Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

Articles from the February 9, 2022 edition

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 25 of 37

  • WHS Principal Earns Department of Defense Patriot Award

    Feb 9, 2022

    Melissa Robbins, Whitehall High School Principal, has been awarded a Department of Defense Patriot Award in recognition of extraordinary support of her civilian employee serving in the United States Army Reserve 7252 Medical Support Unit, Staff Sergeant Zachary Kozicky. The Patriot Award was developed by ESGR to publicly recognize civilian employees who provide outstanding patriotic support and cooperation to their civilian employees serving in the guard or reserve. Without supportive...

  • Thought Provokers: 2/9/2022

    Feb 9, 2022

    A person can survive with half a liver, one lung, no stomach, and no large intestine. Or in some situations, cut in half. We are much more stronger than we think we are. A boomerang is a frisbee for lonely people. If we are killing the spiders we find, then by natural selection we are breeding the ones that know how to hide. Success is wiping a cat hair off your iPad screen without disrupting the video. Considering the earth is always moving (solar system too) we are space travelers in an organic spaceship. It won’t be long before people use ‘t...

  • Dear Editor: How many times do we need to say NO?

    BOB SIMS|Feb 9, 2022

    Dear Editor, I am glad we have people in Jefferson County that are willing to spend their time and effort working with stray and unwanted animals. Many people donate funds to” not for profits” that do this work and I hope they continue. Based on what was reported in the Boulder Monitor on February 2, 2022, our County Commission is planning to place on the ballot a levy to fund a” not for profit” to the tune of $265,365 per year for the services the County is currently getting for almost no cost. This levy will pay $6634 dollars for each of...

  • Dear Editor: In Support of Jim Buterbaugh #1

    CARMI WELLS|Feb 9, 2022

    Dear Editor, I just learned that Jim Buterbaugh filed his papers to run for County Commissioner. Jim is well-grounded in conservative values and will represent our county honestly and be well-informed. I have known him for several years and offer my full support for him in the next election. We who live in southern Jefferson County need a man like Jim to represent us. Carmi Wells Whitehall, Montana...

  • Dear Editor: In Support of Jim Buterbaugh #2

    DANETTE HELLWIG|Feb 9, 2022

    Dear Editor, I am writing to support Jim Butterbaugh who has filed to run for County Commissioner. Jim has been a very active member of our community and I believe he has a very good understanding of what our community needs going forward. He has spent many hours talking with our friends and neighbors and would be a great supporter of the issues that face Whitehall. He has a common-sense approach and I feel he is very educated on current issues. He is always willing to get out and talk with anybody who would share their insights with him. I...

  • Whitehall Gun Show This Weekend

    Feb 9, 2022

    The Whitehall Gun Show is scheduled for Friday, February 11 to Sunday, February 13, 2022. This annual gun show is open to the public and all net profit is donated to the Whitehall VFW and American Legion. The show is held at the Whitehall Community Center, located at 11 N. Division; hours will be Friday 1 PM - 6 PM, Saturday 9 AM - 6 PM. and Sunday 9 AM - 3 PM. Admission is $4 for the weekend, children under 12 accompanied by an adult are free. The VFW and American Legion hold two annual gun shows per year, one in the spring and one in the...

  • Dear Jo: 2/9/2022

    Jo|Feb 9, 2022

    Dear Jo, I used to be one of those people who kept their house so clean. Like, really REALLY clean. Everything in its place, floors swept daily, etc. Now, I can put up with a mess until I realize someone else is going to see it. Then, it’s like a light goes on in my head, I realize how bad it looks, and I wonder what the HECK I have been doing! What is going on?! How can I motivate myself to get back to my old self? I WANT to do better. I love when my house is all clean, but I feel unmotivated. UGH! Signed, Dusty Dear Dusty, Girl, the only t...

  • Snowpack Percentages Drop Slightly in Most Montana River Basins Since January 1

    ERIC LARSON, NRCS Hydrologist|Feb 9, 2022

    On the heels of a December which brought exceptional moisture to the Treasure State, January largely lacked needed precipitation. Monthly Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) SNOTEL site totals across Montana show that January precipitation was below to near normal. “The first week of the month looked promising. The mountains received at least one to two feet of snow, but westerly flow brought high pressure during the last three weeks in January,” said NRCS Hydrologist Eric Larson. This made for clear skies, warmer than normal tem...

