Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

Articles from the June 23, 2021 edition

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 25 of 42

  • Burglaries Plague Whitehall; Sheriff Asks Residents to Be Vigilant

    Elizabeth Pullman, Whitehall Ledger|Jun 23, 2021

    In this day of social media, we hear about local crimes via Facebook before we ever see the police report in the paper. But that doesn't mean that our local sheriff's department isn't in the know. In fact, they are working behind the scenes while we are all sleeping, working to keep us and our belongings safe, before those Facebook posts are posted. Lately a rash of burglaries has taken place in Whitehall and Sheriff Craig Doolittle wants the town to know his deputies are working hard to fight...

  • Gun Show, Community Garage Sale and More!

    Elizabeth Pullman, Whitehall Ledger|Jun 23, 2021

    This weekend is looking to be one of the busiest yet, with Whitehall Gun Show, the Whitehall Community Garage Sale, Beats & Eats on Saturday, and Ladies Day Out at the Star Theatre on Sunday. With all the fun in town, there’s no reason to venture out of town! Whitehall’s annual gun show is just a few days away and booths for the event are nearly sold out! The Whitehall Gun Show, hosted by the Whitehall VFW and American Legion, will run Friday, June 25 through Sunday, June 27 at the Whitehall Community Center, located at 11 N. Division Str...

  • Ledger Beginning 'Ladies Day Out' This Sunday

    Elizabeth Pullman, Whitehall Ledger|Jun 23, 2021

    What’s better than a movie in air conditioning on a hot summer’s day? How about enjoying a refreshing drink and meeting new people right before, then enjoying that movie together? That’s exactly what the Ledger is going for! The Ledger is beginning Ladies Day Out this Sunday! With so many new faces in town, the Ledger thought this once-a-month event would be a great way to introduce yourself to one another, find common ground, and make new friends, while enjoying a Sunday afternoon out and about. Drinks (non-alcoholic and otherwise) and a swe...

  • Update on Radar Signs for Legion & Whitehall Streets

    Elizabeth Pullman, Whitehall Ledger|Jun 23, 2021

    A few months ago, the Whitehall Ledger started fundraising for four radar signs to go along east/west Legion Avenue and north/south Whitehall Street. The Whitehall Ledger is excited to announce that several great individuals have come forward and donated to the cause, as well as several local entities have offered assistance to the cause. While we have not quite met the halfway point for funds, we are off to a great start! However, now is my time to ask for the community’s assistance. After speaking with the Montana DOT and several other o...

  • Dear Editor: When did we stop doing the right thing?

    Beverly Jensen|Jun 23, 2021

    Dear Editor, Just an opinion. Justice and grace...So when did we stop doing the right thing? Flash back to Kindergarten when we were all the very best of friends. We were taught to be kind, to respect each other’s space, to share and to value our fellow humans. The sign on the wall above our ABC chart read two simple words “ Be Kind.” It was a life lesson we learned at a young age, but when was it lost? It started that day when we were coloring a page to take home to our parents, so it was important to do a really good job. You broke your...

  • Dear Editor: Fields of Joy Moldova

    Rhonda Brant Hampton|Jun 23, 2021

    Dear Editor, Roger, Kelley, and I want to thank you for the article you published in the paper. I am sending them a copy of the paper, but meanwhile, I scanned the pages and sent to her for an open house she was having for Fields of Joy. It was an amazing thing to see, and they were beyond grateful for you putting it out there. Your words about me were very kind, but they have the more difficult task of weaving all the knots into a beautiful tapestry. I have asked upon her return to get photos of the girls as the suitcases are opened for the...

  • Dear Editor: Veteran's Memorial Park

    Gwen Quesnell|Jun 23, 2021

    Dear Editor, I have a favor to ask. There is a Veteran’s Memorial in Legion Park that is straight across from the Ledger Office and KBar Restuarant. Two large stones that note veteran’s of the 1st World War and others. Many residents haven’t even noticed it. There is a small flower garden there. I took care of it for years and when I couldn’t I hired a couple to cut it down and clean it. They have moved away. The garden is badly in need of TLC. I hope there is someone who will take over the care of that garden. It is an eyesore, especia...

  • Dear Editor: Best Laugh

    Susan Stout|Jun 23, 2021

    Dear Editor, You gave me my best laugh of the day when I read your refrigerator article. It was twice as funny to me because I had recently tired of my German shepherd chasing her food bowl all around the kitchen and beyond. I carefully searched and went with a sturdy looking one made of wood, with food and water dish inserts. I was a bit suspicious when a small package arrived. This would have been a dandy food station...for a chihuahua...puppy. And I love your retro refrig. Susan Stout Whitehall, Montana...

