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The 2022 Jefferson County Fair and Rodeo, "A Fair of the Heart," is August 25-28 at the Jefferson County Recreation Park, one-half mile south of Boulder. Jefferson County Fair Board member Megan Dawson urges people to bring their exhibits. "We work hard to make it easy to be in the fair. We encourage people to enter exhibits, and are excited that 4-H animals will be entered again this year," Dawson said. The Jefferson County Fair is open to exhibitors from all over and is no longer limited to...
For the past two decades, Rockin' the Rivers has been held just outside of Three Forks, Montana, on a 140-acre venue that comes complete with a natural amphitheater. This happens to be the perfect place for an incredible celebration of rock music like no other - a location that lends itself to heightened sound quality. Whether you're in front of the stage or towards the back of the crowd, you'll never miss out on your favorite song. Rock out to your favorites this weekend, beginning Thursday,...
Mayor Mary Janacaro-Hensleigh started off the August Town Council meeting, held in the Town Hall, by dispelling a recent rumor. “The Town did not kill the Rotary Fish Pond’s fish. It is sad that it happened, but the Town did not have anything to do with it,” she said. The Rotary Club Fish Pond, which turns 100 years old this year, housed fish throughout the summer. Late last month it was discovered the fish were deceased as the valves inside the pond were manually turned off. Town Clerk Allissa Christensen said that the Town’s IRS issues...
To pretend like we are yelling, we make our voices quieter. The best and worst part about the internet: it’s pretty easy to find people who act and think as you do. There are two types of people: those who stop the microwave with 1 second left, and those who let it beep. Someday, a murder suspect will use their presence in Google Street View as an alibi. You don’t have to be a great pilot to be a kamikaze pilot. You just have to get to your destination. Bumping the price up to $1.25 completely ruins the Dollar Stores' business ideology. Whe...
This weekend three of my ladies and I went to Gunslinger Gulch in Anaconda and participated in a murder mystery game, along with 23 other individuals. This 52-acre ghost town brought us all the fun this past weekend and I just wanted to let others know about it! Gunslinger Gulch is one of those Montana places you hear about but don't really take notice of until you're there. Did Google Maps get us there on the first try? Definitely no! Did we dress up? Of course! Did we guess the correct...
When children are invited to pick out their own books to keep from a wide variety of titles, they are more likely to read over the summer months. Reading a number of engaging, age and reading-level appropriate books over the summer can make a big difference in a child’s ability to expand what he or she has learned over the school year, particularly when that child is encouraged by a parent or teacher. Bozeman-area nonprofit Hopa Mountain is teaming with organizations around the state to host a series of Summer Reading Programs in an effort t...
While the name Debbie Holwegner may not sound familiar, her daughter and grandson's voices might. Jessica Jane Hegg and her son Jaxon frequently perform at Whitehall's Beats & Eats events. At one point you may have had their duet, Fishin' for Chickens, stuck in your head. Now, this mother of two is working to accomplish a miracle by donating two-thirds of her liver to her mother, Debbie Holwegner - a grandmother you might find it in your heart to support. Debbie, of Manhattan, MT, was diagnosed...
In August 1896, a heatwave was making the nation swelter; Texas was scorching hot with temperatures of 107 to 112 reported. Hundreds of deaths were reported in New York City; Chicago reported 577 deaths in one week and deaths of animals in the city were much higher than humans. Deaths were also reported in St. Louis, Cincinnati, Kansas City, and Peoria. In Canada, American money was not welcome. Canadian banks were warning merchants, farmers, and the general public to not accept American money....
August 6, 1997 The Whitehall Farmers’ Market was set to become a reality in the summer of 1997, reported Dr. Kathy Meyer, who helped spearhead the proposal. A series of technical difficulties and logistical problems made it nearly impossible to find a proper location or suitable dates at other possible sites. The Farmers’ Market idea grew from the Whitehall Vision 2010 project, which identified goals and objectives for Whitehall. The project was sponsored by the Whitehall Business Association. Myrtle Sankey, who would turn 84 years old in Oct...
Rotary Club President Wayne Peterson presented Pastor Bill Lanes with the latest Wheelchair Award for the Assembly of God Church. This is in appreciation for the use of their fellowship area during the Vitalent blood drives. The Rotary Club began the award program about 18 years ago to recognize individuals, groups, or businesses who voluntarily provide service to our community and valley. The money to fund the $150.00 donation to the Wheelchair Foundation in honor of the recipient is made...
Who doesn’t like new things? I recall the day we brought home our first family puppy, Oreo. The kids grew more ecstatic with each new day in the beginning. They made promises of how they would care for her, including pooper scooper patrol, feeding times, walks, etc. In a short amount of time, the grandeur of the new puppy faded. Any guesses of who primarily cared for Oreo? Now that three of the four kids are out of the home, Oreo is still a big part of our daily routine. My wife, Oreo, and I stroll around the neighborhood almost every m...
Robbie Frank Kountz was born in Bozeman, Montana, on May 3, 1965, to Dick and Kristie Kountz. He grew up in Bozeman, graduating from Bozeman High. He grew up in the Gallatin Valley back when life was simpler and his days were spent playing outside, hunting, fishing, snowmobiling, riding horses, and enjoying the great outdoors with his friends and family. His best childhood friend and sister, Kimberly, joined him in many shenanigans and adventures over the years! Rodeo was a family affair for...
