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It's that time of the year again! The leaves are beginning to fall and Whitehall's Annual Fall Festival is next Saturday!! Start planning now! The festivities will be held throughout town on Saturday, September 23. VENDORS: The Whitehall Chamber has MANY more spaces available this year, as the Fall Festival vendor spaces will utilize both sides of the Whitehall Community Center. Get your vendor application in as soon as possible! Applications are available at Vendor booths will b...
The Whitehall Fall Festival Pie Auction and pie-by-the-sliace sale is coming up next Saturday, September 23rd! Bring your yummiest pie to the auction. Money from the sale goes to the organization of your choice! This is a great fundraiser for all the organizations of Whitehall. Please bring your pie(s) on Saturday, September 23rd from 8 AM to 9:30 AM to the Whitehall Community Center. There is no refrigeration available, so please no cream pies. Don’t want to bake but love pie? Come enjoy a slice with whipped cream and a cup of coffee! V...
The Whitehall Chamber of Commerce is excited about the upcoming Business and Volunteer Recognition event next Thursday, September 21 at the Whitehall Community Center. In order to make sure we have enough space and food for everyone, please RSVP to the Whitehall Chamber (406-287-2260 or if you plan to attend. Whitehall Chamber members and a guest are invited to attend this event for free; non-chamber members are asked to make a $10 donation to the Whitehall...
The Whitehall Gun Show is scheduled for Friday, September 15 to Sunday, September 17, 2023. This annual fall gun show is open to the public and all net profit is donated to the Whitehall VFW and American Legion. The show is held at the Whitehall Community Center, located at 11 N. Division; hours will be Friday 1 PM - 6 PM, Saturday 9 AM - 6 PM. and Sunday 9 AM - 3 PM. Admission is $5 for the weekend, children under 12 accompanied by an adult are free. The VFW and American Legion hold two annual gun shows per year, one in the spring and one in...
The Reed family, along with friends and supporters, remembered 9/11 with flags, banners, and signs over the I-90 overpass on Monday afternoon. This is their sixth year of this remembrance activity. A local who lives near the overpass heard all the honking as semis and other vehicles saw the flags, and came to see what all the commotion was about. Several minutes later she returned with flags of her own and joined in....
Dear Editor, This is a story about THE SIGN and so much more. It started pretty much like any other day, then took an unexpected turn. Or maybe, not so unexpected. On the road to Butte, headed up the pass, I pull into the rest area. A familiar shade of green is illuminated by the sunlight. Woah! What? I was kind of shocked - laying in the mud, half of it suffocated beneath the trash dumpster was THE SIGN. JESUS CHRIST 2020 is all that was visible, but I knew what the hidden words under the...
Your car key has traveled more than your car. Alcohol companies never show a drunk person in their ads. Considering that they have existed for a timespan longer than humans, dinosaurs are sort of the main characters of Earth. Flat Earthers believe in a global conspiracy. You never see posts from women wondering why they don’t have any Tinder matches. The brain is the smartest organ in your body...according to the brain. Car companies always talk about how quickly their cars go from 0-100 but never about how quickly they can go from 100-0, w...
8 YEARS AGO - SEPTEMBER: Back in 1897, natural disasters, politics, crime, and illness were on the front page of the paper and there was plenty of satire on the inside. At least 400 people lost their lives on the Lucon island of the Philippines from a major volcanic eruption. Typhoid fever was a serious threat in Belt, Montana with 44 cases reported. In Alaska, typhoid and scurvy were attacking the miners – it was reported that many men had teeth dropping out of their mouths from the s...
SEPTEMBER 9, 1998 Smoldering cottonwood tree limbs erupted into a full blaze at the Whitehall dump on Tuesday, September 1 and county officials were considering a range of options to prevent a repeat incident. Moist cool air and scattered rain showers on Labor Day dampened the emergency fire threat in southwestern Montana, and crews at the Bear Gulch fire south of Whitehall were pulled off the fire on September 6th. Augie Brower and Jackson Truckle were selected to perform at the 1998 Montana...
Wayne Doney was born in Lewistown, Montana on May 9, 1949. He was the second-born son to Donald and Eileen Searby Doney, following his brother Alan Doney. The family moved to Butte, Montana in 1951 and enlarged their family with one more son, Gordon Doney, who preceded Wayne in death, and three daughters, Barbara Doney Conavad and husband Pete Conavad, Kim Doney Boyle and husband Tom Boyle, and Jill Doney Clements and husband Rich Clements. Wayne married his wife Debbie Atkins Doney on March...
I really love the fact that the children and young adults who come into the Library get along, no matter if they are homeschooled, private schooled, or public school. It is fun to watch them interact and share information about what they are doing, studying, and participating in outside of the school day. All Library programs are open to anyone who wants to participate, and this gives families from every type of education a chance to mingle and make new friends. That being said, the two homeschool roundup groups met last week and are planning...
