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The Jefferson Local Development Corporation (JLDC) voted 6-2 on Wednesday, September 21 to purchase the Rogers Building (3 Whitetail Rd), in which to house the Western Legacy Center (WLC). In June the JLDC had pulled out of negotiations to purchase the building, with JLDC Executive Director Eric Seidensticker stating that “the Western Legacy Center’s business plan is not in the best interest of JLDC at this time.” However, since June, JLDC had reconsidered their position and at the September meeting voted again, with 6 in agreement, 2 against,...
The Lower Jefferson River Watershed Committee and the Whitehall Ledger are, again, sponsoring a Candidate Forum for the competitive races in Jefferson County for the November election. The forum will be held Thursday, October 27, 2022, in the Borden conference room at 6 PM. The Lower Jefferson River Watershed Committee has sponsored candidate forums for the last 20 years in an effort to let the voters get as much information as possible about the candidates before they vote. Candidates are invited to attend this forum and spend a few minutes...
Continuing his 56 County Tour in Broadwater and Jefferson counties, Governor Greg Gianforte highlighted the strength of Montana's workforce, meeting with small business owners and employees, first responders, medical professionals, and tradesmen. Beginning his afternoon in Townsend, the governor grabbed lunch at Full Belli Deli, owned and operated by Dakota and Heidi Bingham. There, the governor had lunch, met Heidi, and thanked her and her employees for adding greater vibrancy to the...
The average adult probably has hundreds of thousands of lyrics memorized but they won’t realize they have it memorized until the song starts playing, even decades later. A morning coffee habit is as much about waking your colon as it’s about waking your brain. People celebrate those that quit drinking but demonize those that refuse to start. The Sun doesn’t know shadows exist. Maybe the reason we can’t taste or smell water is that we’re already more than half water and we’re desensitized to it. It’s kind of strange that we evolved along...
Dear Editor, Okay, this is me jumping on the proverbial bandwagon. Most, if not everyone, in town knows that I drive an electric vehicle. It’s not quite the same issue as a Tesla or a Prius but still, the principle still applies. There are definitely advantages to traveling in an electric vehicle. For me, maybe one of the most obvious is its operation, which is nearly silent and therefore, more or less stealthy. As an amateur photographer, I really appreciate being able to move about the countryside, although with somewhat limited range, w...
Dear Editor, I would like to encourage you and our fellow eastern Montanans to vote this Fall from our hearts. Republican, Independent, Green, Libertarian, Social Democrat, Trumpster, and Democrat are shorthand labels more serving the convenience of political and media consultants. Let’s agree that “grasstops” politics have replaced “grassroots.” Yet we all still have our friends and families. We’re grand-mothers and grand-fathers, or their children and children’s children, native-born or Montanans by fate or choice, veterans or the families...
The first Oral History program was held at the Jefferson Valley Museum on Wednesday, September 21st. At least 15 attendees listened to the recorded interview between Roy Milligan, Sr. and Bernard May and were able to see photos of many of the places and people talked about. With a favorable response from this group, a second program will be planned for sometime this winter....
Autumn is in the air! The October meeting of the Whitehall Garden Club is Wednesday, October 5 in Borden's conference room. Everyone is welcome to join us for coffee, treats, and conversation at 9:30 AM with the meeting starting at 10 AM. Following a short business meeting, there will be a presentation by Karen Ranta on decorating a live pumpkin with succulents and dry florals. Glenna Waltee will also present a program on Holiday Plants and their mysterious habits....
Sincerely Paul of Whitehall will have produce boxes, as well as TEFAP applications, available on Wednesday, September 27th. The crew from Sincerely Paul hopes to have food available for pick up by 1 PM at the Assembly of God Church, located at 6 First Street East in Whitehall....
Georgia, I have a question, I need advice! My fiance and I are having lots of issues right now. We can’t stop fighting and I don’t know what to do. I quit my job because wedding planning is taking up so much time and now my fiance is refusing to get a second job. He doesn’t understand that I don’t have time to get ready for work, drive to work, be somewhere else all day, and drive home - I need to be HOME to plan this wedding! I asked him to get a second job and he won’t - he says he already works 60+ hours a week and that I need to get a job...
Gimmicks abound all around us, allowing a few people to claim to know everything. One can search the Internet regarding almost any HOW TO, and it will produce a list of apps desiring your next click. The Internet has changed the world of advertising in the USA. You have to be careful, however. Some results are schemes. That is part of our broken world, a world full of broken people. Tragedy is found around many corners; a person sadly takes their own life, someone dies or is seriously injured in a vehicle accident, and another receives the...
The month of October is an exciting time for those involved in the Whitehall Mural Project. Artist Kit Mather has been working diligently day after day and essentially has given up her entire summer to finish the large mural that will replace the one on Jefferson Fresh Foods. Arrangements have been made to replace the current faded mural with a fresh new creative special work of art. The community of Whitehall has already generously contributed to this project and all who have done so are...
