Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

Articles written by Rita Brown

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 25 of 140

  • Ledger Looking Back 25 Years: 12/22/1999 and 12/29/1999

    RITA BROWN, Whitehall Ledger|Jan 1, 2025

    DECEMBER 22, 1999 The Whitehall American Legion conducted its first fundraising event from December 4-17, 1999. The raffle was a great success. The American Legion has many programs available, many of which are designed for young people. Whitehall High School Student of the Week was senior Stephanie Nix for her outstanding work habits and good attitude in geometry. Stephanie was nominated by teacher Bruce Bell and is the daughter of Patty and Mark Nix. She has plans to continue working and attend college later and enjoys being with her...

  • Ledger Looking Back 25 Years: 12/15/1999

    RITA BROWN, Whitehall Ledger|Dec 18, 2024

    The Whitehall Town Council gave final approval to the trailer park and trailer home ordinance during the final council meeting of the millennium on December 13. Still, it delayed action on a community decay ordinance after Whitehall Town Attorney Jack Morris suggested the town lacks legal authority to enact such an ordinance. The Whitehall Senior Citizens Center has formed a Transportation Advisory Committee (TAC) for the purpose of providing transportation services within the community. Service...

  • Ledger Looking Back 25 Years: 12/08/1999

    RITA BROWN, Whitehall Ledger|Dec 11, 2024

    December 8, 1999 Grant Godbolt, a Forest Service District Ranger in Whitehall for nine years, will be moving to a new job within the Forest Service, interim Beaverhead-Deerlodge National Forest supervisor Larry Timchak said. Godbolt, who has served as the Jefferson District Ranger on the Beaverhead-Deerlodge National Forest since October 1990, confirmed he is looking elsewhere for employment within the Forest Service. The Whitehall School Board, at its regular monthly meeting on Wednesday,...

  • Ledger Looking Back 25 Years: 12/1/1999

    RITA BROWN, Whitehall Ledger|Dec 4, 2024

    DECEMBER 1, 1999 The annual Whitehall Christmas Stroll festivities were set for Friday, Dec. 3, and several special Stroll events were planned for participants and shoppers. The Stroll, sponsored by the Whitehall Chamber of Commerce and made possible by the volunteer work of Chamber members, town merchants, and others, officially kicks off the commercial holiday season in Whitehall. The newly formed American Legion Post No. 132 members in Whitehall held their first meeting. Richard A. Shepard...

  • Ledger Looking Back 25 Years: 11/24/1999

    RITA BROWN, Whitehall Ledger|Nov 27, 2024

    NOVEMBER 24, 1999: Whitehall officially received recognition as a "certified city" under the Montana Certified Community Program, and the Whitehall Chamber of Commerce has the plaque to prove it. The Certified Community Project has been around for a decade and rewards communities and counties for local economic development efforts. With the recognition under the program comes the potential to obtain state grants and other funding to help with Chamber activities and economic development...

  • Ledger Looking Back 25 Years: 11/17/1999

    RITA BROWN, Whitehall Ledger|Nov 20, 2024

    NOVEMBER 17, 1999 Improvement in the appearance of Whitehall - a dominant theme of the Whitehall Town Council all year - was the major topic at the November 15 council meeting, with approval of the council to pursue passage of a Community Decay Ordinance. The Council also approved (by a 3-2 margin) the first reading of a new Trailer Home Ordinance and a new Trailer Park Ordinance. The ordinances would create new safety, sanitary, and appearance standards for trailer homes and trailer parks. Whit...

  • Ledger Looking Back 25 Years: 11/10/1999

    RITA BROWN, Whitehall Ledger|Nov 13, 2024

    NOVEMBER 10, 1999 Lucy Holmes and Wally Madsen met with Golden Sunlight Mine and county Commissioners to pursue a location for the Jefferson Valley Presents production of an outdoor play commemorating the bicentennial of the Lewis & Clark Expedition. Whitehall High School Student of the Week was Mike Hockenberry for his "outstanding performance" in Algebra II for the first quarter. Mike, a junior, was nominated by math teacher Bill Herbolich. Mike is the son of Tim Hockenberry and Mary Brazill....

  • Ledger Looking Back 25 Years: 11/3/1999

    RITA BROWN, Whitehall Ledger|Nov 6, 2024

    NOVEMBER 3, 1999 The new millennium would usher in three new faces to the Whitehall Town Council, as challengers Dick Gustin and Terry Kelly and unopposed candidate Karen Choquette all won election to the council. The voting during the Nov. 2 council election was light, with only 221 voters - about 31 percent of the total 718 registered voters - turning out at the polls. Whitehall High School Student of the Week was Kenzie Cowling, a sophomore at Whitehall High School. Kenzie has a great...

