Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

Articles from the May 31, 2023 edition

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 24 of 24

  • Jefferson Valley Museum Offers Free Appraisal Program

    May 31, 2023

    The Jefferson Valley Museum will hold its first of two information/appraisal programs on Saturday, June 10th at the Jefferson Valley Museum, located at 303 South Division in Whitehall. The second will be on September 9th, details provided later this summer. The June 10th program will focus on antique firearms from the 18th and 19th centuries. Those who have firearms from these two centuries are welcome to bring them to the museum and visit with Christopher J. Schmidt between 10 AM and 2 PM on the 10th. Each information/appraisal session will...

  • Class of 2023 Awarded Over $250K in Scholarships

    May 31, 2023

    Class of 2023: you have experienced a high school career unlike any other. Since your freshman year you have experienced change and uncertainty at times when it came to your school experience. You rolled with it and continued to better yourselves throughout. The ability to go with the flow and focus on working to become graduates despite all the chaos is truly something to be proud of. Congratulations graduating class of 2023! Best of luck in the future and Go Trojans! Dorothy Shaw Memorial...


    May 31, 2023

    LAST FIELD TRIP FOR THE CLASS OF 2023: On Wednesday, May 24th most of the Class of 2023 met for breakfast, cooked by Principal Slater, before heading to the Whitehall "W" to paint it for their last day of school. Left to right, back: Tiffany Hamilton, Phoebe Herrman, Andrew Crowe, Harley Dunn, Leo Scafani, Principal Slater, Dane Hoover, Kyle Denny, Karson Klapan, Lane Chase, Blake DuBois, Nick Denny, Colton Prevost. Left to right, front: Manon Bornert, Emily Smith, Lita Wetherelt, Michael...

  • JVEMS Wins EMS Service of the Year Award: DPHHS Honors Responders for Life-Saving Heroics

    JON EBELT, Montana Department of Health and Human Services|May 31, 2023

    The Department of Public Health and Human Services (DPHHS) honored Montana Emergency Medical Services (EMS) personnel from White Sulphur Springs, Great Falls, Whitehall, Bozeman, Miles City, and Anaconda during an awards ceremony at the Capitol Rotunda Wednesday, May 24. The event included an address by Lt. Governor Kristen Juras to representatives from the Meagher County Volunteer Ambulance, Montana Medical Transport of Helena and Great Falls, Jefferson Valley EMS, Gallatin County Dispatch,...

  • Dear Editor: Whitehall Public Restrooms


    Dear Editor, I am a bit cautious about writing such a letter, on what could be a very touchy issue, but the growing lack of public restrooms in Whitehall is a bit distressing! One really can't blame our local business owners, with the blatant disregard that many people these days seem to exhibit for other people's property. Many businesses in town have closed off what used to be public restrooms to all but paying customers. Again, this is not so much a reflection on any particular business here...

  • Thought Provokers: 5/31/2023

    May 31, 2023

    In the coming 50 years we need to figure out where to put 8 billion dead bodies. Using 0 to code females and 1 to code males make sense anatomically. $10000 is a life-changing amount of money for some people and a night in a fancy hotel for others. Once they figure out how to slow or stop the human aging process, retirement plans, and prison sentencing will need to be completely restructured. Dogs must really think we care about our toilets given it’s the only thing we mark as our territory multiple times throughout the day. Walking down a s...

  • Coin on a Veteran's Grave

    May 31, 2023

    Have you ever been in a cemetery and seen coins laying on a headstone? A coin left on a headstone lets the deceased soldier's family know that somebody stopped by to pay their respect. • A penny means you visited. • A nickel means you and the deceased veteran trained at boot camp together. • A dime means you and the deceased veteran served together in some capacity. • A quarter is very significant because it means that you were there when that veteran died. The tradition of leaving coins on the...

  • Lewis & Clark Caverns State Park Announces June Interpretive Programs

    MORGAN E. JACOBSEN, Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks|May 31, 2023

    Lewis & Clark Caverns State Park is kicking off its summer interpretive programs next month with talks that highlight the flora, fauna and night skies of Montana's first state park. The park's Saturday evening events will each begin at 8 PM at the campground amphitheater and last about an hour. Join park ranger Ramona Radonich for the following programs: June 3: Birds of a Feather: See what birds make their home at Lewis & Clark Caverns State Park. Binoculars will be available. June 10: Flower...

