Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

Articles from the January 29, 2025 edition

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 25 of 28

  • Whitehall Teens Bring Home Top Awards From State Thespian Festival

    ELIZABETH PULLMAN, Whitehall Ledger|Jan 29, 2025

    Whitehall High School's Drama Club attended the 2025 Montana Thespian Festival in Missoula January 23-25, presenting I Don't Want to Talk About It on Thursday, January 24th, to an audience of over 500 of their peers and fellow actors. While Whitehall School's principal and superintendent have said the play is inappropriate content for Whitehall, the one-act play found solid footing in Missoula. Met with a standing ovation following their performance, the group brought home two top awards.... Full story

  • Tickets Available for FFA Boots & Bling Ball

    Jan 29, 2025

    Are you ready to get your boot-scooting going? Don't miss the Whitehall FFA Alumni and Supporters' first fundraiser, the Boots & Bling Ball! This western dance is scheduled for Saturday, February 8th, at the Whitehall Community Center, with a $ 5/per-person dance class being held on Friday, February 7th, to help you refresh your line dancing and swing steps! There will be dance contests, food, non-alcoholic drinks, silent auctions, 50/50, and much more. Tickets for the Boots & Bling Ball are...

  • Council Holds Brief January Catch-Up Meeting

    ELIZABETH PULLMAN, Whitehall LEdger|Jan 29, 2025

    The Whitehall Town Council held a quick catch-up meeting on Monday, January 27th, after they did not have a quorum during their regularly scheduled monthly meeting for January (which was also moved to a day later due to Martin Luther King Jr. Day.) A business license was approved for Highway 55 Auto & Truck Repair, though StarrBuds' request for a cannabis dispensary business license was tabled, as a variance from the required 500 feet from a public building will need to be submitted. The proposed location (13 E. Legion) is roughly 80 feet...

  • Whitehall Physical Therapy: Bringing Telehealth Services to Community

    JENELLE WHITE DPT|Jan 29, 2025

    As we continue to navigate the post-pandemic world, healthcare innovations have emerged to meet the evolving needs of our communities. Among these, telehealth services have stood out as a pivotal advancement, offering efficient and accessible treatment options. Intermountain Health Whitehall Clinic - Physical Therapy is proud to announce the introduction of telehealth appointments, improving how we deliver care to our patients. Telehealth uses available technologies to allow patients to connect virtually with their healthcare providers,...

  • Op-Ed: Montana's Property Taxes Are Out of Control

    Representatives BERTOGLIO and DARLING and WALSH|Jan 29, 2025

    Montana’s property taxes are out of control. That’s why our top priority this session is passing permanent property tax relief for Montanans. And we’re not alone: Governor Gianforte signaled that property tax reform is at the top of his to-do list this session in his recent State of the State address. While we all agree on the need for property tax reform, debate this session will be over how to offer Montanans real, permanent relief on their property tax bills. Here are some solutions-oriented policy proposals that would provide immediate, per...

  • Op-Ed: New Bill Will Lower Property Taxes, Stop Local Budget Inflation


    Property taxes in Montana are an incredibly complex issue, but that isn’t stopping Senate Republicans from working hard to reform them this legislative session. On January 22, the Senate Tax Committee heard SB 117, a bill I’m sponsoring that reforms how local governments in Montana calculate their budgets. The legislation provides a long-term solution to level out budget growth and ease the property tax burden on Montana residents and businesses. The formula that local governments use to determine their budgets is based on taxable pro...

  • Thought Provokers: 1/29/2025

    Jan 29, 2025

    Proper communication skills are a very fuzzy area between ghosting and harassment. Your bite force is stronger when you’re upside down. You can increase the popularity of your first name by breaking up with a singer. DiGiorno is also delivery now thanks to Uber. Life as a baby must be terrifying. Weird giants feed you, clean you, pick you up, and put you down as they please. They hold you in pens. They strap you in and take you to places for no clear reason. They could easily hurt you but usually don’t, yet you don’t know what’s even happeni...

  • Between the Stacks: 1/29/2025

    JEANNIE FERRISS, Whitehall Community Library|Jan 29, 2025

    Whitehall Community Library patrons may have noticed the construction in the library this last week; Ron Jung and friends are building an office for Miss Brandi and myself to put all of our projects, computers, paperwork, and other supplies in. This will allow us privacy in online training sessions when talking to patrons and in meetings. The rest of the staff is thrilled to have the desk space open for their book processing, reserves, craft projects, and donation sorting. Teresa Young will...

