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The Whitehall High School Class of 2021 graduated with all the pomp and circumstance they deserved on Sunday, May 23, 2021. In front of a full auditorium audience the 40 seniors made their way to their diplomas, beginning the next chapter of their lives. Both Valedictorian Kathryn Whitehurst and Salutatorian Macee Patritti gave speeches, addressing their fond memories of their peers and their hopes for their successful future. "Class of 2021, you have experienced a senior year unlike any other....
At the second meeting of the ARPA Act on Thursday, May 20th in Boulder, County Commissioners Leonard Wortman and Cory Kirsch, as well as Jefferson Local Development Corporation members Tom Harrington, Eric Seidensticker, and Alison Richardson, detailed the proposed use of ARPA funds allocated to the county. Jefferson County will receive $2,370,188 over a two year time frame. The County is requesting input from the public on how these funds should be distributed/used. Public comment is currently...
I rarely get upset about politics to the point that I am vocal about them. I usually just don’t see the point because my little voice has most likely already been echoed by many others on the same topic. But last Thursday at the ARPA meeting in Boulder I became upset with what I am simply calling a lack of transparency. And the more that I think about it, there is a lack of transparency in nearly every aspect of our every day lives. We should make ourselves aware of that and how we can change for the better. When the Chamber of Commerce was inf...
Dear Editor, It’s no big secret; I, along with quite a few others in this part of the country, to say nothing of a growing number around this ‘great’ nation, make a living, to put it rather crudely, ‘sucking off the government tit’. Quite a vivid picture, maybe, but the meaning is clear. ‘Yes, there are those who, probably undeservedly ( more or less ), ‘milk’ the system, while others, arguably, like myself, do ‘deserve’ it.’ The question might well be asked, though, ‘Is it REALLY a matter of who deserves it or not?!’ One objection you may hav...
Dear Editor, Some more insight from the Horseman. Last week I received a letter from Montana Department of Revenue billing me for my livestock per capita fee on my horses, due May 31, 2021. They did not seem to have record that I paid it in February, so I gave them the check number. I had no idea what they were going to do next. Then, this Saturday, I get a letter from the Department of Revenue, Marla Wolstein Auditor of Business and Income Tax Division. The letterhead top right corner was Greg Gianforte and his director, Brendan Beatty. They...
Editor's Note: This year the Whitehall School District is losing several well-known and loved staff. For the next few weeks the Name to a Face column will be dedicated to those who will no longer be gracing the hallways of WHS/WMS/WES next semester. We wish them all the best in their retirement! He's taught every form of math available in the Whitehall School system, as well as coached nearly every sport, and now, in 2021, Kerry Sacry is ready for his next adventure: retirement. Sacry spent...
Dear Jo, How can you tell if someone is really sorry? I feel like people say “I’m sorry” because they believe it will make me feel better or ease a tense situation, not because they genuinely are sorry. Signed, Sick of sorry Dear Sick, You are right! I feel the only way to tell if people are really sorry is to see if their behavior changes. If the sorry is followed by the same attitude or behavior, you know it was not truly meant. Signed, Jo ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Dear Jo, I am a nurse and I am pregnant. The other day a patient actually asked me if wa...
The Memorial weekend kicks off the busy summer travel season when many Montanans hit the road for vacation, celebrations, and recreation. Memorial weekend also marks the start of the deadliest time of year on Montana roads. In Montana, nearly 50 percent of all fatal crashes occur during the summer months. Many of these fatalities could have been prevented by wearing a seat-belt – reducing the chance of fatal injury by nearly half. Law enforcement agencies across Montana are adding additional p...
Sometimes the people who make the greatest impact on our lives don't live in the same community as us. We may not see them day in and day out, but their presence in our lives is felt every minute of our days. Such is the case of Laura Thomas-Hadley and Tayla Andrews. As many of you know, Andrews is our local postal worker - most of us see her on a daily basis and know her friendly smile. Thomas-Hadley has helped change Andrews life in many dramatic ways throughout the years and Andrews is...
Some subjects are easy to address while others are very difficult. This is today’s case. Abuse of any nature whether physical, emotional or sexual is extremely traumatic and sinful. According to the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence, 1 in 4 women and 1 in 9 men experience physical or sexual assault, and in the United States 1 in 5 women and 1 in 7 men are raped in their lifetime. Almost half of victims of rape in the United States were raped by an acquaintance. These statistics are alarming; behind every number is a person with a sto...
David C. Rankin passed away on May 17, 2021 following a long battle with stage 4 lung cancer. He was preceded in death by his parents, Fred and Doris Connolly Rankin. He is survived by his wife Frances, daughter Danielle Rankin, step daughters: Rachel Nuebel, Anita Blackburn, Jeannette Hobson, Sophia Pallas, Danna Pallas; two brothers Dean and Dennis Rankin, two nieces, three grandchildren, and several cousins. Visitation was held Sunday evening, May 23, from 7-9 PM at the K&L Mortuary Chapel...
Huguette Roberte (Fauveau) Coghlan died on May 17, 2021. She was at peace and ready to meet the Lord. She was born in Courbevoie, a small town near Paris, the daughter of Robert Louis Fauveau and Lucienne Linette Fauveau. She had one brother, Serge Fauveau. It must be noted that Huguette lived through WWII and met an American soldier named Rodger Murray Rusher. After the war, they were married on September 22, 1945. As a war bride, she moved to Roundup, MT where Rod lived. She lived on a ranch...