  • Name to a Face: Joey Grisafe

    Kristine Erinn, Whitehall Ledger|Jun 23, 2021

    Joey Grisafe may have been born in Fair Lawn, New Jersey, but he is a Montana boy at heart. The second oldest of ten children, Joey's family values have transferred with him to Whitehall. Joey's love of cooking started at a young age, and he found himself balancing between construction jobs and cooking positions by the time he was in his late teens. After thirty-three years in New Jersey, a family cabin in New York his father had built years before called his name. For a year he enjoyed the...

  • Go Ask Jo: 6/23/2021

    Jun 23, 2021

    Dear Jo, I have a friend who flatulates…, A LOT! Now normal flatulation is, well, normal, right? But this person can pass gas on a dime, and does WAY more than is normal! And the smell. Good grief if a skunk were to spray you directly in the face, it’d seem like a breath of fresh air compared to some of these zingers! Okay, so the question is, how do I put a positive spin on asking this person to either change their diet DRASTICALLY or to PLEASE remove themselves FAR from any God-fearing company when they feel one coming on? TIA for you...

  • USDA Launches Grant Program to Help Expand Regional Economies and Create High-Wage Jobs in Distressed Rural Communities

    Sue Kerver, Montana Rural Development|Jun 23, 2021

    United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Rural Development Rural Business-Cooperative Service Administrator Karama Neal unveiled a new grant program to help rural communities create good-paying jobs and support new business opportunities in high-growth fields. Rural Innovation Stronger Economy (RISE) is intended to help rural communities identify and maximize local assets and connect to networks and industry clusters within their region. The new grant encourages a regional, innovation-driven approach to economic development. “USDA is i...

  • Locals Complete Accelerated EMT Course

    Holly Harper, Jefferson Valley Rural Ambulance District|Jun 23, 2021

    The Spring Accelerated EMT course ran from April 6-June 6, and was held in a combination format of online and in-person instruction. The course was hosted by Jefferson Valley Emergency Medicine & Search and Rescue and was paid for by the Jefferson Valley Rural Ambulance District. The next step for students is the National Registry exam for EMTs. So far, Holly Harper and Terry Bracken have successfully completed the NREMT exam and are awaiting their Montana licenses. Kait Joyce, Terry Bracken,...

  • Chamber Corner: Get Involved 6/23/2021

    Jun 23, 2021

    MURAL UPDATE: The Golden Sunlight Mine has generously offered to donate the paint needed to restore/update the Whitehall murals. A volunteer list is being compiled as well. If you are interested in assisting with the restoration or have ideas, please contact the Whitehall Chamber at BEATS & EATS: Coordinators are looking for “runners” to pick up ordered food at participating restaurants between 3:30 and 4:30 p.m. If you are interested in assisting, please contact Liz at 406-498-3807. FRONTIER DAYS: Vendor booth spa...

  • Connecting Point: Journey of Leadership

    Bill Lanes|Jun 23, 2021

    John Maxwell, well known author and book seller, said “A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way.” He also observed “Development is a lifetime journey, not a quick trip.” Two key factors play a major role in the church of tomorrow; healthy leaders and healthy congregations. Together they co-exist. If the church is lacking one of the two, changes must occur in order to be more effective; spreading the Gospel and building disciples. Candidly speaking, both leaders and ministry members are marked by their desire for gro...

  • Donald Jenkins, 91

    Jun 23, 2021

    Donald Jenkins, 91, died June 11, 2021, in Littleton, Colorado from complications of cardiac disease. Born in Three Forks, MT on August 10, 1929, he was the sixth child of Homer Harrison and Ida Ruth (Thomas) Jenkins. He graduated Three Forks High School in 1947 and attended Central Washington State College in Ellensburg, WA, Western Montana College in Dillon, MT and Golden Gate University in San Francisco, CA. He was a resident of several states, but Montana was always home. Don served in the...

  • Reister Receives National Weather Service Award

    Matt Moorman, National Weather Service, GTF|Jun 23, 2021

    Leroy Reister was presented with a 10 Year Length of Service Award from the National Weather Service (NWS) office in Great Falls (GTF), MT. Leroy takes care of an automated precipitation gauge that records twenty four hour rain and snowfall amounts at his station located in Silver Star, MT. Observations from Leroy's station date back to 1939. Leroy's observations are part of the official National Climate COOP network of about 8,500 volunteer weather observers across the USA. The award was...

