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The Whitehall Country Store Board of Directors is pleased to announce the availability of four $5,000 scholarships to be awarded to graduating Whitehall High School seniors or home schoolers who will be full-time students enrolled in Fall 2025 classes at an accredited college, university, or trade school. Although the focus of most scholarship programs is academic, the main criteria established by the Board of Directors is a student’s deep desire to further their academic goals beyond high school and their need for financial assistance. This s...
Calling all creatives: Whitehall Theatrics, the community theatre aspect of Gold Junction Presents, is casting for its next production - The Brothers Grimm Spectaculathon! We’re seeking anyone interested in acting, set design, props, makeup and costumes, lighting, and more! All ages are welcome. Get a script now and find your perfect part - we are casting Tuesday, March 11th from 4 to 7 PM. You may think you know the story of Cinderella, Rapunzel, or Hansel and Gretel, but you’ve never seen the...
As of March 1st, Jefferson County has moved from the winter burning period into the open burn timeframe that runs from March through the end of November. While air quality restrictions are relaxed during the open burn period, burn permits are still required for fires over 48” in size. Permits are available at Burners must activate their permits for each day of their burn. Tips for a safe, successful debris burn include checking the weather for the day of the burn and the upcoming forecast. If high winds a...
A trio of major property tax relief bills — Gov. Greg Gianforte’s flagship effort to pull down homeowner property taxes by boosting taxes on second homes and two other measures pitched by Democrats — passed the Montana House with bipartisan votes Thursday, advancing to the state Senate. Gianforte’s bill, House Bill 231, was amended by the House Appropriations Committee last week in an effort to win the Democratic votes necessary to overcome opposition from some Republicans. It ultimately passed the House on a 68-30 margin. The bill’s supporter...
I was disgusted to learn of the coyote killing contest last weekend (February 21-23) in Whitehall, Montana. Apparently, a local high school senior organized the event as a fundraiser for Future Farmers of America. This is particularly disturbing and reflects poorly on the community of Whitehall. I find it hard to believe that a teenage girl would harbor that type of hatred for animals which leads me to the assumption that her father likely indoctrinated her with this cruelty towards animals. Other parents took their young children there in an...
Dear Editor, Montana: the "Last Best Place," or "Best at Being Last?" Failure to pass HB 382 this past week in the House of Representatives is a clear sign that defines opposing ideologies that are inconsistent with the freedom our founding fathers envisioned for us. If passed, the state of Montana would have recognized gold and silver, which would allow residents to store wealth, despite the decline of the Federal Reserve note. As Mayer Amshel Rothchild once stated, "Give me control over a nati...
Dear Editor, Most of us witnessed on television or heard about the Oval Office meeting fiasco with Trump, Vance, and Ukraine's President Zelenskyy. At this point, it should be evident, even to the most trumpiest of Trumpsters, that Donald Trump is taking America and the rest of the free world down the path of ruin. However, it is not all Trump's fault. As I learned from the Stargate television series, "False gods cannot be gods without those standing beneath them gazing upwards." DON LEPINSKY...
Dear Editor, Some years ago, I attended "Mule Days" in Whitehall, MT. I was impressed by the wonderful facility and the organization of the event itself. I took many photos. I passed through last fall wanting pictures of the idle arena. I was disappointed to find only shredded caution tape and discarded water bottles. Such a shameful end for a beautiful arena! KEN MANDELIN Duluth, Minnesota...
Many people would instead feel right than be right. If Pokemon were real, fire types would be illegal to own in California. People tend to give you the advice that justifies their own decisions. Eye drops are blinker fluid. When we get sick with a cold, we might think we should take medicine that improves our immune system or attacks the virus, but we mostly only take medicine to reduce our body’s immune response because it doesn’t feel good. Someone will cut in front of you in line at least once in your life. Why has no one started a cla...
The Westerlies, a New York-based brass quartet, visited Whitehall's historic Star Theatre on Saturday, March 1st. The arty quartet mixed jazz, new classical, and Appalachian folk to a full audience. The Westerlies were brought to Whitehall by Gold Junction Presents and Montana Chamber Music....
Whitehall Senior Natasha Momsen received a historic telephone call last week when she was told she received an appointment to West Point, an appointment that makes her the first U.S. Military Service Academy appointee from Whitehall in over two decades. Momsen is the first woman ever appointed from Whitehall. The Whitehall Middle School announced the students who will be representing Whitehall at the Academic Olympics on March 16, 200 at MSU in Bozeman. Team One includes Brandon Momsen, Anna...
A group of concerned citizens meets Wednesdays from 6-7 PM at the Whitehall Community Library. If you need help with the Legislative website, BillTracker, or your Substack media account, please come at 5:30 PM. The regular meeting will begin at 6 PM. At our Feb 26 meeting, we reviewed the functions of the legislative website that had stumped us previously: the recorded hearing videos are accessed via the “Now Streaming” button (or course!). The bill tracker function works, the state pays for it, and it is a separate platform that will send you...