  • Woman Charged with Vehicular Homicide After August Domestic Dispute Turns Deadly

    ELIZABETH PULLMAN, Whitehall Ledger|Feb 9, 2022

    Trinity M. Klein was charged in December with vehicular homicide while under the influence, stemming from the death of Jakob Allen Washburn in mid-August. Klein is currently 19, Washburn was 24 at the time of his death. The crime reportedly occurred during a domestic dispute between the two. Klein has been described as Washburn’s girlfriend at the time. Court records show deputies and ambulance services responded on August 15 around 8 PM to reports of a motor vehicle crash on First Street in Whitehall. Upon arrival, deputies observed an i...

  • Connecting Point: The Equalizer

    BILL LANES|Feb 9, 2022

    Most of us assume our decisions are mostly based on wisdom rather than foolishness, right? We can be our best cheerleader, maybe even pat ourselves on the back. In our search for wisdom, it is imperative that we too evaluate our lives often, and look to God and His Word for wisdom. Proverbs 13:20 implores us: “Walk with the wise and become wise, for a companion of fools suffers harm.” If you think of a spectrum line with “Fool” on the left and “Wise” on the right, we probably put ourselves somewhere in the middle, probably more toward wisdom. N...

  • Ernest M. Smith, 85

    Feb 9, 2022

    Ernest M. Smith passed away at his home in Whitehall, MT of natural causes. He was born to John Charles and Erma Smith of Butte, Montana. He grew up in Butte and attended Butte High School. His mother always took Ernest, his brother Jim Smith, his childhood friend Leo Belanger, and anyone else they could fit in the Jeep to German Gulch where he said he had great memories as a child. To earn money at a young age, he had a paper route to help support his mother. He later married Delone E. (Huber)... Full story

  • Robert Lee Bowman, Sr., 82

    Feb 9, 2022

    Robert was a loving husband, father, grandfather, and friend. He is survived by his wife Alice M. Bowman, children Tambra L. Fike (Bill), Robert L. Bowman Jr. (Irma), and Sidney J. Bowman (Tamara), preceding in death: Anetta R. Hall (September 18, 1960 - September 19, 2016) (Dave). Robert has twenty grandkids and eighteen great-grandkids. Dad, you will be missed by family and brothers and sisters in Christ who had the opportunity to be a part of your life. One day we all will meet again and... Full story

  • Shelly Kaye Shaw, 61

    Feb 9, 2022

    On February 1, 2022, Shelly Kaye Shaw was called home. She reunited with her mother and father, Loren and Cena Shaw, and her brother, Bobby Shaw. Shelly was born in Whitehall on August 12, 1960, joining six other siblings. She leaves behind three brothers, Allen and his wife JoAnn, Garland and his wife Linda, Dennis and his wife Jean; two sisters, Sherry and her husband Larry, and Sandy and her husband Bob; and sister-in-law, Raye Shaw. She leaves nieces and nephews also. Shelly graduated from... Full story

  • Between the Stacks: 2/9/2022

    JEANNIE FERRISS, Whitehall Community Library|Feb 9, 2022

    The Whitehall Community Library will be hosting a special session of Youth Mental Health First Aid on March 19th from 8 AM to 5 PM. The trainers from Helena will be here to help anyone who works with youth or young people to understand mental health issues and how to help. The program is free and open to the public. We just ask that anyone interested in attending call or drop by the library so we have an accurate count for supplies. The library’s number is 287-3763. This training is part of a series of mental health first aid programs, and w...

  • Ledger Looking Back 25 Years: February 6, 1997

    RITA BROWN, Whitehall Ledger|Feb 9, 2022

    February 6, 1997 The search for a new school superintendent continues as Bill Barringer, current Whitehall school superintendent, is retiring after 11 years. The top three characteristics Whitehall residents want in the new superintendent are leadership, a belief in good student discipline practices, and the capability of good professional judgment when applying school policies. The Board will review applications and is expected to make a final decision in the spring with the new superintendent beginning on July 1. Sherry and John C. Cargill...

  • Reach Higher Montana Launches Annual Design-A-Sticker, Win-A-Scholarship Competition

    CULLEN GILBREATH, Reach Higher Montana|Feb 9, 2022

    Every year Reach Higher Montana holds a competition to allow students to use their creative side to win scholarship dollars. The competition asks students to design a sticker that helps pass along the message to fellow students to find their path after high school. The top two designers will each receive a $1,500 scholarship. The third and fourth place designers will each receive a $1,000 scholarship. The fifth and sixth place designers will each receive a $500 scholarship. This year we have added a Judges Choice Award, the winner will receive...

