Sorted by date Results 1 - 25 of 37
At the August Town Council meeting, held Monday, August 9 at the Town Hall, councilors approved resolution 2021-13 for adopting fees for subdivision reviews. The resolution sets forth a schedule of subdivision fees which will be required of the property owner in order to further the subdivision approval. The fees are for items such as major subdivision preliminary plat application review, fire department inspection fee, public works inspection fees and more. Also on the docket for approval was the Jefferson County Sheriff’s contract with the T...
For the past two decades, Rockin' the Rivers has been held just outside of Three Forks, Montana, on a 140-acre venue that comes complete with a natural amphitheater. This happens to be perfect place for an incredible celebration of rock music like no other - a location that lends itself to heightened sound quality. Whether you're in front of the stage or towards the back of the crowd, you'll never miss out on your favorite song. After cancellation in 2020 due to COVID-19, Rockin' the Rivers is...
I was introduced to music at a very young age. My mom is an accomplished organ and piano player, who has taught for years. She taught me to appreciate classical, instrumental, and more traditional music. My dad, the Metallica, Ted Nugent, and ZZ Top rocker introduced me to rock and roll. As we moved from state to state with the military, my music choices changed to "fit in" with my surroundings. My first concert was Garth Brooks with my mom. Then I moved on to an appreciation for a bit of rap (o...
Dear Editor, Are you ready for another rant? I’m sure I’m not the only one, but I’m getting tired of the disturbing fact that no one pays attention to signs anymore! I say ‘no one’, but I realize there are some who still do; the sad fact is, though, that more and more just pass them by without taking any notice. Signs do have an effect, don’t get me wrong, if nothing else, to post a warning, whether it’s the ‘recommended’ speed limit or when to merge with traffic, or what. In the past, I’ve patrolled a certain parking lot here in town becaus...
Dear Editor, Years ago, there was a battle about water meters, I remember it like it was yesterday. It helped to push me into the world of politics (damn it!) Lots of people were upset because water meters were being installed and they didn’t have a say. They didn’t know it was coming. I went to many council meetings arguing against the meters. Then one of the members told me I should check out the history of ‘meter meetings’. I found out that the meters had been discussed for more than 2 YEARS. I found out that notices about meters were se...
DONNA CASTANON Donna Castanon is the dishwasher for the kitchen; she has worked for Whitehall Schools for six years. Outside of work, she loves to do paper crafting when she gets a chance. She can’t wait to get back to a normal routine and is excited to see all the kids smiling. BARB BOWMAN Barb Bowman has been working at the school for fifteen years; she is currently the Cook’s Helper. She loves spending time with her family when she isn’t working. Barb loves seeing all the kids with smili...
Dear Jo, What happened to dressing up to go out on the weekend? Why are we content to head out in our dirty work clothes, sweaty and straight from our jobs, skipping the clean up and fresh duds? I am as guilty as anyone! Signed, Comfortably Sloppy Dear Sloppy, Wait! Are you telling me that body odor and pajama bottoms as part of one’s evening attire is “sloppy?!” What about Crocs with sweatpants, Scooby Doo T-shirt and a baseball hat that looks like it has been through a stampede? People may not dress up like they used to, but we are freer...
As I write this article, wildfires have once again covered much of Montana in a thick layer of unhealthy smoke. There are 25 active fires burning 250,000 acres from Hardin to Troy. Even if you don’t see the flames, the smoke and poor visibility is hard to ignore. Yet, ignoring the issue and letting politics get in the way of action is exactly the problem in Washington, DC. Last year, fires across the west burned a record 10+ million acres and nearly 18,000 structures. The cost to taxpayers was in the billions and the loss of life and habitat t...
I know that former generations handled hospitality better than we do. However, in the current television and internet era, Martha Stewart has become synonymous with hospitality and entertainment. She has built a business empire on delicious foods and hosting elegant events. What was it like 2000 years ago? Guests for banquets were seated in connection to their relationship with the host. The closer to the host, the better the seat. From Luke 14, follow along: “When he noticed how the guests picked the places of honor at the table, Jesus told th...