Congratulations to A. J. Latta, winner of the Friends of the Library logo contest. He was awarded the $100 first prize. His logo, which features the Whitehall mountain landscape, will be on just about everything having to do with the library. Do not forget the library will be closed for Memorial Day on Monday, May 31. Regular hours apply during the rest of the week. Summer Reading registration is open and the programs begin next week. The weekly calendar will basically be the same with special...
Children have played an important role in my personal and professional life. Children bring joy and energy to life. As a child, I wanted to grow up to be a mother or a nurse. I have had the fortune of becoming both. As an adult, I recognize the best blessing was becoming a grandmother. Much of my adult life has been spent promoting children’s health. The basics for keeping children physically healthy include safety, nutritious food, exercise and immunizations. Caring for our children’s men...
May 1921 Part 2 The following are taken as written from May 1895 editions of the Whitehall Zephyr SCHOOL BONDS: Saturday, May 25th, one week from tomorrow, an election will be held for the purpose of deciding whether Whitehall is a progressive or retrogressive community. The present school building is manifestly much too small to accommodate the demands at present-what will it be by winter? It is proposed to add another story to the present building. It has been said that it is only two years...
MAY 23, 1996 Memories of the Whitehall area will come alive Saturday when the Jefferson Valley Museum holds its official opening ceremony and begins operations for its first year ever. The museum, many years in the creation with a great deal of local volunteer labor will open its doors at 1 p.m. May 25 with a ribbon cutting ceremony. Inside a barn which has been a fixture in Whitehall community life since the First World War, visitors will find displays of articles gathered from the local area. Exhibits range from the very old – including a bug...
The Jefferson Valley Museum will open for its 26th season on Saturday, May 29th with the museum open Noon to 4:00 PM, Tuesday through Sunday with Monday openings on Memorial Day and Labor Day. The season ends on September 15th. The museum volunteers have been doing a lot of work rearranging displays and adding new artifacts. The change in displays gives a more open feel to several areas of the museum and brings attention to items that have often been overlooked in the past. A special fundraising event will be held on Saturday, June 19th at the...
Northwest Farm Credit Services is proud to award Jefferson Valley Rural Fire District a $2,000 Rural Community Grant. "Thank you, Northwest Farm Credit Services, for the $2000 grant. It will be used to help purchase new, self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) equipment for the volunteers," said board member John Patritti. "The new SCBAs will give the fire fighters more time in rescue situations and in fighting structure fires. These will be a great asset to our department and community....
Gavin French was awarded 1st place in the junior division (7-9th grade) for his outstanding pencil drawing in the Keep Montana Green Calendar Art Contest. Gavin completed this drawings using only a mechanical pencil! Awesome work, Gavin! Marissa Ellison placed 3rd in the Senior Division (10-12th grade) for her "outstanding and creative work in the 60th Annual Keep Montana Green Art Contest." Her work was done in watercolor and ink and shows our great state of Montana divided by beauty and...
MAY 16, 2021 00:24 Suspicious: N Jefferson St 07:34 Traffic Stop 08:22 Welfare Check: W 2nd St 10:23 Motor Vehicle 11:22 911 Open Line: Skyline Dr 12:04 Animal 12:39 Burglary: Hwy 2 W 14:30 Stranded Motorist: I-90 17:22 Reckless Driver 18:24 Traffic Hazard: I-90 EB 20:37 Harassment: Jefferson River 20:44 Traffic Hazard 23:29 Suspicious Person: Commercial Way MAY 17, 2021 00:06 Stranded Motorist: I-90 07:46 Traffic Hazard: Hwy 2 E 09:04 Animal 14:03 Death: Bay Rd 14:06 Neglect: Robbins Ln 14:12 Parking: W 1st St 14:32 911 Hang Up 15:47 Vin...
Love them or hate them, most Americans pay their fair share of taxes into the government’s coffers as a basic duty. In return, we get roads, schools, law enforcement, health services, clean air and water and other public goods that benefit everyone. But for too long, the rules that apply to most of us have been shirked by the richest households and corporations--those who can afford to pay their fair share, but thanks to loopholes, lobbying and preferential treatment, seldom do. Every year, dozens of Fortune 500 corporations manage to avoid t...
Memorial Weekend is the unofficial start to summer in Montana and as boaters venture out to our rivers and lakes, please keep in mind the rules aimed at protecting our waters and preventing the spread of aquatic invasive species. • All boats must stop at all open watercraft inspection stations they encounter. Failure to stop at inspection stations could result in a fine of up to $500. • All watercraft coming into Montana from out of state must seek out an inspection prior to launching. • Non-residents transporting watercraft into Montana must...
Governor Greg Gianforte announced four commissions to provide recommendations for allocating federal funding from the American Rescue Plan Act. The commissions – focusing on infrastructure, communications, economic stabilization/workforce, and health care – are comprised of three members of the Montana Senate, three to four members of the Montana House of Representatives, and three appointees from the executive branch. The commissions, their purposes, and their members are: Infrastructure Advisory Commission: The Infrastructure Advisory Com...
The U.S. Department of Agriculture Farm Service Agency (FSA) published the first notice of funding availability (NOFA) (PDF, 242 KB) announcing loan payments for eligible borrowers with qualifying direct farm loans under the American Rescue Plan Act Section 1005. The official NOFA will be published in the Federal Register early next week and USDA expects payments to begin in early June and continue on a rolling basis. A subsequent notice addressing guaranteed loan balances and direct loans that no longer have collateral and have been previously...