  • Ledger Looking Back 25 Years : 1/26/2000

    BROOKLYNN LANES, Whitehall Ledger|Jan 29, 2025

    JANUARY 26, 2000 Every Tuesday evening for six weeks, a group of about two dozen Whitehall area residents gather in the high school commons to jitterbug, two-step, and even do a little ten-count shuffle. "You see couples who've been married for 20 years and realize they're almost flirting with each other. And they laugh because that's what they're doing. It's kind of neat." WHS Creative Leader of the Week: Lance Briggs. He was nominated by drama director Larry Brazill. He is the son of Dean and...

  • Garden Club First Meeting of 2025 on February 5th

    LAURA HORN, Whitehall Garden Club|Jan 29, 2025

    The Whitehall Garden Club will hold its first monthly meeting of the 2025 year on Wednesday, February 5th. The public is welcome to join us in the Borden’s Conference Room, located at 103 W. Legion Avenue beginning at 9:30 AM. Come to socialize and enjoy refreshments provided by our hostesses Janet Finney and Karen Ranta. Our business meeting will kick off at 10 AM. We have a special guest this month, Ms. Kara Osborne of Liberty Place, will also join us. Our program for the month will begin at approximately 11 AM, on “Garden Hacks, Tips, and...

  • Whitehall Rotary Club Ends Can Recycling Program

    ARLENE WEBER, Whitehall Rotary Club|Jan 29, 2025

    For many years the Whitehall Rotary Club has been collecting aluminum cans at the local dump site and at Jefferson Fresh Foods, with the money received from recycling funding local service projects. Club members have decided to drop this program and develop a new fundraising/service project option, which will be announced soon. The Rotary Club greatly appreciates the several tons of aluminum cans collected and donated by Whitehall residents and businesses over the years. If any other...

  • Pool Shark Report: Week of 1/23/2025

    LESLIE DYSON, Whitehall Pool League|Jan 29, 2025

    WEEK OF 1/23/2025 TEAM Mint #1: 12 wins, 5 losses Mint #2: 12 wins, 5 losses Two Bit #2: 12 wins, 5 losses Mint #4: 10 wins, 7 losses MEN 4 wins, 0 losses: Ken Breining, Rick Kelley, Todd Choquette, Camden Sacry 3 wins, 1 loss: Brian Hartford, Dwayne McClanahan, Chuckie Dirkson, Michael Clark, Mike Wall, Caleb Powers WOMEN 3 wins, 1 loss: Shawna Amidon 2 wins, 2 losses: Elena Wagner, Jeanette Bird...

  • BINGO! For 4 Paws

    Jan 29, 2025

    The Whitehall Chamber's quarterly BINGO fundraiser, under the direction of Raven Hrysenko, was attended by over 50 BINGO enthusiasts and raised $836 for the Cardwell-based non-profit. A chili and cornbread meal was offered as well. Thank you to everyone who donated prize items for BINGO, as well as Dana Brunet, who prepared the meal, and Raven, who organized the event....

  • Pauline Alvarez Gless, 86

    Jan 29, 2025

    In the early morning hours of Sunday, January 19, 2025, Pauline A Gless lost her battle with cancer--Multiple Myeloma-and a vicious bout of shingles. Her faith, family, and homestead/land were paramount to Pauline. She was graciously allowed to die at her home with her dear family--reciting the Lord's Prayer; by her side, her daughter Lisa, her son-in-law Darrell, and her sister Petra. Family and Faith were everything to Pauline. She was born in 1938 and raised in her great-grandparent's log... Full story

  • Rolland Greggar Amundson, 96

    Jan 29, 2025

    Rolland Greggar Amundson, 96, passed away peacefully on January 20, 2025 in Helena, Montana. Rolland was born on November 17, 1928 to Cora Christensen and Ferdinand Amundson in Minneota, Minnesota. Rolland enlisted in the United States Navy in 1945 and served 24 honorable years. Rolland was passionate about motorcycles, firearms, and common-sense living. After retiring from the Navy he became active in motorcross and flat track racing. Rolland also was an incredible marksman and gun enthusiast,... Full story

  • Raylene Clara Floyd, 89

    Jan 29, 2025

    Our beloved mother, grandmother, great-grandmother, great-great-grandmother, and sister, Raylene Clara Floyd, 89, of Cheney, Washington, returned to meet her Savior Jesus Christ on January 23, 2025. Born exactly 89 years earlier on January 23, 1936, in Missoula, Montana, Raylene was the daughter of Gail Rodney Zimmerman and Anne Elizabeth (Capp) Zimmerman. She moved to Cheney in 1976, having previously lived in Montana, Colorado, and Alaska, as well as in Ellensburg, Wenatchee, and Walla Walla... Full story

  • Hey, Utah: Americans Love Our Public Lands

    AARON WEISS, Writers on the Range|Jan 29, 2025

    If the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over while hoping in vain for different results, then Utah's leaders surely need to talk to a mental health professional. Recently, the U.S. Supreme Court summarily dismissed Utah's land-grab lawsuit, which had gained the support of 12 states. It was the latest in a string of unsuccessful attempts to wrest control of public lands from the American people. Why Utah persists in its quest to privatize its priceless public land assets...

