Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

Articles from the April 7, 2021 edition

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 25 of 34

  • 'Importance' Streaming This Thursday & Friday

    Elizabeth Pullman, Whitehall Ledger|Apr 7, 2021

    The cast of Whitehall High School's production of the Importance of Being Earnest is wrapping up dress rehearsals and is excited to present their production to the community, via streaming, on April 8th and 9th. "This play is a classic show, well-known in the theater world. I presented two shows to the kids at tryouts & they read parts for each show. After, the group voted to do The Importance of Being Earnest," said Whitehall Drama Coach Marci Whitehurst. She noted that, since the show is publi...

  • Jefferson County Mask Mandate Lifted

    Sandy Sacry, Jefferson County Health Officer|Apr 7, 2021

    Jefferson County has succeeded in meeting the criteria to lift the mask directive. Masks will no longer be mandated in Jefferson County as of April 2, 2021. Justification for the lifting of the directive is a result of the county having less than 25 cases per 100,000 population for the past two weeks, as well as vaccinations of those 60 or older, educators and at-risk people having the ability to receive the vaccination should they want it. We encourage people to continue to wear masks in public settings or gatherings. The community can do its...

  • Hippity Hoppity, Hippity Hoppity! The Easter Bunny Was Here!

    Elizabeth Pullman, Whitehall Ledger|Apr 7, 2021

    Over a hundred children ages 0-6 participated in the Whitehall Chamber's Easter Eggs-travaganza Egg Hunt on the Main Street Green this past Saturday. Participants found hundreds of eggs scattered throughout the park, as well as loose prizes. The Easter Bunny made his rounds before the hunt began delighting (and sometimes scaring) the little ones as they waited for the signal to start gathering. After the hunt parents brought their little ones to sit on the Easter Bunny's lap and get a photo...

  • Volunteers Make the World Go 'Round

    Elizabeth Pullman, Whitehall Ledger|Apr 7, 2021

    This past weekend while working on the Whitehall Chamber’s Easter Egg and Scavenger Hunt, I had many people ask how they can get more involved. Such a great question! The need for volunteers gets greater and greater each year with new events added. The Chamber of Commerce is a huge source of events in the area and always in need to volunteers for events such as the Easter Egg & Scavenger Hunt, Frontier Days, Fall Festival and Christmas Stroll. You don’t have to be a Chamber member, or even a business owner, to volunteer your time or res...

  • Dear Editor - HB 325

    Don Lepinsky|Apr 7, 2021

    Dear Editor, If passed by the voters, HB 325 would amend MCA 3-2-101 to do away with state at large elections for supreme court justices, and provide for elections in newly created separate districts. In my opinion, the bill is severely flawed. The current state at large elections grants citizens the right to vote for all seats on the court. HB 325 significantly erodes voting rights, by restricting individuals to vote for only one seat on the court for the district in which they reside. For this reason alone, this bill should be rejected....

  • Dear Editor: COVID "Vaccines"

    Kelly Hencz|Apr 7, 2021

    Dear Editor, All the outright lies pursuant to the alleged COVID “vaccines” need to be exposed to the public and stopped immediately. Drug companies have been working on a vaccine for Coronavirus since 2002 and could never bring it to the market due to the fact they could not prove “safety.” The Pfizer and Moderna “vaccines” are not vaccines but merely shots which are injected with small pieces of genetic material, which has never been done before. The Johnson & Johnson shot actually uses aborted fetal tissue from either the retinal or...

  • Dear Editor: "Protect Children, Not Guns"

    Gerald Johnson|Apr 7, 2021

    Dear Editor, When or if your readers read “Protect Children, Not Guns – An Initiative” in today’s Ledger, everyone should understand that it is not an Op-Ed by me. It is not an opinion. It is a fact and a reality faced by all of America’s children every day. It is my hope that many of you will “download” the entire publication of the Children’s Defense Fund’s “Protect the Children, Not Guns” and ask yourself, do I “treasure” my child/children - warm, loving, creations of God; or do I “treasure” my gun/guns – cold, hard, tools of Satan? “Fo...

  • Dear Editor: Outraged

    Charles Haddon Shank|Apr 7, 2021

    Dear Editor, I have recently become aware of a disturbing event that happened the other day. The Ice Cream Lady, who is a good friend of mine, was just finishing up her route for the day, when her vehicle was blocked in & she was verbally accosted by a very upset man, who, for whatever reason, was obviously having a bad day. While this man, who remains anonymous, had quite a few complaints against my friend, none of which were grounded, he was apparently grasping for straws, so to speak. My friend, who showed herself to be a real lady,...

