Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

Articles from the April 26, 2023 edition

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 25 of 35

  • Rec Board Considers All Options to Keep 2023 Events at Rec Complex During Transition Pains

    ELIZABETH PULLMAN, Whitehall Ledger|Apr 26, 2023

    The Whitehall Recreation Complex Board met for their monthly meeting on Monday, April 24 and all was smooth sailing until the elephant in the room was addressed by audience members: What IS the problem between the Board and the Whitehall Saddle Club (WSC)? “It’s crazy, I don’t understand it because you all want the same thing,” John Patritti said. “It makes me wonder what the hell is going on here.” Patritti, who was once a part of the Saddle Club added that the facility was meant for the betterment of the town and the sweat equity and items he...

  • 3rd Annual Arbor Day Celebration This Friday

    GLENNA WALTEE, Whitehall Garden Club|Apr 26, 2023

    The Whitehall Garden Club will celebrate Arbor Day with the third annual Arbor Day Celebration on Friday, April 28 in Whitehall's Community Center from noon until 3 PM. The Town of Whitehall will raise its Tree City USA flags along Legion Street to celebrate Whitehall's 30th year as a Tree City USA. Mayor Mary Janacaro-Hensleigh will welcome the crowd and read a proclamation recognizing Arbor Day, its history, and its future. The Whitehall Garden Club members will distribute 30 tree seedlings...

  • The Literati Awards

    Apr 26, 2023

    Over one hundred attendees saw the craziness of The Literati Awards over the weekend. The play, put on by Gold Junction Presents' Whitehall Community Theatre, was a hilarious success....

  • 406 Woodwinds Concert May 6

    ELIZABETH PULLMAN, Whitehall Ledger|Apr 26, 2023

    Whitehall non-profit Gold Junction Presents is excited to announce the upcoming 406 Winds Concert! The concert will begin at 7 PM at the Star Theatre on Saturday, May 6th. Doors open at 6:15 PM, $5 per person. Donations are welcome and appreciated. The 406 Winds are a division of the Bozeman Symphony featuring Beth Antonopulos (oboe), Elizabeth Schmidt (horn), Gregory Young (clarinet), Derek Bannasch (bassoon), and Joanna Berg (flute) and Kristin Harney. Stay tuned for more information in next...

  • B-Ys 4-H Club Youth Rodeo Celebrates 50th Year

    Apr 26, 2023

    The longest-running youth rodeo in the state of Montana is celebrating its 50th year in 2023! The BY's 4-H Club Youth Rodeo is scheduled to take place May 6 at the Whitehall Rodeo Grounds. Grand Entry at 9:45 AM. According to organizers, in 1962 members of the BY's 4-H Club organized a youth rodeo, never knowing it would be such a long-running and well-known rodeo. This year's event is open to those 8 to 18 years old with brackets ages 8-12 and 13-18 (as of January 1st of the current year)....

  • Survivors Event at Sage Wellness Center April 28, We Are HER Lounge at Ledger May 4

    Apr 26, 2023

    I Am Learning To Heal: An Introduction To Breathwork will be presented at Sage Wellness Center by Bethel Wagner on Friday, April 28. Both survivors of domestic and sexual assault, as well as the general public, are invited to attend. The class is $15 per person; space is limited, register at Join We Are HER - Whitehall/Cardwell-based non-profit helping survivors of domestic and sexual assault become Healed, Empowered, and Restored - and Wagner of Sage Wellness Center for...

  • Holocaust Survivor & Rescuer Fair

    Apr 26, 2023

    SURVIVOR & RESCUER STORIES: The Whitehall Community Library Holocaust Project put on its 2nd annual Holocaust Survivor & Rescuer Fair where participants portrayed a real person from the era and told their tale. (Left) Cindy Busarow tells the story of her parents, both Holocaust survivors....

  • Dear Editor: Just Winging It

    SUE PASINI|Apr 26, 2023

    Dear Editor, Not wanting to ruffle any feathers, I would like to comment on the proposed ruling in Whitehall, limiting the number of domestic chickens. First, that is a poultry (paltry) number. Chickens do not lay every day, so a homeowner may not get many eggs from a few birds. Furthermore, I don't know of anyone opposed to chickens in Whitehall. Who eggzactly is complaining? And who hatched this proposal? What is the pecking order for ordinances in Whitehall? I honestly think the City has...