  • Ledger Looking Back 25 Years: 10/27/1999

    RITA BROWN, Whitehall Ledger|Oct 30, 2024

    1/27/1999 Whitehall area residents will have an opportunity to learn more about - and comment on - a proposal to build a rest stop at the Whitehall/I-90 interchange at a public meeting on Thursday, Oct. 28. The lot on the northeast section of the interchange was a possible location for a rest area. Whitehall High School Student of the Week was freshman Anthony St. John, who was nominated by Vo. Math teacher Carole Cogdill said Tony works hard, has a positive attitude, and works weekly with...

  • Ledger Looking Back 25 Years: 10/20/1999

    RITA BROWN, Whitehall Ledger|Oct 23, 2024

    OCTOBER 20, 1999 Montana Lt. Governor and year 2000 gubernatorial candidate Judy Martz spent the afternoon of Friday, Oct. 15 in Whitehall, where she talked about the need for jobs and economic growth, visited with area residents interested in developing a tourist train between Whitehall and Twin Bridges and visited a couple local businesses. The dispute between Rockin' the Rockies promoters and Mark Lundberg of Montana Insurance Services of Whitehall has not only been resolved, it has been...

  • Ledger Looking Back 25 Years: 10/13/1999

    RITA BROWN, Whitehall Ledger|Oct 16, 2024

    October 13, 1999 The Whitehall School Board and area law enforcement agencies agreed at the October 6 school board meeting to form a crisis team jointly, a move designed to improve communication and enhance school safety. Two Whitehall businesses were burglarized on Saturday, October 9, one at noon while the business was open and one late at night while the business was closed. Whitehall Drug & Floral was burglarized close to noon on Saturday after two women distracted store workers. Both store...

  • Ledger Looking Back 25 Years: 9/29/1999

    RITA BROWN, Whitehall Ledger|Oct 2, 2024

    September 29, 1999 Rockin' the Rockies concert promoters are struggling to pay the remainder of their bills, and although the majority of bills have been paid, at least one financial dispute remains unsettled as concert promoters continue to sort through bills and the remainder of their credit card income. Eric Rasmusson, Rockin' the Rockies spokesperson, investor, and legal counsel, said all Rockin' employees had been paid, the concert site landowners have been paid, as have fire service...

  • Ledger Looking Back 25 Years: 9/22/2024

    RITA BROWN, Whitehall Ledger|Sep 25, 2024

    September 22, 1999 The Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) recently organized a tour of riparian-area restoration and management projects in the Belgrade and Whitehall areas to encourage healthier riparian zones. Cory and Diane Fitzgerald near Whitehall have a different management strategy. Along with managing cattle grazing on their riparian areas, they must also manage a large elk herd that has migrated to lower-elevation private ground due to recreational pressure in their...

  • Ledger Looking Back 25 Years: 9/15/1999

    RITA BROWN, Whitehall Ledger|Sep 18, 2024

    SEPTEMBER 15, 1999 The Mint Bar in Whitehall was burglarized again during the early morning hours of Thursday, September 16, just three days after burglars had robbed the business early on September 13th. Four young Whitehall pianists performed at Butte Plaza Mall on Saturday, September 11, as part of a Music Education Fair. Kristin Robbins, Janet Drake, Laura Dillon, and Anna Marx - students of Donna Weldon at Musical Moments Studio - all performed during the fair. Whitehall High School Student...

  • Ledger Looking Back 25 Years: 9/8/1999

    RITA BROWN, Whitehall Ledger|Sep 11, 2024

    9/08/1999 Another Whitehall business was burglarized over the Labor Day weekend - making three downtown business burglaries in just over a month - although police officials say the third burglary appears unrelated to the first two. The Mint Bar was burglarized sometime after the bar closed Sunday, Sept. 5, and before 9:30 AM on Monday, and Whitehall police and the bar manager both say the job looked like the work of experienced burglars. Two other businesses - Janlyn's Styling Salon and the Two...

  • Ledger Looking Back 25 Years: 9/1/1999

    RITA BROWN, Whitehall Ledger|Sep 4, 2024

    SEPTEMBER 1, 1999 The Whitehall legacy of John Jardine was strengthened last week when the Jardine estate gave a $50,000 donation to the Jefferson Valley Museum. Jardine, who lived in Whitehall from 1952 to 1992, operated a successful law practice, served as the town attorney, served briefly as a state legislator, and served on the Whitehall State Bank board of directors for 37 years, many of them as chairman. He perished at age 75 in December of 1997 when the small aircraft he was in collided...

  • Ledger Looking Back 25 Years: 8/25/1999

    RITA BROWN, Whitehall Ledger|Aug 28, 2024

    AUGUST 25, 1999 A cross-section of Whitehall community members met on Monday, August 23, to develop a list of education priorities to recommend to the Whitehall School Board, and the number one priority came as no surprise to school and community observers: drug and alcohol prevention. The 29 community members participating in the meeting were allowed to vote for three top priorities from a list of 18 possibilities. The top four recommended to the school board were: 1) drug and alcohol...