  • Ledger Looking Back 25 Years: 5/27/1998

    RITA BROWN, Whitehall Ledger|May 31, 2023

    MAY 27, 1998 The Whitehall Business Association (WBA) selected the Grand Marshals for the Frontier Days parade by nominating Lisa Schmidt and Michelle Tebay to serve as parade Grand Marshals. Tebay and Schmidt were the founders and leaders of the “One Good Cow” program, a nationwide effort that called for the donation of livestock to blizzard and flood-stricken ranchers in South and North Dakota. The “One Good Cow” effort received national attention and was recognized as an example of a well-organized and well-executed volunteer program...

  • Russell Calvert Green, 87

    May 31, 2023

    Russell Calvert Green, age 87 of Bozeman, went to drive the big semi ("boop boop") in the sky on May 21, 2023. Russ was born on November 29, 1935, to Gail Green and Lydia Bennett Green in Bozeman where he also spent most of his youth. Russ was a self-made man who worked and played hard his whole life. He hiked Hollowtop Mountain at age 70. He was in the National Guard in Bozeman and Butte from 1958-1965. He married Sandi Duncan on July 3, 1962, at which time he worked for the city of Bozeman....

  • Summer Yoga Series & Integral Breathwork Seminar at Sage Wellness Center

    BETHEL WAGNER, Sage Wellness Center|May 31, 2023

    The team at Sage Wellness Center is pleased to announce a bi-weekly Summer Yoga Series in collaboration with Lou Rae Yoga. Classes will be held Friday mornings from 6:15-7:15 on the following dates: June 9 & 23, July 7 & 21, and August 11 & 25. Lou will lead participants through warm-ups, movement, gentle postures, and breathing exercises. These classes will be a great way to start your day feeling energized and refreshed! Suggested donation of $11-$22 per class. Call Lou at 406-925-2952 to register. On Saturday, June 10th, we are hosting an...

  • Between the Stacks: 5/31/2023

    JEANNIE FERRISS, Whitehall Community Library|May 31, 2023

    The Great Library Treasure Mystery is open for registration at the Library on June 1st. The rules are simple: readers receive prizes for every ten footprints completed. In order to fill in a footprint one must read for 15 minutes to someone else or to themselves. The program is open to anyone birth to 120 years old and registration sheets are for the entire family this year. This will save parents or guardians of multiple readers from having to fill out individual forms. The calendar is all set...

  • Richards Hired as Boulder Elementary Superintendent

    CHARLIE DENISON, Boulder Monitor|May 31, 2023

    On Friday, May 19, Butte native Doug Richards was hired as the new superintendent/principal of Boulder Elementary, taking the place of Jeff Elliott, who announced his resignation in February. Richards, who previously worked as principal and a shop teacher at Whitehall High School, currently serves as principal for the Resources for Educating Alaska's Children at Home (REACH) Academy in the Alaska Gateway School District in Tok, Alaska, was one of nine applicants for the position. The Boulder...

  • Tech questions? Get the Answers: 5/31/2023

    TIM SCHOBER, White Hat Tech Solutions|May 31, 2023

    What does the FI in WI-FI stand for? Wi-Fi has become an essential part of our daily lives. The "Wi" enables us to connect our devices WIRELESSLY to the internet. But have you ever wondered what the "Fi" in Wi-Fi actually stands for? Let's embark on a journey of discovery and unravel the mystery behind this peculiar term! "Fi" in Wi-Fi stands for "Fidelity." Now, I know that might sound a bit technical but fear not! I'll break it down into simpler terms. First, let's understand what "wireless"...

  • Clarification: 5/31/2023

    May 31, 2023

    In the 5/24/2023 edition of the Whitehall Ledger, it was reported that Francine Janik had received a large cash amount from her lawsuit against the town, as told by Ed Guza at the Town Council meeting. Janik would like to clarify she received nothing; her attorneys received everything as legal fees were paid by her, not the Town....

  • What Is That, Part II: Mrs. Loomis & Ms. Wimmer's Classes Guess

    May 31, 2023

    In anticipation of their museum field trip, Whitehall Elementary third and fourth-grade students were asked to try and identify a mystery item from the museum's thousands of artifacts. Mrs. Head and Mrs. McLean's students provided written guesses last week; here are Mrs. Loomis's and Ms. Wimmer's student guesses via quick interviews with the Ledger. • It looks like a conductor of some sort. It would conduct electricity, like those towers outside. It kind of looks like one of those but in a s...