  • Dear Editor: CHICKEN


    Dear Editor, Most of your readers probably remember the 80s TV show Who's the Boss? That's the subject of this short rant. I vaguely remember writing something to this effect previously, though it's been some time, but "Who IS the boss?" The overwhelming majority of our public servants, those who are elected to represent (NOT rule) us seem to have forgotten that all-important principle. Oh, sure, many or most will publicly acknowledge they are appointed to serve the best interests of the...

  • Dear Editor: Mountain Horizons Subdivision

    BARBARA LIEN|Apr 26, 2023

    Dear Editor, I'd like to clarify my comments regarding the Mountain Horizons Solar Subdivision, as paraphrased in the Ledger on April 19th. The "trailer park" comment came across as a snobby insult, and I apologize to the residents and developers of that subdivision. It wasn't meant quite that way. The subdivision variance we were discussing will allow four single-family homes on a 0.65-acre lot that had been designated for one single- or multi-family home on a previous plan. My comment was...

  • Thought Provokers: 4/26/2023

    Apr 26, 2023

    Pulled pork is pulled apart, therefore, sausages are pushed pork. It’s simultaneously ironic and sad that so many teachers are terrible with children. Mountain Dew and Sierra Mist taste very different for two things that are named after the same thing. ‘Number’ is often abbreviated as ‘No.’ despite not having the letter O in it at all. In Star Wars, the guys who won brought swords to gunfights. It’s more important to get your health right for retirement than get your money right. Every single human ever is living in their own delusional...

  • Op Ed: Whitehall Poultry Ordinance: Solving a Common Problem or Vastly Overreaching?

    CHRISTIAN ROSA|Apr 26, 2023

    I will hopefully be reading this aloud at the town meeting but may not be and I felt my opinion is important to share. On July 4th, 1776, members from the 13 colonies together signed a document creating our great nation. That document has a total of 1,320 words, the proposed ordinance contains 1,715 words establishing a more in-depth document than what was used to forge a nation. Government needing to justify its existence aside I feel these proposed changes are no more than a mere petty dispute between someone with chickens, and someone on...

  • Garden Club May Meeting Featuring Xeriscaping

    JAYNE DEAN, Whitehall Garden Club|Apr 26, 2023

    The Whitehall Garden Club will be holding its next meeting on Wednesday, May 3 in the Borden's Conference room and are excited to host guest speakers Kaleena Miller (MSU Extension Office) and Abi Saeed, MSU Horticulturist Specialist. This event on XERISCAPING will begin at 11 AM, see the information below. Hope to see you there! Xeriscaping and Water-Wise Landscaping: Limited water supplies, which are often compounded by drought conditions, can reduce the availability of water for irrigating...

  • This Month in Montana History: April

    RAE BRUCE|Apr 26, 2023

    April 12th 1864, 159 years ago: The American Civil War begins. Montana would not become a territory until three years later and played little role in the Civil War itself. Despite this, several Montanans enlisted in Union regiments during this time, and a company of "Galvanized Yankees," primarily made up of former prisoners of war, were stationed at Fort Benton. April 1st 1873, 150 years ago: The Coinage Act is enacted, ending silver standard dollars and causing a crash in the silver industry....

  • Ledger Looking Back 25 Years: April 22, 1998

    RITA BROWN, Whitehall Ledger|Apr 26, 2023

    APRIL 22, 1998  Gordon Sampson, originally charged with two counts of felony aggravated assault stemming from separate 1996 and 1997 incidents, pled guilty to two misdemeanor charges in Madison County Court as part of a plea bargain agreement. Sampson had been charged with felony assault and aggravated assault after the two incidents in which he admitted to firing a rifle in front of a Vigilante Electric Co-op meter reader on private land south of Whitehall and firing a rifle in the direction of Whitehall residents on his property. He was r...

  • Daniel Gabriel Segovia, 67

    Apr 26, 2023

    He was always laughing, smiling, or telling jokes. When you think of Daniel Segovia, that's the first thing that pops into everyone's head. His good nature and positivity, his sense of humor and constant ribbing of anyone – young or old – and his love of catching up with people around town, sometimes at great length. Daniel Gabriel Segovia was born on July 21, 1955, in Edinburg, TX to Ruperta and Gabriel Segovia. He was the second youngest of six boys in a family of migrant workers, who tra... Full story

  • Karolyn Hillstead (Ferlet), 75

    Apr 26, 2023

    Karolyn Hillstead (Ferlet) was born on November 20, 1947, to Warren and Ethel Ferlet and passed away on April 14, 2023, with her best friend by her side. She leaves behind two daughters, Kim and Jennifer, along with five grandchildren, one great-grandchild as well as her best friend Jackie Ingraham. Karolyn was a dedicated mother who treasured her family and embraced every moment with them. She especially loved her role as Grandma aka Bomba. Karolyn was passionate about animals and never turned... Full story