  • Ledger Looking Back 25 Years: 8/18/1999

    RITA BROWN|Aug 21, 2024

    AUGUST 18, 1999 The Whitehall Town Council approved the town budget for the year on August 9. The fiscal year 1999-2000 budget demonstrated clear priorities for serious street repair and law enforcement. Several new faces and building improvements would greet Whitehall school system students when they returned for the first day of school on Tuesday, August 24. New Whitehall High School principal Randy Cline and new elementary school principal Holliday Richardson would start their first school...

  • Ledger Looking Back 25 Years: 8/11/1999

    RITA BROWN, Whitehall Ledger|Aug 14, 2024

    AUGUST 11, 1999 The Rockin' the Rockies classic rock concert transformed a parcel of Jefferson Valley cow pasture into the largest town in Jefferson or Madison County and literally did it overnight. On Wednesday night, August 4, workers were still putting up the stage. By late Thursday night, hundreds of RVs and tents were up, and nearly 2,000 people were already encamped for the concert. Officials said Rockin' the Rockies drew over 6,000 people on Friday night for the Foreigner/Journey...

  • Ledger Looking Back 25 Years: 8/4/1999

    RITA BROWN, Whitehall Ledger|Aug 7, 2024

    August 4, 1999 MDT contracted with Camp Dresser & McKee (CDM), a construction engineering and consulting firm in Helena, to engineer and design the project to reconstruct Whitehall Street from the I-90 underpass to Legion Avenue. The project was .6 miles long and slated for total reconstruction starting in late summer of 2001. The project cost was estimated at $1.6 million, but it was cautioned that that was a ‘rough’ estimate based only on preliminary studies; it was needed for Whitehall Str...

  • Ledger Looking Back 25 Years: 7/28/1999

    RITA BROWN, Whitehall Ledger|Jul 31, 2024

    JULY 28, 1999 About 30 Whitehall residents took advantage of an opportunity on Thursday, July 22, to view two new Jefferson County promotional videos and learn more about the goals and accomplishments of the Jefferson Local Development Corporation (JLDC). The videos received their Whitehall premiere at the Jefferson County Extension Office meeting room, and people who attended the event departed with their copy of a video promoting Jefferson County as a tourist destination location....

  • Ledger Looking Back 25 Years: 7/21/1999

    RITA BROWN, Whitehall Ledger|Jul 24, 2024

    JULY 21, 1999 The Rockin' the Rockies classic rock concert got a unanimous green light from the Jefferson County commissioners on July 14. The concert site - located on private land about three miles east of Lewis & Clark Caverns State Park off Highway 2 - was a flurry of activity as concert promoters and workers prepared for the August 6-7-8 concert. Whitehall Reader of the Week was Gena Kraha, who reads "at least" one book a week. Gena, 14, likes historical fiction and murder mysteries and...

  • Ledger Looking Back 25 Years: 7/14/1999

    RITA BROWN, Whitehall Ledger|Jul 17, 2024

    JULY 14, 1999: The Whitehall Town Council voted to get tough on abandoned vehicles and get aggressive on paving Division Street during action at the regular monthly council meeting held July 12. The council approved a first reading of a new abandoned vehicle ordinance that prohibits abandoning vehicles or leaving wrecked or junked vehicles on Whitehall streets or in front yards or other "unoccupied space of a private residence opening in a yard or street." Wrecked vehicles may be stored in a...

  • Ledger Looking Back 25 Years: 7/7/1999

    RITA BROWN, Whitehall Ledger|Jul 3, 2024

    Johanna Gustavsen, a Whitehall resident since 1993, was hired as the town deputy clerk and started work in the town hall on June 29. Gustavsen, who brings 11 years of accounting experience to the job, was selected among eight candidates for the position. She replaced Valerie Anderson. Whitehall Reader of the Week was Michele Weldon. Michele, 21, will be attending MSU-Billings in the fall. Michele reads about 30 books annually and likes science fiction, fantasy, and historical fiction. She says...

  • Ledger Looking Back 25 Years: 6/30/1999

    RITA BROWN, Whitehall Ledger|Jun 26, 2024

    JUNE 30, 1999 The Rockin' the Rockies classic rock concert was on the move-literally. The concert site moved about eight miles east of Highway 2 to a 640-acre location owned by the Zuelke family. The move was designed to enhance the safety of the concert crowd and to improve the consolidation of the concert site, vendor booths, and concert camping. Painting the first proposed Lewis & Clark Expedition large-scale mural in Whitehall was scheduled to begin at 10 AM on Friday, July 9. Volunteers...

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