that the building was on the market, however, the official listing was made only about a week ago with McLeod Realtors and Gina Ossello. Currently the home of the Pepper Tree Deli, Bloom Wellness, Jefferson Local Development Corporation, Numb3rs Bookkeeping and Tax, Jefferson County Sheriff’s office, MSU Extension Office, and town attorney Ed Guza, the Borden’s building has been a staple of Whitehall history since i...
The 2022 Jefferson Valley Sportsmen Association Banquet is scheduled for Saturday, March 12 at the Whitell Community Center. The JVSA banquet has not occurred since 2019 because of the COVID-19 pandemic. The event doors will open at 6 PM, with dinner at 7 PM. The price for tickets is $25 and this includes dinner and an annual membership to the association. For more information about tickets or donating items, call Keith Pietsch at 406-491-2518. Tickets will also be available at the door....
Dear Editor, I read that the Town Council approved TIF money for a sidewalk on Division as far as the Museum. What a wonderful benefit to so many! It will make the ‘stroll’ to the Museum so much nicer and easier. Thank you to the Council! Arcylle Shaw Cardwell, Montana...
Dear Editor, Whitehall, and Jefferson County Residents, I am writing this letter for clarification and to address some concerns about the coming Western Legacy Center and its participation in and benefits to the community. Is the Western Legacy Center really going to be a blessing for Whitehall residents and its businesses? It is to be located at an exit off the interstate, so why would visitors venture into Whitehall after a stop at the Western Legacy Center? It is said that the Western Legacy Center is to have a Montana-made gift shop in its...
Dear Editor, This is an all too short rebuttal to Democratic Chairman Robyn Driscoll’s OP-ED in the February 23, 2022 edition of the Ledger. Republicans are not the only political party talented in speaking out of both sides of their mouths. One of the oldest and best ploys straight from the Democrat party playbook is “accuse the accuser.” It is laughable and sad that challenging issues we find ourselves currently dealing with can be so manipulated. Such as the debt our friends on both sides of the aisle have created in making us a debto...
People only made such a big deal about 2/22/2022 because they’re salty that they won’t be alive for 2/22/2222. You can be a full-grown adult but people will still think you peed your pants if there is a wet stain on them. The people that hate their alarm the most usually choose to hear it multiple times each morning. Everyone thought it was touching and heartbreaking when E.T. tried to contact his relatives. But no one thinks the same when their dog tries to do the same at 3 AM. The guy in Blues Clues was paid to dance and sing and talk to him...
Eighty-year-old Roger Hill used to go fishing on the Arkansas River in Colorado. But he sometimes had to duck baseball-size rocks thrown at him by landowners who insisted he was trespassing. When he got back to his car, he sometimes found notes threatening him with arrest if he returned. Worse, a fellow fisherman was shot at by a landowner, who got 30 days in jail for the attack. Rather than risking either injury or arrest, Hill sued the landowners, claiming that the bed of the Arkansas River is navigable. If that assumption is true, then Hill...
Dear Jo, Have you ever met someone, liked them immediately only to find out they really don’t like you, which hurts your feelings? I know, I know, leave it be. Walk away. Why does it matter? Well, I am sometimes too sensitive of a person. How do I come to terms that not everyone has to like me? I have always felt like this, hurt if someone does not like or agree with me. Help! Signed, Cares Too Much Dear Cares, I can relate, but LET THAT $#%& GO!!! There is nothing to be gained by letting how others feel about you determine how you feel a...
I grew up watching the television series This Old House, a 1980’s home improvement show. With only one television in our home, our family accepted my father’s choice. The construction variety of the show was dad’s attraction. Now, I, too, dabble in my own home projects, and it’s very motivational. When I get done with a fence or patio, there’s just something about it. Moreover, I’ve had the pleasure of working side by side with my father on numerous occasions; in turn, I see the wisdom in doing the same with my wife’s and my children. Are...
Alice Faye Davis passed from this world too soon surrounded by her close family and friends on February 14, 2022. Alice was born on April 25, 1962. From West Virginia, she married young and had her first daughter, after which she divorced and moved to Montana to be with her parents and start anew. A couple of years after the move she met her "Huckleberry" Glenn and married again. Glenn was a father of three teens. He and Alice had two more children together. Alice was deeply loved by her many...
With the sun shining brightly on the Bull Mountains, a place dear to his heart, Thomas G. Carey, Sr. (Tom) passed into eternal life on February 26, 2022, surrounded by his loving wife of 63 years and all of their children. Born in Helena on December 9, 1928, to Frank and Mary Ellen (Gallagher) Carey, he was the youngest of 12 children. Being raised on the ranch with his best friend and sister Ellie was the basis for the stories of his wonderful childhood we loved to hear. His love for dogs...
It’s March and the leprechauns are invading the Library! One has decided to take up residence in the building, and we need your help in finding him! Anyone who finds our leprechaun and turns him into the front desk will receive a prize. He is a slippery little thing and seems to escape as soon as he is caught so we will need lots of help finding him! March calendars are out; look for some great new programs. We will be focusing on spring this month with ideas for yards, gardens, hiking, and more. Watch for details next week! Our children’s sect...
