Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

Articles from the March 22, 2017 edition

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 20 of 20

  • Budget dominates 2017 Legislative Session

    Michael Siebert, UM Community News Service|Mar 22, 2017

    The Montana Legislature is responsible for accomplishing a great deal during the 90 days it meets every two years. But lawmakers are actually only constitutionally required to do one thing - create and pass a state budget. Last week, the House of Representatives got one step closer to that goal. Fifty-six days into the session, legislators passed House Bill 2, the bill that lays out funding for every major state agency. Lawmakers allocated $10 billion in general fund money to be spent over two...

  • Whitehall trio performs

    Jack H. Smith, Ledger Publisher|Mar 22, 2017

    Far away from the madness of St. Patrick's Day in uptown Butte, the Handing Down the Heritage Festival has garnered a reputation of a family friendly celebration with music and dancing for all ages. The 22nd annual event at the Butte Civic Center once again featured the Tiernan Irish Dancers. Three Whitehall residents are part of the dancers that took to the stage March 17. Hope and Ceili Moriarty, and Shayla Hamilton all performed to a huge crowd at the event. In her first year with the team, H...

  • Production above target at Golden Sunlight Mine

    Jack H. Smith, Ledger Publisher|Mar 22, 2017

    There were plenty of positives during February at the Golden Sunlight Mine in Whitehall. At the Community Transition Advisory Committee earlier this month, Mine General Manager Dan Banghart reported the production during the month was 5,076 ounces, well above the 4,484 target. Banghart added the underground tonnage exceeded plans, and there will be two mill runs this month. The mine had no reportable injuries in February and has gone 421 days without an injury. There were also no reportable spills during the month. Banghart stated there are...

  • Stageline Pizza opening soon

    Staff Report|Mar 22, 2017

    Stageline Pizza is coming to Whitehall. The restaurant will be located in the former home of the Chinese Garden at 605 W. Legion. According to officials at Town Hall, a business license for the restaurant was obtained March 8. The business is owned by Ken and Tina Bates. A new sign was placed at the location late Monday afternoon. Ken Bates confirmed with the Ledger Tuesday that the restaurant will open in April. Look for a complete story about the new business on the front page of the March...

  • Resident hoping to bring Harlem Ambassadors to Whitehall area

    Jack H. Smith, Ledger Publisher|Mar 22, 2017

    The Harlem Ambassadors comedic basketball team will be performing May 5 in Butte. Whitehall resident Earleen Lloyd has been working hard to bring them to Whitehall the day before the show. She is currently trying to secure funding to set up an assembly for the Ambassadors May 4. Lloyd said the Ambassadors promote staying in school and an anti-bullying message, as well as teaching kids to stay away from drugs, alcohol, and tobacco. “They are professionals, skilled people who played basketball to get through college and have fun and games s...

  • Editorial -- Hall Banquet: A special night for Whitehall

    Jack H. Smith, Ledger Publisher|Mar 22, 2017

    This Saturday, the Whitehall High School Athletic Hall of Fame will induct its second class at a special ceremony. The Ledger would like to encourage residents to attend the ceremony that will take place starting at 6 p.m. at the high school. The first ceremony for the inaugural class last year was a special day for the community. It was great to see the former athletes, coaches, and teams come together. There were people who had not seen each other in years, and witnessing them catch up after a long absence made a great day even better....

  • Column: Plenty of positive

    Jack H. Smith, Ledger Publisher|Mar 22, 2017

    I had someone tell me the other day I complain a lot in my columns. I just had to smile because I knew it was true. At the same time, if I didn’t have somewhere to vent I would probably go a little bit crazy. I’m probably just a few more years till I will be peering out the window every time I hear a little noise, waiting to catch some young hooligans on my lawn. After the conversation, I decided I would make this column very positive and would not complain about anything. As hard as it may be to do, I am going to sit here and share a few thi...