I can't believe it is almost October already! The big news is that PBSKids is throwing a party for Daniel Tiger on October 5th at 10 AM and everyone is invited to come. There will be stories, games, treats, and more with our favorite PBS friend, Deanna Mydland! Curiosity Untamed will begin on Thursday, October 6th at 2 PM. This unique discovery program will be taught by Diane Jensen and will use different techniques to explore aspects of memory retention and expansion. The Holocaust Project is s...
He’s the friendly face you see most days as your many Amazon packages and whatnot are delivered right to your door, but as of October 6, Sean Byrnes will be resting and relaxing in retirement. Whitehall/Cardwell UPS route driver for the last five years, Byrnes is ready to take it easy after 29 years with the package delivery giant. A career with UPS wasn’t his intention when he applied to be a Christmas driver in 1993, but almost three decades later, he’s happy with where UPS led him. “It p...
Screams Come True has been scaring kids and adults every October and we are excited to begin building the 2022 installation! Yes, Screams Come True is in its FOURTH year!! New in '22, an escape room scenario with three complete settings! And as always, an in-depth, intricate look into all of your worst nightmares come true with over a dozen unique rooms and a 300+ bale hay maze. All of this AND a portion of proceeds go to the inspiring men and women at the Whitehall VFW and American Legion!...
BONFIRE FUN: Whitehall Volunteer Fire Department helped the Whitehall Trojans light an arrow to ignite the Homecoming Bonfire, held Thursday, September 22 near the tennis courts....
As we mark the first days of fall, the American Red Cross is asking the public to start the season off with a lifesaving blood donation. While the leaves turn, the need for blood never changes. Those who give this fall play an important role in keeping the blood supply high enough to help patients counting on blood products for care– especially ahead of the busy holiday season. Book a time to give blood by using the Red Cross Blood Donor App, visiting or by calling 1-800-RED CROSS (1-800-733-2767). As a thank-you, the Red C...
The Whitehall Food Pantry, located at 110 South Division Street in Whitehall, will host an Open House on Tuesday, October 11 from 6:30 - 8 PM. Pantry coordinator Cara Sacry said she is excited to let the community see the new building and how it functions. The Food Pantry is open on the third Tuesday of every month for distribution. For more information or questions about the pantry, please contact Sacry at 406-490-7394....
Whitehall non-profit Gold Junction Presents (GJP) is bringing an evening of classical music to the Star Theatre on Saturday, October 8 at 7 PM. This program is free to the public; donations are accepted and appreciated. Members of the Bozeman Symphony will perform for about an hour. A meet and greet, hosted by Gold Junction board members, will be held immediately following the performance. For more info on GJP, visit or email
Similar to how the ways we listen to music and watch movies have changed, cellular networks are evolving too. In fact, all major wireless providers plan to shutter their 3G cellular networks this year. 3G networks are the wireless equivalent of being on dial-up internet access years ago. Built in the early 2000s, 3G networks are slower, less efficient, and not equipped to support the way we use smartphones today. Americans increasingly depend on their ability to connect to the internet for just about everything and the latest generation of...
Take a picnic and hike to the top of a buffalo jump for impressive views of the Madison River Valley. Buffalo bones still lie buried at the cliff's base, and archaeologists have located the tipi rings of an extensive village. With a little imagination, it is easy to visualize the drama of a buffalo drive, the thunderous roar of the stampede, the dramatic sight of the fall, and the frenzy of activity that followed. Situated on the edge of a broad valley carved by the Madison River, this high...
September 24, 1997 A federal grand jury issued federal indictments against the four individuals apprehended during the August 6th drug raid south of Whitehall. Jason Schwartz and his wife Theresa Jo Schwartz, Mitch Bakken, and Eric Decker, were all charged with conspiracy to manufacture marijuana, the manufacture of marijuana, and use of the premises to manufacture marijuana. Jason Schwartz and Bakken were also charged with the use of a gun-related to drug trafficking. In a unanimous 3-0 vote, the Jefferson County Commission opted to officially...
During the second half of September in 1896, there was a dynamite plot against Queen Victoria, and a war was raging in Europe with reports of an organized massacre of civilians. Here in Montana rainfall in the state was the greatest known in the summer months, Tom McFadden, a Powder River ranchman and old Indian scout, was killed by being thrown from a vicious horse, and The Old Faithful mine near Bannock may have the richest body of ore discovered in the world-17 ounces of rock yield a quarter...
Cooler weather arrives just as prime entertaining season heats up. Those who will be hosting gatherings soon can expand their recipe repertoire to feed guests and keep them satisfied. Borrowing some flavors from the season can make entertaining festive and even more flavorful. Pumpkins and winter squashes are popular in fall, and their versatility undoubtedly contributes to that popularity. However, when chilly days require something to warm you up from the inside out, nothing can beat a soothin...
Carlene Switzer, possibly pictured here, might have grown up to become one of the most infamous rum-runners in the South. Now, you might be thinking that should be 'moonshiner', but no, Carlene, better known as Tipsey, dealt in rum. Born on August 27th, in the year 1907, Tipsey grew up in the land of her nativity, deep in the Everglades region of Florida. Her parents were second-generation German immigrants who were instrumental in bringing back into commercialization sugarcane production in...