  • Access to Higher Education Expanded Through WGU Partnership

    DR TONYA DRAKE, Regional Vice President WGU Northwest Region|Feb 9, 2022

    Montanans, your options to pursue a dream college degree just got better. Following a memorandum of understanding recently signed by Governor Greg Gianforte, the state is investing in a more robust partnership with Western Governors University to expand access to affordable online degree programs. In fact, completing your degree online—at a pace that suits your schedule and the real-world needs of your current life—could lead to a better and more satisfying job. And life. All without leaving your home. Or hometown. We know the desire to gra...

  • Creating Fiction From History: 2/9/2022


    Newsflash! The Archduke of Austria had not been kidnapped he had been outright killed. Assassinated! Both the Archduke and his wife Sophie were shot and killed as they traveled through the streets of Sarajevo on the 28th of June, 1914. The Winchesters, as soon as they heard the first inklings of trouble brewing in Europe, had begun to religiously listen to the news programs every night. Even though they received some headlines via The Luxembourg, more often than not, they had already heard the...

  • Trojans Place Fifth as Team at Divisionals, Will Take Six Wrestlers to State

    STEVE SACRY, Whitehall Trojan Wrestling Coach|Feb 9, 2022

    The Whitehall Trojan Wrestling team traveled to the Butte Civic Center February 4-5 for the Class B/C Western Divisionals. This tournament consisted of the 24 class B and C wrestling teams in the western half of the state. With 223 wrestlers competing, this was the largest class B/C tournament in the state this year. Whitehall entered 12 wrestlers and placed 5th as a team. The final results had Boulder at first place with 204 points, Cut Bank (199), Eureka (123), Superior ( 122), and Whitehall...

  • Shasta Spencer Awarded National Child Development Associate Credential

    Feb 9, 2022

    Shasta Spencer of Kristi’s Kiddie Korner has been awarded a national Child Development Associate® (CDA) Credential™ from the Council of Professional Recognition in Washington, DC in recognition of outstanding work with young children and families. The Council recognizes and credentials early childhood education professionals who demonstrate an understanding of how the Council’s nationally recognized CDA® Competency Standards can help teachers support young children’s early care and learning experiences. “The CDA is the leading pathway for...

  • PTSA February 2022

    Feb 9, 2022

    During the February Whitehall PTSA meeting, held on February 4 in the Elementary Library, President Courtney Raty recapped the January events which PTSA sponsored and detailed upcoming February events. • The 4th/5th-grade cross-country skiing trips were a hit. • Montana Shakespeare in the Park will be bringing the Montana “Shakes” workshop to the elementary school on February 17, with a performance of Bottom’s Dream. • The PTSA will be auctioning off a BBQ, camping, and Italian baskets soon as a fundraising event. • Students are currently wor...

  • Pool Shark Report: Week of 2/3/2022

    DOROTHY GRIFFITH, Whitehall Pool League|Feb 9, 2022

    Week of 2/3/2022 TEAM Mint #2: 14 wins, 3 losses KBar #1: 11 wins, 6 losses MEN Dwayne McClanahan: 4 wins, no losses Rick Kelley: 4 wins, no losses WOMEN Shawna Amidon: 2 wins, 2 losses Leslie Dyson: 2 wins, 2 losses...

  • Whitehall High Senior Night - Basketball/Cheerleading

    Feb 9, 2022

  • Extension Office: What Are Your Rights Over Your Remains?

    KALEENAMILLER and MARSHA GOETTING, MSU Extension|Feb 9, 2022

    This is the second in a series of 2022 articles focusing on estate and legacy planning. Authors are Kaleena Miller, MSU Extension Madison-Jefferson County Agent, and Marsha Goetting, MSU Extension Family Economics Specialist, During a holiday dinner, Margaret announced to her four children she wanted to be cremated and her ashes scatted in Yellowstone National Park because of all the time she and her husband spent there hiking. After Margaret’s death her daughter wanted to follow mom’s wis...

  • Landowners: March 15 Deadline for FWP Public Access to Public Lands Programs

    Feb 9, 2022

    Landowners have until March 15 to submit applications to Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks for enrollment in the Unlocking Public Lands (UPL) Program or the Public Access Land Agreement (PALA) Program. These programs are designed to provide recreational public access to state (Montana Department of Natural Resources and Conservation) or federal (Bureau of Land Management or United States Forest Service) land where no or limited legal public access currently exists. For enrollment in UPL, landowners will receive a tax credit in the amount of $750 p...

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