William "Bill" Sisk of Whitehall, Montana, passed away on Saturday, August 6, 2022, in Culpeper, Virginia. He was surrounded by family during the last days and hours of his life. Bill was described as a complex man by his cousin, Dyanne. To family and childhood friends, he was Billy. After he met and married beautiful Jayne, he became Bill. To Larry and Leigh, he was Dad and was much loved by them. To his grandchildren, he was Grandpa, to his sister, Dottie, he was baby brother, and to his...
It’s late afternoon in August, you look out your window and a typical bright summer day is suddenly growing very dark. You step outside and the air is filled with a thick brown haze blotting out the sun, and you can hardly make out your neighbor’s house across the street. The wind is howling, breathing is difficult in the smoke and heat, and you can hear sirens in the distance. You aren’t sure where the fire is, but your nose tells you it’s close. What you do now can be the difference between survival and entrapment. Are you ready? As the hea...
When you have been a librarian as long as I have, it is always a pleasure to attend a well-organized, well-planned conference. This past week I was at the Montana Library Association, Mountain Plains Library Association, and Pacific Library Association tri-conference. I was able to attend technology sessions, a session on human trafficking and how Libraries can help, transforming teen services, libraries, social work, children and youth programming, and more. There were two highlights to this...
Rural school officials can apply for funds to purchase classroom sets of Montana: A History of Our Home, the new fourth-grade student textbook published by the Montana Historical Society. The 96-page textbook offers a quick tour through 13,000 years of Montana history. Students will learn about Montana’s 12 tribal nations and seven reservations; the immigrants who moved to Montana in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries; and the trapping, mining, logging, farming, and ranching industries that drew them to the Treasure State. The book also i...
Every year as summer approaches, Whitehall starts looking forward to Midway Colony’s stand at the Farmers Market, with the experience that the assorted produce, eggs, and fryers will be fresh, and the canned goods a treat. Knowing that Don and Ted Wipf drive 240 miles from Conrad to bring their goods to Whitehall, only adds to the community’s appreciation. Everything is seasonal. Throughout the summer shoppers can expect cucumbers, carrots, radishes, beets, onions, garlic, kohlrabi, peas, sna...
The historic Northern Hotel in downtown Billings, Montana, will serve as the backdrop for the first Greater Northwest Passenger Rail Summit on Monday and Tuesday, Aug. 22-23. Passenger rail advocacy organizations from across the Northwest will join federal, state, local, and tribal officials, representatives of host railroads, and rail infrastructure experts to educate, innovate and coordinate for the restoration, expansion, and enhancement of passenger rail service. The passage in late 2021 of the federal Infrastructure Investment and Jobs...
Did you know about 62 percent of the U.S. population is eligible to give blood? But, only about 3 percent does. By making an appointment to help save lives with the American Red Cross in August, donors can pump up the blood supply and keep it from falling to shortage levels. As a thank-you, all who come to give Aug. 1-31 will be automatically entered for a chance to win gas for a year, a $6,000 value. There will be three lucky winners. Everyone who comes to give blood in August will also receive a $10 e-gift card to a merchant of choice.* Donor...
If you encounter a closed road or trail (which is obviously not a federal highway, a state highway, or a city street) and you believe it may be a legally accessible road, here are some things you can do to check it out: FIRST, is it in a National Forest? If so, check with the Regional Forester office to see if a private easement or fee tile exists. If not, take your case to the Regional Forester. It could also be a county road within the boundaries of the National forest. In that case you will have to deal with county authorities. Keep in mind...
This is the best way to get rid of cicadas, you know, those bugs that sound like your wife. They never shut up. However, unlike her, they only come out every 13-17 years! Cicadas are very difficult to attract. You need salt, sugar, two shot glasses, tequila, and lime juice. Wet the salt so you can roll it into a ball then coat the ball with sugar. Place the ball by a stream with a shot glass of lime juice. The cicadas will lick the sugar off, then get to the salt and want to get a drink. They will drink the lime juice (make sure that glass is...
Her parents might have had an inkling, but when little Destiny Phantasia Fairchild first appeared on the scene in September of 1871, she looked like a fairly normal newborn baby. Douglas and Antonia Fairchild obviously knew something, blessing her with such an ostentatious name. In that day and age especially, what with the fledgling nation still reeling from its first civil conflict, people were ready to grasp the slightest little ray of hope. It didn't take long, then, when she emerged on the...
SUNDAY, JULY 31 06:33:35 911 Hang Up 11:00:43 Medical: Hwy 41 11:43:56 Trespass: Lower Rader Creek Rd 13:40:39 Trespass: Hwy 2 E 13:43:55 Stranded Motorist: I-90 16:52:51 Welfare Check: Makowski Ln 17:20:10 Traffic Stop: N Whitehall St 17:35:53 Traffic Stop: I-90 17:49:36 Citizen Assist: First St 18:24:20 Dog at Large: Tebay Ln 19:01:31 Stolen Vehicle: Whitetail Rd 19:35:02 Disorderly: S Whitehall St 20:30:00 Medical: I-90 21:16:08 Traffic Stop: E Second St 21:48:52 Traffic Stop: Pipestone Rd 22:36:27 Traffic Stop MONDAY, AUGUST 1 01:36:31...
ARIES Mar 21/Apr 20 Aries, your energy levels are elevated this week and that’s just the start of the positive energy floating around you. Harness your energy and use it to complete a project. TAURUS Apr 21/May 21 A quiet week is ahead, which is the perfect opportunity to sort through your feelings and thoughts, Taurus. Not every day has to be a “get up and go” adventure. GEMINI May 22/Jun 21 Gemini, you will have plenty of time to meet new friends and acquaintances this week, whether in-person or online. Networking is an important skill...