Feeling stressed out, overwhelmed, or anxious is a problem that many people regularly face. Work, family, extra activities, and current events can all contribute to making life feel fast-paced and chaotic. It can feel like there’s never enough time to truly rest or reset. But what if it didn’t have to be this way? What if you could learn how to find a place of peace and calm no matter what situation you find yourself in? Anyone interested in reducing or relieving stress is invited to join Bethel Wagner at Sage Wellness Center for a 3-part class...
Whitehall, it's time to dream big! On Tuesday, April 1st, at 6 PM, the Montana Main Street team from the Department of Commerce is coming to town, and this is your chance to be part of the conversation. Join us at the Whitehall Senior Center for an evening of ideas, inspiration, and community connection! Whitehall has been part of the Montana Main Street community since 2010, and this program has played a key role in supporting revitalization projects across the state. But what does that really...
TEAM Mint #2: 13 wins, 4 losses Two Bit #1: 11 wins, 6 losses K-Bar #1: 11 wins, 6 losses Mint #1: 9 wins, 8 losses MEN 4 wins, 0 losses: Terry Spenser, Rick Kelley, Dwayne McClanahan, Ernie Smith, Brian Hartford, Mike Wall 3 wins, 1 loss: Colt Smith, Jay VonBergen, Chuckie Dirkson, Will Bowen WOMEN 2 wins, 2 losses: Shawna Amidon, Mystee Jackson, Terry Chadwick...
Clifford Dean Miller, 76, passed away suddenly on Sunday, February 23, 2025, in Caldwell, Idaho. Dean was born on June 7, 1948, to Homer and Selma Miller in Whitehall, Montana. He went by his middle name, Dean. He was the third oldest child out of seven children. He attended Cardwell Grade School and Whitehall High School, graduating in 1967. He missed one year of high school due to an accidental gunshot wound to his right leg. He suffered from the aftereffects of this gunshot his whole life....
Kermit Hoyenga died in his sleep on February 14, 2025. His son and wife were with him. Kermit was born on May 4, 1934. He was 90 years old. If you would wish to make a donation in his memory, he requested that it go to the Whitehall Museum. It was an important part of his life here in Whitehall....
Miss Shawni from Sacry Dental taught the students about dental health in a wonderful hands on way, and Miss Jeannie and Miss Brandi did storytime in our classroom since the chilly weather kept us indoors for several weeks and we could not walk to the library. We are grateful for all the support our community gives Head Start kids! If you are interested in applying for the 25-26 school year, please call (406) 457-7308....
How to Optimize Your Wi-Fi For Better Performance In today’s digital world, a fast and reliable internet connection is essential for everything from remote work to streaming movies and playing online games. If your Wi-Fi is slow or unreliable, it can be frustrating—but the good news is that there are simple ways to optimize your home network for better performance. Wi-Fi signals travel best in open spaces and can be weakened by walls, furniture, and appliances. To get the best coverage, pla...
This is one in a series of articles focusing on estate and legacy planning. Authors are Kaleena Miller, MSU Madison-Jefferson County Extension Agent, and Marsha Goetting, MSU Extension Family Economics Specialist, While Montana has more than 21,000 people living with Alzheimer’s, there are no figures about the number of agricultural producers with the disease. “They exist because many family caregivers have approached me during my estate planning meetings desperately wanting resources suc...
Winter sports season is in full swing with fresh snow on the slopes, but is your body ready? As an avid skier and snowboarder, I know firsthand how much fun these activities can be—but I also know the toll they can take on muscles and joints. The right conditioning routine can help keep us on the hill and out of the emergency room. As an active participant in winter sports, I’m always looking for ways to improve my own fitness and educate others about the importance of maintaining strength throughout the winter. The demands of winter spo...
Imagine a million-acre wilderness: Mountain peaks. Rushing rivers. Bears and wolves. Now imagine a city the size of, say, Chicago. In my corner of Montana every summer, those two things merge. Montana is home to Glacier National Park, and 30 years ago, the park had about a million visitors a year. Nowadays, the park attracts more than 3 million people a year. It's like a major city teleported to the spine of the Rockies. Those visitors have needs-food, restrooms, parking lots, and trails. They deserve to be safe. They expect to have fun. That's...
Lawmakers have tabled a bill that would have raised Montana’s minimum wage to $12.06 an hour. Rep. Kelly Kortum, D-Bozeman, introduced House Bill 484 to the House Business and Labor Committee on Feb. 27. Supporters said the state’s current $10.55 rate doesn’t match the cost of living, but opponents disagreed and said the increase could increase inflation. Patrick Yawakie, representing the Blackfeet Tribe, Fort Belknap Indian Community, and Chippewa Cree Tribe of Rocky Boy, said a person working 40 hours a week on minimum wage makes just shy o...