Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

Articles from the February 16, 2022 edition

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 25 of 26

  • Golden Sunlight's Tailings Reprocessing Project a Model for Sustainable Closure


    The pioneering Tailings Reprocessing Project at Barrick's end-of-life Golden Sunlight Mine was officially opened today in a ribbon-cutting ceremony attended by Montana Governor Gianforte, Barrick president and chief executive Mark Bristow, representatives of the Montana federal congressional delegation, and members of the community. The opening of the facility is the culmination of more than a year's work that has already created more than 75 jobs. It has the potential to generate tens of...

  • Missoula Children's Theatre Coming to Whitehall; Auditions February 28th

    Feb 16, 2022

    An audition will be held for the Missoula Children’s Theatre’s production of The Emperor’s New Clothes Monday, February 28th from 3:50 PM to 5:30 PM at the Star Theatre. Those auditioning should arrive at The Star Theatre immediately after school and plan to stay for the full two hours. Some of the cast members will be asked to stay for a rehearsal immediately following the audition. Among the roles to be cast are the Emperor; Many Penny and the Money Council; the Royal Scholars Roxy and Red; Kings, Queens; Gem and the Royal Jewelers; Boots...

  • Hoerauf & Scafani Place at State

    STEVE SACRY, Whitehall Trojan Wrestling Coach|Feb 16, 2022

    Whitehall High School Wrestlers finished their season with outstanding performances at the All-Class tournament in Billings. Isaac Skogen, Wesley Biggers, Michael Reiff, Miles Hoerauf, Kyle Denny, and Leo Scafani represented Whitehall well. Whitehall Trojan junior Miles Hoerauf topped his season off with impressive matches. Hoerauf’s 160-pound weight class was full of competent wrestlers. His quest for the finals started with a match against Jessie Brawley of Baker. Miles started with an early t...

  • Thought Provokers: 2/16/2022

    Feb 16, 2022

    There’s no better feeling than the anticipation felt when you have proof someone is lying and you’re just patiently waiting for them to finish telling their lie. A bus ten minutes early is worse than a bus ten minutes late. Computers can freeze as a result of overheating. People get Botox to look younger but they usually just look like they got Botox. Every day that someone you love wakes up is a great day. If carrots actually helped your vision as much as we were told as kids, they would probably be sold exclusively by pharma companies. Kurt C...

  • Dear Editor: Support for Hagerty

    JIM TINGLER|Feb 16, 2022

    Dear Editor, This letter is pertaining to all who are wanting me to run for County Commissioner and to the citizens of Jefferson County. After hearing that Dan Hagerty filed for the position, I had the chance to sit down with Dan one on one and discuss what his plans were and where his vision is for the Southern end of the district. We both agreed that the simple fact is this: this end of Jefferson County has been forgotten about for years. After a lengthy conversation with Dan, I realized that Dan and I are on the same page as to what needs...

  • Cottage Industries - Montana Style Lauren Demby's Amazing Creations

    MARTA VARELA, Whitehall Ledger|Feb 16, 2022

    Lauren Demby has lived in Montana for less than three years, but upon entering her art studio and store, Montana's influence is everywhere. From her nature photography of landscapes and wildlife to her gemstone enhanced jewelry, and shelves lined with rock formations, with probably 10 other art forms in between, here in Montana Lauren has found her physical and spiritual home. Lauren's nature photography began while she lived in Florida, where she'd visit different places and be inspired by...

  • Connecting Point: Lasting Legacy

    BILL LANES|Feb 16, 2022

    Estate planning isn’t always on our mind but many lawyers suggest that one should prepare for the inevitable. Families certainly experience shock after the death of a loved one, additional stress occurs when estate planning is absent. Some families are torn apart as possessions are divided while other families suffer extended grief navigating the long nightmare of legal matters. Is all this the legacy we long for? King Solomon casts light on his legacy, however, from a somewhat negative viewpoint. “So I hated life because the work that is don...

  • Jason Edsall, 37

    Feb 16, 2022

    Jason Edsall gained his wings in the comfort of his home surrounded by the loves of his life on January 19, 2022, after a hard fight against cancer and autoimmune disease. Jason was born on June 6, 1984, to Cliff and Nancy Edsall in Billings, Montana. He was the youngest of three wonderful children. Jason lived in Billings for a short time before the family moved to Whitehall, Montana where he attended elementary through high school, graduating in 2003. As a young boy, he followed in his...