  • 300+ Awards Presented at WHS Letterman Dinner

    May 31, 2023

    Whitehall High School presented over 300 awards to athletes of cross country, football, wrestling, basketball, volleyball, and track & field, as well as theatre at the 2023 Letterman's Dinner on Wednesday, May 24. The Whitehall Booster cLub put on quite a feast in honor of the following participants: SENIOR AWARDS Manon Bornert: 1st letter - Basketball, receives basketball pin, manager pin, and a W. Sage Buus: 4th letter - Football, receives service bar; Academic All-State for football. First...

  • Trojans At State Track

    May 31, 2023

    The Whitehall High School Trojan Track & Field team brought the Trojan Pride to the State Track & Field Meet in Butte. The girls 4 x 100m relay (Hope Moriarty, Julia Hoagland, Lexi Stratton, Maxine Hoagland) missed making the finals by mere milliseconds, but they represented Whitehall very well with a 52.50 race. Kyle Denny chucked the Javelin 129-6 and placed 14th. Hoagland's 1:02.58 in the 400m earned her 8th place at state. She placed fifth in the 100m as well....


    COUSIN CLEAVON|May 31, 2023

    It is that time of the year when the grass is always greener on the other side. Everyone in the neighborhood wants the best-looking grass and will do anything for it. There are many factors that help you achieve the best grass, but there is more that can destroy your grass. Voles seem to be the biggest enemy on the flats of Butte, MT. I have not hunted in Whitehall. How do you get rid of voles? There are three ways I have heard people try, but only one results in the best BBQ vole I have eaten. The first way is to put a garden hose into the hol...

  • Jefferson County Sheriff's Report: Week of 5/21/2023

    Jefferson County Sheriff Department|May 31, 2023

    SUNDAY, MAY 21 01:41:06 Stranded Motorist: Hwy 69 07:38:31 Transport (Prisoner or Other): Highland Blvd 10:34:25 Motor Vehicle Accident (Injury) 10:36:48 Reckless Driver: I-90 14:27:12 Drugs: N Whitehall St MONDAY, MAY 22 06:37:12 Medical: Skyline Dr 08:58:47 Traffic Stop: I-90 09:55:42 Medical: Hwy 41 15:06:24 Traffic Hazard: I-90 17:04:25 Suspicious Vehicle: I-90 17:13:57 Harassment: E Legion St 17:51:58 Reckless Driver: Curlew Ln 18:44:43 Neighbor Dispute: Jackrabbit Ln 20:29:48 Animal: Kountz Rd 23:17:26 Shooting: Cottonwood Rd TUESDAY, MAY...

  • Are you Building A Gnome/Fairy Home Yet?

    JUDY CHADWICK, Whimsical Wonders|May 31, 2023

    Now you all know there is a delightful request for community members, young and old, to "build" or create a fairy dwelling for the Enchanted Forest, but you might be asking, "HOW?" To make a fairy house you can use all different materials from cardboard to old birdhouses, big pieces of bark, doll houses, carved-out wood stumps; just about anything that piques your fancy. You can add moss, small pebbles, twigs, and other natural materials that fairies would find in their forest habitat. Don't forget a door in and a way for viewers to see inside...

  • Connecting Point: Seven Closing Directives

    BILL LANES|May 31, 2023

    I’ve heard literally thousands of sermons in my 52 years. As a pastor, I’ve preached hundreds of sermons over the past 35 years. One common expression a pastor often uses when wrapping up their message includes “in closing.” That’s generally a hint that they are almost done speaking, maybe? Many a time a preacher failed to conclude. Pastor and professor at my Seminary, David Jones said, “Land the plane future preachers. Don’t say you’re coming in for the landing and then take off again.” I’ve heard his message many times in my head when I’m sp...

  • Horoscopes: Week of 5/31/2023

    May 31, 2023

    ARIES Mar 21/Apr 20 Being more selective can enhance your life in many different ways, Aries. You often are judged by the company you keep, so think about that when starting new relationships. TAURUS Apr 21/May 21 Set up camp on the sofa for the next few days, Taurus. Enjoy the rest and relaxation. You don’t have to be productive every minute of the day so don’t feel guilty about your R&R. GEMINI May 22/Jun 21 Some interesting information could be coming your way, Gemini. You just need to keep your ear to the ground and open to receive it. Oth...

  • Whitehall TV Channel 49.1: Week of 6/1/2023

    May 31, 2023