  • Go Ask Jo: 4/7/2021

    Apr 7, 2021

    Dear Jo, Manners, I want to talk about manners. Does anyone have manners anymore? I find that I don’t even practice the kind of manners I was raised with. I see people have less reverence for our elderly, less respect for their parents, less understanding and care for those around them. I know that I am not alone in this belief. What can I do to make a change? Signed, Make a Change Dear Change, “Be the change you want to see in the world”. I can’t find the initial source of the saying, but have seen it several times. It always hits home. W...

  • Surviving/Thriving Amid COVID-19: Treasure State Truck & Auto Repair Opens in Whitehall

    Elizabeth Pullman, Whitehall Ledger|Apr 7, 2021

    Treasure State Truck & Auto Repair's construction is nearly complete and the newest business on Legion Avenue is open for customers. Owner Ryan Strozzi, of Whitehall, is also the owner of Treasure State NAPA next door, but the businesses are separate entities. "We got the permit to build in August and now we're ready to go," Strozzi said, adding that the building is 100' x 56'. Thankfully, the global pandemic didn't affect Strozzi's plans to build; he saw a need in town and decided to rectify...

  • NorthWestern Energy to Refund Customers $8.1 Million

    Apr 7, 2021

    NorthWestern Energy will begin refunding its electric customers in Montana $8.1 million as a result of a recent settlement concerning the price of transmitting power over NorthWestern’s system. The Montana Public Service Commission’s final order in NorthWestern’s 2019 electric rate case required NorthWestern to credit its customers for revenue it collects from other energy companies who use NorthWestern’s system to transmit energy used in interstate commerce. The prices those energy companies pay NorthWestern for transmission service are set...

  • Connecting Point: The Lost Art

    Bill Lanes|Apr 7, 2021

    Navigating life is a challenge, and it is an arduous challenge without friendship. For many of us, our days are filled with work, meetings, events, and just earning daily bread. But, have we lost something that our grandparents cherished? How often do you sit down and have a meaningful conversation with a family member or a close friend? Deliberate and candid conversations are extremely valuable. Have we lost some of the subtleties necessary to be good listeners? Is this the problem? Our society is undergoing a major shift, and shockingly this...

  • Whitehall MS/HS Principal Check-in

    Melissa Robbins, Whitehall MS HS Principal|Apr 7, 2021

    April is a busy month with added layers of standardized testing. We recently finished the ACTs with the Juniors and have the Pre-ACTs for Sophomores planned for April 27th. Mr. Norbeck, the school counselor, is the lead on these exams. Please contact him with questions at or 287-3862 ext 2122. The testing window for the 6-8 grade state assessments to include English, Math and Science (8th grade only) are scheduled for April 19th – 30th. Teachers will be communicating home the week of these exams, so parents know the e...

  • Flynn Competing in National Cross Country Meet This Weekend

    Elizabeth Pullman, Whitehall Ledger|Apr 7, 2021

    Whitehall High School alumni Hunter Flynn is preparing for a weekend to remember! Flynn qualified individually for the National Cross Country Meet by placing at the North Star Conference Cross Country Meet last fall. For Flynn, who will be graduating from Dickinson State University next month, this will be his third appearance at Nationals. The meet, which is usually help the weekend before Thanksgiving, had been delayed due to COVID-19, giving Flynn a few extra months to prepare. In his spare...

  • Trojans Represent Montana Wrestling in Iowa

    Steve Sary, Whitehall Wrestling Coach|Apr 7, 2021

    Alley Antonsen, Ethan Wock and Kyle Denny earned spots on the All-Star Montana Wrestling Teams that travel to Des Moines, IA April 2,3 to compete with teams from around the country. They earned these spots by placing at the recent Montana State AAU Championship held in Kalispell. Also wrestling in Kalispell were Cale Hoover, Garrett Wagner, Isaac Skogen, Gavin Watson, Kace Wagner and Dane Hoover. Wock wrestled on the middle school team against teams from Wyoming, South Dakota, Iowa and Illinois. Wock ended with a 2-3 record, helping his team pl...

  • Whitehall Wrestling Holds Awards Dinner

    Steve Sacry, Whitehall Wrestling Coach|Apr 7, 2021

    The Whitehall Wrestling team recently held their end of the year awards dinner. This year the dinner included families and we were thankful to have it at the Fire Hall. Varsity letters were awarded to those that had made significant contributions to the varsity program. Letters were given to managers, Anna Nelson and Addison Sullivan. The girls wrestling team awarded letters to Alley Antonsen and Kenzy Best. Those to earn letters on the boys team were: Wesley Biggers, Isaac Skogen, Dane Hoover, Michael Reiff, Gavin Watson, Karsen Klapan, Leo Sc...

  • Between the Stacks: 4/7/2021

    Jeannie Ferriss, Whitehall Community Library|Apr 7, 2021

    I hope you all had a happy holiday weekend. The Library was able to make Easter a little brighter thanks to the Love, INC. organizations in Dillon and Whitehall. They provided 50 Easter baskets for the Library to pass out to children and their parents last week. Candy, games, toys, and more awaited the little ones during story time and after school. Thank you again to both groups! April 4-10 is National Library Week! This year’s theme is “Welcome to Your Library” and Natalie Portman is the honorary chair. The award-winning actress has just...

