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Whitehall Baptist Church Pastor Kyle Gilstrap (above, left) presents Whitehall Volunteer Fire Department Chief Joe Granvold with a check for $10,000. The funds were garnered from the 2023 Outdoorsman Night held on April 1, 2023. At the April Town Council meeting, Granvold said that the money would be used towards the purchase of a new thermal imaging camera, replacing the department's 25-year-old equipment. "We are grateful for those who willingly put themselves in harm's way to protect us!...
The April monthly meeting of the Whitehall Town Council was preceded by a second reading of the proposed Town of Whitehall Poultry ordinance. While the first reading had little to no public comment, the second reading brought in several Whitehall residents who own poultry. Vaia Errett, who lives on Second Street, understood the ordinance but did not understand why the ordinance was three pages and “overly regulated.” “ Extending your garden is valuable, extending sustainability is valuable, and keeping our rural values is valuable,” Errett said...
The Montana Legislature offers a unique opportunity for young people to participate in the legislative process through its Legislative Page Program. Whitehall Trojan junior Isaac Skogen is currently serving as a page for the 68th Legislative session on April 17-21 in Helena. Skogen is sponsored by Representative Walsh. Page applicants are juniors and seniors in high school who are at least 16 years old. Pages perform a variety of duties under the supervision of the Page Supervisor. Their duties...
Whitehall Low Power TV will be playing back the Star Theatre recording of the program “Keogh’s on the Whitetail for Almost 75 years.” This program was first presented at the Star Theater by Gerry Keogh and Laurie Rathe on April 6th. The program will play back each day at 1 PM, 5 PM, and 7 PM until April 30th on PBS Channel 49.2....
People are impressed by the uniqueness of snowflakes but potatoes are equally unique and no one cares. Given pay rates, humans clearly value entertainment over necessity. It’s ridiculously easier to ruin your life than to improve your life. At some point in their life, anyone born on 6/06/06 has to consider if they were destined to become the Antichrist. People with one leg amputated double their number of useful socks, but with both legs amputated the number drops to zero. It’s a shame that if a negative person meets another negative per...
On Friday, April 14 Montana became the first American state to ban TikTok after the Montana House of Representatives voted 54-43 to ban TikTok from all personal smartphones and tech devices within the state. SB419 is not in effect quite yet, as it must be signed by Gianforte. However, Gianforte has previously banned TikTok from all state-owned official government devices; in January of this year, he publicly urged the Montana University System to follow suit with their own administrative TikTok ban for official educational devices — which it d...
I have been blessed to be operating alongside the 5th generation of our family ranch in Roberts, Montana. Ranch families like mine understand the importance of neighbors, community, and keeping decision-making at the most local level possible. That’s why we are deeply concerned about an effort by attorneys to jam a bill through the Montana Legislature that would take away local power and hand it to unelected statewide bureaucrats who do not live, work, or recreate in our communities. Currently, when water disputes or questions arise, M...
Dear Editor, I have received numerous concerns about the soon-to-be-opened 406 Organix marijuana dispensary located at 3 Robbins Lane. Many of the concerns centered around where the building is located. I conferred with my fellow Jefferson County Commissioners and County Attorney, as well as the Jefferson County Sanitarian and Planner. It was determined that the location of the dispensary is legal, as there isn’t any zoning in that area and it is outside Whitehall town limits. The Montana Department of Revenue oversees the operations of all d...
April, Part II In 1897, April was ending with similarities and some definite differences to events in the current day. Macedonia was being invaded by Grecian insurgents; Theodore Roosevelt was nominated to be assistant secretary of the Navy; the second fastest boat in the world, the torpedo boat No. 3 went 25 knots an hour on its trial voyage; hogs arriving at the Chicago stockyards in March were averaging 8 pounds lighter than February and 16 pounds lighter than the previous year; severe floodi...
Meadowlark Manor Crafters (from left: Lowell, Helen, Karen, Jackie, Sharon, and Sue) worked hard creating colorful birdhouses trying to bring in Spring last Thursday - then IT SNOWED! Crafter Guides Jayne Dean and Celeste Shepard brought in Spring-enticing glazed lemon cupcakes for the crafters to enjoy. Then IT SNOWED more! Mother Nature had a different idea, but it didn't damper the fun and creativity of the Manor Craft Group. It might be white outside, but the hallways at the Meadowlark...
On Sunday, April 23 at 8:30 AM at the Zion Lutheran Church, Dave Anderson and Roger Walck will present The Rescue Tour. All are welcome to this event full of praise and worship; refreshments and a free-will offering will be available to benefit Shepherd's Canyon Retreat. Dave and Barb Anderson, have presented thousands of worship concerts throughout America and around the world since 1975. In 2007 Dave called together some lay leaders, counseling professionals, and clergy and, together, they...
Whitehall ACE brought in over $8K for Shodair Children's Hospital via donations from local customers!...
On April 10, 2023, Robert L. "Bob" Marks, 91, passed away at his home in Clancy, MT with grace and peace. Bob was born in Helena, MT, the second son of Merle and Evelyn Marks on January 11, 1932. Bob was raised on the family ranch in Clancy, attending grade school there and then going on to high school in Boulder at JCHS. He learned his work ethic from his father at a young age, taking care of draft horses, threshing grain, milking cows, putting up hay, and the many other duties of ranch life....