  • Between the Stacks: 4/26/2023

    JEANNIE FERRISS, Whitehall Community Library|Apr 26, 2023

    This Friday is our celebration of Arbor Day with Deanna Mydland! We are so excited to have her come as she spends the day doing all three story times and extra programming for the older kids in the afternoon. Feel free to stop by at 9:30 AM, 10:30 AM, or 1 PM for Story Time or anytime in the afternoon until 4 for older children. Homeschoolers may bring their families all together during any of the programs. As always, craft supplies will be provided, and the programs are free to everyone at the Library. May will be a slower month at the Library...

  • Staying Healthy this Spring: Avoiding Ticks

    JIM MURPHY, Jefferson County Health Officer|Apr 26, 2023

    The changing weather is a clear indication that spring is finally coming! The "To Do Lists" from last fall have become longer and outside chores and activities are vying for your attention. Whether you're outside hiking, doing yard work, or preparing for your first camping trip, a few simple precautions can help you stay safe as summer approaches. This short article discusses common tick-borne illnesses in Montana and how to reduce your risk. With above average moisture and warmer weather,...

  • Tech Questions? Get the Answers: 4/26/2023

    TOM SCHOBER, White Hat Tech Solutions|Apr 26, 2023

    Q: What is a subwoofer and why do I want one? The short answer is that a subwoofer generates low-frequency sound in music or movies. But what does that mean? All sounds can be measured by their frequency. The higher the frequency, the higher the pitch. Sounds like high hats, cymbals, and the spoken letters T or S are high frequency. Because the sound waves happen so fast they are close together. This means that the speaker that makes those sounds is usually small. These small speakers are...

  • Join the Fun By Building a Gnome Home for the Enchanted Forest Faire

    KAREN RANTA|Apr 26, 2023

    Do your flights of fancy lead you to dream about gnome houses and fairy dwellings? The women of Whimsical Wonders invite you to build your dream creation and show it off Saturday, June 24th during the Enchanted Forest Faire in Whitehall. Last November, a small group of women known as the Whimsical Wonders got together with a dream: to have a community Faire featuring all the delightful fantasies of woodland creatures! In June, this dream becomes a reality. As part of the event, there will be a woodland trail of fairy and gnome houses, all...

  • Whitehall Schools Nurses Check-In

    KRISTA GLAUS and MARYBETH HUNTER, Whitehall School Nurses|Apr 26, 2023

    Eventually, spring weather will be here, and with all the snow, hopefully, plenty of water for the warm months. That also means the trees and flowers will be ready to grow with the sunshine. We see plenty of students when the weather changes with allergy symptoms: red, itchy, or watery eyes, sneezing, nasal drainage, and fatigue. If you know your child struggles at this time of the year with these symptoms, start appropriate medications to manage them. If your child has these symptoms, but you’ve never talked to your provider about allergies, t...

  • Flynn Becomes Part of TEAM

    ELIZABETH PULLMAN, Whitehall Ledger|Apr 26, 2023

    There have been a lot of changes since you last visited A Insurance Agency For You - for one, their name! Now doing business as Team Insurance, the local insurance agency owned and operated by Sheri Johnson has hired two employees, remodeled, and upgraded their software recently. However, their outstanding customer service is still working to "protect your dreams together." Eric Johnson, Sheri's husband, joined Team in 2000; he mainly works behind the scenes with client services. The newest face...

  • Help Mrs. Scarborough's Special Ed Class Buy Bean Bag Chairs

    Apr 26, 2023

    Mrs. Scarborough's classroom is asking for your help to purchase alternative seating for special education students. The classroom has carpet, reading material, and some pillows but adding a couple of bean bags would finish off their reading nook! The bean bags would give the students alternative seating for reading and literature. "Currently, my students are choosing to work in a variety of locations in my room such as at different tables, sitting under tables with clipboards, or sitting or...

  • Join in on the Walpurgisnacht Fun

    Apr 26, 2023

    Call it Walpurgisnacht, May Eve, Walpurgis Night, Lemuria, Lemuralia, Beltane... every culture has it. There are two times when Summer and Winter meet, when the air is full of paradox and turmoil, and when the seen and the unseen meet. The veil is at its thinnest, and the spirit world is palpably close. One happens in October on the 31st, the other happens in April on the 30th. Bring your spookiest stories. Listen to the tales of your fellow storytellers, and vote on your favorites. The best stories get prizes, all for free! The ghost story...

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