Antique appraiser Timothy Gordon was able to provide some pleasant surprises to several people who brought in their items. Information was provided on a variety of items including a sword, a train engine bell, U.S. Southwest, Russian, and Middle Eastern jewelry, toys, clothing, and art. The museum welcomed valuable information on a number of their artifacts, one being the Indoor Baseball championship award in the school sports display. Mr. Gordon called a friend who is an expert on sports...
In an effort to connect with nature, learn valuable outdoor skills, and promote environmental stewardship, Whitehall Girl Scout Amelia Schober recently participated in the Girl Scouts Love State Parks event at Lost Creek State Park in Anaconda, Montana. Amelia joined hundreds of other scouts across the region in this year's Girl Scouts Love State Parks events, which encourages young girls and their families to explore their local state parks, engage in conservation activities, develop a deeper a...
The Whitehall Trojan Cross Country team traversed the Bridger Creek Golf Course on Saturday, September 9 as they participated in the Bozeman High Cross Country Invite. Results are as follows: MEN: Junior Sam Valov 21:58.31 Sophomore Jordan Mercer 22:19.88 8th grader Max Fernstrom 8:50.82 WOMEN: Junior Lele Martin 25:04.95 8th grader Aurora Koenig 9:56.91 7th grader Evelinn Scarborough 12:37.87 6th Ailli Murphy 11:47.56 7th grader Julia McNew 11:02.50...
The Whitehall Lady Trojans took on the Lady Panthers of Boulder on Tuesday, September 5th but unfortunately were unable to secure a win. The first set was 19-25, the second was 16-25, and the third set was 9-25, coach Josie Jenkins reported. On Thursday, September 7th, the Trojans played the Ennis Mustangs and lost again in three sets. The first two sets were 21-25 and the last set was 19-25. The Lady Trojans' luck turned around on Saturday, September 9th when they beat Manhattan in five sets....
On Friday, September 7, the Whitehall/Harrison Trojan varsity football team lost their away non-conference game against Three Forks/Willow Creek Wolves by a score of 45-0....
Whitehall will hold Hunter’s Education, taught by Dave Cole, at the Whitehall Community Center in September. If you were born after January 1, 1985, and want to hunt, you must become certified. The Whitehall class will be held September 18, 25, 26, 28, 29, and 30. Participants must attend the whole class. The class is open to students 10 years of age and older. There is no fee for the class, however, class size is limited so register soon. Participants must pre-register on the Montana FWP website. Go to the Hunter Ed page and look for the c...
With the upcoming installation of the new playground in Legion Park, the horseshoe pits have been relocated directly across the street from Family Dollar....
What is 3-D printing? How does it work? Have you ever dreamed of turning your digital ideas into physical objects? 3D printing, often called additive manufacturing, is the enchanting technology that brings these dreams to life. In this article, we’ll demystify 3D printing, explaining what it is and how it works in a way that even non-techies can grasp. What is 3D Printing? Imagine having a magical machine that can create real-world objects from digital designs, layer by layer. That’s the essence...
Earlier this spring the Cardwell Community Church sponsored a free community ice cream social - the event was a huge success with an attendance of over one hundred people! The goal was to have fun, eat some ice cream, say thanks to our community for all they mean to us, and emphasize the Cardwell Community Church's desire to provide a source of personal aid and spiritual insight to our area. In October the Cardwell Community Church will hold its free community social event, part II - but this...
This is one of a series of articles focusing on estate and legacy planning. Authors are Kaleena Miller, Madison-Jefferson County Extension Agent,, and Marsha A. Goetting, MSU Extension Family Economics Specialist, During her estate planning meetings across the state, Dr. Goetting is often asked, "How do I avoid paying death taxes?" Dodging the Montana death tax is easy, says Marsha Goetting, MSU Extension Family Economics Specialist Goetting. Montana has not had an inheritance tax since 2...
Sage Wellness Center is hosting a Fall Equinox Guided Meditation and Sound Bath with Samantha Fisher of Evology Yoga on Thursday, September 21st at 6:30 PM. The fall equinox is a time to reflect on the hard work of the first half of the year and a time to honor the harvest. Whether that be a “real “harvest of the things planted in your garden or the harvest of efforts and intentions for your life path that you may have set earlier in the year. During this Guided Meditation, you may relax as you reap the rewards of your hard work during sum...
The Bozeman Symphony looks forward to its second performance of the 2023/24 season, Billy the Kid and Tchaikovsky's Violin Concerto! The program features Aaron Copland's Billy the Kid Suite, which incorporates both folk songs and jazz to portray the life of a notorious bandit. Weaving together the ballet's most popular tunes, this suite is American music in its truest form. The concert will also feature a performance of Tchaikovsky's Violin Concerto by Acclaimed violinist and two-time GRAMMY...
The USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service and the Jefferson Valley Conservation District will host a Local Working Group meeting to gather input from local stakeholders on how NRCS can most effectively deliver conservation assistance in Jefferson County. The meeting will be held on Tuesday, September 19, 2023, immediately following the Jefferson Valley Conservation District meeting which is at 11 AM. The meeting will be held in the conference room at the Borden Hotel; please use the Main Street entrance. Every year, Local Working Group...