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Around 12:40 p.m. on Monday, January 25th a vehicle accidentally rammed through the center beam of the awning and high centered on a boulder before pummeling the front steel door of Whitehall Drug. Thankfully no one was seriously injured. Employees said it sounded like a bomb went off inside the building and that they were so glad no one was near the door when the car pushed through. Whitehall resident Donna Weldon, who was in the building at the time and made a last minute purchase decision -...
The Whitehall Trojan Wrestling Team continues to improve with wins this week over Dillon, Butte JV, Columbus, Jefferson, Red lodge and Columbus, again. This advances the teams dual record this year to 14-0. This week’s events started with a trip to Dillon. Whitehall upended their host 43-30. Wins for the Trojans included Isaac Skogen (for.), Dawson Powers over T. Holland (6-2), Trentin Walker (for.), Dallen Hoover over Tate Hanson (14-0), Miles Hoerauf over Tanner Mussard (pin 1:35), Kyle D...
The Lady Trojans put up two big nights of action this past weekend with home games against Jefferson High (Boulder) on Friday night and Anaconda on Saturday night. Final score on Friday against Boulder was 71-58; Saturday night 64-54, handing Anaconda their first loss of the season. Both nights were powered by Brynna Wolfe (#24) and Jada Clarkson (#3). "When Jada and Brynna are equally agressive in the game there is no stopping them," Coach Mecklin Davis told the Ledger. "Both games showed...
As soon as you walk into Wagner's Playhouse daycare you can tell it is a happy place. The kids are all smiling, playing games, and the older kids are fixing up a nutritious snack. Even when little Lizzie, one of the younger children who is experiencing her first two days at the daycare, starts crying another little girl is right there consoling her and diverting her attention to something fun. Tears are short lived; however, the fun at Wagner's Playhouse isn't. Opened August 24, 2020 in the...
We all joke about what we need or want in life. Gosh, I’d love to win a million dollars! Dang, I wish I could see The Beatles play live just one time! Man, I wish I had paid attention more in school when I was young! Me? I NEED more time in a day. I WANT more time in a day. That’s all. If anyone can figure out how to do that for me, I’ll pay you a VERY pretty penny. Since taking over the newspaper January 1st, I have also been working my previous fulltime job. Before the paper I worked as a Project Manager for a very busy HVAC manuf...
Dear Editor, Do you hunt with out of state family and friends? Do you hunt private lands without an outfitter or guide? Have you been applying for a Missouri River Breaks or Elkhorns bull tag for every single year? If so, you better pay attention. SB 143, sponsored by Sen. Jason Ellsworth, R-Hamilton, would turn the vast majority of non-resident big game licenses offered in Montana to “outfitter sponsored” tags favoring hunters with money who use outfitters. It would also create landowner licenses, and require that one quarter of special per...
Bob Casagrande was born and raised in Montana. He was raised on his grandparents ranch (The Salvagni Ranch) and was there every summer. He officially took roots in Whitehall in 1969, which was the same year he graduated from the University of Montana Western, married, and signed on to a teaching position in Butte, Montana. His degree from Western was in Elementary Education and started his work in Butte with intermediate classes. He was a popular teacher teaching 5th grade for most of his...
Jefferson County Health Department is following the state of Montana COVID-19 Vaccination Distribution Plan. The State is providing vaccines according to their phased plan. We are actively moving from Phase 1A into Phase 1B. Currently, clinics are being held at the Public Health Department in Boulder. Due to uncertainty around vaccine quantity, we have not yet set dates for off-site clinics. Vaccines are offered at no cost to residents. St. Peter’s Health is offering COVID-19 vaccines to patients who are actively receiving primary care s...
Whitehall's self-appointed town mayor, local historian, face of the VFW, the Grinch in the town of Whoville, the beloved town grump; William "Bill" Lee Carhuff III passed away on Thursday, January 14, 2021 in Missoula, Montana. If you knew Bill you knew his three boys, though we are pretty sure you all know those boys in your own way. Bill had his own unique advice, facts and saying he loved to share with all those who listened, though the boys will always say "dad doesn't want us lilydicking...
Joseph "Joe" Wucetich, 80, of Oakes, ND passed away at his home on January 22, 2021. Joe was born on January 21, 1941 in Whitehall, MT to Thomas and Lilly (Klasna) Wucetich. He attended school in Whitehall and graduated from Whitehall High School where he was a standout athlete in football, basketball and track. He went on to college in Bozeman, MT where he continued to play football for 2 years. Joe took a job with the Bureau of Reclamation, which took him to numerous parts of the country. Whil...
January 1921, Part 2 The "Our Town" articles will have an extra bonus this year. The first couple of paragraphs will be taken from an 1895 edition of the Jefferson Valley Zephyr and will be as written in that edition. The 100 years ago news is rewritten from notes made by Roy Milligan, Sr. when he reviewed decades of the Jefferson Valley News newspapers. From the January 18, 1895 Zephyr: CHICKEN THIEF – Will Hurlburt, on the Noble ranch south of town, had a fine flock of chickens-about 60 or 7...
JANUARY 25, 1996 A semi-tractor trailer accident at the Whitehall I-90 interchange Saturday around noon sent three people to the hospital by ambulance. According to Highway Patrol Officer Nancy Antonioli, “We were very lucky we didn’t have any fatalities.” Driver Carmen Mittleider from Tappen, N.D., apparently fell asleep at the wheel of the empty cattle-hauler westbound on I-90. After drifting off the right side of the road into the triangle of ground between the exit and the interstate, Mittleider over-corrected, crossed both westbound inter...