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Public health departments in Montana have been assessing how to balance CDC’s guidance related to vaccinated individuals with Montana’s recent legislation prohibiting discrimination based on vaccination status. This summer the CDC updated quarantine guidelines for fully vaccinated individuals stating those who are fully vaccinated need not quarantine if they remain symptom free. Instead, they should monitor symptoms and wear a mask when in public for 14 days or until receiving a negative tes...
WHS 2021 HOMECOMING Tuesday, September 7: • Pep Rally @ 9AM in Varsity Gym • Softball Tournament on Football Practice Field • WHS Volleyball vs Manhattan Tigers • WHS JV Football vs Jefferson High School • WMS Football @ Anaconda Wednesday, September 8: • Dodgeball Tournament @ 11:30AM Thursday, September 9: • Pie Eating Contest @ 12:54PM Worms & Whip Cream Contest @ 12:54PM • WMS Volleyball vs Anaconda • BONFIRE by the Tennis Courts @ 7PM Friday, September 10: • Homecoming Voting • Dodgeball...
Dear Editor, So, Afghanistan. The War on Terror. America’s “Longest” War. Right? Not even close. Not even in the ballpark. The U.S. Department of Veteran’s Affairs say non-native Americans, AKA U.S. Army, waged war on Native America from approximately 1817 – 1898. That’s 81 years. But that number, 81 years, is simply an “aberration.” For those of us who are not living “the big lie” we know that Native Americans have been victims of violent wars since Columbus “invaded” their shores. That’s 529 years and counting! How about the ongoing war on...
Dear Editor, Again, I felt compelled to voice my opinion on the question of vaccination, particularly for the COVID-19 “virus.“ As I said in my previous letter on this subject, I do not plan to get vaccinated, but neither will I condemn (or ridicule) those who do. I mentioned the immune system thing, how many people, both young and old (mostly elderly, maybe), in the day and age in which we live, have a compromised immune system. If they have one at all? I’d be willing to say, with some surety, that people in general today are more unhea...
Dear Editor, Please post in response to Charles Shank about guns, in last week’s Ledger edition: AMEN!!! Guns don’t kill people, people kill people. Enough said! Carey Burnside Boulder, Montana...
The Jefferson Valley Community Foundation, JVCF, was honored last Thursday with an unsolicited $5000 grant from the Dennis and Phyllis Washington Foundation. JVCF is usually giving grants to non-profit organizations in our community and was surprised by this generous grant. JVCF board members met with Ross Lane, Vice President, Corporate Relations of Montana Rail Link where he presented the grant from the Dennis and Phyllis Washington Foundation. JVCF was recognized for the hard but rewarding...
Dear Jo, Halloween is coming. I love Halloween. I watch the shows, love the decorations, I even dress up. The reason I am writing is I have had some people say that Halloween is too close to evil, the devil, that to celebrate it means opening myself up to evil. I am not sure what that means, but I have never felt that way. I would love to get your opinion. Signed, Sincerely Spooked Dear Spooked, I also enjoy Halloween. Halloween has an interesting history. Depending on country and time in history, Halloween or All Hallows Eve was a celebration...
Bannack Living History Week is quickly approaching and Whitehall's Montana History "Live" group is steadily preparing for September 16-19. The event is held at the Bannack State Park, near Dillon. What will you see at Bannack Living History Week? The real question - what won't you see? Taking a walk through Bannack, starting at Grasshopper River, takes you on a walk through time. Join the Placer Miner (Glenn Davis) and his crew as they demonstrate how to mine for gold throughout the river;...
Being overly materialistic is a cancer that destroys people and churches. A blind spot, materialism will grow without a healthy conscience to check it. Pastor Timothy Keller says, “The Bible describes us to be a ministry provider not a ministry consumer.” This is relevant for us today. Sometimes people are more interested in what they get, rather than what they can give. We must keep the truth front and center in our lives. God’s grace is what has saved us. “As for you, you were dead in your transgressions and sins, in which you used to live...
Eileen "Ike" (Pierce) Foust, painter and wildlife artist died on August 29th, 2021, at the VA Medical Center in Helena, Montana from complications of a rare neuromuscular disease. Most knew her by the name "Ike,'' a nickname bestowed upon her by a high school art teacher. Ike is survived by her husband, Timothy Foust, daughter Shawna (Foust) Amidon, sons Dedrick and Joshua Selensky. Also, survived by her mother Barbara Peters, and siblings Ronald (Susan) Pierce, Robert (Sue) Pierce, Randy...
Leona Buyan passed on September 1, 2021 with loving family by her side. Leona was born on January 24, 1927 in Whitehall to Italian immigrants Guy and Lucille (Rinaldi), George. Leona grew up on the family ranch at Waterloo with her parents and four siblings, Guy George, Gloria Broskle, Olive Smith and Rose Shoemaeker. Leona had many fond memories with her siblings while growing up. The George family would sell turkeys, chickens, cream, butter and milk in Butte and the surrounding area. They woul...
Academic support for grades 6-12th will be offered begin Tuesday, September 7th, before and after school. BEFORE SCHOOL: If your student will be participating in the BEFORE school program, they will need to let Mrs. Pino know in order for her to let them into the building before regular hours. Please contact Mrs. Pino at Mrs. Pino will be available for academic support at 7:10 a.m. Monday through Friday. Students must report to Mrs. Pino for this program. AFTER SCHOOL: After school academic support is meant for students...
The Jefferson County Mental Health Local Advisory Council is providing two FREE Suicide Prevention educational opportunities available to all adults in Jefferson County. The first is the LivingWorks Start online module. Learn to recognize when someone is thinking about suicide and connect them to help and support. This training takes approximately 1 ½ hours to complete and can be done at your own pace with a smartphone or computer with internet access. The second is the LivingWorks...
