Sorted by date Results 151 - 164 of 164
The Love INC of the Greater Whitehall area event scheduled for February 15 has been postponed to a later date. The date of the event will be published in an upcoming issue of the Whitehall Ledger....
NorthWestern Energy announced Monday that it has scheduled an approximate two-hour-long power outage for the entire town of Whitehall beginning at 2 a.m., on Thursday, September 1. The outage will allow company line crews to safely perform local substation work. This work is necessary to deliver reliable service to Whitehall area customers and to avoid longer outages in the future. NorthWestern Energy apologizes for any inconvenience this planned outage may cause. For any questions or concerns, please call the Customer Contact Center at (888)...
It was a great time for a great cause last weekend at the Whitehall baseball fields. Whitehall's Second Annual Charity Softball Co-Ed Tournament took place both Saturday and Sunday, and once again helped out with a worthwhile cause. According to tournament director Mikel Kelley, the tournament had double the amount of teams from last year. The 2016 tournament featured teams from Ennis, Sheridan, Three Forks, Whitehall and Butte (two teams). Kelley said Saturday at the tournament that it was the...
Next Wednesday August 31, the Montana Shakespeare in the Park program will return to Whitehall. A performance of "Richard III" will take place at 6 p.m. at 206 Yellowstone Road. The Whitehall performance is one of 61 scheduled this summer in Montana, Wyoming, Idaho, North Dakota and Washington. The company features 10 professional actors selected from national auditions who tour without technical assistance to bring live theater to mostly rural communities. This summer, 66 percent of the communi...
The Jefferson County Fair and Rodeo, "A Fair of the Heart," kicks off this Thursday, August 25, in Boulder. The fair and rodeo runs Thursday through Sunday, August 28, at the Jefferson County Recreation Park one-half mile south of Boulder. Mike Korn presents "Keeping the West Wild: 149 years of conservation in Montana" at 6:30 pm, Thursday, August 25. His talk spans the time when fish were dynamited and deer and elk were sparse, to current times with damage hunts necessary to manage elk in the B...
It's only a few days away from the opening match of the season for the Whitehall High School volleyball team. The Lady Trojans will open the season Saturday, August 27 at the Manhattan Quad. Action is set to begin at 9 a.m. Whitehall will open the season under the direction of a new head coach. Lauren McDonald will take over for Kristen Wirth who was the head coaching during the 2015 season. The Lady Trojans will have one more road game, September 1 against Townsend, before opening their first...
The Whitehall Rotary Club is inviting Whitehall area people to attend a short seminar on Fraud and Scams in Montana on the evening of August 29, at the Methodist Church Fellowship Hall, 102 North Brooke. The session is scheduled for 6:30 to 8:00 p.m. The featured speaker will be Tim Summers, State AARP Director for Montana. Fraud and scams may target the older population; but, no one is immune to the calls, e-mails, and printed mail offer, threats, and other out-right lies that scammers use to get ahold of your money. From an AARP blog, Sid...
Sixty Whitehall children in grades K-5 participated in Whitehall Elementary School's Summer Program which was in session three days a week from June 24 to August 4. The program, funded through the 21st Century Community Learning Center Grant, was more than an extension of the school year. Although academics were the main focus of the morning hours, enrichment activities filled the afternoons. Sun art, tie dying, cooking, Lego building, and a variety of STEM activities are just a few of the many...
with the help of her sister Hope made her first debut Friday & Saturday August 12 and 13th at the main head frame stage in Butte, MT. Ms. Hope has been Irish dancing since she was 3 years old, 6 years, and now sister Ceili is following her big sister's footsteps in Irish Dance. Their teacher is Mrs. Cindy Powers, who is passing the torch to her daughter Kerri. Both of these child loving ladies are school teachers in Butte for their day job and teach over 100 children to dance after school; with...
Calling parents and grandparents! Time to get your kids' exhibits ready for "A Fair of the Heart", the Jefferson County Fair, August 25-28, at the Jefferson County Recreation Park one-half mile south of Boulder. A ribbon is guaranteed to all exhibits and there are cash prizes for purple, heart and best in show ribbons. Fair events and contests for children include: • Chickens, photography, crafts, foods, sewing: you name it, we have a category for it or we will make one up. See the fair book f...
Consistent high water temperatures and low stream flows have prompted Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks to close the entire Jefferson River to all fishing. The announcement was made Monday afternoon. Regional Fisheries Manager Travis Horton warns water levels are so critically low that restrictions may remain in place for weeks or even longer. “What has us so concerned right now is the lack of water. It’s all about water when it comes to sustaining healthy fish populations. Even if the temperatures drop for a while, we still need to wait for flo...
The 2016 Bill Baycroft Memorial Rod Run had a record number of entrees with 91 who signed up for the popular Frontier Day's event. The Peoples Choice Award went to Duane Schmidt of Three Forks for his 2015 Dodge Hellcat. The first place finisher was Frank Padrotti of Butte for his 1940 Willys Coop. Tom Taylor of Butte finished second with his 1932 Ford 3 Window Coop. Bob Johnson of Butte finished third with his 1954 Chevy Bel Air. Jim Ayres of Butte was fourth with his 1936 Chevy Truck. The fift...
Each year, The Frontier Days Parade honors an individual who exemplifies service to the community. The Grand Marshal is nominated by The Whitehall Chamber Frontier Days Committee and is recognized on parade day. Arlene Weber graciously accepted the nomination this year, and we are proud to announce her as our honoree. Arlene was born at the St. James Hospital in Butte and has lived in Whitehall for 61 years. Her grandparents moved to the valley in 1911 and homesteaded on the Parrot Bench next to the John May homestead. Charles Weber,...
The Lewis and Clark Caverns will be hosting their second of three "Music Days" this summer July 24 starting at 10 a.m. The will be musicians from around Southwest Montana playing a variety of styles and songs. It will be at the campground pavilion. The scheduled performances will run from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. The public is invited to participate in a jam session starting at 6 p.m. Visit the festival for a chance to take in the beautiful scenery of the state park. Come for an hour or so, or bring a...