Fred Anderson, a long-time resident of Whitehall, passed away peacefully in his sleep at the Homestead in Rexburg, Idaho on July 29, 2021 with his family by his side. John Frederick Anderson was born on October 13, 1933 to Hans Anderson and Marie Margaret Mikkelsen Anderson and was the oldest of 5 children. His first childhood home was in Fish Creek and his family later moved to Waterloo. It was in Waterloo that Fred met his wife of 64 years, LaDawn Layne. LaDawn and Fred were married in...
On August 6th, 2021, this world lost an irreplaceable father, son, brother, and husband. Curtis Grant Preece, 42 of Columbus MT, passed away suddenly while out doing what he enjoyed. Curtis was the type of person that when you met him you never forgot him. He had a heart of gold and lived for adventure, from floating with his friends and family to pushing the limits with his buddies on his bike or sled. If it was outdoors, he was in his element. He thrived to give his family the best,...
The next Community Transition Advisory Committee (CTAC) meeting will be held at 8:00 am, Thursday, August 12th in the Borden Hotel conference room. The new Community Development Committee concept for Golden Sunlight Mine community funding will be presented at the meeting, followed by a more detailed discussion at 9:00 am. Organizations interested in future community project funding should try and attend this information session. Also, if you know other individuals involved with organizations that may be interested in seeking future project...
From mathematics to music to new languages, skill development and knowledge acquisition are easiest with the right tools. Set your child up for a successful year with the best back-to-school gear. • Reinforcements: Flash cards, a tried-and-true technique for reinforcing classroom lessons, have gone digital. Check out Quizlet, a site that features flash cards, games, diagrams and study guides on a range of subjects, including foreign languages, science subjects and even practical computer skills like Photoshop, Excel and PowerPoint. With c...
I am pretty sure we all agree that we want life to get back to normal already. So, it pains me to tell you that COVID-19 cases in our community of Butte and our surrounding areas are rising. Subsequently, COVID hospitalizations are increasing and the healthcare community anticipates this trend to continue. The Delta variant is now becoming the dominant strain in Montana. This is bad news on many levels. For one, this variant is more contagious. People who have been infected with the Delta variant, even those who have no symptoms, carry more...
Sunday was quite the downpour in Whitehall, but I must say, it was lovely to wake up and feel the cool air pouring in my windows. It made me realize how fast fall is approaching with all the fall programs beginning in September. I don’t know about anyone else, but it seems this summer just disappeared before we even had a chance to enjoy it. A reminder that the library will be closed on Labor Day, September 6th. We will be open regular schedule the rest of the weekend. I thought I would give everyone a little fall preview of the new programs w...
AUGUST 8, 1996 Jefferson County Health Nurse Paula Anders called the Ledger Friday to ask cooperation in alerting Whitehall area residents to an outbreak of pertussis – whooping cough – in the county. Although none of the latest cases are in Whitehall and most are in the north end of the county, Anders said she is concerned that the disease could spread, especially with school starting soon. A little bit of public education might help nip the spread in the bud, she said. According to an informational flyer from the Center for Disease Con...
National, regional, and state experts in school safety headline a Montana statewide Safe Schools Summit in Butte on August 17th and 18th, 2021 to discuss and advance best practices for student and educator safety and creating safe school environments. Designed for school safety teams, educators, school nurses, mental health professionals, law enforcement, and emergency and disaster preparedness coordinators, the Jeremy Bullock Safe Schools Summit has a theme of School Safety – Post Covid Re-group and Re-energize. “Over the past year, edu...
Perhaps one of the most personal decisions you can make every day is deciding what to eat. But what happens when multinational corporations in the agricultural industry take that power away from the individual by using their size, wealth and power to determine the price and selection on our grocery shelves? For these conglomerates to influence what we consume, they first need to control the people who produce our food. That is where the corporations’ real power lies: dominating what is grown, how it’s produced and, most critically, how the...