  • Dennis Ryan, 101

    Feb 16, 2022

    Dennis Ryan passed away at his home in Pattison, Texas on February 6, 2022, at the age of 101 1/2. His funeral will be held at St. Bartholomew's Catholic Church in Katy, Texas on March 4th or March 8th. Burial will be in Whitehall, Montana this summer. He was born on September 30, 1920, in Bonesteel, South Dakota in the family home above the railroad depot where his father was the station agent. He began working as a relief telegrapher for his father in his mid-teens. After graduation, he follow... Full story

  • Honor, High Honor Rolls for Whitehall Schools

    Feb 16, 2022

    HIGH HONOR ROLL (3.5-4.0 GPA) Seniors: Madison Austin, Steven Baceski, Haley Briggs, Camryn Contreras, Avrey Coombe, Marissa Ellison, Connor Graham, Keara Hugulet, Justin Kuehl, Dallon Lanes, Brendan Wagner, Kaden Weber Juniors: Jasmine Bourbanis-Carter, Lane Chase, Nicholas Denny, Maxine Hoagland, Miles Hoerauf, Makinzie Howlett, Michael Reiff, Addison Sullivan, Leo Scafani, Emily Smith, Gavin Watson, Eleni Vizzutti, Lita Wetherelt Sophomores: Ashlyn Alley, Wesley Biggers, Lindsay Briggs, Kaila Conley, Naomi Doney, Joseph Frazier, Gavin...

  • Ledger Looking Back 25 Years: February 13, 1997

    RITA BROWN, Whitehall Ledger|Feb 16, 2022

    February 13, 1997 The Whitehall Town Council voted to advance transportation improvement projects and sponsor the Whitehall Business Association federal grant application. The projects, part of the Community Transportation Enhancement Program (CTEP) through the Montana Department of Transportation include the Yellowstone Trail footpath, First Street Footbridge, and Legion Avenue sidewalk repair. Snow water levels in Montana continue to break records in many areas of the state according to mountain snowpack data from the Natural Resources...

  • BY's 4-H Club Meeting Minutes

    TRENT PRICE, BYs 4-H Club Secretary|Feb 16, 2022

    We had our February meeting on February 7th 2022. We talked about our rodeo grounds clean up and collecting donations for the youth rodeo. The rodeo prize committee set up a meeting time. We voted in new members. Stetson Howser gave his demonstration. Our next meeting is March 7th, 2022....

  • Our Town 100 Years Ago: February Part II

    ARLENE WEBER, Jefferson Valley Museum|Feb 16, 2022

    FEBRUARY Part II In February 1896, New York City was experiencing "the coldest recorded here since the establishment of the Weather Bureau." The East Coast was reporting temperatures as low as -48. Here in Whitehall, people were taking another winter in stride. Montana Governor Rickards and other members of the state capitol commission were in Olympia, Washington to gather information before erecting a new capital complex for our state. The following news items are taken as written from the...

  • Pool Shark Report: Week of 2/10/2022

    DOROTHY GRIFFITH, Whitehall Pool League|Feb 16, 2022

    Week of 2-10-2022 TEAM Mint #2: 14 wins, 3 losses K Bar #1: 14 wins, 3 losses MEN Brad Babb: 4 wins, 0 loss Tyler Blair: 4 wins, 0 loss Will Cusson: 4 wins, 0 loss Jeremy Jensen: 4 wins, 0 loss Rick Kelley: 4 wins, 0 loss Gordy Lyons: 4 wins, 0 loss Dwayne McClanahan: 4 wins, 0 loss WOMEN Shawna Amidon: 3 wins, 1 loss Leslie Dyson: 2 wins, 2 losses Dorothy Griffith: 2 wins, 2 losses Correction from Feb 3, 2022 WOMEN Terry Chadwick: 3 wins, 1 loss...

  • Whitehall Elementary Principal Check-In

    KURTIS KOENIG, Whitehall Elementary Principal|Feb 16, 2022

    Greetings Trojan community! Here we are in the middle of February already. I suppose that the lack of winter weather has made the time fly by a little faster, but it is hard to believe that we are nearly midway through the third quarter! In the past four weeks, we have completed our second of three district-wide assessments. You have heard your students refer to the MAP tests. The results of the winter MAP tests indicate that Whitehall Elementary had an average growth in the Median Score of nine points in Math, nine points in Reading, and four...

  • Whitehall Garden Club: Happy New Year!

    JAYNE DEAN, Whitehall Garden Club|Feb 16, 2022

    What? A little late, you say?? WGC spends January in committee meetings designing their upcoming year. In February we gather to present the programs, events, and budget to the whole club and what a "NEW YEAR" is planned! We started right away with our February 9th meeting. Karen Ranta and Janet Finney "put on the Ritz" brunch with delicious ham and cheese sliders, creamy yogurt parfaits, fresh-baked banana bread, and "melt in your mouth" sugar cookies (heart-shaped of's February,...

  • Dear Jo: 2/16/2022

    Jo|Feb 16, 2022

    Dear Jo, I have a 7-year old daughter, Bea. We live two houses over from her best friend, Stacey. The two girls go to school together and stay over at each other’s houses. Stacy’s parents recently got a pet fox. I wasn’t worried at first, but now I’m not so sure. The fox isn’t violent or anything, but almost every time she comes back from their house, Bea tells some hilarious, giggling story about how the fox stole food, or the TV remote, or something else, and ran around the house holding it in his mouth or trying to bury it somewhere. Last ev...