  • BLM Puts Fire Restrictions on North Hills Near Helena

    David Abrams, Montana Bureau of Land Management|Jun 23, 2021

    With record-breaking heat and dry fuels conditions keeping firefighters nervously eyeing the horizon for smoke plumes, the North Hills near Helena are particularly vulnerable to the smallest spark. The area is still reeling from the 2019 fire which ripped through 5,000 acres—a fire that was caused by an individual illegally shooting exploding targets. With that in mind, the Bureau of Land Management is putting fire restrictions in place on BLM-administered lands within the North Hills. The restrictions begin at 12:01 a.m. June 18. The f...

  • Madison Theatre in Ennis to Host International Fly Fishing Film Fest

    Jun 23, 2021

    The International Fly Fishing Film Festival, coming to the Madison Theater in Ennis on July 2 and 3, features 10 films, 6- to 16-minutes in length, from all corners of the globe showcasing the passion, lifestyle, and culture of fly fishing. Madison Theatre is at 115 Main St., Ennis. Doors open at 6:30 with the screenings at 7 p.m. Tickets are priced at $20. Both events are sponsored by the Madison River Foundation. For information about these screenings, contact the host at In addition to the films, there will be...

  • Between the Stacks: 6/23/2021

    Jeannie Ferriss, Whitehall Community Library|Jun 23, 2021

    I love preschoolers, they get right to the point! Last week we had PBS here for a special program and their media person came along to do an on-camera interview about the library and its partnership with PBSKids. One of my favorite tiny humans asked me why they were here and when I told him, he asked me what I did all day to rate such an interview. After thinking about it, I decided to share the answer with everyone. Libraries have changed so much in the last ten years. As a librarian, I spend...

  • Ledger Looking Back 25 Years: June 20, 1996

    Catherine Ellerton, Whitehall Ledger|Jun 23, 2021

    JUNE 20, 1996 Stopping traffic is what utility workers did when they reached the Pipestone Creek Bridge just east of Whitehall. The job foreman said they are installing 17 miles of fiber optic line from the U.S. West building in Whitehall to the Cardwell area. Easements for in town still needed to be worked out, the foreman said. He said the work would probably take until late July or early August. Two Whitehall area residents earned places on the Montana Tech spring honor roll. William Haddenham and Heidi Hill were listed in a recent press...

  • NFPA Warns Swimmers and Boaters About the Dangers of Electric Shock Drowning in Pools and at Marinas

    Jun 23, 2021

    With the arrival of summer and the July 4th holiday weekend just around the corner, the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) is reminding people about potential electrical hazards that exist in swimming pools and hot tubs, onboard boats, on docks and piers, and in waters surrounding boats, marinas, and launch ramps. While most people are unaware of electrical dangers posed in water environments such as electric shock drowning (ESD), each year people are injured or killed from these...

  • Antonioli Named to Carroll College Dean's List

    Jun 23, 2021

    Nathaniel “Zeb” Antonioli was named to Carroll College’s Dean’s List for the Spring 2021 semester. This appointment is a significant accomplishment, as this designation requires a grade point average of 3.50 or higher on a 4.0 scale for a minimum of 12 credits completed in a semester. Antonioli is the son of Stephen and Nancy Antonioli, of Whitehall. Zeb is a 2018 graduate of Butte Central High School....

  • Seven of Montana's Spellbinding Stone Structures

    Michelle Cassidy,|Jun 23, 2021

    The Continental Divide runs through Montana, separating the mountains and glaciers on the west from rolling plains to the east. Much of the state is built on a bed of rock that dates back more than a billion years, to the Precambrian, or the earliest era in Earth's history. The geology of Montana has shaped the state, from the mountain ranges that draw hikers to Glacier and Yellowstone National Parks to mineral deposits that drew prospectors during the Gold Rush to the vast plains that have...

  • Sign-up Open for Surplus Drawing Licenses & Permits

    Jun 23, 2021

    Hunters interested in purchasing licenses or permits left over from the special license and permit drawing can do so from June 21 through July 21. This new process for the sale of surplus licenses began in 2020 in response to issues in years past. The old process was vulnerable to long lag times, confusion and a perception of inequity for those unable to use the first-come, first-served online option starting at 5 a.m. Hunters can sign up for leftover licenses and permits that were not distributed by the drawing through MyFWP on the FWP website...

  • Registration Open for In-Person Hunter, Bowhunter Education Courses in Helena

    Jun 23, 2021

    In-person hunter and bowhunter education courses for the Helena area are posted and open for registration. Courses in other areas of the state will be announced soon. Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks has reopened its in-person hunter and bowhunter education courses-statewide. While the online option is still available to anyone who will be 12 by Jan. 16, 2022, or older, FWP highly encourages attendance at one of its in-person courses. Hunter and bowhunter education courses are led by volunteer instructors who are passionate about Montana’s h...

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