Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

Articles from the September 15, 2021 edition

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 25 of 44

  • Town Cannot Join JVRAD Without County Action First

    ELIZABETH PULLMAN, Whitehall Ledger|Sep 15, 2021

    At the September Town Council meeting, held on Monday, September 13, Town Clerk and Treasurer Allissa Christensen reported that a ballot question voting to join the Jefferson Valley Ambulance District (JVRAD) could not be placed on the November ballot with any binding results; however, a question whether the townspeople supported joining could be asked. Christensen read an email from Jefferson County Commissioner Leonard Wortman to the Council and audience in attendance. “In order for this to be on the ballot for November, the process would hav...

  • Show of Patriotism

    Sep 15, 2021

    This is about hope. We all need hope right now,” Kitty Reed said. This is the fourth year Reed and her family have shown they will never forget 9/11 by displaying signs over the Paul Gulch overpass in Whitehall. Participants included Reed, Marge Durnam, Candace Ahlin, Bryan Lucas, Christina Lucas, CJ Contreras, Angel Lucas, Angie Barnosky, Joe Reed, Rebecca Reed, Danielle Popalis, and Ryan Popalis....

  • Whitehall High School Homecoming Royalty

    Sep 15, 2021

    5 ROYALTY: (Left) Seniors Brendan Wagner and Hailey Briggs are crowned King and Queen. (Below) Royal court included, from left: Annie Engler, Justin Kuehl, Marissa Ellison, Tommy Emerson, Camryn Contreras, Haley Briggs, Brendan Wagner, Lane Wagner (behind), Addison Sullivan , Kyra Oliverson (behind), Colton Prevost, Hailey Emerson, Cadi Rodriguez, Kari Ellison, Ashlyn Alley (behind), Gavin French (behind). Lainey Ellison, Bridger Becker, Gavin Woody, and Leo Scafani (not pictured.) Photos...

  • DEQ Releases Record of Decision for Mine Amendment at GSM

    Department of Environmental Quality|Sep 15, 2021

    The Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) has released a Record of Decision for the Golden Sunlight Mines Inc.’s (GSM) amendment application to Permit No. 00065 for the proposed tailings reprocessing project. The Golden Sunlight Mine is located approximately five miles northeast of Whitehall, Mont. in Jefferson County. The project, an amendment to the current operating permit under the Metal Mine Reclamation Act, would allow Golden Sunlight to excavate and reprocess tailings in order to extract a gold and sulfide concentrate. Golden S...

  • Dear Editor: Response to Gerald Johnson #1

    Charles Haddon Shank|Sep 15, 2021

    Dear Editor, Once again (probably not for the last time either), I feel compelled to respond to Mr. Gerald Johnson’s almost ignominious “war” on firearms. I say almost because I do not believe he means to bring shame on his obviously favored political position. Unfortunately, by claiming the “War on Terror” to be touted as America’s Longest War simply goes to show his seeming disregard for actual facts when it comes to his pet project, which, again, seems to be much stricter gun-control laws, or simply a gun ban. He goes on to list several inj...

  • Dear Editor: Response to Gerald Johnson #2

    Pod Moriarty|Sep 15, 2021

    Dear Editor, I am writing this on September 11th, twentieth anniversary of the most horrific attack on America; when we lost a lot of our freedoms and family. I am going to make this short and sound as I don’t spend too much time with “stupid”. Johnson, what are you thinking? You’re selfish, naïve, and have too much time to yourself. Might I suggest you spend more time learning how America was founded, how our forefathers bled and fought for the freedoms you choose to project your stupidity of knowing? You know how to insult our great nation....

  • Dear Editor: People Kill People?

    Gerald Johnson|Sep 15, 2021

    Dear Editor, So, some of you still hold to the addiction induced belief that “guns don’t kill people…” That may be true in an alternate universe using alternative facts showing that people are in control, but not in this universe. In this universe people have never been in “control,” especially when it comes to guns. People do not control guns. Guns control people. An example: Missoula’s Hellgate High on the third day of 2021 classes. The report of a gun on campus “controlled” all things that followed. People were not the threat. School au...

  • Name to a Face: Kristine Erinn

    ELIZABETH PULLMAN, Whitehall Ledger|Sep 15, 2021

    Few people in this day and age are able to make their dreams come true. However, through hard work and perseverance, Kristine Erinn has done just that. She recently self-published her first of many literary works, Dreams and Wishful Thinking. The anthology of stories and poetry is available at Settings by All Things Montana, as well as Amazon via Kindle and paperback. "I've been telling other people stories all my life. When I babysat, I would pick an item in the room and make up a story about...