Do you have a middle schooler who thrives on drama? This is their chance to put it all too good use and come join the Library staff in creating our first melodrama! The cast will be writing the script, casting the actors, deciding on backdrops and props, and of course performing for an audience. If you love over the top acting or are an adult who wants to join the fun, be at the Library on September 13 at 3:45 p.m. I have been talking about our Entrepreneur Resource Center for several months now and we are ready to start sharing our knowledge....
Come meet some new friends before heading over to the Star Theatre for a fun movie. I’ve been trying to base our Ladies Day Out movies around female centric movies (Cruella, Black Widow) but sometimes eye candy (Ryan Reynolds) is nice too! And he’s funny! What’s better than that? Also, I’m a fan of Jodie Comer (have you seen Killing Eve????) We’ll start a little earlier than usual, as I’ve had some feedback that they get-together time is too short before the movie starts at 2pm. As always, drinks and goodies will be provided by the Ledger. Sto...
The following is as written in the September 6 and 13 editions of the 1895 Whitehall Zephyr. The paper contained local as well as news from other parts of the US and from the world. The Zephyr would suggest that when it is desirable to break a drought in the Jefferson Valley the manager of the Twin Bridges fair set their dates for that time. It has been proved beyond all doubt that persistent bicycle riding results in enlargement of the heart. What a pity Grover Cleveland, John Sherman et al...
It will be a full day of music with vendors and food at the 13th Annual Boulder Area Chamber of Commerce Music and Arts Festival, Saturday, September 11th at Veterans Park in Boulder. The music begins at 11 am and will continue all day until 7 pm with a wide variety of skilled musicians. Admission is FREE. The entertainment starts with Homemade Jam out of Whitehall playing Americana and classic rock. Get ready for something for everyone - with fresh spins of the Eagles, the Beatles, Janis Joplin, and more. At Noon Helena’s Dan Henry combines h...
SEPTEMBER 12, 1996 Students returning to Tia Kober Elementary and Whitehall Middle School this fall were greeted by grass, flowers, trees and other landscaping thanks to the hard work of the BY’s 4-H Club. Club leader Charlene Dillon said about 18 young people spent four days leveling the ground, putting in sod, installing railroad landscaping ties, and planting the area near the entrances to the schools. Teachers in the grade school had been working for several years to raise money and gather workers to create a living memorial to former e...
Little Chelsea loved everything about Easter, but her favorite part was bunnies! Those soft, cuddly little creatures that wiggled their cute little button noses most curiously, had enamored this little one since before she could rightly remember. A growing girl of six, Chelsea was looking forward to this year's celebration, because Mum & Dad had made her a promise; she should have her very own little furry bundle of joy this Easter. Born in 1893, Chelsea was born to Douglas & Marianne McGowan,...
September 11, 2001 was one of those days, like November 22, 1963, when President John F. Kennedy was assassinated. Most Americans alive in 1963 can remember the exact moment they heard that JFK had been shot. It is seared into their memories. So, too, with 9/11. We mostly saw it rather than heard it. But, no one in America will ever forget the images. It is said that on November 22, 1963, America lost its innocence. As we cruised through the post WWII period, even with Soviet competition, we believed America always stood for what was right and...
As the weather cools, hearty meals often take center stage. Home cooks may have plenty of go-to recipes to feed their families and guests. But expanding your culinary horizons can lead to some new family favorites. Sausage and pepper dishes exist in many different cultures, and can be found everywhere from fairs to family kitchens. This version of “Sausages and Peppers Country Style” from Nick Stellino’s Family Kitchen (G.P. Putnam’s Sons) gives an Italian spin that’s perfect for family st...
ARIES Mar 21/Apr 20 Aries, this week you can share some secrets that have been troublesome. A trusted confidante may offer advice or be willing to serve as a supportive sounding board. TAURUS Apr 21/May 21 Taurus, a welcoming aura is drawing others to you in the days ahead. Open yourself to new friendships and look for ways to foster these budding relationships. GEMINI May 22/Jun 21 Gemini, consider what you are going to aim for next and don’t be afraid to take whatever steps necessary to put you on a path to success. Your confidence will c...
SUNDAY, AUGUST 29 00:07 Suspicious: Homestake Lake Rd 00:19 Suspicious Person: N Whitehall St 01:03 911 Open Line: Skyline Dr 06:53 Animal: Hwy 55 08:50 Counterfeit Money: Hwy 2 E 09:03 Citizen Assist: I-90 10:35 Animal: I-90 10:52 Traffic Stop 13:44 Abandoned Vehicle: E Legion 16:11 Reckless Driver: I-90 16:44 Electrical Hazard: KG Ranch Rd 18:36 Traffic Stop: Legion/Whitehall 19:41 Welfare Check: D St E 20:03 Animal: Hwy 41 23:01 911 Misdial: Skyline Dr MONDAY, AUGUST 30 00:12 Traffic Stop: Legion/Whitehall 02:08 Death: Hwy 55 07:55 Mental Cr...
Rocky Mountain Development Council, Inc. will have supplemental foods available to Whitehall area senior citizens at the Whitehall Senior Center on Thursday, September 23 from 11:00am to 12:00pm. Foods are shelf stable and consist of canned fruit, vegetables, meats, juice, cereals, milk, cheese, and peanut butter. Persons 60 years and older qualify by meeting income requirements and by being a state of Montana resident. For further information or questions, call Rocky at 406-447-1680 or visit