  • Casting for Recovery: Applications for SW MT Retreat Open

    Jan 29, 2025

  • New Analyses find Montana's Current Medicaid Program a Critical Source of Coverage

    MELINDA BUCHHEIT, Montana Healthcare Foundation|Jan 29, 2025

    The Montana Healthcare Foundation released three new reports analyzing Montana Medicaid. The reports found that the HELP Act – or “Medicaid expansion” – continues to expand healthcare access, improve health outcomes, and control healthcare costs. New findings from “2025 Medicaid in Montana” show that in addition to the program’s benefits for the health of enrollees and the state’s economy, Medicaid expansion has had a substantial impact on the healthcare system, particularly in rural areas. Specifically, reimbursement from Medicaid expans...

  • Tech Questions? Get the Answers: 1/29/2025

    TIM SCHOBER, White Hat Tech Solutions|Jan 29, 2025

    Protecting Your Data: Best Practices for Cybersecurity In today's digital world, our personal and financial information is more vulnerable than ever. Cybercriminals are constantly finding new ways to exploit weaknesses, making it crucial for everyone to prioritize cybersecurity. The good news? You don't need to be a tech expert to protect yourself. Here are some simple, effective tips to keep your data safe online. Use Strong Passwords and a Password Manager. Weak passwords are like leaving...

  • Unclaimed Property Day is Back, Returning Money to Montanans

    State of Montana|Jan 29, 2025

    The State of Montana is currently holding approximately $148 million dollars in unclaimed or abandoned property that belongs to state citizens. “That $148 million dollars is real money that belongs to Montanans. It could be you, your family, your friends, or your neighbors. We want to get that money back to our citizens and one way to do that is to search on or which is a national database,” said Brendan Beatty, Director of the Montana Department of Revenue. Nearly 33 million people in the United States – 1 in ev...

  • Conversations Begin on Government Use of AI at Montana Legislature

    CLAYTON MURPHY, UM Legislative News Service|Jan 29, 2025

    Worries about the malicious use of AI in government work have sparked the drafting of two bills at the Montana Legislature that aim to limit its use and promote transparency, but both quickly drew criticism for their broadness. House Bill 178, carried by Rep. Braxton Mitchell, R-Columbia Falls, would prohibit the use of AI in surveillance and facial recognition unless used to identify a missing person, a suspect in a serious crime or to identify corpses. HB 178 also requires that the use of AI in anything the government publishes be disclosed....

  • Republican "Homestead Act," Two Flagship Democrat Tax Relief Bills Begin Hearings in Montana House

    CLAYTON MURPHY, UM Legislative News Service|Jan 29, 2025

    Lawmakers heard first testimony last week on major property tax bills from both sides of the aisle – the Republican-backed “Homestead Act” touted by Gov. Greg Gianforte proposes wide-spread cuts, and two Democrat-backed bills target relief on lower-income households. Rep. Jonathan Karlen, D-Missoula, introduced House Bill 154 on Tuesday, Jan. 21, warning a panel of legislators that residents are being priced out of their communities. The bill aims to make property tax more affordable to low-income taxpayers through a tax credit. House Bill...

  • She Did All She Could for Her Son: Now She's Testifying for Medicaid Expansion In Hopes Other Lives Can be Saved

    EMMA WHITE, UM Legislative News Service|Jan 29, 2025

    There is an empty space in Diana Burd’s life where her son used to be. She sees him in the plants he gave her, the movies they watched, the trips they had yet to take. She couldn’t understand how he was feeling until he was gone. Looking back, Burd said the signs were there. Her son told his brother to leave his stuff alone. But, he also told his brother that when he was gone, everything he owned would be his. “I remember, I was like, ‘Oh, Wyatt,’” Diana said. “And he said, ‘No, Mom, everything that I own is Thunder’s.” Wyatt Madplume took his...

  • RECIPE OF THE WEEK: Herb Ravioli

    Jan 29, 2025

    Pasta is enjoyed across the globe. Whether it's the main course of a meal or served up as a side dish, pasta will seemingly always have a place on the dinner table. Pasta may not be the first thing people think of when pondering comfort food, but certain dishes, including ravioli, certainly meet the comfort food criteria. Such is the case with this recipe for Herb Ravioli courtesy of Lines+Angles. INGREDIENTS FOR THE DOUGH 14 ounces flour; for pasta 2 egg yolks 2 eggs 1 pinch salt 1 Tablespoon...

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