  • Continental Divide Hikers Traveling Through

    ELIZABETH PULLMAN, Whitehall Ledger|Sep 15, 2021

    Over the course of the summer, Whitehall has been inundated with both hikers as well as bicyclists. Last Wednesday two of these hikers stopped into the Ledger office to chat. Jim "Just Jim" Cline (53) of Springfield, Missouri and Krista "Pockets" Isaacson (30) of Bartlett, Illinois have been hiking, continuously, since April 19th and 20th, respectively. They began at the US/Mexico border, about 85 miles south of Lordsburg, New Mexico. They are traveling the Continental Divide, within a 50 mile...

  • Go Ask Jo: 9/15/2021

    Jo|Sep 15, 2021

    Dear Jo, I have been waiting for so long to meet someone who I am attracted to. I am definitely attracted to the new man in my life. We have a problem though. He has a habit of scratching his, well, you know. He not only does his scratching in private, but is perfectly comfortable scratching on our dates! He even scratched, you know where, at the dinner table in a restaurant! How do I let him know that I really enjoy our time together and find him very attractive, but that he needs to stop!? Signed, Itching To Be Honest Dear Itching, Be honest...

  • Fall Festival Planning Underway for Chamber

    ELIZABETH PULLMAN, Whitehall Ledger|Sep 15, 2021

    During the Whitehall Chamber of Commerce's September meeting, held at the Borden's Conference room on Thursday, September 9th, it was clear that in the month of October Whitehall will be the place to be! The Fall Festival is slated for Saturday, October 23rd at the Whitehall Community Center and will run later in the afternoon to overlap with the Gold Junction Presents Carnival at the Main Street Green (5pm-8pm) and the Screams Come True Haunted House (6pm-10pm). Vendors applications have been...

  • From CTAC, the Community Development Committee is Born

    ELIZABETH PULLMAN, Whitehall Ledger|Sep 15, 2021

    Born from the Community Transition Advisory Committee (CTAC), which deals with Golden Sunlight Mine's involvement with the Whitehall Community, comes the Community Development Committee (CDC). The CDC committee is currently looking for members interested in the five pillars of community development: cultural engagement, environment, health, economic development, and education. If you are interested in serving on this committee, please look for additional information in upcoming Ledger issues,...

  • Veterans Gun Show This Weekend

    Sep 15, 2021

    The Whitehall Veterans Annual Fall Gun Show will be held Friday, September 17 through Sunday, September 19 at the Whitehall Community Center, located at 11 N. Division Street in Whitehall. The daily hours are Friday from 1 p.m. to 6 p.m., Saturday from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m., and Sunday from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Admission is $3 per person for the entire weekend. Free admission for children under the age of 12; children must be accompanied by an adult. All net profit will be donated to the Whitehall VFW/American Legion. For more information contact Carl...

  • Petition for Radar Signs Available at Ledger

    Sep 15, 2021

    A petition for approval of the proposed radar signs on Whitehall Street and Legion Avenue is now available at the Whitehall Ledger Office. The office is normally open 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday - Friday unless closed to cover a story. Two petitions are available - one specifically for businesses and residents directly located on one of the two proposed locations, and the other petition for those who are not “directly” affected by the signage, but support the cause. MTDOT is not being requested to pay for the signage, as they have already ref...

  • Christopher Michael Reed, 30

    Sep 15, 2021

    Christopher Michael Reed, 30, of Sarasota, Florida passed away September 2, 2021. Chris was born in San Bernardino, California on April 12, 1991 to Shirley Hanley and Michael Sudreth and was later adopted by Terry and Kitty Reed at the age of eight. Chris grew up in Whitehall, Montana where he played sports, spent summer days fishing with his brothers, and goofing off with his friends. Although he was faced with many physical challenges in his life, he took on each one with determination and...

  • Julianna Francis Ridder, 88

    Sep 15, 2021

    Julianna Francis (Kessler) Ridder passed away on Thursday Sept. 9, 2021. She was born on April 16, 1933, at the farm home of George and Frances (Berning) Kessler. She was one of eight children. Julie attended Elementary School in Marienthal, KS and went to High School in Leoti, KS. After graduating she worked as a nurse’s aide at St. Catherine’s Hospital in Garden City, KS. She then went to work in a dime store until her brother entered the Navy. Julie then returned home to help her dad with the farm. Julie married Norman Ridder, who had onl...