  • Mary Joyce, Ward, Miller, Lockyer of Dillon. Born March 6, 1930. Died March 16, 2017.

    Mar 22, 2017

    Mary so greatly enjoyed life and has went to be with her lord and savior Jesus Christ. She will be greatly missed by her dear friends and loving family. Mary was born in Austin, Minnesota, lived in Grant, MT, moved to Lima, went to school and delivered milk for her stepdad's dairy. She married Ted Miller, of Monida. They had a son, Ted Miller. Ted Miller Senior passed, and Mary and little Teddy moved to Butte, where she met and married Terry Lockyer. They had five children: Terry, David, Lurene...


    Mar 22, 2017

    After a brief illness Brenda Sue Worthan Doney returned to her heavenly Father and the Arms of Jesus. Brenda was born March 24th, 1959 in Vernal, Utah to William and Sharon Worthan. Brenda graduated from Powell County High School in Deer Lodge, MT in 1977. She later went on to work for MSE, waitressed and also worked as a clerk. Brenda married Alan S. Doney in Green River, WY on August 31, 1996. She passed away March 10, 2017. She has joined her mother Sharon Worthan Buhl and father William Worthan, and Grandparents Laverne and Edith Booth and...

  • James Richard Rennie

    Mar 22, 2017

    James Richard Rennie (Dick) died peacefully in the comfort of his home on the first day of spring of 2017 surrounded by his loving wife of 57 years and children. Dick was known by many through his chosen career of law enforcement. Dick started his career as a night policeman in White Sulfur springs , worked briefly for the FBI and eventually ended up back in Montana as a Montana Highway Patrolman. He faithfully served the citizens of Montana for 25 years. Dick was respected for his spirit of...

  • Jefferson County Sheriff's Report

    Mar 22, 2017

    Monday, Mar. 13 7:53 a.m. - traffic accident/ 1 vehicle /non injury, 80 Daly Road, Whitehall 10:01 a.m. - suspicious / person/vehicle/circumstance, 6420 Hwy 41, Whitehall 10:55 a.m. – citizen assist, 409 East Legion Avenue, Whitehall 1:31 p.m. – citizen assist, LaCasa Trailer Court, Whitehall 3:23 p.m. - DUI—liquor, 415 North Whitehall Street, Whitehall 4:54 p.m. - trees/debris on roadway 5:04 p.m. – traffic stop, Hwy 359, Cardwell 6:14 care for sick/injured, 595 Hwy 55, Whitehall Tuesday, Mar. 14 12:50 a.m. – traffic stop, East Legion Avenue,...

  • Museum purchases flat file cabinets

    Arcylle Shaw, Contributing Writer|Mar 22, 2017

    In October, the Jefferson Valley Community Foundation generously granted a $4,000 gift to the Jefferson Valley Museum. Archival safe flat file cabinets were purchased with the money. While it has taken this long for them to arrive, the delivery was an exciting day. Ron Hunt and Jerry Fleege rounded up a crew. After the delivery truck unloaded them at the Jardine Memorial Building, the packing had to be removed, the drawers removed and then several men carried each section out to the dolly that...

  • For Your Information

    Arcylle Shaw, Contributing Writer|Mar 22, 2017

    This has been a quiet week. According to the Daily Bread reading for the first day of Spring, Jesus said to his disciples in Mark 6:31, “Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest.” Sounds pretty nice to me, especially if it means a drive up the South Boulder. Kathy Clark, Aileen Shaw and Erv Hedegaard were guests with the Whitehall Pinochle Club. Host, Michael Clark gave prizes to Florence Weyer for High; Gladys Ballard for Second - she also had 1,000 aces; Low went to Joyce Held and Pinochle to Mary Gustin. Randy and Lau...