St. Teresa of Avila, located at 109 Second Street in Whitehall, invites you to attend their upcoming services. Ash Wednesday Mass will be at 5:30 PM on March 2nd. Sunday Masses are moving to 9 AM starting Sunday, March 6th. Weekday Masses are Wednesdays at 9 AM (except the Mass on March 2nd) and Friday at 9 AM. During Lent, there will be Stations of the Cross at noon. Father Gregory Lively provides services at St. Teresa of Avila Catholic Church....
Lewis and Clark County Sheriff Leo Dutton said Tuesday there have been four fentanyl-related deaths in Lewis and Clark County in the past month, warning they were likely caused by a counterfeit pill touted as a legitimate prescription drug. “Evidence gathered at the scene leads us to believe these are fentanyl-related,” Dutton said. Dutton said toxicology and autopsy reports are pending. One of the deaths is believed to be a suicide and the others are considered accidents. He said the death believed to be a suicide happened on Jan. 21, and the...
Tackling misinformation around cardiovascular topics isn’t for the faint of heart. Luckily, the SCL Health heart health team has broken it down for you: 1. All heart attacks have the same warning signs. We all know the classic heart attack symptoms: chest pain, arm/back discomfort, shortness of breath. But what if we told you that you could have a heart attack, and not feel any of those symptoms? The American Heart Association reports that 1 in 5 heart attacks are “silent.” These cardiac arrests go unnoticed and are sometimes discovered when...
February 27, 1997 The search for a new Whitehall School District Superintendent narrowed to four candidates. The finalists included: Jan Cahill, Superintendent for Fromberg School District south of Billings; John Cheek, Superintendent and Principal for Augusta School District; William Colter, Superintendent and Principal for Hysham School District; and Paul Stremick, Principal for Shepherd High School. Each was scheduled to visit Whitehall before the final decision expected by April 1. Whitehall High School senior Kirk Joy won an Outstanding...
The Montana Department of Revenue has an important message to income tax filers: Keep your mailing address current with the department. This is especially true for anyone filing a Montana income tax return for the first time. That’s because the department sends refunds to first-time filers only as paper checks – not by direct deposit – due to our security measures to combat fraud. And, the Post Office will not forward your refund check to your new address. That means that if the department has an incorrect address, your refund could be delayed....
The Rocky Mountain Development Council, Inc. (Rocky) will have supplemental foods available for Whitehall area seniors on Thursday, March 24, 2022, from 11:00 am - 12:00 pm. Pick up is at the Whitehall Senior Center (3 North Division). There is no charge for the food. The Commodity Supplemental Food Program (CSFP) is a program where seniors can receive regular allocations of free food every other month. The program guidelines mandate that the person receiving the food must be 60 years of age or older, a resident of Montana, and meet an income...
Week of 2-24-2022 TEAM K Bar #1: 11 wins, 6 lost MEN Brad Babb: 4 wins, 0 lost Todd Choquette: 4 wins, 0 lost Jay VonBergen: 4 wins, 0 lost WOMEN Shawna Amidon: 2 won, 2 lost Dorothy Griffith: 2 won, 2 lost Deanna Wall: 2 won, 2 lost...
Democracy cannot succeed unless those who express their choices are prepared to choose wisely. The real safeguard of democracy, therefore, is education. Franklin D. Roosevelt The tone of any Montana legislative session is set at the ballot box, a couple of months before the session officially gets started. It’s a full-time job keeping up with all the proposed legislation during the session; that’s why it’s best to educate yourself now, ahead of the 2022 election, so you vote for a candidate who represents your views and not just a polit...
The 2022 license year opens March 1, which means that is the day you can buy new hunting and fishing licenses and begin applying for permits and special licenses. The deadline to apply for deer and elk permits is April 1. Applications for most species – deer, elk, antelope, deer B, elk B, antelope B, moose, sheep, goat, bison, bear, turkey – can be made beginning March 1. This spring Fish, Wildlife & Parks will be launching the new MyFWP mobile app that will store and display licenses, permits, and digital carcass tags, known as E-Tags, which c...
Hunter and Bowhunter Education classes will be offered in several locations throughout southwest Montana this year. Many of these classes have been scheduled and will soon be open for registration. Hunter and Bowhunter Education classes are taught by skilled volunteer instructors and offer hands-on learning experiences, mentoring opportunities, and the ability for students to ask questions of experienced hunters. Students learn how to handle firearms and archery equipment safely, basic survival skills, hunting ethics, wildlife management, game...
Located about ten miles northwest of Missoula, MT, Frenchtown Pond State Park is a 41 acre, day-use recreational area where you can swim, boat, and fish. The pond itself is a natural spring-fed lake with a maximum depth of about 18 feet. A variety of fish, including sunfish, bass, and bullhead, provide fair catches throughout the year. Frenchtown Pond State Park is also a favorite place for visitors to practice stand-up paddle-boarding, kayaking, canoeing, and snorkeling. Frenchtown Pond became a state park in 1972. They often host local...
Backcountry Hunters & Anglers is proud to announce the Aidan Long Outdoors for All Scholarship, a fund dedicated to helping young people with disabilities get outdoors by providing access to adaptive equipment or provide assistance with outdoor education. BHA is currently seeking applicants for this new opportunity. Aidan Nichols Long, 2004-2021, loved life and nature every day. Growing up in Montana his best times included camping, canoeing, and fishing with his mom and dad, Karen Nichols and Ben Long. Despite catastrophic epilepsy, Aidan...