  • Comprehensive Community Needs Forum September 22nd

    KARA NELSON, RMDC|Sep 15, 2021

    The Rocky Mountain Development Council, Inc. (Rocky) invites the Whitehall Community to a Comprehensive Community Needs(CCNA) Forum on Wednesday, September 22 at 5 pm in the Whitehall Senior Center. Every three years, Rocky completes a Comprehensive Community Needs Assessment. This forum is a great opportunity for the community of Whitehall to share their stories and communicate how Rocky can best meet the ever-changing needs of Broadwater, Jefferson, and Lewis and Clark Counties. Pizza and soda will be served. To contribute further, please...

  • Pool League Meeting September 16th

    Sep 15, 2021

    The start of the season Pool League meeting will be held Thursday, September 16 at 7PM at the KBar. This is the time to get your team signed up and make plans for the upcoming season! Please attend the meeting and make your voice heard. For questions please call Chris at 595-2473 or Dorothy at 706-627-7299....

  • Catherine Ellerton, 80

    Sep 15, 2021

    Catherine Ellerton, 80, passed away on August 26, 2021 in her home in Overton, NV. Catherine was born on August 7, 1941 in Whitehall, MT to John Morton and Teresa Zimmerman. Catherine had a talent for music, which showed at an early age. In grade school, she participated in a singing contest in Butte, MT, singing “Someday My Prince Will Come.” She won first place and she got to sing the song on the local radio station. She practiced the piano, and played in the school band. She and her sister would take dance lessons. Costumes at that time wer...

  • Ledger Looking Back 25 Years: September 19,m 1996

    CATHERINE ELLERTON, Whitehall Ledger|Sep 15, 2021

    SEPTEMBER 19, 1996 The Whitehall school district is cruising along the information highway and it is going to be a great ride, Whitehall High teacher Al Anderson predicted Friday. “It’s exciting,” Anderson said. Over the summer, the district installed the hardware and connected the schools to the Internet, clearing the way for almost endless possibilities, he said. Already students in Advanced Placement English are writing papers comparing the Democratic and Republican party platforms using the Internet as the primary information source, Ander...

  • Connecting Point: Without Condition

    Bill Lanes|Sep 15, 2021

    Serving God involves an abandonment to Christ and his leadership. In order to follow Jesus we will always have to make the assessment to either be all in or not, there is no middle ground. In fact, such a commitment may involve sacrifice and suffering. Take for example the very words of Jesus: “As they were walking along the road, a man said to him, ‘I will follow you wherever you go.’ Jesus replied, ‘Foxes have dens and birds have nests, but the Son of Man has no place to lay his head.’ He said to another man, ‘Follow me.’ But he replied, ...

  • Guest Opinion Response: Distortion of Our News

    DAVID TORGERSON|Sep 15, 2021

    A few years ago, I heard a comment on the radio which made a strong impression on me. A member of the Heritage Foundation, a well-known and respected conservative organization, was being interviewed by a reporter for the New York Times. The member was constantly criticizing the New York Times for biased and untrue reporting; the reporter stating the opposite, that their content was carefully vetted. The reporter asked why he continuously criticized the New York Times for untrue reporting. Simple, he replied, it isn’t that you directly lie but i...

  • Guest Opinion: Mask Mandates in Our Schools

    AMY REGIER RN, MT State Rep, R Kalispell|Sep 15, 2021

    The Montana Nurses Association has referred to the recent emergency rule from Montana DPHHS regarding not masking in school as “promotion of junk science.” One might be wise to use caution as well as introspection in using such a bold statement. MNA expressed frustration that the department did not cite peer reviewed studies in explaining its rule. For every peer reviewed study showing the effectiveness of masks, one could find at least as many showing they are not effective in reducing the risk of virus transmission, especially simple clo...


    Sep 15, 2021

  • PSAT/NMSQT Offered to Juniors October 13th at WHS

    Sep 15, 2021

    On Wednesday October 13th, Whitehall High School will be offering the PSAT/NMSQT standardized test to students in the 11th grade. This is a great opportunity for students to start to familiarize themselves with standardized tests that will help with college entrance and scholarships. Also there will be an opportunity for students to get connected with scholarship opportunities depending on how they score overall. This is free to students, but Guidance Counselor Casey Norbeck must finalize numbers. If you or your student are interested, please...

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