SCREAMS COME TRUE, Whitehall’s haunted house and hay maze, has been scaring kids and adults every October and we are excited to start plans for the 2021 installation! Yes, SCREAMS COME TRUE is in its THIRD year AND we survived a pandemic! 2020 was a bit strange for us, as we had to accommodate COVID-19 Restrictions and set up timed appointments for entering the haunted house, as well as disinfect after each tour—but we did it! SCREAMS COME TRUE is an amazing opportunity to be a part of something unique and exciting. We are looking for ass...
The Montana Renewable Energy Association (MREA) is hosting its Annual Montana Clean Energy Fair on Saturday, August 14, 2021 from 9 am to 3:30 pm at the NCAT Building (3040 Continental Dr.) in Butte, America. This is the 10th year the fair has traveled around the state to different cities, bringing hundreds of Montanans from around the region to participate. The Fair was first held in Butte in 2010, making this celebratory 10th installment a return to its roots. The Montana Clean Energy Fair is free and open to the public. It is the go-to event...
"C'mon, Princess; give us a smile!" Try as he might, young James Francis Ramsey, of the newly formed Cabinet Card Photographers, could only coax a ghost of a smile out of an even younger Barbara Stanwick, formerly of La Crosse, a mere 63 miles away. The reason that our poor little princess couldn't bring herself to smile: she was recently orphaned. Young Barbara and her parents, Ted and Viola Stanwick, had been looking forward to this long day-trip for almost a year now, ever since young James...
The Montana Foundation is pleased to announce applications are now open for the third annual “Judy Martz Women in Leadership” awards. The awards honor former Montana Governor Judy Martz. Martz passed away in October of 2017 after serving as governor 2001-2005. The first three recipients in 2019 split grants totaling $5,000 to attend an international conference, receive leadership training and start a tech group. The second cycle in 2020 saw six women receive that total amount for Leadership Montana and REAL Montana leadership programs, as wel...
MontanaFair will be featuring something new this year-"Dig It Days!" "Dig It Days!" is an opportunity for kids to explore, climb on, "drive", take pictures and fantasize about every kind of dirt-moving heavy equipment imaginable. This year, the event will feature a truly monster truck used in mining that has nine-foot high tires! Some 20 back hoes and excavators will be available for kids (of any age) to operate under supervision of experienced operators. In the midst of it all will be a...
SUNDAY, AUGUST 1, 2021 05:49 Medical: Bates Ln 10:04 Reckless Driver: I-90 12:11 Suspicious Vehicle: Hwy 2 E 13:35 911 Hang Up: Ryan Rd 14:54 911 Open Line: Ryan Rd 15:15 911 Hang Up: I-90 16:08 Traffic Stop: W Legion St 17:05 Suspicious: Boe Ln 18:28 Motor Vehicle: Hwy 2 W 20:09 Larceny/Theft: Friend Spring Rd 21:13 Fire/Smoke Wildland: Hwy 2 E 21:19 Motor Vehicle: Hwy 359 21:48 911 Open Line MONDAY, AUGUST 2, 2021 01:16 Agency Assist: Hwy 2 E 06:38 Animal 12:00 Stranded Motorist: I-90 12:23 Citizen Assist 16:11 Larceny/Theft: Hwy 2 W 18:36...
U.S. Senator Jon Tester released a statement Tuesday, August 10, following the Senate’s passage of the bipartisan infrastructure bill that he and a core group of his colleagues negotiated with the White House. The bill will create good-paying jobs by making urgently-needed investments in Montana’s roads, bridges, high-speed internet, water, and more. “Today a large, bipartisan majority of the Senate voted overwhelmingly to pass my historic legislation that will make critical infrastructure investments in Montana and across the country. I worke...