Robert "Bob" Lee Davis, aka Bulldog, was born on March 19, 1931; he passed on March 26, 2023. Bob's family moved from Edina, Missouri, to Dillon, Montana in 1941. From a barefoot boy in bib overalls to the capital steps to shake hands with President Harry S. Truman as a boy's state delegate from Montana, Bob lived an adventurous life. His many adventures included rounding up wild horses, hunting with hounds, nine years of National Guard service, rodeoing, carpentry, and ranching. Bob graduated f...
Our Heavenly Father has a new cowgirl to ride through His flock and tend to those she left behind with love and kindness overflowing. Smiling her biggest smile and mounted on the fastest, high-spirited horse, Mildred Waynette (Whitehead) Van Fleet rode across the Nevada and Montana skies to join Him on April 7th, 2023. Waynette was born in Fallon, Nevada on April 28th, 1951 to parents, Donald Wayne and Alma (Matteucci) Whitehead. Named after her father, early on it was evident she had an unrival...
Whitehall High School Golf found a clear golf course and had at it! Their first meet of the season, in Townsend, had been preceded by two weeks of cancellations due to snow; not to be outdone, this meet was very windy! WHS Golf traveled to Livingston for a JV and Varsity meet on Tuesday, April 18. The following students participated in the first meet: senior Gavin Watson (58), sophomore Issac Skogen (69), sophomore Ethan Wock (75), junior Riley Reynolds (58), junior Gavin Hokenson (70),...
The Whitehall Independent Pool League completed its 30th year with an end-of-year awards ceremony and pool tournament. This year's 1st place team was K Bar #1, which was comprised of Will Bowen, Michael Clark, Willy Cusson, Chuck Dirkson, Kevin LaFond, and Gordy Lyons. 2nd place team was Mint #2, comprised of Leslie Dyson, Rick Kelley, Dwayne McClanahan, and Jay VonBergen. 3rd place team was K Bar #2, comprised of Tyler Babcock, Jeremy Jensen, Kenton Keener, and Chris Nelson. The Sportsmanship trophy went to Mint #1, made up of Shawn Amidon,...
Although I’ve lived in a small Western town for 30 years now, I have never known much about one of its fundamental institutions, the service club. Many small-town residents still center their lives on Lions, Elks, Rotary, or similar organizations. Not me: I’m not a joiner. Yet as our national culture moves farther away from such settings for broad discussions, I worry that I’m part of the problem. A while ago when I was asked to speak at our local Rotary Club, I hesitated, picturing white guys networking with each other and complaining about...
Although I’ve lived in a small Western town for 30 years now, I have never known much about one of its fundamental institutions, the service club. Many small-town residents still center their lives on Lions, Elks, Rotary, or similar organizations. Not me: I’m not a joiner. Yet as our national culture moves farther away from such settings for broad discussions, I worry that I’m part of the problem. A while ago when I was asked to speak at our local Rotary Club, I hesitated, picturing white guys...
Many people look forward to spring when the weather warms up and flowers start to bloom, but it also marks the start of the peak time of year for flash flooding in the United States. According to NOAA, 75% of flash floods happen between late April and mid-September. And while you may not want to think about it, when water backs up and overflows, it generally goes where it doesn’t belong and can cause serious damage to your home. Unfortunately, many homeowners have misconceptions about floods, leaving them unprepared. Here are four of the b...
It can be tempting to think that bugs simply disappear in the cooler months. The truth is that many bug species have evolved to survive all year long, sometimes hiding in the warm nooks and crannies in and around homes. Others go into a hibernation-like state. “Bugs can be a lot smarter and more resilient than you may realize. Even if you don’t see household pests right now, some may still be waiting in your home for those first warm days to signal them to become active, search for food and find a mate,” says Emma Klingman, senior products rese...
The drawings for Montana deer and elk permits and for nonresident combination licenses are complete and applicants can find their results online. You can see your results by visiting, click on MyFWP Login in the upper right hand corner, then click on Lookup Draw Results, Register for Lists tab on the left-hand menu, or login to your MyFWP account. You may also sign up for an account at Applicants may also call any FWP Regional office or the licensing office at 406-444-2950. For unsuccessful applicants, refunds will...
In 1998, when I was in my early 20s, I started my career in community banking. I did so because while growing up in Montana, I was able to witness the vital role community banks play in ensuring the financial health of Montana’s small businesses and communities. Some 25 years later, I currently have the honor of serving as President of the Montana Independent Bankers Association (MIB), the only state association that solely represents the interests of locally owned community banks chartered in Montana. The business model of these banks has been...
Shrimp dishes are quite popular. These scouring crustaceans are found in many oceans and come in various sizes. While most know that shrimp can be tasty, they're also good to eat for a number of reasons. Shrimp pack 20 grams of protein into a 3-ounce serving, all for around 84 calories. Shrimp also contain phosphorous, iodine, magnesium, and zinc, which are important minerals for health. In addition, shrimp are rich in DHA and EPA, essential omega-3 fatty acids that can help reduce a person's...
Whitehall Community Theatre, a division of Gold Junction Presents, will perform The Literati Awards on Wednesday, April 19 at 7 PM and Saturday, April 22 at 3 PM at the Star Theatre. Admission is $5 per person. Come support the local actors and actresses of our area in this delightful short play, directed by Whitehall resident Ron Jung. The brightest stars of classic literature are coming together for the biggest awards show of the year - so of course they're all on their absolute worst...