  • St. James Healthcare Designated a 2022 Top 100 Rural & Community Hospita

    TANNER GOOCH, St James Healthcare|Feb 16, 2022

    St. James Healthcare has been recognized as a 2022 Top 100 Rural & Community Hospital. Compiled by The Chartis Center for Rural Health, this annual recognition program honors outstanding performance among the nation’s rural hospitals based on the results of the Chartis Rural Hospital Performance INDEX™. “This achievement validates our daily commitment to providing the best health care possible to our community while maintaining an efficient and effective facility,” said St. James Healthcare President Jay Doyle. “There is a large number of...

  • FWP Commission Approves 2022-23 Hunting Regulations

    Feb 16, 2022

    At its Feb. 4 meeting, the Montana Fish and Wildlife Commission approved hunting regulations for the 2022 and 2023 hunting seasons with a significant focus on changes to elk hunting opportunities. All final regulations approved at the meeting will go into effect when the new license year begins on March 1. New regulation booklets for moose, sheep, mountain goat, bison, deer, elk and antelope will be available online this month and in print by mid-March. Hunters should make sure to read through the new regulations before applying for permits...

  • RECIPE OF THE WEEK: Turkey Sloppy Joes for a Crowd

    Feb 16, 2022

    Sweet yet savory ground meat served on a bun is a comfort food classic that has been a staple for restaurants and home cooks for decades. Sloppy Joes are beloved sandwiches that feature meat paired with a lip-smacking, tomato-based sauce. Some attribute the original Sloppy Joe to a cafe in Sioux City, Iowa, where in 1930 a cook named Joe added tomato sauce to his loose meat sandwich. Others say the sandwich evolved from sandwiches that were introduced by Floyd Angell, the founder of the Maid Rig...

  • FWP Seeks Information on Killed, Abandoned Waterfowl Near Butte

    MORGAN E. JACOBSEN, Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks|Feb 16, 2022

    Game wardens with Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks are seeking information on several waterfowl that were killed and abandoned near Butte. Responding to a tip on Thursday, wardens found five dead Canada geese and one dead mallard drake along Roosevelt Drive south of Butte. The birds had been discarded about 200 yards off the road, and all the meat had been wasted. Anyone with possible information about this case is encouraged to call the FWP violation reporting hotline at 1-800-TIP-MONT. Callers may be eligible for a cash reward of up to...

  • FWP Seeks Comments on Proposed Fish Barrier Near Dillon to Protect Westslope Cutthroat Trout

    MORGAN E. JACOBSEN, Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks|Feb 16, 2022

    Fisheries staff at Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks are seeking comments on a proposal to construct a fish barrier on Reservoir Creek near Dillon. This project would help protect a genetically pure population of westslope cutthroat trout from non-native trout. Reservoir creek is one of eight streams within the Beaverhead watershed that still supports an unaltered westslope cutthroat trout population. However, the population is only seasonally protected from non-native trout downstream. This proposal includes constructing a wooden barrier that wou...

  • Horoscopes: Week of 2/16/2022

    Feb 16, 2022

    ARIES Mar 21/Apr 20 Aries, you keep looking inward to realize your goals and you’re making very good progress in that regard. Communication is a key to success, so keep dialogues open. TAURUS Apr 21/May 21 Lately you seem to radiate success in all you do, Taurus. Others naturally want to flock to where you are and spend more time with you. Enjoy the spotlight while it lasts. GEMINI May 22/Jun 21 If communication with family members has been difficult lately, you may find that things change in the next few days, Gemini. This is a welcome c...

  • Jefferson County Sheriff's Report: Week of 2/6/2022

    Feb 16, 2022

    SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 6 08:31:31 Citizen Assist 10:54:46 Neighbor Dispute S Division St 15:51:48 Traffic Stop: Hwy 2 East 16:15:13 Traffic Hazard: I-90 17:43:30 Animal: I-90 17:50:46 Civil: Sheep Camp Rd 19:12:50 Traffic Stop: Whitehall St 19:31:27 Traffic Stop: Whitehall St MONDAY, FEBRUARY 7 07:14:06 Traffic Stop: W Legion St 15:04:58 911 Hang Up 16:13:11 Traffic Stop: Hwy 55 16:44:16 Assist: W Legion Ave 17:12:51 Domestic Violent: S Division St 21:18:32 Traffic Stop: N Whitehall St TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 8 09:14:47 Civil: Lost Moose Bend Rd 10:58:49...

  • Whitehall TV Channel 49.1: Week of 2/17/2022

    Feb 16, 2022


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