  • JeffCo Health Board Update: 4/7/2021

    Pam Hanna RN, Jefferson County Public Health Supervisor|Apr 7, 2021

    During the past year, a virus that has changed all our daily lives, amplified the visibility of public health. In the public health field, individuals work to promote healthy living, prevent disease and injury, and determine ways to bring the greatest health benefits to the most people. Public health is the art and science of protecting and improving the health of people and their communities. The work of public health is important in all our lives however, often this work is done...

  • Ledger: Looking Back 25 Years

    Catherine Ellerton|Apr 7, 2021

    Producers will have only one opportunity to enroll in the commodity-related provisions of the “Agricultural Improvement and Reform Act,” which is expected to be signed into law this week. . . . This bill, which provides farm payments through the 2002 crop year, keeps intact the general “freedom to farm” framework that has been discussed since last summer, and is not influenced by Market prices. There are several implications of this framework for producers making planting decisions. . . . Trojan Athlete of the Week is Crystal Wilkins...

  • Let's Talk...Election Integrity Act of 2021

    Jim Buterbaugh, Contributing Writer|Apr 7, 2021

    By now I am sure that anyone who watches the news has seen the spat about the revamping of Georgia’s voting laws. I listened as the President stood at the podium and made many claims about the bill – calling it Jim Crow on steroids. That is anti-American. I see now that the MLB has pulled the “All Star Game” because of it. It that warranted? Major companies are squawking. Warranted? I heard a lot from both sides, so I decided to look at the bill for myself. All 94 boring, word salad pages. Let’s look at the questions one at a time. CLAIM: Po...

  • Whose Name is on Your Assets?

    KALEENA MILLER and MARSHA GOETTING, Extension office|Apr 7, 2021

    Montana State University educators say it is important for people to understand how they title property impacts who receives it upon their death. Whose name is on the deed for your home? Is it held in Joint with right of survivorship or as a tenancy in common? Whose name is on your savings account? MSU Extension family economics specialist Marsha Goetting and Madison-Jefferson County Extension agent Kaleena Miller said factors like property title laws combined with Montana intestacy statues impacts who inherits property after a person dies....

  • Whitehall TV Channel 49.1: April 8 - 14

    Apr 7, 2021

    THURSDAY, April 8 5:00PM PBS NewsHour 6:00PM This Old House 6:30PM Ask This Old House 7:00PM Cat in the Hat 7:30PM Peg + Cat 8:00PM PBS NewsHour 9:00PM Amanpour and Company 10:00PM Baseball: A National Heirloom 12:00PM Amanpour and Company FRIDAY, April 9 5:00PM PBS NewsHour 6:00PM Washington Week 6:30PM Market to Market 7:00PM Cat in the Hat 7:30PM Dining with the Chef 8:00PM PBS NewsHour 9:00PM Amanpour and Company 10:00PM American Masters: Oliver Sacks - His Own Life 12:00AM Amanpour and Company SATURDAY: April 10 6:00AM Hero Elementary...

  • Recipe of the Week: Espresso-Chocolate Chip Angel Food Cake

    Apr 7, 2021

    Entrees might be the focal point of a meal, but dessert provides the final impression people will have after sitting down to break bread together. Home cooks who want their guests to leave the dinner table patting their bellies in appreciation of a fine dessert can try the following recipe for Espresso-Chocolate Chip Angel Food Cake from Emily Luchetti's "Classic Stars Desserts" (Chronicle Books). Serves 10 to 12. INGREDIENTS: 2 teaspoons instant espresso powder 1 1/3 cups cake flour, sifted 1/8...

  • 5 Facts Proving Montana Weather is Insane

    Apr 7, 2021

    1. Montana was once colder than Mars. On January 6, 2015, Montana’s temperature plummeted to -61 degrees. The Mars Rover sends daily temperatures back to Earth and it ranged from -13 to -24 degrees that day. 2. Montana has experienced hurricane strength winds despite being nowhere near an ocean. In 1989, things got ridiculous. Because of arctic air mass Shelby saw winds of 100 mph, Augusta 114, Browning 117, and Cut Bank 124 mph. That is equivalent of a Category 3 hurricane. 3. Montana once saw the temperature change 47 only 7 m...

  • Edwin "Ed" Morgan, 80

    Apr 7, 2021

    Edwin “Ed” Morgan, 80, passed away in Bozeman on Monday, March 29, 2021. A Celebration of Life will be held at the Lindley Center, 1102 E. Curtiss St. in Bozeman, at 1:00 P.M. on Sunday, April 11. Arrangements are in the care of Dokken-Nelson Funeral Service.

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