  • Wrestlers shine in Anaconda

    Staff Report|Mar 22, 2017

    Whitehall Wrestlers competed at a USA wrestling tournament (Smelter City Smackdown) in Anaconda last weekend. Whitehall had and outstanding showing. Results: Schoolboy 91-Karson Klapan-1st; SB-98 Dawson Powers-1st; Leelo Burch 4th. SB 112-Dalton Denny-1st; Gage McMillan-4th; SB 120 Miles Hoerauf-1st; Cadet 113-Trentin Walker-2nd; Cadet 132-Mike Wilkenson-1st; Dallon Hoover-2nd....

  • Trojans open season next week

    Jack H. Smith, Ledger Publisher|Mar 22, 2017

    Just one week into practice, it’s looking like it could be great 2017 season for the Whitehall High School track team. Trojans head coach Dan Lacey said they have 31 kids who have come out, which is by far their biggest team in a while. “We have some very goal minded athletes on this team and we are hoping to see individual improvements week by week and we want to get as many athletes to divisionals as possible,” he said. On the boys side, Whitehall will be led by distance runner and senior Hunter Flynn who will return as a state placer, and s...

  • Five Trojans notch postseason accolades

    Jack H. Smith, Ledger Publisher|Mar 22, 2017

    The Whitehall High School boys and girls basketball teams were well represented on the all state and conference teams. A total of five Trojans earned postseason accolades, including two making the all-state team. Senior Braden Larsen and Sophomore Max Feight were named to the all-state team as well as to the District 5B All Conference First Team. Senior Andrew Simon was also named first team all-conference. For the Lady Trojans, freshman Isabel Evans and senior Kaya Welch were both named...

  • County Commission Update

    Leonard Wortman, Jefferson County Commissioner|Mar 22, 2017

    Hi Folks, At last week’s meeting we reviewed claims and then met with Road Supervisor, Rory Parsons. The Road crews are cleaning up things from the winter. The crew is going back to working four tens for the remainder of the spring, summer, and fall. They will be working from 6:30 am to 4:30 pm Monday through Thursday. We also met with Candice Bell, our Solid Waste Manager. We are still discussing what options might be available for Solid Waste moving forward. We would like to come up with two or three different options and then present them to...

  • Looking Back 25 Years

    Mar 22, 2017

    March 25, 1992 Three WHS Juniors were chosen to attend Montana Boys State. They are Matt Reiff, son of Dr. and Mrs. Terry Reiff; Jeff Robenstein, son of Sue Robenstein, Brent Sears, son of Ron and Janet Sears; and alternate Cory Tebay, son of Norman and Michelle Tebay. Whitehall residents were treated to a showing of the more than 80 Science Fair projects of Whitehall’s fifth and sixth grade students. First place winners were: sixth grade – John Loomis, “Acid Rain and Its Effects on Rocks and Plants;” sixth grade – Joe Chiovaro, “Elastici...

  • Between the Stacks

    Jeannie Ferriss, Whitehall Community Library|Mar 22, 2017

    Joyeux printemps! Happy springtime! The History Book Club will be finishing up “Mrs. Sherlock Holmes” at 6:30 p.m. on Monday, March 28, and head to France for April. Edward Rutherfurd’s novel “Paris” is the choice for next month. This historical novel about the city begins in 1261 and ends in 1968. Rutherfurd follows different French families from all walks of life throughout the great historical events occurring in the city. This is part of a series of books covering the great cities of Europe by Rutherfurd. If you would like to join us f...

  • Lawmakers debate bills on infrastructure, abortion

    Michael Siebert, UM Community News Service|Mar 22, 2017

    HELENA -- As Republicans and Democrats grapple with how to fund statewide infrastructure projects at the Montana Legislature, one bill in the House aims to put that decision in the hands of local voters. House Bill 577, introduced by Rep. Dave Fern, D-Whitefish, would allow cities and towns to adopt an infrastructure tax on luxury goods and services at a maximum rate of 4 percent. However, the tax would have to be approved by local voters. “House Bill 577 empowers our cities, towns and counties to solve their infrastructure problems,” Fern said...

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